Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1983, p. 16

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» PAGE 1« - PLAIN DEALER - WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER S, IMS Notice McHENRY COMMUNITY HfOM SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. IS* 3924 ft. Main BtrooI. McHenry, N. 40090 ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATCMCNT FOB PUBLICATION - FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDCD June SO, 190S* (Section 10-17 of The School Cede of Illinois)** Slio of District in square mil*. - 40 Numbor of Non-Certlflcoted Employees Number of Attondonco centers - 2 ToJiTlm. 109 Port-Tlmo 47 Number of Cortif icated Employoot Average doily ottondonco-1440.34 Full-Time 116 Port-Tim036 ̂ Numbor of pupils onrollod por grodo: Ninth. 397. Tonth, 413, Eleventh, 374. Twelfth, 304. Total Secondary, 1492 Total in District 1492 Tax rate by fund (in percentage): Educational, 1.32; Operations. Bldg. and Maintenoce, .29; Sand and interest, .379; Working Cash, .090; Transportation, .119; Municipal retirement, .042; Tort Immunity, .028. * INOIVIOUAL FUND BALANCSSHUTS Jime SB, I9SS *• ̂ •®n* * Municipal Site and ASSETS Educational •"'Wngond And Interest Transportation Construction Current Assets * ̂ Cosh... .64 349 IB,919 1103,492, 1* S12 1,979 Investments ./ 1.«0T.490 793,770 (836.140 .$40,240 48.030 34,370 Other Currant Assets , *43,072 TOTAL ASSETS 1,904,993 774.BSI 429,792 4*0.344 48.842 32.39T NOTE: The data needed for the completion of this page, with tha exception of the Working Cash Fund, can be obtained on poges 4*7 of the Local Education Agency Annual Financial Report (ISBE 90-39). Data needed for tha Working Cash Fund can be obtained on page 12 of that report. . . 'Balance Recelvabla from Budding Trades House l> .. Working Cosh LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Currant liabilitlas Other Current Liabilitlas (Attach Itemisation) TOTAL LIABILITIES Reserved Fund Balanco Unreserved Fund Balance TOTAL LIABILITIES, AND FUND BALANCE ............. 1,904,993 1,904,993 24.481 790,370 774.091 ' 429,792 •1- I ! 429,792 440,344 440.344 4B.B42 48.842 *4.290 4.290 24.141 32.391 District Assessed Valuation $200,185,082 Assessed Valuation per A.D. A Pupil 138,984 Total Bonded Indebtedness June 30.1983 - 4,144.499 Percent of bonding power obligated currently 30 Assets Land Buildings Equipment Value of Capital Assets Basis of Valuation Used 409,944 10.477.938 1,099,929 Historical Cost Historical Cost / Historical Cost * Based Upon the Illinois Program Accounting Manual for Iocdf Education Agencies (1980) "When publishing this report in the newspaper, type requirements must be in accordance with Chapter 100, Section II of the Illinois Revised Statutes. ISBE 90-37 (7/83) - :-- -- " • ' . -- CERTIFIED PERSONNEL (Less Than $10,000) Greg Alderson, Michael Bazan, Susan Cardomone, Catherine Carpenter, Renee Ciezki, Shirley Creager, Claudia Dal ton, Maria DeVore, Alan Dominic, Wayne Dye, Dennis Edwards, Sherry Engstrom, James Goebel, Wm. Gnech, Shelly Gray, Dwignt Hibicke , Yvonne Hurkes , Jennifer Jarvis, Mary Kasprznk, Anthony Kryc, Dorothy Kuta, Dolores Leonard, Lynnette Ludwigsen, Vincent McHugh, Peggy Mclnerney. Diane Miller, Leonard Mjrr js , Pat r ic ia Newton, Ronald Paluch, Ron Parks, ^Cather ine Pren- dergas t , Bonnie f Ruggero Kathleen } Vehnng, Ron Wagner, I Mary Watrous , Russel l Wil l iams, ($10,000-916,999) Michaei Carpenter, Jamie Fiffles, Melanie Frett, Fred Goering, Geo. Haasl. Mary Johnson, Gina Riddle, Gail Rock Howard; Ggrald- SchmeWier; Lynn Schnelker , James Wheeler. Karen Wheeler, Timothy Whitman, Wm. Winkel. ($17,000-324,999) J Louet te Ames, i Debbra Baldwin, { Colleen Barton, Dan I Callahan, Pamela Campion, Kathleen j Ever i t t , Wilbur I Farrell, Ron Glawe, David Glenn, Denise Hay, Muriel Jannotta, Margaret Jung, Kevin ... Klopfenstein, Karen Kraft, Susan Long, Robt . Ludwigsen, Elizabeth Mar cello, Patricia Marks, Ray Mathis , Barbara Miller, Bruce Mon- j tressor, Cecilia l Morner, Ken Mueller, 1 Jean Natoli, Wm. Noyes , Amanda Noyes, Pam Pettit", Wilnis Platacis, James Popovich, Jera ld > Rankin, Ron Schmitt, Pamela Shaffer . Katheryn Shaw, Joel Smith , Margare t Smith , Antnony Stumbris, John Syt- sma, Linda Usrev, Jeff Varda, Sandra vitale, Cheryl Winkel , Patrick Wirtz, Philip Zack, Ronald Zim- I merman. ($25,000 ft Over) James Aull, Beverly A w e v e , W m . Blankenhorn, James Blum, Donald Blume, * Dan Boland, Gloria k Burke, Thomas Carl, Emma Chaberski, f Geo. Cina, Chas. Cuda, || Ron Dale, Wm. Day, • Wm. Dodds , Robt . g D o r a n , T o m IEickenberg , Wm. Godshall, Gary Gray, Catherine Hamilton, Wm. Hutchinson, Greg fefc Johnson, Michael | Kelly, Earl Kvle, £ Greg. LaPlante, John I, Le ighty , David Lucket t , Kenneth Ludwig, Barbara Meding, Ellen Meyers, I David Mihevc, Martin Mullen, Marilyn Munz, Mary Lou Osterman, j- Elvin Partenheimer, 2 Mary Jane Peters , Donald Petti^ . Chas. Rogers, Eugene Rosio, Joe Schlender, Toby Scott, Donald Seaton, Mike Shanahan, Lee Simons, Mart in Sobczak, Ken Swan- son, Robt. Swartzloff, Emory Swinney, Wm. T o a l s o n , G a r y Trembly, Ja< k Vick, Dennis We'*'"", Brian Wilson, Norber t Wolter , Susan Zim­ merman. NON-CER i IFIED PERSONNEL (Less Than $10,000) # Jean Adams, Katherine Adrian, Chris Amore, Shirley Anderson, Susan Bankson, Terese Behrle, Sally Belzer, Margaret Benson, Shirley Blume, Jane Boeldt, Sharon Boger, Peggy Boggs, Eleanor Bourey, Delores Bown, Wm. Brennan, Barbara Brodin, Pat "Buhrman, Nancy Carder , . . . James Chapman, David Christie, Rosemary Col lard , Karen Colomer, Christopher Creutz, Jacqueline Creutz, John Crowford, Ingr id Davidson, Margaret Davidson, Antnony Demitropoulos, Diane Doyen, Janice Druml, Deborah Durrenberg, Scott Ebert, Marilyn Ehlen, Maxine Eisele, Katherine Elkins, Lucille Engmark, Jeannette Everitt, Ann Faciana , Karen Faruzzi , Nancy Farwell, Cheryl Flam, Gary Freund, Cynthia Fultz, Sharon Gacek, Drenna Garcia. Judith Garde, Mary Gaylord, Pat Gilmore, Leslie Glass, Debra Gorham, Eugene* Gorman, Mareelene Gough, Marlene Gurske,Root. Gurske , Rose Glashagel, Mary Lou Hahn, Carl Hanley, Kathleen Hanus, Elyse Har th , Chr is t ine Hauck, Amy Hivon, Jon Hofman, Jerry Huhn, Theresa Huska, Frances Jackson, Alexander Jokich, Karen Julian, Beverly Jus ten, Gerard Jus ten, Danie l Kaiser , Michelle Kennedy, Ellen Kidd, Karen Klapperich, Kenneth Klein, Mike Koch, John Kory, Laverne Kovar ik , Harr ie t Kozicki , Les ter Krueger , Cathie LaBay, Pat r ic ia Laskowski, Thomas Lawson, Pat r ic ia Lohse, Norma Losch, Norita McAndrews, Catnerine McConnell, Gerald McMahan, Rich McMil lan , Bertryce Maag, Debra Mack, Joanna Mar- chese. Charles Martin, Elizabeth Martin. Olive May, David Meehan, Rose Merkel, Maria Mergl, Elaine Mil ler , Rober ta Morgan Cheryl Mum ma, Brian Nellis, Jennifer Nellis, Keith ' Nelson, Susan Nelson, Thomas Nowacki, Kathleen Nusbaum, Harold W. Ohrwall, Kimberly Overholser, Tim Pankiewicz , Terry Parejko, Akanit Paroongsup, James Pat terson, Glor ia Pechous , Judy Pedersen, Mary Pierce , Marco P isauro Laura Plumlee, Janet Pour, Barbara Powers . Sharon Price, Carol Reed, Eleanor Regelin, Cassendra Rhode, Jeff Robison, Roseann Rokosz , Rosalie Roadman. Elwood Rusco, Donna Ruzicka. John Ruzicka . i Linda Schoen, " G a y 1 e Serginia, Eileen Sima, BarDara Skarzynski, Sandra Smith, Cnarles Steele, Jean Sund, Russel l Tant i l lo , Kenneth Van Der Heyer , Patsy Vickery, Irene Weiss, Dorotny Wiebe, Walter Wilkes, Barbara Sue Williams, Joan Willis, Harriett Wilson, Ray, Winkowski , J r . , .El izabeth Wir tz , Cheryl Wright , Marston Wrublewski, Marie Yurevich, Allen Zeman. ($10,000-$16,999) Karen Andel, Geo. Armbrust, Vernon _ Freund, Wm. Gray, Robt. Householder, Wm, Jones, Anthony Marchese , Geo. Mrachek, Gary NOTE: The data needed for the completion of this page, with tha exception of the Working Cash Fund, con bo obtained on poges 8-9 of tha Local Education Agency Annual financial Report (ISBE 90-39). Data needed for the Working Cash Fund can be obtainod on poge 12 of that report. • Contract Payable STATEMENT OP RfCHPTS/REVfNUfS, DtSBURSEMINTS/SXPCNOfTURli, TRANSFERS AND CHANOSS IN FUND BALANCES FOR THE YEAR ENDED June SB, 1983. & • Neeley. Harold Ohrwal l , Phi l l ip Paladino, . Person, El izabeth Podpora , John Rhodes , Mari lyn Romme, Andrew Sartorius, Jacolyn Sheehan, Michael Sutulovich, Douglas Van Dyke, Jean Weldt, Don Zazkowski. ($17,000-24,999) Richard Becker, Lawrence Freund, Elaine Pankiewicz. ($25,000 ft Over) . Daniel Blanford. VENDOR LIST A.A.A. Security, $1,782.00; A.R.T. Studio. 565.25; A-l Acoustic ft Drywall, 640.00; Ace Hardware, 8,488.09; Mdams Brothers Steel, 627.63; Advance Process Supply Co 552.57; Advance Products, Co. , 1 ,783.70; Alexander Lumber Co., 2,589.04; All American. 1,798.55; Alpine Video, 1,495.00; Althoff Industries, 2,852.38; American Bindery, 1,030.85; American College Testing, 1,293.24; American Lock Co., 1,175.00; American Pr in t ing Equip . , 854.80; Andre's Steak House , 1 ,630.00; Asbestos Control, Inc., 7,245.00; Atlas Con­ struction, 2,449.46; Audio Graphic Systems, Inc . , 1,379.81; Auxiliary Volunteers Fund, 830.25, B.P.S.C-3-M, 1 ,620.65; Badger ' Graphics, 691.20; Baldwin Piano ft Organ Co., 1,995.00; Barclay Inc.-Robt.. 1,266.57; Bark-Donala E„ 7,096.40; Becker Foods, 7,794.51; BeU Lumber ft Supply. 1,521.09; Bit O Gold Foods, 908.21; Blaul Motors, Inc., 1,125.00; Blue Bird Coach Sales, 28,133.58; Blue Cap School, 5,**7.96; Bolotin, Inc., 4,038.20; Breber Music, Inc.. 3,570.18: Brodhead Garrett, 1,674.74; Brookline Shades, 993.15; Brown Schools- The. 85,559.16; Builders Plumbing Supply Co., 1,117.00; Bull Valley^ Asphalt, 841.50; Burgess , Anderson ft Tate, 1,497.75; Burlington Wholesale Grocer , 15,757.39; Buss Ford, 39,342.96; C ft L Graphics, 611.39; Carey Electric Con­ t rac t ing, .671.28; . Carolina Biological Supply, 500.25; Carroll Seating Co., 11,291.30; Cary Dairy, 28,866.05; Cassell Inaustries, 2 ,770.00; Caxton Printers, Ltd-The. 581.55; Central Baptist Home, 17,604.94; Century Business Machines, 1,025.43; Champion Products, 4,702.47; Childrens Haven Residential School, 1,940.27; Chronical Guidance, 508.63; Chuck's En­ terprises, 11,992.00; City of McHenry, 10,635.80; City Wide Carpet Co., 2.643.20; Coast Marketing Group, 660.29; Colonial Baking Co., 4,299.74; Commonwealth Edison, 196,743.74; Confederation Life Ins. Co., 222,337.08; Conies, Inc., 951.00; Creative Kitchens ft Baths, 3,045.92; Cruise Boiler ft Repair Co., 1,047.60; Crystal Lake Radiator, 270.00; D a n n o n M i l k Products, 1,194.57- Demco Educational Corp. , 2 ,706.51; Diamond Chemical Co., 9,860.06; Dick- A.B., 9,430.91; Dic­ taphone, 852.25; Director of Labor-The, 10,241.34; Doron Precision System, Inc., i,440.00; Douglas TV, 540.00; Dura Wax Co., 1,040.50. Receipts/Revenues and Transfers Local Sources 3,269,021 434,037 State Sources 1,147,238 , 323,000 Federal Sources »• • .74,004 TOTAL RECEIPTS _ • REVENUES AND TRANSFERS 4,910,243 967,037 Disbursements/Expenditures and Transfers Instructions 3.088,101 Supporting Services 1,169,981 041,002 Nonprogrommed Charges 80,010 Debt Services TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS/ EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS 1 4,338.092 841,002 Excess of Receipts/Revenues and Transfers Over (Under) Disbursements/ Expenditures and Transfers.- * 172,171 96,039 FundBolonces, July 1, 1982 1.733,993 478,814 Other Changes In Fund Balances * Increase (Decrease) P"' Fund Balonce, June 30, 1983 1,904,953 774,891 874,297 874,297 808,022 808,022 44,239 943,997 429,792 V 173,400 441,071 307,241 14,713 323,974 117,097 343,249 440,344 88.994 88,994 40,194 33,044 93,238 18,719 18,719 84,404 84,404 102.731 102.731 102.731 102.731 (4.482) 73.924 48.842 (47.891) " 100.282 * (4.290) 24.141 NOTE: The data needed for the completion of the page, with the exception of tha Working Cosh Fund, con be obtained on poges 10 and 11 of the Local Education agency Annual Financial Report (ISBE 90-39). Data needed for the Working Cash Fund con be obtained on poge 4 of that report. * 1982/83 Payment on Bus Parking Lot Easter Seal Society- McH. Co., 4,728.42; Economy Business Machines, 4,253.43; Ed's Rental, 918.06; Educat ional Data Center, 8,659.81; Elkhorn Chemical Co., 929,82; Empire Elect r ic Supply , 895.39; Enterprise Ready-Mix, 645.00; Erickson Chemical Co.. 1,755.55; Fisher Scient i f ic Co. . 3.626.99; Forest Hospital Foundation, 656.25; Fox Industries, 1,844.24; Fox Lake Foods Co., 12,492.88; Fox River Welding Prod., 774.5Q; Frank and Miller, 2,115.60; Freund, Geo. P., 1 ,260.00; Frey Scientific Co., 1082.69; Glaviano's interiors, 2 ,288.15; Gl idden Paint, 1,928.55; Globe Book .Co.; Inc., 649.57; Grainger,. Inc. -WW., 1,508.93; Graphic 14, 3,489.23',' Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1,489.80; . Hayden's Sport, 2,965.06; HoUeb ft Co., 11,589.47; Holt, Rinehart ft Winston, 1,893.87; Hornbostel, Kathryn, 1,416.00; Houghton Mifflin Co., 1,489.88; Huemann, Water Conditioning, 4,912.62; Hughes, Inc., 1 ,360.00; Human Development Center, 500.00; Huntington Laboratories, 1,341.25; Hurckes, Bill, 1,309.00; IBM., 45,881.65: Illinois Municipal Retirement. 97,708.15; Illinois. Assoc. of School Boards , 2.614.05; Illinois Office Educ. Assoc., 550.00: I l l i n o i s B e l l Telephone, 19,840.95; Illinois VICAl 650.00; Industrial Appraisal, 890.00; Inter Collegiate Press , 1 ,025.27; In­ terior Steel, 1,030.65; Interstate Electric Supply, 1,550.75; Jays Foods, Inc., 2,234.91; Jewel Foods, 2,723.17; Kadisak Tile, 768.04; Keystone Laundry Machinery, 541.90; Kirchner F i re Ext . Inc.,998.28; Knuth Co., P.O.. 1,235.25; Kraft Foods, 4,851.02; Lake-Cook Farm ft Garden, 1,234.40; Larkin Home School, 36,899.89; Larson Equip, ft Furniture, 3,391.40; Latta, J.S., 1 ,558.72; Leach En­ terprises, 625.52; Lee ft Ray Electric, 904.26; Liber ty Business Systems, 595.09; Locicero ft Son, Inc. Guy, 1,395.75; Lowery- McConnel l Co. , 1,932.60; Maine Twp. H.S. Dist. No. 2OT, I,088.88; Maisey ft Dion Hardwood Lumber, 1,591.28- M a i o r C o n t r o l - Products, 2,310.00; Manhattan Supply Co., 1,286.71; Mauw, Dr. John T., 580.00; MCC Powers , 565.80; McGrawHill Book Co., 1.839.56; McH. Consol. School Dist. No. 15, 78,130.24; McHenry County Glass ft Mirror , 994.96; McHenry Electric' ft Supply Co., 914.95; McHenry County Col lec tor . 827.76; McHenry County Col lege . 636.88; McHenry County Off ice Machines . 1,910.81; McHenry Disposal Co., 5,570.13; McHenry Paint , 5,608.90; McHeniy Plaindealer, 1,473.25; McHenry Postmaster, 10,399.43; McHenry Printing, 572.85; McHenry Sand ft Gravel. 12.031.25; McKnight Publ. Co.. 1,349.09; Medalist All American, 671.55; Medco Supply Co., . 1,678.75; Meyer Bros., 945.84; Milwaukee Cheese. 11,616.81; Mitchell Buick ft Olds Inc . , 7 ,400.00; Mobilecomm, 1.062.17; Modern School Sup­ plies, 1,872.97; Monroe Division, 1.171.03; Montressor, Maureen, 560.00; Moore Business Forms, Inc., 1,435.14; Mott, Inc., J.D.. 866.84; MRO Supplies, Co., 2^67.96; Nasco 1 ,601.01; National A-V Supply Corp., 875.96; Nationid Elect r ic Supply . 1,734.35; National Textbook Co., 771.19; North Sub. Bldg. Maintenance, 750.00; Northern IL. Mack Inc., 1,100.00; Nor­ thern IL. Gas. 101.731.10; O'Donnell Wicklund Pigozzi, 7,050.40; Office Shop. , The, 504.24; Op- Eor tuni t ies for earning, 765.24;- Palos Sports. 586.20; Paxton Lumber Co., Frank, 886.30; Paxton- Patterson, 1,733.97; P e r m a B o u n d , 2.744.30; Peterson, Michele, 1,506.00; Pioneer Manufac­ turing Co., 888.00; P i tney Bowes. 1,107.29t Prentice Hall Media , 520.12; P r o c e s s e d A i r Systems. Inc., 966.75; Pyramide of Urbana. » r Graphics. 4,301.73; R. C. Refr igera t ion, 1,361.90; R. Graphics, 1,903.57; Railton, B.A., 4,182.59; Raymond, Mary, 1,455.00; Reillv, Terry , 1 ,309.00; Reliable Corp., The, 704.31; Retco Alloy Co., 1,617.88; Rich Incorp., 504.00; Rich Supply House. Inc.. 1,647.00; Richmond Welding Supply Co., 1 ,517.12; Riddiford , G.E. , 90,949.00; Ridgeway Academy, 3.331.87. S.E.D.O.M., 97,794.99; Sargent Welch Scient i f ic , 787.12; Satterlee Co., The. 915.53; Sax ArUft Crafts, 513.21; Scan- Tron Corp., 7,416.30; Schoeps Ice Cream Co.. 5,832.74;Scholastic Book Serv.. 607 1$; Science Research, 936,75; Scope Shoppe, The, 1,101.05; Scott Foresman, 1,374.59; Servco Equip . , 7 ,520.00: Service Merchandise, 565.61; ShickSupply ft Equip., Co... 638.97: Simolex Time Recorder Co., 1,677.85; Snap On Tools Corp., 512.92; Social Studies School Serv., 605.26; South-Western Publ. CO., 5,165.70; Specia l ized Data Systems, 7,770.00; Spellman Chevrolet, Inc., 1,948.09; Stack The Deck Inc., 734.89; SUms Office Machines, 1 ,101 .02 ; Stoffe l f t Reihansperger, Tap ne Goods, Teachers System, Tdedyne 75,812.00; Sunrise Office Supply, 885.00; Synnestvedt Land­ scape Co., 1,349.00; T.lfc. Advertising Dis t . , 854.00; Tapaninen, Bridget, r .OlCLOO; ~ Spor t ing 5,896.40; Retirement 234,110.84; Post, 847.18; Tidy Carpets ft Rugs, Inc., 554.94; Totem Wholesale Lumber, 2,988 J8; Traffic Safety Assoc., 563.50; U.S. Games. Inc., 1,064.38; Uarco Inc., 1,420.88; Union Oil Co. of California. 2,090.98; United Inaustries Inc.. 888.11; United Visual Aids, Inc.. 1,614.73; Utrecht linens Inc., 1,183.48; Valiant Inst. Mater ia ls Co. , 1,130.56; Valley Litho Stopply Co., 7,365.34; Valley School Supply, 3,813.96: Van Der AA Bus Lines, Inc., 9031.00; Video Alley, 897.16; Villa Lighting, 1,116.96; -Watrous, Mary, 2 ,222.50; Wenger Corp., 909.00; Woodward Ford- Mercury , Inc . , 1,332.31; Xerox Corp., 18,138.68. (Pub. Oct. 5,1983) No. 830424 Legal Notice NOLTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE STATE OF ) ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF ) McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 19th JUDICIAL CTRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS McHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Plaintiff, vs. CHESTER PETER HUBERTZ, UNKNOWN OWNERS, andNONRECORD ) CLAIMANTS, ) Defendants IN CHANCERY General No. 83CH194 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pur­ suance of a decree heretofore entered by said Court in the above entitled cause, I, Michael Sul l ivan, Associate Judge of the Circuit Court will on Friday, the 14th dav of October A.D. 1983, at the hour of 9:00 o'clock A.M. (Local Time), in Room 308 of the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, in said County, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular, t h e f o l l o w i n g described premises and real estate in said decree mentioned, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shaU be suff ic ient to sa t i s fy said decree, to-wit: Lot 40 in Greenridge, being a Sub­ division of B part of the Southwest Quar tBr of Section 13. Township 46 North, Range 8 East «f the Third Principal Meridian, ac­ cording to the Plat thereof recorded September 15, 1 9 7 8 as Document No. 746325, in McHenry County, Illinois. A D D R E S S O R LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Vacant o and unimproved land in Richmond Township together with all buildings and im­ provements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging. DATED, Woodstock. Illinois, this 13th day of September A.D. 1983. VERNON W. KAYS, JR., Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois Attorney for Plaintiff: Cappetta ft Shadle 7 S. Dearborn, Chgo, IL., 60603 (312) 726-9600 (Published in The McHenry Plaindealer on Sept 21,28 and Oct. 5, 19c exhibit A No. 830415 Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS McHENRY ) SAVINGS AND ) LOAN ) ASSOCIATION, . ) an Illinois ) Corporat ion, •--' ) Plaintiff, 1 " . . ) -VB- ' ) ) Thomas C.. ) Nadolski; et al., ) Defendants. ) NO. 83 CH 250 NOTICE The requis i te af ­ fidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you. NONRECORD CLAIMANTS AND UNKNOWN OWNERS. Defendants in the above entitled suit, that said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circui t . McHenry County, Illinois, by the aforesaid Plaintiff against you and other Defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgager made by Thomas C. Nadolski and Joann Nadolski, to McHenry Savings and Loan Associa t ion, Mor­ tgagee, conveying the " following described premises to wit: Lot 5 and the West 33.25 feet ; of Lot 4 in ArkiU's Addition to the Village of Richmond, a Subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quar ter of Sect ion 9 , Township 46 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, ac­ cording to the Plat thereof recorded May 27, 1856 in Book 15 of Deeds, le 288, in page 28 McHenry MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America, Plaintiff, -VS- GEORGEA. DARMODY and APRILD. DARMODY, his wife and UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants. No. 83CH2S9 County, Illinois. Said property is commonly known as 5506 Kenosha Street, Richmond, Illinois' that the aforesaid mortgage was filed for record In the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, McHenry County . Illinois as Document Number 668846, on July 16, 1976; that summons was duly issued out of the court against you as provided'< by law, and said suit is still pen­ ding. NOW, THEREFORE, unless you, the said above named Defendants, file your answer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Cour t of the Nineteenth Judicial Circui t , McHenry County , County Building, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock Illinois, on or before the 24th day of Oct., A.D. 1983, default may be en­ tered against you at any time thereafter and a judgment en­ tered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint. DATED: Wood­ stock, Illinois, Sep­ tember 16, 1983. Vernon W. Kays, Jr.. CLERK OF THE! CIRCUIT COURT Cappetta ft Shadle Attorneys for Plaintiff Seven South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 (312) 726-9600 (Pub. Sept. 21,28 ft Oct. 5,1983) No. 830417 Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PUBLICATION NOTICE 1 The requisite Af­ fidavit having been duly filed nerein, NOTICE IS HEREIN G I V E N Y O U , UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defen­ dants, in the above- entitled action, that an action is now pending in the court as shown above, wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose a mortgage made by GEORGE A. D A R M O D Y a n d APRIL D. DARMODY with respect to the following described real estate: Lot 7 in Block 4 in Pis takee Highlands, Unit No. 5, a Sub­ division of part of the Southwest Quar ter of Sect ion 5 , Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, ac­ cording to the Plat thereof recorded May 2, 1 9 5 5 as Document No. 292020. in Book 12 of Plats, page 20, in McHenry County, Illinois. Commonly known as 815 . Annabelle, „ McHenry, IL., 60050. NOW. THEREFORE, you are further notified to file vour jearance in tne office of the Clerk of the Court above stated on or before Oct. 24, 1983, and if you fail so to do, or do not otherwise . make your ap­ pearance on or before said date, this cause may be heard and judgment entered as prayed for in said Complaint wi thout further notice. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at mv office in Woodstock, Illinois, this 13th day of. Sept. 1983 N VERNONW KAYS, JR., Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County. Illinois (COURT SEAL) KELL, CONERTY ft POEHLMANN Attorneys for Plaintiff 121 Eas t Calhoun Street P.O. Box 588 Woodstock, IL. 60098- 0588 Telephone: (815) 338- 4511 (Pub. Sept. 21,28 ft Oct. 5,1983) No. 830416 MORE LEGALS CONTINUED . ON PAGE 17

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