Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Oct 1983, p. 28

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Apartments 80 ToRent Homes 81 ToRent SYCAMOftl, Stale St.. one bedroom Ml. (and fleer) In 2jNI Mflldwg. Prefer mature ctoaot space and parking. 1200 par moitffc plus utHlftea. Call VV3M30M McHENRY, 0 room house, 2 bdrm., snctossd sun reel, small oawtos rm. ar studio, V* basa mant. am. doa A children allew- sd. Stove, refrlo., lawn service, ooft water, cable included, U50 per mo. after 4,015/344-1320. Homes 81 ToRent EAST OP Crystal Lake-Rt. 174, 2 bdrm., bsmt., kit, tam. rm., bum-In bookcases, wood panel N, frplc. New carpet. No pets. Sec. MM, rent, «525. Ref. 312/400-3714. OSNOA. 1 bdrm. country ranch on > acre weeds, near aotf course. MM mo. + sec. John Andersen Realty. 015/704- 1144. EAST OP Crystal Lake-Rt. 174, 2 bdrm., bsmt., kit, tam. rm., bum-In bookcases, wood panel N, frplc. New carpet. No pets. Sec. MM, rent, «525. Ref. 312/400-3714. OSNOA. 1 bdrm. country ranch on > acre weeds, near aotf course. MM mo. + sec. John Andersen Realty. 015/704- 1144. LAKE IN THE HILLS 3 bdrm., 2 both, tam. rm., gar., bemt. STASIS,.""" OCNOA. Iltwood Greene, MM AM «|A n|ij« 4muu|4 A kj|. m, r e mh ml. 1 ref. Century 21 Watsans. 01S/704-M21. LAKE IN THE HILLS 3 bdrm., 2 both, tam. rm., gar., bemt. STASIS,.""" OCNOA. Iltwood Greene, MM AM «|A n|ij« 4muu|4 A kj|. m, r e mh ml. 1 ref. Century 21 Watsans. 01S/704-M21. CRYSTAL LAKE beautiful 2 bdrm. heme w/kH. appl., fin. bemt., gar., fenced. 312/025- 3407. I AST Of Crystal Lake-HI. 174, I bdrm., feamtM kit. tam. rm., * l*t frplc. New carpet. Nopals. Sec* SMI; rent, 0525 Ref. 312/4004714. CRYSTAL LAKE beautiful 2 bdrm. heme w/kH. appl., fin. bemt., gar., fenced. 312/025- 3407. I AST Of Crystal Lake-HI. 174, I bdrm., feamtM kit. tam. rm., * l*t frplc. New carpet. Nopals. Sec* SMI; rent, 0525 Ref. 312/4004714. CRYSTAL LAKE 3 bdrm. home, 2 car ear., appl. MM/mo. 015/4594040. I AST Of Crystal Lake-HI. 174, I bdrm., feamtM kit. tam. rm., * l*t frplc. New carpet. Nopals. Sec* SMI; rent, 0525 Ref. 312/4004714. WONDER LAKE- Live In coun try, but only 15 mln. to Crystal Lake. 5 yr. old 3 bdrm. raised ranch, 2 be#* din. rm., roc. w/frplee., deck, 2 car gar., Ig. tot. Clean A ready to move In. 0575/mo. + security A rstorence. 312/407-3424 after 5 pm. OCNOA, home with Noplace. Stove furnished. Call 015/704- 3474eft. 4pjn. « HAMPSHIRE rant or sale. 3 bdrm. ranch. 2baths, 1 car gar. 312/403-3447. WONDER LAKE- Live In coun try, but only 15 mln. to Crystal Lake. 5 yr. old 3 bdrm. raised ranch, 2 be#* din. rm., roc. w/frplee., deck, 2 car gar., Ig. tot. Clean A ready to move In. 0575/mo. + security A rstorence. 312/407-3424 after 5 pm. NCAA HARVARD, 4 bdrm., brick ranch, 3/4 acre executive country edato, 2 fplcs., formal dn. rm- double par., avail. Im- mod* no pets, IMt/month, flrot/laet + sac. dop., rets. Call NoN Fisher, Realty World, twuymr. days or ois/w- 7770, evoe. CRYSTAL LAKE, large 3 bdrm. heme w/3 baths A roc room on V* acre In wooded area, 84*/mo. + sec. dep., 015/457-3054. NCAA HARVARD, 4 bdrm., brick ranch, 3/4 acre executive country edato, 2 fplcs., formal dn. rm- double par., avail. Im- mod* no pets, IMt/month, flrot/laet + sac. dop., rets. Call NoN Fisher, Realty World, twuymr. days or ois/w- 7770, evoe. CARPENTERSVILLE, 2 bdrms., frolco., fenced yard, ett. gar., all appl. (Incl. washer A dryer). 0423/mo. Avail. Nov. 27. Call 312/434-45M. CRYSTAL LAKE, cuto 3 bdrm. ranch, Ito car gar. Immed. oc cupency, S4M/mo. 312/001-4047 days, or 3l2/*M-4ll4evde. CARPENTERSVILLE, 3 bdrm. rench. 2 car gar., c/a. avail. Nov. 1, 312/42M313 bet ween4pm A 10 pm. CRYSTAL LAKE Cleen 3 bdrm w/faraao. Quiet street. Avail. New. l.iMO/moAOOMsec.dap. Rets A credit cMl required Tno pets. 0U/4M-4M3 aftor 3pm. WONDER LAKE. 2 bdrm., bomtw ear - tonood yard, stove, rofrlf., dishwasher, washer/dryer, sac. A cr. check, S37S/me~ ri 5/45M044. CARPENTERSVILLE, 2 bdrms., frolco., fenced yard, ett. gar., all appl. (Incl. washer A dryer). 0423/mo. Avail. Nov. 27. Call 312/434-45M. CRYSTAL LAKE, cuto 3 bdrm. ranch, Ito car gar. Immed. oc cupency, S4M/mo. 312/001-4047 days, or 3l2/*M-4ll4evde. CARPENTERSVILLE, 3 bdrm. rench. 2 car gar., c/a. avail. Nov. 1, 312/42M313 bet ween4pm A 10 pm. PRO- Small 2 BR Rlvsrvlew house, Garape, ullllty rm, near VTiSmS,7JSnc-• #I4/Nr l70w W 0|7-40T2. CRYSTAL LAKE, small 3 bdrm. ranch on west end of laka. Close to schools, 2 car ear., frplce., applla.. 1400/mo. CaN 015/457-4701 between 12 A 5 pm, ask tor Joe. CARY, tormheuee country at- mooMtora. Laaea A security. Aval. Oct. 04M/mo. 015/455- 4014. CRYSTAL LAKE, small 3 bdrm. ranch on west end of laka. Close to schools, 2 car ear., frplce., applla.. 1400/mo. CaN 015/457-4701 between 12 A 5 pm, ask tor Joe. CARY, tormheuee country at- mooMtora. Laaea A security. Aval. Oct. 04M/mo. 015/455- 4014. ALGONQUIN 1 bdrm. Semi furnished. 0300. Sec. dep. 312/450-0044. 82 Condos.y Townhomes To Rent LAKE 2 Mrm., 2 2nd ftr. condo. M30/mo. + utll. 015/457-4407 or 312/027 MM. McHIN R Y-CONDO furnished. 2 Bit 1*0 Whs. W/O, 1 car gsrege, overlooking Bull Valley. Sac. Pep. 115/344-3727. Stores, Offices Industrial 83 ToRent CRYSTAL LAKE, UN to MM 3. It. Ind. space,) phase etoc., C.OIS/457-OOM. OELUXE OFFICE Spin available In modern Crystal Laka office building 015/450- CARY OFFICES-new bMa- tulto ar individual. All ufll. paid. Paneled, carp., a/c, am pia parking. Am., aacr. ft ropy »vca. 312/439-2351 ar 439-3137. CRYSTAL LAKE. 1*0 to 1.M0 sq. ft. of warehousing or com- msrcial space avail., cantrally locatod, 115/455- 1002. aak tor Mr. Krause. CRYSTAL LAKE, Idaal office tor indapandant business par- tan. Rant Includes all uttlltlaa ft aacratarlal services. IIS/49*- CRYSTAL LAKE, Offica Suites. From SMO/mo. incl. utlls., axcailant downtown loc., Frank J. Smith ft 015/455-1440. DUNDEE TOWNSHIP- 90 arwiora 1 » *--* (M .. iru. |IL r *nvw'WJ. ntwf iTn. 312/420-1202 85 Misc. ToRent ENGLEWOODTFLOROIA 2 homes, turn., dub hss., 2 pools, •ennl*. W mln. to golf, baach ft shops, Oct. Dac. S4S045M aa. Days, 312/302-53*0 ar avsa. 312/450-5742. CARY AREA Storaga. RVs. cart. 312/43*3737. SUPER niisi NEW 1983 NISSAN/DATSUNS "°"$512400 Including Freight 4 Handling SALE UNTRAB ••• BPER SAVING! WO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED ON REMAINING 83's IN STOCK!! ORDER YOUR NEW S3'S NOW FOR EARLIEST DELIVERY 1M W. N.W. Hwy. (Rt. 14) One block west (312J-381-7991 Automobiles 86 ForSale CHEVY IINova. Wtt,4cyl..3 1*̂ " to* 1*1*1 It* H^O*. |(0t shape, still naadt minor work. ItdrlvaWa. First MM takas M. p iioy ̂ ̂ and3* kiCracton, 11 miles woof ofDoKalb. BUICK SKYLARK, 71, 2-dr- am/fm coHStto storm rod, runs flftfftfj IMI0 miles* |M> ni/4fr5y, BUICK La SABRE, 71 *dr. hardtop, loaded, bit. Ilka now, ' muatsaatoap- - - badyaxc. candw i praciata, 02,5M/< IIS/4 CHEVY CAPRICE, 77j»war ft air, vary dean, SUM. Cdl 015/455-4034 oWarfpm. PLYMOUTH DUSTER. 7ft automatic rsbullt transmis­ sion, 04M. Call 015/455-0711. FORD GRANADA 7ft V-ft angina pewsr stoorlm, p.b., I track tape, 2 dr-hes lime ruel. 02500/boef. I15/330-M07. PINTO, TP, 4<yl., 4-spd., nins graat. Claan intarior w/buckets, vary nlca oand. Owner anxious w salt. 11,77ft •15/49P-3774 days. 015//- VW BEETLE, 7ft SM. cand* naw tires, C.2M, 115/49*1025. BUICK, CENTURY, 1M1,4dr, 2 tone. auto, cruise. SMM miles, M*M. Chevy Mailbu Cleesk. MM, 2 dr., crulsa, am/fm, 4ft0M miles, 04400. 312/44P-324*. CHEVY MONZA 1*71 hat­ chback, stick, am/fm tiara* good gat mliaaga, 01JM. Call 0l5/33A3m oftor 5:3»pm. CHfvV IMpALA 74, 4 hardtop, 3M V-0auto, ps/pb, air, soma rust, needs hme-up. MPS. Call S1S/4SMS43 attar S:M. FORD MUSTANG. 7ft runa UH*d.l1.W0, aftor 0 pm. 312/1 FORD PINTO Won., 77, gi. cand., HMO. 015/457-1700 ar 015/4904471 JltP Renegade CJ 5 74-lnow plow i wlrttar S summnor Una a mm tlfoll ill ilntalmri *1*00. 312/450-2347 wtatig*. 312/450-2341 eves. MONTE CARLO, 74, interior A axtorlar ad. cand., claan, dapandabla. 1700. Firm. 312/43* 3431 days, II5/49*-*717 MAZDA 434 SEDAN, 'II, 2-dr., 24,0M milat. immaculata, HMO. 01S/49P-9P2P aftar I pm. CHEVY CAMARO, '77, a/c t- taps, axe. shapa, 12,200, •If-- PONTIAC * 74, radlt Mtch. MM. 312/1 CHEVY CAPRICE, *3. TSZ 3M0 miles. will trade, 312/440- VOLARE 77- road runnar, 3M V-ft goad condition. SUM. 312/451-2444 aftar 4 PJM. TWO SUPER cars. TP Dataun 510, axe. cand., HMO ml., 12*95; 77 Toyota Corolla. M mp ,̂ gd. cand., SIMS. 115/455- FORD GRANADA 7ft 4 doar, > pa/pto. good cond. SUM. 12/43**0245. Call 312/4 • SS CAMARO'M Maar ttraa ft paM.0ftMft Call awsntogs. 312/4M-4305 VW SUPER BEETLE Sun Bug, 74, naw clutch, carte., ttraa ft rsbullt angina. All wlthm las* M days. Front and racantty damaged, drtvable, bast oftor. 312/517-3444 OVM. 312/437-0500 weekdays. MERCURY MONTE GO Wagon 7ft pe/pib. air. Fair cand. IMO/nrm. 015/457-0570. FINAL CLOSEOUT ON REMAINING 1983'S & DEMOS 1 Trans Am 1 GAAC 4x4 3/4 T. Pickup ' 16000 Cpe 2 Bonneville 4 Dr. 1 GAAC S15 4x4 Club Cab 3 Grand Prlxs 2 Bonneville Wagons 16000 LE Coupe 2 Phoenix H.B. 2 Phoenix Cpe THE 1984'S ARE HERE! Checkout the Luxury & Performance of The 1984 Pontiacs! Pontlac 2000 Sunbird LE Sedan THIS WEEKS GREAT BUYS ON USED CARS!!! OTHERS '•2 Pontlac 4000 Cpa.P.S. & Disc B.-AJr Cond.-Rear Defogger-4 Cyl.-Rally Wheels- Front Wheel Drive-Like New!!! '02 J2000 4 Dr.-P.S. & Disc B.-Air Cond.- Rear Defogger-Cloth Int.-Gas Saver-Only S4295III '•2 Pontlac Bonneville 4 Dr.-P.S. & Disc B.- Alr Cond.-Am-Fm-Cruise-Wire Wheels Ve- lour Inter ior-23,000 Miles-Showroom New) 11 '•1 Dodge Aries SE Cpa.P.S. & Disc B.-Air Cond.-Am-Fm-Rear Defogger-Buckets & Console-23,000 Mi.-Silver-Red Velour Int.- Real Sporty! 11 Bulck Regal Cpa. P.S. & Disc B.-Air Cond.-40/40 Seat-Tilt-Am-Fm-Rear Defog ger-Chrome Wheels-Burg, with Matching Landau Top-Nice IN '10 Phoanlx 5 Dr. HB-P.S. & Disc B.-Air Cond.-Rear Defogger-39,000 Mi.-Extra Nice!!! 'N Bulck Skylark 4 Dr.-P.S. & Disc B. Air Cond.-4 Cyl.-New Tires-38,000 Miles- Sharp!!! '79 Pontlac Bonneville Landau Cpe.-P.S. & Disc B.-P.W. & Locks-60/40 Power Seat-A- /C Rear Detogger-Cast Alum. Wheels- 32,000 Mi.-Loaded-Extra Sharp!!! '79 Datsun 200SX-A.T.-A/C Rear Defog ger-Stripes-A Real Cute Little Gas Saver! H '79 Pont. Bonneville 9 Pass Wgn.-P S. & Disc B.-P.W. & Locks-Power Seat-Tilt-Crul- se-ArfvFm-A/C-Luggage Rack-Rear De- fogger-New Tires-Everybody Rides!!! '79 Cadillac Sedan DeVllle-P.S. & Disc B - P.W. & Locks-Power Seat-Tilt-Cruise-Am- Fm 8 Track-A/C-Vinyl Top-Leather lnt.-2 Tone Blue-Sharp!!! '71 Dodge Aspen 4 Dr.-P.S. & Disc B.-A/C- "4 Cyl'VVinyl Top-Rustproofed-25,000 Cert. Mi.-Like New! I! '78 Ford LTD Cpe.-P.S. 8i Disc B.-A/C- Landau Top-50,000 Cert. Ml.-l Owner- Clean! !! '77 Ford T-Blrd-P.S. & Disc B.-A/C-Rear Defogger-Wire Wheels-Vinyl Top-Rustproofed-34,000 Cert. Mi.-A Sharp Red 8i White!!! ORMSBY MOTORS 50 N. Main St., Crystal Lake (815) 459-4566 qE G»MC PONTIAC Automobiles M ForSale WE"BUY" JUNKCARS & WRECKS (Any Condition) RT. 14 USED AUTO PARTS 815/338-2800 WE "SELL". USED AUTO PARTS REPROCESSED AUTOS- aN makas I madafi. Always a flood! stltctloii* ||| ill Hmti. Buy lust Ifti tsk* Inf Mr aaymaMs. From S4|. " ~ k up. Mechanically irs. tte major bady . Far Ml dstoNa, you aak lor Mr. tarry. H2/M4-IW0. - HONDA CIVIC 77, a/fm, ---- -- i *--»-- tmi. Ww Tin m WmKmh my innv rust , foet f condi t ion. sî M/boat. Call sivisMse DOOOE CHARGER, '40, V-S, aufa., ps, exc. inferior, IWNaf.CaMSlVMM«*S. MUSTANG OT, MM, m MO* 4 ap^ mlnf cand. BNL - - - £ J ^^^S MAM w/rad NH. Ps/po, raar oaiog, am/fm caaaafto. SMOO/baw. ni/MO^HS. tm, a«t. si MMauasAl 312/301- 311/41*- FORD Gran Tarlna, '75, automatic, 301 cc, pa/pto, SI JM. Cad 312^31-5311. JEEP Ci-7, 78, 3 saaad, 4 glml ) sdkislHNe cm* was tope naw liras. am/fm cassatto radio, KC ilaMs, a*- callonf candfflon, ssJfrflrm. Call Gtaa at 3i2/4M-ri*2 aftor I CONTtNEirrAL Mark V, 7*. buroandy, loadod, aa MOHTII V4H-1153. HONDA ACCOM) 77, S apd. am/fm caaaafto slarm low togttlM. CaH 0U/45S-2S47. DATSUN SNZ. 7X 4-apd~ ^UN/baot, 015/330-MN. OLOSTORONAOO, 74 *1V54XM* TOYOTA CELKA 71, auto. air, am/fm starve, rapdarty im m«as, am. I1S/49M371 aftar 5:« pm ar MUSTANG 7*4 cyl; 4 SIM. 312/' IPJA. HONDA CIVIC 7fr, am^m 0- track, 4-spd. I2.2M or baat of- tor. I1V4JMI0* aftor 5:30 pm. CHEVY MPALA 74. 4 dr. Yzznatm. tm. Call I15/4SS-4S43 aftor 5M. CUTLAS SALON '77, S fully toadad T-tepa. tx000 Off 312/Sff- im. •** V.W. WAGON 71 runa flood. <apawiihla- S32S. Call S\Vm- gfreftorSrlOpLm. FORD CUSTOM MA '47. pa, A/C, vary dean, SMS/toast. Call 312/43MM7 aftor 4 pm. TOYOTA TERCEL 12.5 Sp-4 dr« 12m miles, exc. cond* I4JM. 115/455-1474. CADILLAC Coupe DeVtlle, 79, while on white, exc cond* 22*0 ml. SS7«/ofNr. Calf BS/7B4W afllf liMlBi, CADILLAC, '44. 4-dr. hardtop, while w/Mack Interior, full power, air, completfly original, rust free, stored many years. 4M00 ml* ffawraem cond.S4JOO.OlS/4M-WI. TOYOTA TERCEL *S2, 4 sp* am/fm stereo cassatto. 43 moo, front wh. dr., S4J00. Car S15/3SS-47S3 aftor S pm. PLYMOUTH, 74, runs but needs mbwr repair. MS^baef. Can 312/43M7M between 0 am A S pm, 312/450-550* eves. Ask 5 pm. 'John. CADILLAC 79, sedan DeVllle. lotded low milts. bMMtlful. 175*5.312/4504171. OLDS CUSTOM Cruiser Wagon (9 pass.), 79. newbrehss, thus. A exhaust system, loaded w/extras, exc. cond* SSJM 115/45*-70**. • DODGE CHARGER SE, 1975. SIM or best oftor. Call I1V4S*- 740*. Aftor S:M. HONDA CIVIC. 1970 2 door hat- cnoKKi 4 Mta. ww Dtnpj • brakes. MAM miles. S2.295. Call 113/45*-3323 aftor Spm. TOYOTA COROLLA, 1974. ex­ cel lenl, rum M miles par oat. MM. Call Mike at I15/45M4S4 or Shawn at 312/302-25*2. CADILLAC 74. CDV, exc. cond* super body, runs great. I15M. 312/450-4493 afler 5. OLDS M Rag. 79, exc. cond* toll power, new ttraa, now ifltsti tnglm. rust protftd# orlointi owntr« nJQfi mpy. Sljbo. 312/450-4441. LINCOLN CONTINENTAL '71- 2 dr. gd. cond. 1950/boaf oftor. 3I2/IM-S2M Ask for Dan. AMC EAGLE WAGON, m auto* pa/pto, light blue. aftor 4 pm, 015/455^701. MERCURY ZEYPHER 70. 4 cyl* ps/pto, air, 4 dr.,4 naw radial tires, A exhaust, am/fm/casaatto; Pinto '74, Sedan, 2 dr., Real good cond. 01S/4M-47M after 4:M. DATSUN SENTRA XE, ***, niTCTYDiCR< WIQm tiff tHHi S4.900, eves, aftor I pm, 0IS/4SM7SS. FORD THUNDERBIRD. 1977, am/fm I tree. alec. wMho, leather buckets. p.s* pA* HAM ml. SSMS/beat. 01S/4S9- PEPPY 71 CUTLASS- V4, aamJIIIAA a4aa 0000 cooaiTKin. wo. in unit beauty. 312/42MM7. BUICK REGAL 197A V-4, black, rally wheals, gd. S17M. 312/4M-7234. MERCURY MONTE GO, 71 2 dr., stick, goad tires, trafcafc runs well. sfiTllV45* *321. CELICAGT 'MLIffback, Sad. aun roof. AM/FM stereo, tilt wheel. Ex. cbnd. Many extras. S&OM. I1S/3IS-9M4. Automobiles ForSale CAOILLAC FLEETWOOD jr.u)ham, '03, SAM mNoe. wfh trade, 312/MMM*. FORD GRANADA '74. V-0. engine paeer steering, p.b., S track tope, 2 4r* haeitfttoruet. S2MS/b00f. I15/33M007. tUICK, CENTURY, )W1,4i 2 tone, eutot cruise mNo*. SMM. Owry QaaNc USA 1 dr* crulsa, am/fm, MAM mltoa, S4M0. 312/1 I.IAr* MAM Mtllbu IL Wanted To Si CAOILLAC OR LINCOLN, 1*M or 1901, feed condition, l lllllllMl. 312/195-3375 or » 0775. . WANTED TO BUY |unk a r̂ atoitotoautoa. 7 day pickup. Auto Parts & Ap^orjes INSTALLATION CAP, tor pickup wNh I ft. bod* L now. Call 115/704-5440. SNOW PLOW 4 western for Joe.» 312/430-4544 SIM OUSTER, 22S I cyl. engine. 1974, UM0 mltoa, vary gd. cand.S3M3tt/M9A7S4. Trucks, Tractors fc Trailers POM RANGER XL 19M pick- !f..y/CM»,2JL4yd* p^pb. tin! Intt WrW» 312/M3-4SM. CHEVY 0 WHEELER 7147S V 4 gas, good 01S/4SW02* CHEVY BLAZIER 7S. 55AM beet aftor. CMI 01S/455-10M aftor SAO pm. FOnD PICK-UP302 '72 AM/FM. Rims goad. SSM 0U/M9-UU TOYOTA PICKUP. hadlauN '400-3*31. WNktong bad, auto* exc. cond. 1.311/4 FORD F SM, contractors 1903. 0 ft. Sfuftod, aIS1 312/0M-S997. hiftod, good SISOO/bsst. SUPER CAB FMS 75-crulaa, P/S. P/B, A/C camper fecial. Ex.cend.312/4M-7mT TOYOTA PICKUP. 77, runs^welL 312/439-3S40. Asking S2000 8<L CHEVY VAN, 74.1 ruaL 4UM 1 312/00479*. Van« NO. CaN DOOGE SPORTSMAN. 77,310 auto* a/c exc. cond* HMO, oiSMM-m OlS/MMMl̂ H Van 12.4 cyl 4spd. px. pA* sharl base, tang range, SAMS. 312/450-4303 or 4»llk FORD WINDOW Van, 1974. V 1 automatic SITS or beet oftor. CaNOU/MS-MM. ; WINDOW Van. 71 v VAN CONVERSION, partial to comploto. Free Estimates, fluallty workmanship, reaasnabto prices. Check out our FaN Special, tool J AD. Auto Bady. M N. Main St. m Oewatewa Crystal Lake. 01S/40M4I0. DOOGE Window Von *014 cyl. 4spd. px. pA* short baae, long range. 04.901. 312/450^X3 or 430-0134. Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles NEW & USED HONDAS B0B-J0 CYCLE CO. n RouteM 5 miles East of Sycamore ' 115/995-5251 HONDA V4SA. 'H 42M miles, back reel, trunk, good cond* H0M. 015/49*-1704. HONOA V4SA, '02, 42M miles, bock real, trunk, good cond* SMM. I15/4M-17M. 74 HONDA CB 4M DOHC. Ex- cNlent condition SS7Voftor. 312/4M-3472. HONOA 7M Nighfhawk. 12. Exc. cond., many extras. S2A00/oftor. 115/45*-5225 aftor 5 p.m. SUZUKI RM12S, 11, top end lust rebuilt, exc. cond., S7M. Suzuki TS12S, 71 good cond* S301015/4W-4352. BSA IM Lightening, '47, runs well, must sell. S4J0/flrm. Call 312/43M217. HARLEY DAVIDSON Etoctra Glide, 71,110*3 miles, like new cendttlon. Best oftor. Call 015/30S-2942. YAMAHA MXM, 'M, S300/best aftor. Call 0IV49M299 aftor 5 1902 GS-11ME Low miles, garage kapt. Ex. cond. Many accaeeorlsi. Must see. Serious bwubtos only aftor 4 PM. 1X100.01S/305-224S. YAMAHA, 100 LS, 1973, street bike, very deon cond. CDS/best. Call 015/459-0053 aft. s. SUZKI RM-M11-dirt bike. ex. cond. Well maintained. Must aNI.SS2S.-312/4S0-23l7 aft. 4. HONDA XL100. motorcycle, 1971M mpg, M mph. excellent candltlan. Call Jill at 01V344- 3710. HARLEY DAVIDSON, Low Rider, 79, low miles, stock, one. cond* must sell. S1SM, 015/455-2547. Recreational 92 Vehicles EXPLORER POP UP 75, sleeps 1 J burner stove, pump sink. New awning. SSM or bast after. Call 115/455-2004. PRANKLIN Travel Traitor H. soH contained, air, self con tainod.aft.,siesps4.onopiec roaf.S7JM.317/742A197. Speaking of soaps By Mary Ann Cooper for Kathleen Noone there was never really any question of success - it was Just a matter of which of her talents would take precedence over the other. One of four very talented sisters, Kathy's first performances were as a trombone player. While mastering the musical instrument, she also began a promising singing career. The future actress sang in night clubs and dinner theaters while ac­ quiring her BFA degree at Ithaca College and West Virginia Universi­ ty. After graduation, Kathv was singing full-time but began thinking about becoming an actress. The idea kept growing until one day, when Jimmy Dorsey asked her to go on tour as a singer with his band, Kathleen realized she had come to a fork in her personal road and she had to make a choice. * Fortunately for her TV fans, Kathleen dropped everything, enrolled at Southern Methodist University as a graduate student and began perfecting her acting skills. After acting in several regional repertory productions, she landed roles in "Love of Life," "As the World Turns" and "One Life to Live" before assuming her role as Ellen Shepherd on "All My Children." Kathy likes to relax outdoors, where she pursues such varied in­ terests as horseback riding, tennis, swimming and softball. She is a single, lives in Manhattan and con­ siders herself a lucky person. But the bright, gregarious actress shouldn't have to call on that luck, because her talents are strong enough to take her wherever she wants to go. Recap: 10/1*10/14 Previews: 10/17-10/21 LOVING - Garth runs a tighter rein on his household. Lily appeals to Jack to help her. Cabot brings pressure to bear on Roger. CAPITOL -- Paula avoids police questions. Clarissa feels guilty about her relationship with Mark. Sloane and Trey establish a relationship. Zed crosses Sloane's path again. AS THE WORLD TURNS -- Steve arrives back at the boathouse to find Betsy has gone into labor. James claims Karen's power of, attorney has been forged. Bob is stunned to learn Miranda has left him. Frannie blames herself for Miranda's depar­ ture. Jeff is suffering severe withdrawal pains. THIS WEEK: John and James face off. Steve stands by Betsy. ANOTHER LIFE - Charles apologizes to Miriam for the custody suit but later tells Mrs. Lucas his apology was only a part of his plan to get Erick back. Carla returns from the hospital. Gil tells Stacey about Amber's abor­ tion. Russ posts bail for Dave. THIS WEEK: Brubaker continues his Investigation. Miriam tries to trap Nancy. GENERAL HOSPITAL - Greg calls Robert with a 40-hour ransom demand. Robert says yes only after he is sure Holly is still alive. Luke has been moved to a separate room inthePaviilion. Rick finds out Leslie pawned the bracelet and forgives her. When the courier arrives with permission to search the Pavillion, Scorpio calls Connie and tells her to meet him there. He has a hunch Holly and Celia are there, but if they don't get there by noon, one of them will die THIS WEEK: Scorpio has to change his plans. Bobbie worries about her future. T H E Y O U N G A N D T H E RESTLESS: -- John removes Jack as president of Jabot and gives the job to Ashley. Rick confronts Alison in Appleshaw, England and tells her Victoria is not her grandchild. Ashley stops Eric from accepting HAIR REMOVAL N O N E E D L E S cVVru Reflect ioijs 4ss *en'^ inp Su»te 108 • .Crystal lake 8 i5 4^5 4461 Dina's job offer. Jack tries to recon­ cile with Patty but she wants nothing to do with him. THIS WEEK: Lauren has new problems. Rick takes a firm band with Alison. RYAN'S HOPE: - Bess goes to work as Jill's housekeeper. Roger and Maggie go to bed and narrowly avoid being caught by Jill. Rae tells Jack that Leigh sabotaged his chance to get a network news job. Jack confirms her story with Mark. Meanwhile Leigh and Ryan plan Leigh's wedding to Jack. Siobhan traces Joe to a swank pen­ thouse »nd confronts him face to face. THIS WEEK: BUI comforts Siobhan. Bess is in hot water again. ANOTHER WORLD: - Felicia makes a surprise appearance at Julia's press conference and steals the publicity for her new book. Mark tries to get Janet to help him find Zak Hill's murderer. Sally is shocked when she finds out Kevin is her son and postpones her wedding to Peter. Felicia tells Cass she has no intention of dissolving her partnership with him. THIS WEEK: Denby puts pressure on Janet. Peter asks Donna some hard questions. * EDGE OF NIGHT - Cliff is caught trying to explore the top floor of the Isls building and is placed in a special torture room by Louis. Jody is afraid Robbie will be able to force her to live with him. Sky and Raven stage a break-up so he can gain Alicia's trust. Raven flies off to California to find Spencer. Alicia tells her brother to stop being so careless. THIS WEEK: Cliff is a pawn in Louis' hands. Alicia comes on to Sky. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW - Martin takes $250,000 from the club's receipts to meet Jo's ranson. Lloyd kisses Stephanie and tells her Steve isn't man enough for her. Wendy comes back to town after deciding not to have the abortion. Vargas taunts Jo by telling her perhaps Martin doesn't care enough to raise money for her release. War­ ren plans to confront Martin about the money missing from the books. THIS WEEK: Martin takes a dangerous chance. Wendy is running out of time. DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Gwen escapes the murderer by hiding under the bed. Pete escapes from jail and is hiding underground. Liz's appeal is denied. Eugene is arrested for attempted murder of Gwen when his cuff link is found outside her building. Hope tells Bo she is falling in love with him. Alex buys Andersons and fires Chris. THIS WEEK: Alex has a confron­ tation with Tony. Don tries again on behalf of Liz. ALL MY CHILDREN - Cliff is upset when he receives a letter from Steve about Bobby's custody. Devon talks to a psychologist about Bonnie. Opal goes to a computer dating ser­ vice but is matched up with no one. Liza brings Tad home to meet her parents. Marion tries to make Tad look bad but be wins over Liza's father. Jenny tells Greg her engage­ ment to Tony is for real. THIS WEEK: Opal changes her ways. Steve and Nina have another f i g h t . ONE LIFE TO LIVE - Delila is caught shoplifting and has to be bail­ ed out by Herb. Later, she begs Bo to take her back but he turns her down. Delila tells Bo not to mess with Makana, he is a very dangerous man. Scott steals a book from David's place. Dorian thinks it is time she told Cassie the truth about David be­ ing her father before someone else does. THIS WEEK: Delila won't give up on Bo. Dorian worries about Cassie. GRAHO OPENING SPECIAL1 ^ s 50°o OFF For Ihe First Treatment Iw - .with %% it Expires 10 79 -83 a - a . ; %,'r v. REPAIRS CROWNS

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