Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Oct 1983, p. 10

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PAGE 1* - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 1». 1*3 Social Pub. Library. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE CAVIOCD AAARY BETH SCHMITT AND LEE STEINSDOERFER ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT -- Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Schmitt of Johnsburg announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Beth to Lee A. Steinsdoerfer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Steinsdoerfer of McHenry. The bride elect is a 1980 graduate of Johnsburg High School. Her fiance graduated from McHenry Community High School in 1977 and is presently attending Southern Illinois University, working towards a Bachelor's degree in Vocational Education. The couple is planning a Nov., 1983 wedding. • Foresters set coming events St. C3ara Court No. 669 of the National Catholic Society of Foresters will meet Thursday, Oct. 27 for its Halloween potluck, in the Mary Hall of Montira Middle School at 6 o'clock. Each member is asked to bring a dish to pass and anyone needing a ride is urged to call Barb Hansen at 385-2174. A Memorial Mass for all deceased members of the court will be celebrated Sunday, Nov. 13, at 8 am, in the Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, McHenry. President Barbara Hansen says, "Let us not forget them in death- attend the Memorial Mass". Ms. Hansen also announced that the National Catholic Society of Foresters Fraternal Bowling Tournament is open to all members over the age of 18, who would like to try their skill in bowling. Those interested are requested to call Kathy Vogt at 385-1885 by Oct. 31. Invite Irish to potluck Members of the Shamrock Cli±> of Twin Lakes area will participate in a bountiful potluck" dinner during the club's general membership meeting Tuesday, Oct. 25. Alice Murphy and Bob Shannon are co-chairing this event. The Iri£i Trinity Dancers from Milwaukee, WL are scheduled to entertain members after dinner. The Shamrock CM) of Twin Lakes Area is a non-profit, non-political organization established to promote Irish heritage. Current membership includes Iridh Americans from a six- county area in Illinois and Wisconsin, including McHenry. Membership inquiries are invited. Contact Larry Coffee at 414-877-2329. Slate luncheon-fellowship Women's Aglow of Delavan will meet for its monthly luncheon fellowship Oct. 26, beginning at 10:15 am Inberlaken Resort, Williams Bay, will be the meeting place, with the nursery being at Chapel on the HOI. Reservations are reqtared for both the luncheon and nursery before Oct. 22. Call Bea at 943-6910 to make reservations. Dorothy Buchanan of Dayton OH will be the main speaker. She is a popular speaker to women's groups, as well as having served as a U.S. Field Representative for the in­ ternational Aglow board, local and state president of Aglow in Ohio, regional director on the national board and hostess of TV programs. Women's Aglow Fellowship meetings are open to everyone. Community Calendar OCTOBER 19 Fox Ridge Women's Club-Meeting, 8 p.m.-home 6f Bev Wurgler, 505 Wilbury-All McHenry Ladies Welcome. Whispering Oaks Woman's Club-Community Center, 10 a.m.- Haeger Pottery & Milk Pail. McH. Grandmothers Club-Charter 826-Shepherd of the Hills Luth. Ch.-ll:30 a m.-bring own sandwich-Elec. of Officers. OCTOBER 20 Annual Fall Dessert & Card Party-St. Patrick's Ladies' Guild- Church Hall, 1 p.m.-Ticket Info., call Helen Kolbitz, 385-3516. Nat'l. Catholic Daughters-Court Anniversary-Marie Berendt,. Chairman-7:30 p.m., Liberty Hall. Lakeland Memorial VFW Post 2486-Meeting, 8 p.m.-Wauconda Amer. Leg. Post 911-South Main St., Wauconaa-Information, call Roy Lundsten, 312-526-7935 or Chuck Loomis, 815-344-2362. OCTOBER 21 NAIM-St. Margaret Chapter-Meeting, 7:30 p.m.-White Elephant Auction-Montini School Oak Room-Guests Invited. OCTOBER 22 McH. Area Jaycees-lst Annual Square Dan<e-Amer. Leg. Hall, 8 to 11 p.m.-information, call 344-0195. Bazaar-Christmas Sale-First United Methodist Church-9 a.m. to 5 p.m. - McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot, 1 p.m.- Public Welcome. ' y* OCTOBER 23 Liberty Post Polish Leg. of Amer. Vets & Chapt. 188-Monthly Meeting, 2 p.m.-Post Home, 1304 Park St. McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Meat Shoot, 11 a.m.- Games-Public Welcome. OCTOBER 24 McH. Sr. Citz. Club-Meeting, 7 p.m.-East .Campus. McH. Woman's Club-Board Meeting, 10 a.m'.-McH. I OCTOBER 25 McH. Area Jaycees-Bd. Meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Kristofs Cirkus- Open to Public. -i~ --- --• - McH. Garden Club-Meeting, 1 p.m.-McH. Pub. Library. OCTOBER 26 Friends of Johnsburg Library-Public Meeting, 7 p.m.-At The library. OCTOBER 27 Hopi Neighborhood Girl Scouts-Neighborhood Meeting, 9:30 a.m.- St. Patrick's Church Hall. OCTOBER 29 Fox Ridge Women's Club-Potluck Dinner, 7:30 p.m.-information, Darlene Simon, 385-3164. Annual Christmas Bazaar-Ladies Aux. to Vets of For. Wars Post 4600-Post Home, 3002 W. Rt. 120. McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot, 1 p.m.- Public Welcome. «. OCTOBER 30 St. Agatha Ct. 777-Nat'l. Cath. Soc. Foresters-Pancake Breakfast & Bake Sale-7:30 a.m. to noon-Johnsburg Comm. Club-All Invited. McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Turkey Shoot, 10 a.m.- Public Invited. OCTOBER 31 St. Patrick's Ladies' Guild-Board Meeting, 1 p.m.-McHenry Public Library. NOVEMBER 1 Friends of Johnsburg library-Public Meeting, 7 p.m.-At The Library. Ruth Circle-First United Methodist Church of McHenry-Meeting, Noon-Home of Marion Barrows. NOVEMBER 3 McHenry Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Meeting, 8 p.m. NOVEMBER 5 " McHenry Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot, 1 p.m- Public Welcome. c NOVEMBER 5-6 Christmas Bazaar-St. Patrick's CCD, Sponsor-In Church Hall- Sat. 9-3; Sun. 8-1:30. NOVEMBER 9 Annual Fall Bazaar-1 to 7 p.m.-Chicken Dinner-5 to 7:30 p.m.- Zion Lutheran Church. NOVEMBER 10 McH. Co. Genealogizal Soc.-Meeting 7:30 p.m.-Grace Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall-"Show & Tell"-Bring Genealogical Interest Article. NOVEMBER 12 Beach Gals Christmas Bazaar-Bake Sale-8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.- McCullom Lake Beach House-Refreshments. McHenry Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot, 1 p.m.- Public Welcome. s, NOVEMBER 13 McHenry Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Turkey Shoot, 10 a.m- Public Invited. MR. AKD MRS. THEODORE DINKELMAN St Catholic church. Prin­ ceton, IL was the setting for the Saturday, Sept 24 ceremony rafting in holy matrimony the former Barbara Anne Krasucki, 5213 W. Willow Lane, McHenry and Theodore Join Dinkelman, 1308 N. FYoot Street McHemy. The Reverend Richard R Kolo zaaki was the far the 11 am The bride is the daughter of LuceDe Krasucki, 4001 W. Shore Drive, McHenry, and the late n>w*H Krasucki. Alice and Fred Dtakriman, 405 N. Church Street, Princeton, IL are the pareeta of the bridegroom. A reception for 100 guesta was held at the Holiday Inn in Princeton. After a saeven-day Curthhnwi cruise tn Nassau, San Juan and Puerto Rico, the coijpte took vsMl ce in McHenry. The bride graduated from McHenry Community HiA School in 1974 and is ̂ nployed in the Accounts Payable Department of Hornby Family Center, Woodstock. The groom, a 1977 graduate of Mntion High School, is an Associate Manager at the Hornsby store in McHenry. w . / MR. AND MRS. SHAUN BAKER The former Charise Marie Nielsen of McHenry and Shaun Douglas Baker of Wonder Lake exchanged of marriage July 23, j a 3 p.m. ceremony officiated Pastor Roger W. Schneider at of the Hills Lutheran church, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Nielsen of McHenry. The bridegroom is the son of Ms. Joanne Sandburg of Wonder Lake. Following the nuptials, a reception the for 185 guests was held at Johnsburg Community dub. The newlyweds honeymooned for 10 days in Orlando, FL before taking up residence at 3111 Shady Drive, Wonder Lake. The new Mrs. Baker graduated from Johnsburg high school in 1982 and is employed as a central service aide at McHenry Hospital. Her husband graduated from McHenry Community High School West i in 1981 and works for Carey in McHenry. amnion Vi PRICE SWEATER SALE! 1 Wo have just about every style imaginable! BUY ONE SWEATER AT OUR REGULAR PRICE RECEIVE 2nd SWEATER.™ OFFER GOOD THRU SAT. OCT 22 AT Vi PRICK! ton <cStioj2fi£. 1007 N. FRONT ST. (S. RT. 31) McNENRY 385-7747 M-F 10-5:30. SAT 9-5 REGISTER + LISTEN + WIN INTHE UIIVS UIXRD AAA 850 FAA 105.5 "SUPER STATION" SWEEPSTAKES WIN VALUABLE PRIZES!! *Home Furnishings * Vacation Trips •Jewelry •Appliances •Dinners •Cash •Home Entertainment •Plus Much More \ IT'S EASY TO WIN PRIZES UIIVS AAA 850 . UIXRD FAA 105.5 HOW 10 SUBSCRIBE 10 THE McHENRY PIAINDEALER The McHenry Ploindealer 3812 W Elm Street McHenry II 60050 • 3 YEARS - $40.00 • 2 YEARS - $28.$0 • 1 YEAR$16.50 • 6 MONTHS $1.50 • PAYMENT ENCLOSED Name . . Address City Prices good m ' McHenry County

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