Ml 815/385-6000 JT^-TTTtJ i .• 111 .••••X . i• • A-- -- • •--• --- • «•---i*I i POM TI AC - CA DILL AC 1 1 1 2 F R O N T S T ( R T 3 1 ) M c H E N R T I L MAID IN AIHHCA Susan Clark and Alex Kar- rat star in "Maid in America," a romantic comedy! Karras plays a man who takes Miss Clark, a liberal attorney, to court, when she refuses to hire him as a maid. It airs WRMMDAY, SCrt. 14 on CBS (P CSt Huw NfrMfcrtdi Mf (D (3D OwM itkMH ,; 3:00 AM O M(ovi«i m* '• Ummwinf A captain (rm the Fort Pitt wildamati from murdcrout Indioni ond tftochtrowi whhw. Gory Cooper, PauWtte Goddord. Howard do Silvo. 1947. " 10 Awto Rodnf '11: CART HCOST todar WomJwf MO h*m Lexinfton, OM "LARGS ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU... SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU" SERVICE HOURS 9 a.m. • t p.m. Mon. - Fri. 8-6 Fri. 9 a.m. • 6 p.m. 385-3700 Sot. 9 a.m. • 4 p.m. cap* Commuflitt opprettion in Eoit Germany. John Hurt, Jon* Al««an dor, Glynnit O'Connor. 191?, Rated |£J Readarll Difott Ufottma © Ion* Star tor I OriN jrijyn Chwuhtft Sttow