\ ^®Vwi8af> Coupon clipper By June Fuller Antipasto ideal with casserole Dear June: In looking back at the refund re quests I never received, it seems that quite a few of them were for offers that contained the words "Offer" or "Re fund" or "Free," or named an amount of money. Periiaps this tips off some unscrupulous peo ple that the envelope contains some valuable material. Would you ad vise me to leave such words out of the address on a refund request? If I lust put the post office box number wouldn't it get to the proper place? - Paula, Medford, N.J. Dear Paula: 1 went right to the source and spoke to a represen tative of the Neilsen Clearninghouse. Re told me that refund request envelopes are sorted by box number, and if the name of the offer is omitted, it would pro bably still be handled correctly and in the same amount of time. But he didn't seem very enthusiastic about the idea of leaving out the name of the offer. He says the name of the offer serves as further confirmation that the refund request is in the right place at the right time. Perhaps a better idea >t'u would be to modify the ~ name slightly so it is " recognizable by the :: clearinghouse but not by someone else who may •; be looking for valuable •• mail to steal. N For instance, instead .1 of writing in the offer . address "Thank You •: Pudding Refund Offer, «; P.O. Box..." try writing, "Thank You Pudding, ;; P.O. Box..." This slight ;; change is hardly likely ~ to create a problem at • • the clearinghouse -- and '•> hardly likely to attract I the attention of a thief. Three Cheers. Some companies deserve to receive our • ^cheers" for the promp- tnm with which they ; respond to our refund requests: Celeste Hoverman of McCoipb, Ohkurfceiv- V #d ber coupon for a free ; pound of pasta, in one • week from tl\e Ideal • Macaroni Company. Mrs. Richard Ohler of Norrtetown, Pa., says ; she sent her request for < a free pound of Prince • Spaghetti on Aug. 1 and -the following Monday, TAug. 8, she received her ; free product coupon. At • first she thought it was a ' . r e j e c t i o n l e t t e r . ! "Refunders don't forget : this kind of service," •a says Mrs. Ohler. ' When it comes to sen ding out refunds, it ! s e e m s t h a t p a s t a 'makers do It better. • Ths Smart Shopper Award goes to Marilyn 'Nowachek of Betten- dorg, Iowa: ; "I visit our local K- Mart every Monday Iwhen they have double 'coupons, and I check on ;their specials. One Mon day, they had Enhance -shampoo priced at Just 88 cents - the regular price is $1.89. I had 10 (40 cent) coupons which the store doubled, and my 10 bottles only cost me 80 cents. 1 When I got home, I us e d f o u r p r o o f s - o f - purchase to send for an Enhance $4 refund. In cluding the postage, I got eight bottles free, and made a $3 "home run" profit. Here is a refund form to write for: Up to a $2.50 refund. "Cllni- c a l n e , C l i n l c y d i n , Cinlcort," Johnson k Johnson Purchase Price Refund Offer, P.O. Box 579, Ridgely, MD 21681. Requests for form must be postmarked by Nov. 29. This offer expires Dec. 31. While waiting for the form, save the Universal Product Code symbols from any size. Here is this week's list of refund offers. Start looking for the required refund forms, which you can obtain at the super market, in newspaper and magazine adver* t i s e m e n t s a n d f r o m trading with friends. Meanwhile, start collec ting the needed proofs of purchase as detailed below..' Remember, some of fers are not available in all areas of the country. Today's refund offers have a value of $5.28. Vegetables, Starches, Fruits (Pile No. 4. These offers require refund forms: GREEN GIANT 3 Bean Salad Offer. Receive a coupon for one free can of 3 Bean Salad. Send the required refund form and the Universal Product Code symbols from two cans of S Bean Salad labels. Expires Dec. 81. HEINZ Deep Fries. Receive a coupon for one free baa of Heinz Deep Fries. Send the re- auired refund form and le Universal Product Code symbol from two baas of Heinz Deep Fries. Expires Dec. 31. PASTA ROMANA *1 Refund Offer. Send the m BHired refund form any size, flavor Stove four Universal Pro-1*Top Stuffing Mix. Ex- duct Code symbols from pires Jan. SI, 1984. the bottom panel or back of the box of any Pasta Romans product. Expires Dec. 31. STOVE TOP Coupon Offer. Receive $1 in coupons. Send the re- refund form and quired three proofs of purchase Vegetables, (the front panel of the Dec. 31. seasoning pouch) from Bonus. This VEG-ALL LITE $1 OFFER. Receive a $1 coupon for Veg-All Lite Mixed Vegetables. Send the required refund form and four labels from Veg-All Lite Low S o d i u m M i x e d Expires o f f e r doesn't require a form: BIRDS EYE Farm Fresh Mixtures Coupon Refund, General Foods Corp., P.O. Box 7127, Kankakee, IL 60902. Receive three (30 cent) coupons each good toward the purchase of two packages. Send two Birds Eye symbols from the front of any Birds Eye Farm Fresh Mix ture packages. ' Pick a theme that offers easy plan ning and execution. The Italians dote on an appetizing antipasto, then a main dish of pasta and a simple dessert. The antipasto is usually eaten first, containing meats, fish (tuna is fine), cheese, olives, pickles and salads. Bread is important, so serve your Italian favorite, wholewheat or white, with the an tipasto tray. For the main dish a canned pasta product, bite size beef ravioli in tomato and meat sauce, is used to cook up a delightful ravioli stew. It can be made in 25 minutes and keeps perfectly on lew heat, ready for ser ving. ITALIAN CAS8EROLE Vt cup chopped onions 1 cup shredded cabbage 2 tbsp. butter or margarine 1 pkg. (10 ozi.) frozen peaa and onions, cooked and drained 2 cans (15 ozs. each) bite size beef ravioli in tomato and beef sauce 1 tap.oregano Dash garlic powder lean beef broth Grated Parmesan cheese (optional) Saute onions and cabbage lightly in butter in 3 quart saucepan. Add cooked vegetables and remaining in gredients. Cover; simmer for 15 minutes. Serve with grated Parmesan cheese if desired. Anniversary Sale save $5-$9 Junior related separates Now 13.99-23.90, orig. $19-$33. Save on polyester/cotton corduroy pants and 100% cotton basic and novelty sweaters by Red I. Sizes 5-13 and s, m, I. 9.99 Boys 4-7 Levi's® jeans Tough polyester/cotton denim 1/ >nds up to all the action little boys get into. Basic styling in regular and slim sizes. save 33% Women's large size coordinates Now 23.99-29.99. reg. $36 *45. Match up a wardrobe with savings on salectad coordinates, blouses and (ackets in sizes 3S-44 and skirts and pants in sizes 32-38. 11.99 f\ Boys 8-20 wool blend sweaters |Wg. S16.70% wool makes them naturally warm; 30% polyester makes them machine washable. Crewneck styling in assorted colors. save $5-$9 Misses fall blouses save $5>$7 Misses warm sleepwear Now 19.99, r60 S25-S29. Get fall off to a snappy start with these dressy and tailored styles. You'll find a variety of styles and colors, and you'll save 20%-30%. Sizes 8-18. Now 10.99, reg. S16-S18. Get cozy with your choice of long gowns, sleepshirts and Pajamas in pretty prints or pastel solids. Save 30%-35% and more in sizes p, s, m, I. Now 5*99. Wrap up a bargain on quilted, fashionable trom several sty,eS'f2!S hoods. Sizes 6-18. Junk*1 sweaters and pants Now 24.99, reg $34-$44. "SU "•asss Condor, or select a new sweater tromanov®KY group by Pionj '̂ Your choice ,sl 19.99 or 2JS38 Men's#Jantzen® sweaters Reg. $26 each. 70% Shetland wool/30% acryiic for easy-care warmth. Choose classic crewnecks or V-necks in solids or heathers. Sizes s, m, I. xl. 1 1 .99 twin Flannel Sheets Reg. $15 twin. Save 20% on the natural warmth of 100% cotton flannel sheets. Full, reg. $20 now 15.99 Queen, reg. $24.. now 18.99 Std. cases, reg. $7 each . now 4.99 each 99.99 46-pe. service Wedgwood Stonehenge white dinnerware Reg. 1290. Service for 8 includes 5 serving pieces and 8 each: dinner plates, bread/butter plates, cups, saucers, and soup/cereal bowls. Special Order Only save 20% Entire stock of frames Now 2.40-22.40, reg. $3-$28. Stock up. You'll find a wide assortment of styles and sizes, and you'll save 20% on your choice from our entire regular price selection. ^30 ®"®90ar® ft^Sa/w Puritan® s*Wters 14.99 or 2#$29 Men's dress shirts Reg. $19 each. Save on a wide selection of long sleeved styles, all of easy-care polyester. Sizes 14Vi-17VS? with 32-35 sleeves. 7.99or 2/$15 Wembley9 neckwear, reg. $10-12.50 each. 9.99 5-pc. place setting Corelle0 Expressions dinnerware Reg. 17.99. Lightweight yet durable. Save on 3 dishwasher-safe patterns: Indian Summer, Wildflower and Meadow. "®9- $19-$22 *®ch- Buy 2 . s/acks, 2 sweaters or 006 each. _ Magic- Stretch™ •cka in wa/st sizes 32*2 a7"cw 8w®aters/n sizes s, m< I, xi 175- 16.50, *0-15*22 *** on our •"ftosatoc k °f pants, tons and nt ^ps for ^24 mos. toddlers 2-4 hoy* <-7 an d gins 4-u the best quality costs less at 00 Spring Hill fTloll Shop Spring Hill Mon.-Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-5:30, Sun. 11-5 (312)426-9100