PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER • FRIDAY. OCTOBER 1.1983 |GM QUALITY! SERVICE PARTS W E W A N T Y O U R B U S I N E S S W E W I L L W O R K H A R D T O G E T I T W E W I L L W O R K H A R D E R T O K E E P I T i i i i i i fee i i i i i i FRONT END SAFETY INSPECTION INCLUDES SHOCKS. STEERING tINKAGE, UP-[ PER AND LOWER BALL JOINTS. FOR YOUR| SAFE WINTER DRIVING. OFFER EXPIRES NOV. IS. 1*3 GOOD WITH COUPON ONIYI LUBRICATION SPECIAL IChange oil up to 4 qts. Lubricate com- Iplete front end suspension. Inspect • shocks, steering linkage, upper and I lower ball joints. COOLING SYSTEM SERVICE $t295 EXPIRES NOV. IS. 1983 $37»5 Pressure test system for leaks, inspect all hoses and freeze plugs for leaks. Flush system and install new coolant for - 25°. EXPIRES NOV. IS. 1M3 TUNE-UP SPECIAL Replace spark plugs, fuel filter, adjust I carburetor and idle speed, inspect choke and all external linkage, adjust timing, adjust belt tension, clean battery ter minals. service manifold heat control ^ valve, scope engine and road test vehicle. Add S6.40 for A C EXPIRES NOV. IS. I9i3 8 4 cyl. $52°° *60°° W01 cyl. FRONT DISC BRAKE PACKAl SPECIAL Pull both front wheels, clean and inspect bearings and races for damage, inspect I front rotars for lateral run-out, repack | bearings, adjust wheel bearings for proper inplay clearance and install new grease seals. Includes all brake pads, refacing both rotors and packing front wheel bearings. GM cars only. IGE ECli *125 00 New developments In car audio A versatile car audio system with built in radio, cassette and clock components has been created by Mitsubishi Car Audio. The Diamond Col lection consists of five units which feature mini chassis to fit all cars. "The new RX-735 joins four current models in this select group." Mike Hyde, general manager of Mitsubishi Car Audio, explained. "Other units in the Diamond Collec tion include the CZ-747 ($499.95) ETR (Electronic Tune Radio) quartz synthe sized PLL (Phase Lock Loop) AM/FM cassette Auto Mod ule® component, the CZ-725 ($299.95). the RX-726 ($199.95) and the RX-723 ($159.95)," Hyde said. "These universal chassis units can be used in any car and ate the heart of an expanding line of such all-purpose models." The RX-735 is an ETR quartz synthesized PLL digital model with programmable memory for five rM and five AM stations. It represents the highest state of art in ETR technology in an extremely compact chassis. It features automatic seek (locates the next strongest sta tion) and automatic scan (scans the strongest stations). A rotary step function tunes stations manually. The model, canying a sug gested retail of $319.95, has Mitsubishi's Super DX/LOC (distance/locater) circuit thai compensates for strong station interference characteristic in metropolitan areas. It also offers: Mitsubishi's "pinch-off" auto-re verse cas sette tape mechanism with locking fast forward and rewind, tape indicator, digital display for clock and fre quency, adjustable shafts, loudness switch, fader and balance controls for fou6 speaker systems, switchable muting, power antenna lead and illumination lead for dim ming the display. Power output isa maximum eight watts/channel (RMS) at four ohms and conforms to Ad Hoc Committee standards. The Diamond compact measures 7x2x4% inches. SALT CAN DAMAGE METAL It's a good idea to rinse un der the fenders, behind bumnert and generally under neath your car after driving on roads that were sailed during a snowstorm According to the Automo tive Parts and Accessories As sociation, the salt can eai through the car's metal asd de stroy the vehicle. The salt has an even auicker damaging ef fect on those areas with any nicks or dents. WE SERVICE ALL CM CARS • BUICKS • PONTIACS • CADILLACS • OLDSMOBILES * CHEVROLET? EXPIRES NOV. IS. 1993 OPEN MON. THRU FRI. 7:30AM TO 5:00PM 24 HOUR TOWING 587-2555 AFTER 5PM ft WEEKENDS 5S7-7525 McHENRY SAVINGS & LOAN Mb... Are youdriving a headache? We can remedy your "headache-on-four-wheels"! Our personalized aulo loans can have you up and around in no time, in a new or used carl Choose an extended payment plan...wifh lower permonfh payments! And talk about speedy relief! Apply now, and yo«r loan jvst may be approved tomorrow! McHENRY S A V I N G S McHenry Savings 1209 North Graan Straat, McHanry 315-3000 Iffhtylicpkl