J- DIRECTORY Announcements Legal Notices 01 Cemeteries & Lots 02 Card of Thanks 03 Notices 05 Car Pools 10 Lost*Found 11 Personals 12 Instruction 13 Auctions II Help Wanted CMMCare. i» Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wanted. -,:,.2l Employment Agencies .* 22 Household Help Wanted 23 HalpWanted.. 24 Merchandise Wanted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Sales 33 Merchandise Under (SO 34 Antiques......... 35 Bicycles & Sports Equipment... \ 34 Lawn A Garden Equipment 37 Boats 39 Musical Instruments . 3? Cameras 40 Aviation . . . 4 1 Pets A Equipment 44 Horses A Equipment <7 Farm A Dairy 48 Livestock . 49 Machinery & Equipment 53 Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy Business Property Open House m Real Estate Condominiums tor Sale Townhomes tor Sale Lots A Acreage Mobile Homes 69 70 71 .72 73 .74 . . . . 75 .76 CLASSIFIED RATES DEADLINES & INFORMATION Farms tor Sale •..., -- ..-,.77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent .78 Rooms. Board, House Apartments to Share 79 Apartments to Rent 80 Homes to Rent 81 Condominiums A Townhomes to Rent .............. 82 Stores. Office A Industrial to Rent 83 Farms, Farmland to Rent. f..84 Miscellaneous to Rent 85 Automotive Autos for Sale .... -- . 86 Wanted to Buy 87 Auto Parts A Accessories 88 Trucks, Tractors A Trailers 89 Vans.. 90 Motorcycles A Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicles 92 3 LINES 5 DAYS $9.57 Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event ot ar error or omission, the paper will be responsible tor ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of the ad which is in error. In case of an error, notify your local Classified Department at once. Deadline is MONDAY 4:00 P.M. >\ ' Payment in advance must te made for these ads: • Moving • Babysitting • Political • Wanted to Rent • .Persons C utside the Shaw Free Press area • Situations Wanted • Legal Notices • Apartments 'o Sublease • Rooms to Share • Garage Sale • # $*aA Free Press Newspaper Group Crystal Lake Morning Herald • Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald • Woodstock Daily Sentinel • Elgin Herald • Richmond Gazette • Marengo Betcon/Republican News • Huntley Beacon/Republican News • Sycamore News • Cary Grove Clarion • Barrington Banner e McHenry Plaindealer • Genoa Kingston-Kirkland News e Hampshire Register • Harvard Herald • Shopper Service • McHenry Citizen • Saturday Extra Our helpful, courteous sales staff is at your service during the following hours- MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:00 a.m.-5:00p.m. Notices 5 Notices BID NOTICE The Village of Cary Invites your bid for cost and materials to demolish or secure a building at 245 Briargate Road in Cary, Illinois. Separate lists of the requirements including alternatives for (1) demolish, or (2) securing the building, can be picked up at Cary Village Hall, 2S5Stonegate Road, Cary, II. Bids should be received at Cary Village Hall no later than 2:00 PM, Friday, October 21. The bids will be reviewed at a Building Committee meeting, chaired by Trustee George Kraus, at 7:30 PM, Oc tober 24, M3, at Cary Village Hall. If any further Information is required, please con tact the Building Inspector, Lloyd Wagner, or Village Administrator, Tom Scanlan, at Village Hall, 312/69-0003. 18 Auctions 18 Auctions LARGE ESTATE AUCTION le Kttts tke wiiti ef the Mi Cecil CniM sad vrlll ssll the feHswiai mill pisporty located ea R. State U. Sanaa, IN. Ten Nertk it M-t-n f|, »|, , fHla#4 \ a t.i--l- a. i.u t-i--l «• -- | i •9N mnN \W1IIIR|IM SIJ i MOCKS, lifH IfTT tit DfOCH, liil rtflli, see ale ea N. Stats. IOIN a.m. Sunday, Oct. 14 Ney Grange Lbncls ANTIQUES: Sideboard with beveled mirror 4 (lass sides; oek chin* cibiMt; 2 rockers; 3 dressers; 2 sleet top desks; wardrobe; fern stand; 2 lewlei cablMts; plant steed, table; several beaks; wbet-eet shelves; teeerel harasses leaps; bailees wee dea slop; east las pi wicker sewie| baskets; storybook dolls; pressed flats; depression (leu; lerge stemp collection HOUSEHOU) 6000S AND iffSC. 6.E. side by side refriierator-freeier; diskwisker; Corning electric reege; microwave own; wisher ind dryer; Franklin stow; stem record player 4 T.V. comb.; sewril metal cibimts; wcuua cletner; portibli sewing michine; chim service for 8; silt ind pepper skikers; lerge isst. of knick-knicks; lerge isst of yirn ind crift items; luggige; sewing biskets; bedspreeds ind blinkits, sewril if|htes, quilts; miny hind mide ind crocheted items; issorted crift item dolls; horse collection, fin. typewriter; ice creim miker; meit grinder; several pictures; misc. dishes; 6 ft. iluminum lidder; riding lewn mower; compostor; 4ewn mower; girden tools; lawn" cart; smill girden plinter; fishing rods; chircoil grill; redwood plinters. FURNITURE: Dinette set with 8 cheirs; desk; 3 single beds; 8 folding chiirs; 2 file cibinets; humidifier; shelves; folding tible; bookcase; dresser; secretiry bookcise; shelving; 2 tables; 2 vinyl hide-a-beds; 3 vinyl occasional chairs; 2 BtW T V's; 2 rechners; 2 hassocks; 4 bar stools; lawn chairs; wooden swing; water softener; storage shed. OWNER; Cecil* Crawford Estate AUCTIONEERS: Clarence Floit Rex Neisoa Sycamore 815-895-6288 Kingston 815 784 5366 TERMS: Cash or checks with proper identification. No property removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents. AUCTION Sunday. Oct. 14 NOON 675 Parkway, Elgin, IL. Owe to health reasons we will be selling the real estate 6 per sonal contents. All are in excellent condition. 14 ct. horse shoe diamond ring, mans solitaire diamond ring with 1.45 ct. diamond, Ladles cocktail diamond ring with 1.70 ct. diamond, Ladles engagement ring/matching band over V* ct. Handmade jewelry i coins from Iran in the 1940s, costume jewelry, Turouoise jewelry, accumulation of U.S. coins & pro of sets, sterling sliver jewelry, sterling silver tea A coffee set/cream & sugar, sterling silver silverware, collector spoons, etched crystal stemware, collector plates. COLLECTOR GUN: Exceptional Merlin 22 calibur pump/Hexagon barrel Rifle No. IS. EARLY AMERICAN LIVING ROOM FURNITURE: Sofa, Recllners, Rockers, Queen size Hide-a-Bed, end tables, coffee table, floor model Zenith remote color TV. DINING ROOM: Maple hutch/Matching table & captain chairs. BEDROOM FURNITURE: Orthopedic automatic adjustable queen size bed, dresser chest, night stands, lamps, cedar chest, old chllds wooden loveseat, linens & misc. Hotpoint refrigerator *ith Icemaker, 2 upright freezers, Maytag washer & dryer, Roper self cleaning gas stove, Por table Kitchen Aid dishwasher, small kitchen Items, natural gas char grill, comm. floor scrubber/polisher , Police scan ner, 40 channel CB radio, lawn furniture, lawn tools: Echo gas weed eater/saws/strap, elec. edger, racks, brooms, shovels, several power tools, hand tools: new & used, Inside A outside mlcromotus, Dial indicators, 1978 2 dr. Ford Fiesta, like new John Deere 14 hp 314 rider mower, deck, snowblower, chains, wheel weights, used 5 times, plus much misc. For information call BALLARDS AUCTION SERVICE 312/888-2539 Note: house to be sold at 2:00 pm Directions to sale: Take NW90 fo Rt 25 South exit, which Is Elgin. Go south 2 streets Member of the Illinois & National Auctioneers Assoc. CALL YOUR LOCAL OFFICE TODAY: Crystal Lake 815/455-4800 McHenry 815/344-4800 Woodstock 815/338-2650 Richmond 815/678-2581 Marengo 815/568-7867 Hampshire^ 312/683-2627 Genoa \ 815/784-5138 Sycamore 815/895-9179 Huntley 815/568-7867 Carpentersville 312/426-1616 Elgin 312/426-1616 Cary 815/455*4800 Barrington 815/455-4800 Cemeteries 2 &Lots GRAVE LOT River Valley Memorial Gardens. $300. 312/7*3-4417 after 5 P.M. Notices PREGNANT NEED HELP CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office Open 9-11 a.m. 1.7-9 p.m. Mon.-Frl. 24 HOUR Answering Service •15/315-2999 IS. Auctions Notices FAMILY FARM DAY Pony Rides6 Hay Food 6 Fun Oct. 16th; 12-5 6703 W. Bull Valley Rd. 815/344-0951. Meetings MCHENRY COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 2nd Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. Grace Lutheran Church Washington 6 Tryon St. Woodstock 815/305-0036 June 18 Auctions PUBLIC AUCTION SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16t 1983 1 p.m. Burlington Methodist Church block off Main St., Burlington, IL Methodist Ladies serving lunch PARTIAL LISTING: Antiqttts: Chairs; Stool; Scale; Other collectibles Faraituri: Old upright piano; Desk & chair; Couch 6 chair; White provincial canopy bed; Dresser & mirror « Appliances; - many including dishwasher Household; Kitchen sink; Bathroom sink; Storm doors A windows; Patio umbrella; Movie projector; Pliypw, Carpenter tools; Stereo Also: 40 pounds of smoked summer sausage; Quarter of beef - cut & wrapped; 1967 Ford; Falcon • good running condition, 1 owner; Garden tools & many more misc. items; 1012 ft. birch trees; 6-6 ft. scotch pines; Sears adding machine; Reel to reel tape recorder; Telephone message center; Micromatic tape recorder; Bell & Howell movie camera & projector; Bausch A Lomb slide projector; Wards dishwasher; 1968 Buick Electra; Desk & rocking chair; Polaroid 230; Cannon NP 1824 photo copier; 1970 Pontiac; Black Fouest cuckoo clock; Stereo console; Snow plow blade; Car radio; Electric razor; much misc. TERMS: Cash or Check with proper I D. Not responsible for accidents or items after sold. Auctioneer • Lowell Knief AUCTION Having sold farm and retiring, the undersigned will sell the following on premises, located 5 miles south of Marengo on Route 23 to Anthony Rd., then east to Maple SI, then north Vi mile to Beck Rd., then east 1 mile, or 2Vj miles west of 5 Corners & Route 20 on Beck Rd., on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 at 11:00 am. TRACTORS & FARM MACHINERY: 10 630 tuck* «/power steering JO SO tractor a 2 row cult; Belle City 2S' threshing machine, always shedded; JD No 494 4 row planter w/drsc opener*, fert. 4 im. boi», JO 14T baler, JO 3-14 pull plow w trip beams; JO No. S mower, JO No. 15a green chopper; New Idea corn shredder. JD 10' due, JO a' field cud; JO 4 row rotary hoe; OB 4 bar hay rake; VanBrunt 8 ' steel wheel dr i l l ; smal l ScMta PTO manure spreader; 2 flare tax wagons. 1 flat rxk wagon; 2 4 4 sec. harrows; f McC grain binder, US gram blower. 2 15.5i38 tires, 50* drive belt; 2 JO hyd. cyt., pile loose hay and straw. SMALL ITEMS t COLLECTIBLES: 25 m* cans; 4 Perfection milker pails w/4 heads, hand pump; cistern pump; 10 wooden pulleys; some hone equip.; ] slock tanks 4' to f; 40* est ladder; 2 table saws, RT wheelbarrow; 2 platform scales; stock sprayer, pile corrupted roofing 10 hp. Mercury outboard; old drit press; used lumber, 1 ton clum hoist; dec motors, pipe vise; 3 rack loads ef small item. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD: Many items including Sonora Vic- trola w buift in record cabinet; old records; lard pros; sausage staf fer, 300 fruit jars; stone crocks; drum table; sausage grinder, 2 trunks; portable sewing machine, kraut cutter, wicker chair 4 plantar; recking chair, pulleys; honeohoes; neck yokes; evener* belt lecer antique tools; Ford truck leaders; misc elec. material; twin beds; misc. household items; fireplace grates; antes and much, much more. HAROLD 4 GERT REH, OWNERS CONSIGNED BY NEIGHBOR: AC 019 gas tractor, recently overhauled, sharp writ; K C trader w/T mower pud type 5' rotary mower, Enckson tandem bobcat trailer. 3 pt rotary bush hog mower, 3 sac. heavy gang raRar, 4 sec wood harrow. AUCTIONEER: Gordon Stade, McHenry, IL 81^3857032 CLERK I CASHIER: Gordon Stade Auction Service RESPECTED AUCTIONS SINCE 1952 Meetings ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meets Dally •15/455-3311 for information NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FUTURE WOMEN Dinner seminar 3rd Thursdays, 5:45p.m. Cattlemen's Restaurant Algonquin Barbara 455-5404 ALGONQUIN AMERICAN LEGION POST*70 W Mondays 7:30 Main St. (RtJr) 4 Legion Dr. Algonquin (by railroad tracks) 312/450-0M0 312/451-5071 18 Auctions AUCTION Z Meetings PARENTS ANONYMOUS Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. 5004 Rt. 14, Crystal Lake Next to Showploce Thaatro 815/330-0000 BATTEREDWOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Mondays. 7:30 p.m. For this weeks location call 015/3304000 LAKE IN THE HILLS VILLAGE BOARD 2nd 4 4th Thursdays, a p.m. Activities Center till Crystal LakeRd. 312/451-4213 18 Auctions Retiring, the following will be sold on premises located 5 miles east of Elgin, at intersection of State Routes 58 & 59, go south on Route 59,1 block to Bode Roed, then 0Mtlmile,0n SATURDAY, OCTOBER IS at 12:00 NOON TMCIOFTS, COMBINE, FARM EQUIPMENT: M M. »« te w/cab, wide front weights, only 1490 hours; Farmed 100 tractor, FarmaN Super M tractor •/leedor, IN 1490 hydro riding tractor wmoprer IN 719 dri. combine w/13* header, tow ha, esc; 400 gal trail sprayer w/PTO pump, like new; Woods F1180 chopper, IN 5-it semr-mtd. ptow; 2 Kidbros 379 4 300 gravity boies on heavy duty gean.f'HalationJires; IN 13* cuttimulcher IH No 49 ll'V puH type field cfilt w/wings, GeM No. 59 miser mill; IN 12* grain drill w grass seed attach., est; 10 494 corn planter. IN 4 row Vibra Shank cult; 4 sac. lM»te» w,-folding carrier, Allied i>31 auger w/gas engine: Make 35sl auger; HI PTO manure spreader, IP tree flew spreader, IN No. 44 baler, IH Rt wheel rake; Ford 1-14 3 pt ptoer. Ford •* I pi dtoc; Ford hay cond.; Gehl 19" hammermill w crusher head; 2 tec. 14' harrow; 4 sec harrow; 3 sec cuRipacker: ll.4i34 hub type duals; 2 flan befWagows w 'hoists; UN Ml mower power corn screen; MN SF picker; K4bree fert auger, hay rack wagon, V snow plow; 2 wheel BUILDMG: 40*80 pole type equipment building, to be removed. TRUCKS,' ETC.: CMC 1 ton track w/tlt bed, needs repair 4 restoration: 2 dene trailer. SMALL-ITEMS I COLLECTIBLES: Net mi fencer, 2300 pi fed tanfe; pfle 9" We, drive belt sickle grinder, ropes; vise, 2 man sews, pipe rise; otoc. --tone table sew, bin sweep; IN lawn mower, baler twine; 3 stock tanks; used lumber; cement miser stanchions; 16' gate; large amount scrap iron; oak secretary china cab.; oek chairs and many smaR items accumulated in a lifetime of farming, CARL RADDE, OWNER AUCTIONEER: Gordon Stade, McHenry, IL 815-385-7032 CLERK A CASHIER: Gordon Stade Auction Ser- vice RESPECTED AUCTIONS SINCE 1952 LARGE ESTATE AUCTION Te settle the estate ef tke lota Carl Heckmaa aad will sell tke foNewiag porseeol property located 2 miles eest ef Coeeo, Illinois ee Route 23 4 72, tSeo. Nertk ea Roeto 23, 2 aides te Hemlock Reed, thee 2 miles 88St OH Rotd Time: 10:00 a*. SATURDAY, Oct IS, 1N3 Ney Craage leeck MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT: EscoHoet ISM Ford Tractor (34)1) with 3 backets aad maaaro fork, ckeias and woigktss. Cob tor 4010 i.0. tractor; 19714 Dr. Ford Graaada; I cyl.; 1947-ta tea Ford track pickup, Uke sow 34 ia. Joke Deere ridiag low* mower; 2 kweel gardea tractor with mower aed cultivator; Forgesoa 2 row cvltheter 3 pi; 7 ft Ferguses .tandem disc 3 pt; 2 sectioa drag; 3 tectwa cledbaster; Starliae eppres. IM ft eager tube feeding setap; 3 feed books; 3-20 ft slvmieom toevoiers; 2-20 ft 4 le. sogers witk meters ea wheels; Airevec paia air circelotar; smell roed dreg; moay slemiaam aad weed gates; spprei. ISO wood 4 stool posts; maay croosatod poets; electric foece ports, ead elect ic feocor; 2 creep bog feeders; cettle scratcber; large qveetity ef lamber; meey rolls of borbod wire; 24 fL slemiaam extension ladder; I ft slemiaam ledder; air compressor; wstor tanks; 2 largo Hoodymoe jocks; aemeroes shovels; picks, ferks, spades, maay |0id tools* cfciin horst; vkMl Rittif. FURNITURE: 1$ cu. ft. refrigerator; washer and dryer; electric stove; small wood or coal stove; dinette set; Isrge dining room table with 6 chairs ind buffet; davenport; 4 pc. bedroom set; 2 3 pc bedroom sets; small cabinet; metal cabinet with safe snd drawers; safe 18x20; desk, mirror; leether chair and foot stool; 2 coffee tsbles; rocker; sewing machine, dey bed; lamps; electric heater; many kitchen items; blankets and bedspreads; several books; rinse tubs i stsnd; wood table; 2 girls' bicycles; wooden swing; .some dishes t what not items. ANTIQUE :̂ Wicker planter stand; 3 chairs; small round claw loot table; 2 chests ef drawers; 2 dressers; trunks; lantern, few pictures; human yoke; cool bod; cost iron pitcher pump; buck saw; 2 man saw; milk can; large anvil; bob sled; 4 horse eveners and 2 horse eveners; set of horse harness; Isrge cost iron kettle. SUNS: 12 gauge shot gun; 22 long rifle; 22 revolver; small gun rack; many shells. Owner: Carl Hoc km on Estate Avctwueers: Clarence Flort I1S4IS42M Res Nelson 115 784 5346 TERMS: Caafe or checks witk proper identification. No property removed entil settled for. Inspection dey ef sele only. Not responsible for accideata. From: Telephone No. MAIL TO: Shaw Free Press Newspapers Classified P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Class: 3 Great Packages 5 Days, 13 Papers Amount Enclosed: • 3 Lines for just $9.57 • 4 Lines for just $12.76 • 5 Lines for just $15.95 Fill Out The Ad Form Send^Heck or Money Order Private Party Ads Only Does not apply to Garage Sale Ads 4 Average Words Per Line Meetings PSI IOTA XI Theta Omega Chapter Third Tuesdays; 7:45 p.m. 312/480-5147 Mariana Adorns PROFESSIONAL SECRETARIES INTERNATIONAL Fox Valley Chapter 3rd Wednesdays, 7 p.m. OfficoeofZukowskl. Paper, Rogers A Flood 50 Virginia St I1V45P-2M0 NUNDA TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING 2nd Thursday*. 7:30 p.m. 3510 Bay Roed. Crystel Lake I1V4JP-4011 ALGONQUIN TOWNSHIP BOARDOF TRUSTEES 2nd Wednesdays. 7:30 p.m. 3702 Northwest Hwy. (2 ml. W of Cary on Rta. 14) 312/43P-232P CHILDBIRTH AND PARENTING ASSOC. Iliieattali 1 " -- Al flrtomniy nmtTinpi 312/439-4175 Un WOOOSTOCK ELKS LODGE 11443 2nd44thTues.; 1:00p.m. 130 Cass St., Woodstock •15/33040*0 BARRINGTON BOOK REVIEW 4thTueedays. 10:00 a.m. T.C. Spirits Crystal Loko AAcHENRY COUNTY DEFENDERS Crystal Lake Recycling 3rd Saturdays. * am i pm Crystal PoMAAatf Next to Goktan Boer 415/459-4450 T.O.P.S Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter IIL1739 McHenry AAondays, 7:30 »» » ' -JL LillU ri.._,rh JfUpfUni in null vnUTui JoAnn 015/499-0743 FOX VALLEY ARCHERS Fox Valley Archery Club 3rd Wednesdays, 8:00 p.m. Hickory Nut Grove Rd., Cary 312/654-7231 312/439-4355 AAcHENRY COUNTY BOARD 3rd Tuesdays; 9:00 a.m. -.ourt House Woodstock <H U I VwlUOyor »•! McHenry County Co 2200 N. Seminary, M CRYSTAL LAKE LIBRARY BOARD 2nd Wednesdays; 0:00p.m. 134 W. Paddock Crystal Uke AAcHENRY COUNTY COLLEGE BOARD 4th Thursdays; 7:30 p.m. McHenry County College 0900 Rt. 14 Crystel Lake MCHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD* APPEALS 4thTueedeys, 0.30 a.m. McK 22001 am luesoays, B.30 a.m. c Henry County Court House 100 N. Seminar̂ , Woodstock CRYSTAL LAKE CITY COUNCIL lst&3rdTuesdeys 7:30p.m. City Hall 121N. Main St. Crystal Lake CRYSTAL LAKE ZONING BOARDOF APPEALS 1 st & 3rd Wednesdays 7:30 p.m. City Hall 121N. AAaln St. Crystal Lake CRYSTAL LAKE PLAN COMMISSION 2nd A 4th Wednesdays 7:30p.m. City Hall 121 N. Main St. Crystal Lake CRYSTAL LAKE PARK DISTRICT BOARD 3rdThursdoy; Ip.m. Park District Office AAaln Beach, 300 Lakestore Dr. Crystal Lake AAcHENRY COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL Oncee month Thursday afternoon 133 Illinois St. Crystal Lake McHENRY COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH 700 BOARD 3rd Thursday; 7:30 p.m. 101 N.Virginia St. Crystal Lake McHENRY COUNTY COIN CLUB 4th AAondays; 7:00p.m. American Legion Oak 4 Woodstock St. Crystal Lake 015/4554190 DOUBLE DELIMMA Mother of Twins Club 2nd tuesdays. 7:30 p.m. ̂ 115/459-4439 Janet ̂ SUNBURST CORVETTE CLUB 1st Thursdays; 7:30 p.m. Cattleman's Restaurant Algonquin Ron 115/305-1421 CRYSTALSPEAKERS AToastmaster'sClub 1st 4 3rd Tuesdays, 0 p.m. Crystal LakeAmbutai 4900 S. Rta. 31, Crystel Lake 312/450-3494 Tom FOX VALLEY CHAPTER 153, MENDED HEARTS INC. 3rd Thursday; 7:30 p.m. Assembly Hall Shermen Hospitel ' 934 Center Street, Elgin Don, 015/459 2023 MWtlflgS MCHENRYCOUNTY COMAAOOORE CLUB Ueers group for Vk-20 4 Com modore 44 Computers Crystel LakeAmbutai 2nd Saturday, 9:00a.m.12 John-419/455-3942 SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION AND ENCOURAGEMENT OF BARBER SHOP QUARTET SINGING IN AMERICA AAondays 0:00 p.m. St. Stephen's Lutheran Church Rt. 25, Carpentersville Opposite AAeadowdale Shopp ing Center 312/5244304 Welt VIET NOW Viet Nam ere Veterans Last Monday each month 7:31 pm St. John's Lutheran Church Rt 47 A St. Johns, Woodstock 015/455-3010 Jack CRYSTAL LAKE TOASTMASTERS 1st A 3rd Saturday 0:1Sa.m. to 10 a.m., Crystal Lake Ambutal 015/4994997 Carol CRYSTAL LAKE COMPOSITE SQUADRON CIVIL AIR PATROL North Jr. High School 170 N. Oak St. lstASrdTuesdey; 7:00 p.m. 015/439-0907 Cept. Erlckson OF AMI Liberty Poet 1100 1304 N. ra RANS 1304 N. Park Street AAc Henry 4th Sundays. 1:00 PJ*... Commander Frank Ficek 015/305-1303 Sr. Vice Commander Bill Hecht415/459-0300 NARCOTICS ANNONYMOUS AAondays. 7:00p.m. 224 W. Judd Street Woodstock Hal C.. 015/337-0471 JohnM.. 015/330-5307 BRANCHESCHRISTIAN SINGLES GROUP Every Tuesdey. 0 p.m. Lakeside Center 401 Country Club Rd. Crystal Lake 015/459-4010 YOUNG SINGLE PARENTS Every Wednesday; 0:30p.m. Timber's Restaurant sas WQOniTQt K 115/337-0042 Sue AL-ANON Wednesdays; 7:30p.m. 34 North Ayer, Harvard (upsteirs office 13) Pat, 015/943-7720 AAcHENRY COUNTY DAYCARE HOME ASSOCIATION Licensed Day Care Providers 4th Tuesday of every month, 7:30 p.m. 312/439-3199 Rita AL-ANON Has your life been affected By someone else's drinking? 115/459-4190 for Information BETA SIGMA PHI Rho PI Chapter 2st 44th, Thursdays; 7:30 p.m. PHOTOPEOPLE 2nd A 4th Tuesdays; 7:30p.m. Crystal Lake Wast Beach 015/455-4147 Wendell Smith APPLEPEOPLE Personal Computer Users Every 3rd AAonday; 7:00 p.m. 015/455-4525 Don Roee MANIC DEPRESSIVE/ DEPRESSIVE ASSOC. 3rd Wednesdeys, 7:30 pm Alexlan Brothers AAedlcal Center 000 W. Blesterfleld Elk Grove Village 312/450-3042 Reglna PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS 1st A 3rd Fridays, 0:30 p.m. Senior Citizens Center 133 Illinois St. Crystal Lake 015/499-5242 Glnny AAcHENRY COUNTY DEFENDERS 3rdAAondeys. 7:00p.m. Defender's Office 131E. Paddock St. Crystal Leke 015/499-0490 Ginger CRYSTAL LAKE SCHOOL DIST. 47 3rd AAondays; 7:30 p.m. North Jr. HighLeernlng Center 170 N. Oak St. AMVETS PEARL HARBOR MEMORIAL POST 1245 2nd Thursdays, 0 p.m. Reg. AAoetlng, Cordelia's, Cary Last Thursdays, 8 p.m. Cary \wy§. leevsuiiy, VCfHVIIO 9, V Last Thursdays, 8 p.m. Drawing Night, PubinCa 312/439-1931 BETA SI6MA PHI XIIOTAOMICRON CHAPTER 2nd 4 4th/Mondays; 0:00 015/455-2041 Cate Williams 11 Lost & Found FOUND CAT, vicinity of Dart moor/Coventry, eve. of Oct. 1, black female, doclawed, 4 moo. old, white stripe on right front leg., 015/499-41*2 after 5 pm. FOUND, 10/04, silver 4 black Siberian Husky mix, female. Four Colonies area, 415/499- 12--Personal; PREGNANT? Need Help? Ceil: Birthright- 312/49S-7990 "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/9344233 HYPNOSIS A COUNSELING fvwl̂ n 1 wfTKmin -̂ wirVal AAarltal-lneuranceald 312/495-5473,015/455-1107 SHOPPING FOR AUTO IN- welcomed. Sunderlage In- surance Agency, 015/330-3320 ALL MY LOVE MARGARET On $wMth«art Day ALVIN PARTY who owned a bedding store on Fuflerton and Puioekl in Chicago, plena nil collect 1-305/73^3941. THANKS TO the Blessed Virgin, our Lord end St. Judo. P.G. JOB SEARCH COUNSELING Roaoonably Prtcad Includes preparation of rasumas. Appointments available at Woodstock or Palatine off Icae. Janet Marsh MSW •815/338-8621* 13 Instruction NEW HAIRSTYLES Include In- structlon In the proper techni ques for maintaining that Finished Look at CHANGESI For Appointment, Call 015/45* 1015. 19 Child Care CRYSTAL LAKE- Excellent child cere In my home. Good In- town location; neer trains 4 schools. Call Betsy at 015/454 4734. RESPONSIBLE AAOTHER ef 1W yr. old child will do bobysit- ting In my Crystal Lake Home, for children egee 14 2.015/455 4704. WILL BABYSIT In my In-town Hampshire home, welklng OIlTinci TO KnOp * INNnVr OUT* a, 312/443-3527. MOTHER of 1 will bobysH your child. My home, days. 312/931- 5109. AAOTHER of 1 will bobysit your child. My home, deys. 312/W1- 5199. LOVING CARING bobysltter needed tor two children of pro fessional couple. 4:30 6.m. to 5:̂ p.m. AAon.-Frl. Our home or yours. Must live In Oenoe Khool dlst. Call 015^04-5440 anergpm 21 Situations Wanted QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, We aim to please. Senior Citizen's Discount, 015/305- 4937, 312/359-4339 or Answering Service, 015/499 3000. Ext 'Q*. S A S GUTTER MAINTENANCE Unclog downspouts, rustproof Ing, screening, reesoneble prices. We do quellty work. Cell for free estimates, or 312/4547774. L2Z4 ROOM MATE 4 Apt. needed. In Crystel leke. Femele looking for seme. Reasonable rates. 015/943-4421 • JKdfBUSi Needhelpl ̂ M a t u r e , a g r e s > l v e salesman/sales mgr. in terested In loinlng a local firm. Experienced In hiring, treinlng & motivating sales people. Very effective In deellng with top management. Excellent ed- minlstretive A communicative skills. Available In neer future. Pleese reply to Box A O J, Shaw Free Press Media, Box 250, Crystal Lake, 1140014. TOP NOTCH Cleonlng Lady has days avellable. Exc. refs., 015/499-4505. HUSBAND WIFE teem have several openings cleonlng of fices dey, evenings. 015/923- 4514. WILL DO Cleonlng. Exc. work ret., oxp., Cory/ Crystel Lake eree. 312/439-4041 after 5. HOUSEPAINTING Exterior A Interior, staining. Reesoneble rotes. 015/455-3559, HOUSECLEANING, residen tial, by moture responsible per son. Cell 312/4504210. DEPENDABLE, hardworking married man seeks appren ticeship with cerpenter, plumber or electrlcon. Some experience In ell categories. 815/455-4594, ask for Jerry. Household 23 Help Wanted BABYSITTER wanted In my home, 7 om to 5 pm, 312/450- 4147 after 5 pm. L I V E - I N N u r s e Aide/HousekoMor. In City of Crystal Lake. Cell 312/4414444 Ask for John. 24 Help Wanted EXPER. STRUCTURAL steel layout man. Must reed steel blueprints. Must be self motlvoted. Call. 312/3014900. DENTAL ASSISTANT part time, Monday, Tuesday 4 Saturday. In a Crystel Lake Of fice. Approximately 20 hours per week. Must be certified, porsonoble 4 experienced. Call 015/455-3300 MONTGOMERY WARD Now accepting oppiications for temporary Christmas help. •Approximately 20 Hrs. Per •Must Be Totally Flexible •Some Weekends 4 Evenings Required Apply In Person Monday through Friday IOSNOKTHWEST HWY. Crystal Lake, Illinois EwlOpeertunMy Employer, M/F