Leukemia victim preparing for transplant By JIM NASH tad CLIFF WARD Shaw Frtt PrtH Nswi Ssnrtee Mike Gorniak, the 17-year-old South Elgin youth with leukemia, underwent heavy chemotherapy itment laat weekend In prepare- Dorothea. for a life-prolonging bone mar- Mike checked Into the hospital row transplant this Thursday at Thursday afternoon, according to Children's Memorial Hospital in - his mother. He has been under the Chicago, according to his mother, ^treatment of doctors at Children's since it was first discovered be had the incurable cancer. Originally, Mike was to undergo the treatment at the Fred Hutchin son Cancer Research Center in Seat- Ml J BIG DE&UH TiclS AKoTwfe BlTs VlttGiThtACDPtf COFht AT be*tMs CAFE... MIKE GORNIAK tie, but Mrs. Gorniak said they decided to go ahead with the pro cedure in Chicago for both personal and medical reasons. Two doctors from the Seattle center will arrive in Chicago Wednesday, bringing 535 cubic cen timeters of Mike's own bone mar row, which doctors culled from his hip in 1979 when his leukemia is in remission. Although the boy's spirits are high at the moment, Mrs. Gorniak said the chemotherapy's side effects have begun. The harsh treatment, which is designed to destroy Mike's remaining bone marrow, will soon rack his body with violent nausea, t h r o b b i n g p a i n a n d s e v e r e mouthsores. Tomorrow will be a day of rest followed by intense radiation ses sions Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Gorniak, who is making the one hour drive to and from the hospital, said she will stay with her son Wednesday night. By Thursday doctors believe that Mike's body will be free of cancerous bone marrow cells and ready for the transplant. Ironically, the procedure which could extend his life, might also end it. „ * During the two week period follow ing the transplant, Mike w ill have no defenses against infections. "Anything could kill bim-even a cold," Mrs. Gorniak s?,iA. Blood transfusions f.rom family members will be used to help ward off illness, she explained. Mrs. Gorniak said the decision to go ahead with the transplant in Chicago was made on the advice that Mike is now in Uae best physical shape for the proced ure. Children's Hospital, which has lit tle experience in the procedure, agreed to go ahead with the transplant, despite the fact all the money for the p/rocedure has not been raised. .Meanwhile, art army of friends was continuing a massive campaign to raise $80,000 for the surgery. Mrs. Gorniak estimated Sunday about 165,000 has benn collected in two banks, Larkin Bank of Elgin and Valley Bank and Trust of South Elgin. Jim Stumpf, a teacher of Mike's at Larkin High School, said Friday be had contacted the White House and spoken with presidential adviser Michael Batten regarding possible federal intervention. Batten was unavailable for comment Friday. Stumpf said he has personally delivered more than $2,000 to the Gorniak Fund last week, and many more dollars continued to pour in. "I've never seen people get involv ed like this," he said. Tie-in to great savings at our new AT&T Phone Center s10 to s35 savings Speaker 700 phone has built-in microphone and speaker, switches to « standard mode for private conversations JCPenney reg. price... • . 74.95 JCPenney tale price 64.95 Lass mfr's. rebate* -5.00 Your final cost 59.95 AT&T PHONE CENTER Celebrity* phone with rotary dial. JCPenney reg. price .: 138.95 JCPenney sale price 123.95 Leas mfr's. rebate* -5.00 Your final coat.. 118.95 Celebrity* phone with tone dial. Reg. 158.95. Sale 143.95 Less mfr's. rebate, -5.00. 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