\ I 8 TAKE OFF o. S k. u. il 2 m| WITH $250,000 OF FLIGHT INSURANCE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST PROVIDED TO YOU THROUGH BERGNER'5 TRAVEL HEADQUARTERS WITH EACH PLANE TICKET PURCHASED HmM Fully computerized United Airlines Apollo reservation system m"P • All airlines • Advance check-ins • Careentals Motel reservations FOR FULL DETAILS. CONTACT YOUR NEAREST TRAVEL HEADQUARTERS Spring Hill Mall 426-9100 •"B C/ujkCVj Travel Dept . Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 10:00am-6:00pm; Fr i . 10:00am-8:00pm; Sat . 10:00am-5:00pm. Closed Sunday. r\ Custom Sale! 30% to 35% off selected custom draperies and top treatments including fabric, labor, lining and installation. Whatever your decor, our decorator consultant can help you design custom draperies to make the most of it. From start tofinish, we'll see your draperies a^e perfect in every w~y 25% off custom bed ensembles, incluOmy iaonc an J' ,aucr. 35% off JCPenney Horizon 1" aluminum or wood mini blinds.* 'Installation available at regular price. Carpet Sale! 25% to 40% off Here's just one example of the savings you'll find! Sale10.79 sq. yd. Reg. $18. Dreamy solid color plush ofTrevira® polyester is Scotchgard® treated. Wears and cleans like a dream, too. In a rainbow of colors. #6200 Many other styles on sale, too. Reg. $17 to $33. Sale 11.99 to 23.99 sq. yd. Expert installation and quality padding available at regular price. Sale prices effective thru Saturday, October 29th. ;e/ntage off represents savings on regular prices. Perct Call forafree in-home appointment with a JCPenney Decorator Consultant. No obligation, of course. JCPenney Custom Decorating '983 J C Penne, Company Inc Illinois ° Brickyard 622-2779 Ford" City 581-5621 Fo* Valley Center 851-6910 Golf Mill 299-1042 Joliet Mali 815/439-1442 Lakehurst 473-181 1 Lincoln Mall 481-2030 No Riverside 447-8010 Northwoods Mall Peoria 685-6111 Orland Square 460-1552 Spring Hill Mall 428-6970 Woodfield 882-5558 Yorktown 620-4562 Northwatt Indiana: MarquetleMall 879-7361 SouthlakeMall. 738-2357 Speaking of Soaps By Mary Ann Cooper Two people lady luck has frowned upon recently are Christopher Rich (SaQjdy) and his wife, Nancy Frangione (Cecile). Well, at least as far as their car is concerned. Recently, Chris and Nan cy were rushing to an important ap pointment, when Nancy, who was driving, hit a large bump in the road at full speed, bringing the car and its passengers to a startling halt in the middle of the West Side Highway during rush hour. Normally Chris takes crisis calm ly; however, the car was his gold convertible Alfa-Romeo, a posses sion he had taken great pride in when purchased during his swinging single days. Recalls Nancy, "I thought Chris would kill me. "We got out of the car and tried to push it off to the side of the road, but it just wouldn't budge. I suddenly felt like 1 was negotiating my con tract again." After Chris walked to a phone,*eventually push did come to shove in the form of a towtruck from Chris' car dealership, and the mechanic was instructed to get it running. But that very afternoon per Nan cy's firm request, Chris went sear ching for a conservative family car for the couple. Nancy claims the Alfa died, but Chris claims she killed it. Says Chris, "Well, now that I have to give up the last relic of my bachelorhood, 1 guess I really know I'm married. Maybe Nancy will let me have a gold four door, at least." * Recap: 10/17-10/21 Preview: 10/24-10/28 GENERAL HOSPITAL - Rick finds Lesley lost all her money gambling. Finding out she is binging, not addicted to gambling, Rick and Gail try to figure out what pressure she is under that is causing herja react this way. Lesley is upset by the sight of a candystriper that looks like Laura. Scorpio returns the microfilm to Ida and Celia is released. Jackie leaves for Lebanon. THIS WEEK: Rose feels guilty about Jake. Luke and Holly are in danger. ANOTHER WORLD - Royal assures Jennifer David is not having an affair. Blaine asks Larry to help her find their half-brother, Catlin. Cecile is upset when she visits Louis in jail. Jamie and Stacey pro fess their love for one another. Den- by warns Janet he will have Mark killed if she doesn't get him to stop investigating Zak's killing. THIS WEEK: Felicia warns Julia about the pitfalls of success. Jen nifer returns to Bay City. YOUR NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION DOESN'T COST YOU-- IT PAYS! ALL MY CHILDREN - Tony asks Jenny if they can be married on Thanksgiving, but she still has her doubts and says maybe they can plan a Christmas wedding. Palmer and Erica go to the FBI with the theory that Lars is a Nazi. Meanwhile, Lars has taken Nancy away to his country place to elope with him. Brooke and Tom talk about having a baby, but he is too tired to do anything about it. THIS WEEK: Greg can't forget Jenny. Daisy is worried. ONE LIFE TO LIVE - David is being spied on by Scott. Dorian hears from a man named Gillian from a government agency. He asks about David. Dorian wants to tell Herb about David's past but is inter rupted. Nikkos throws Cassie over. Delila and Makana go dancing. THIS WEEK: Dorian is worried. Gary tries to cheer Cassie up. ANOTHER LIFE - Lucille discovers Dave was given the wrong prescription the day of the murder. Qene and Carla named their baby Alicia. Lee makes advances at Vicki. Gil asks Stacey for another chance. Vicki tries to explain to Terry how she feels about Peter. THIS WEEK: Babs and Mariam try to trick Nancy. Stacey is very sad. T H E Y O U N G A N D T H E . RESTLESS -- Nikki is grateful to have her baby back, but is not ready for marriage with Rick. Liz goes back to work for Kay so she can find out if Kay's friend, Dina, is out to break up Jill's marriage. Lauren pressures Danny into becoming offically engaged. Jack asks for another chance with Diane, but she tells him she is married to Andy. THIS WEEK: Danny feels com pelled to see Patty. Nikki plans to move in with Rick. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW - Stephanie and Steve decide to call off their wedding. Brian asks Kristin where the photo of Vargas was taken and why she kept It from him. At the warehouse, Brian spots Jo and moves to free her, but is ap proached from behind by Vargas. Martin steals $250,000 from the club's receipts for ransom money. THIS WEEK: Brian acts rashly. Warren is running scared. RYAN'S HOPE -- Jack breaks his engagement to Leigh when he learns she lied about him. Siobhan learns Joe married after being threatened by a syndicate boss.He did it to save his own life and Siobhan's. Bess goes to work as the Coleridge IU 2* </> R103AFM proudly presents the AOO SKI SHOW CELEBRATING THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY" OCTOBER 20-23, 1983 ARLINGTON PARK THURS./FRI. 0-11 P.M. - SAT. 1-11 P.M. - SUNDAY. 1-7 P M • BILLY KIDD * SUZY CHAFFEE * AND SPECIAL APPEARANCES ON SATURDAY. OCTOBER 22 BY PHIL MAHRE BROUGHT TO YOU BY ALL ON THE SPORTMART CELEBRITY STAGE MUCH MORE TO SEE AND DO... FASHION FANTASY from MORRIE MAGES SPORTS • NEUTROGENA prasants SKIING IN STYLE with STEIN ERIKSEN • Viaw ski fllma In tha DODGE WINTER FESTIVAL CINEMA • DOUG KILLHAM hosts tha SMITH GOGGLES EQUIP MENT STAGE • MOQULSLOPE skiing from tha SNOWCREST SKI CENTER • THREE DECK SHOWS NEWPORT "ALIVE WITH PLEASURE" SKIING THEATRE • SKI SENSATIONS with PATRICIA KARNICK from DIVE 4 SKI PLUS GIANT SKI SWAP • SKI AREAS • SKI SHOPS • IT'S ALL AT THE CHICAGO SKI SHOWIII CALL 622 4907 FOB FURTHER INFORMATION AND LISTEN TO WFYK IM V, FM ' \ 'Maxima' by Charm Step Shoes® WE HAVE YOUR COLOR H Red Bone Burgundy a i Navy Tan Black WE HAVE YOUR SIZE i98'3 J C Penney Company Inc 33 The most comfortable shoe you've ever worn: Take the 10 day walk test. If you are not satisfied that our shoes are the best fitting and most comfortable shoes you've ever worn,... bring them back and we'll refund your money! Charm Step® Maxima is available at the JCPenney stores listed below, or by mail with this order form ... JCPenney Woodfield, Schaumburg, Illinois 60195 Name I Please Prmt|_ Address City Z.p Phnne ( ). -Tr .State. Cash(Moneyorder or check) •JCPenneyCharge iJVisa JMasterCard Charge Card » Exp Date Signature_ Charm Step' Maxima Quantity Size Color Price j 1 st choice ' ' • I 2nd choice I Merchandise totaL. Illinois residents add 6"u ta» (Indiana and Wisconsin add 4®o ta«l_ Add $2 per pan fpr postage and handling^. Total amounl_ - S o r r y n o C O D Brickyard. Ford City Fox Valley Center. Goll Mill Joliet Mall Lakehurst Lincoln Mall Marquette Mall. North Riverside'Park Orland Square, Southlake Mall. Spring Hill Mall Woodfield Yorktown JCPenney housekeeper. Little Ryan cries when she learns Leigh is not going to be her step-mother. THIS WEEK: Leigh stops being a victim. Maggie checks up on Bess. LOVING -- Mike is irrational and Noreen regrets going to bed with him. Lily is losing her battle to keep her darker side hidden. Roger rejects Merrill to fulfill a political obligation. Garth is furious with his wife. CAPITOL -- Maggie keeps her past knowledge of Zed a secret. Amy's condition worsens. Clarissa is marked for death. Wally worries Danny is still out to get him. EDGE OF NIGHT - Louis tells Robbie he intends to program Jody to kill Preacher. Now that Cliff has been missing 36 hours, Chris fears he is dead. Gavin says he is leaving Mon- tlcello to try his hand at directing in Hollywood. Robbie finds out Preacher is working with the police. THIS WEEK: Mitzi begins to lose hope. Louis steps up his operation. AS THE WORLD TURNS - Betsy gives birth to a baby girl. Steve con tinues to fight to prove his in nocence. Miranda walks out on Bob and Frannie blames herself. Betsy begins to hemorrage am her life is in danger. James and Ariel fly to Hispanlque to stop Karen's divorce. Jeff can't handle withdrawal and must go back to pills. THIS WEEK: Betsy reaches out for Steve. John and James square off against each other. ag GUIDING LIGHT - Hope attends her first AA meeting determined to beat her drinking problem. Eli engineers Annabelle's problems as be covers up the fact he is the murderer. Beth is terrorized in her own home by a crazed Bradley. Claire and Kel ly work together to find a way to show Warren what he really is. THIS WEEK: Eli diverts attention from himself. Claire and Kelly socialize a bit. DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Eugene freaks out and leaves town. Bo plans undercover work to find out the truth about the prison condition. Alex is a prime suspect In the murders. Maggie and MellUa reach an understanding. THIS WEEK: Roman has to turn on Eugene. Hope is in danger. Microwave cooking tips -- SLOPPY JOES Rushed schedule? With a microwave oven you will always be able to fit in a quick meal. Sloppy Joes take only 8 minutes: crum ble 1 pound ground beef in a casserole. Add chopped vegetables and seasonings; cook, uncovered, at HIGH for 5 minutes, stirring 3 times. Drain off fat; add one 10% oz. can condensed tomato soup and dash Worcestershire sauce. Cook covered, at HIGH for 3 minutes or till hot. Serve on hamburger buns. OMELETS Turn ordinary scrambled eggs into fancy omelets, great for quick suppers or elegant brunches. Begin with fluffy scrambled eggs, with a 2 egg scramble per person. Add 2 tablespoons butter or margarine and 2 tablespoons milk to beaten eggs. Then add the filling of your choice and cook, covered, at MEDIUM HIGH for 2 to 2lk minutes, stirring often. Turn onto plate and add topping and garnish. Fillings: shrimp, ham, crumbled pork sausage, cottage cheese, green peppers, artichoke hearts, bananas. Toppings: warmed tomato sauce, hollandaise sauce, shredded cheese, sour cream, whipped cream cheese, syrup, honey. Garnishes: snipped chives, parsley, crumbled cooked bacon, toasted almonds, shaved chocolate. SPEEDY HOT COCOA Hot cocoa is delicious anytime and it is easy to make right in heat-proof mugs -- no pans to wash. For each serving, pour 6- to 8- ounces milk or water, follow package directions, into a mug. Heat uncovered at HIGH for 2 minutes. Add 2 to 3 teaspoons presweeten- ed instant cocoa powder and stir. Top with a marshmallow or whip ped cream. CUPCAKE CONVENIENCE DESSERT For a quick snack or last minute dessert, make cupcakes for your convenience. Just place a paper bake cup inside a glass custard cup; fill with 2 tablespoons batter, or half full. Place the cup into the center of the oven (2-6 cups one inch apart or in a microwave muffin ring). Cook at HIGH: 1 cupcake for 30-35 seconds; 2 for 45-50 seconds; 4 for Wi-lhi minutes; 6 for 21/4-2,£ minutes. Cupcakes are done when a wooden pick inserted into the center comes out clean. Sprinkle with sifted powdered sugar or frost when cooled. \ Homemade pr cake mixpatter may be stored in a covered con tainer in the refrigerator fof up to one week. QUICK HOT DOGS Hot dogs can be more than just a snack. Cook them according to directions below, and add heated canned chili, German potato, salad, sauerkraut, or jalapeno bean drip; then pass bowls of shred ded cheese, chopped onions or crushed corn chips. To cook: butter bun; add hot dog and wrap loosely in paper towel or napkin. Heat at HIGH -- one hot dog and bun for 30 seconds; two for 50 seconds; three for 1 minute, 20 seconds; four for 1 minute 30 seconds; five for 1 minute, 50 seconds; and six for 2 minutes. SPONTANEOUS SOUP Create a spontaneous soup with celery, onion, parsley, carrots and that dab of leftover meat or pasta. Add 1-2 cups water, seasonings, and simmer at MEDIUM until flavors«are blended and vegetables are tender. Or use chicken» giblets and bones, and add leftover rice or vegetables, diced chicken. No time to make your own stock? Start with canned cream or clear soup, or a mix. Add fresh mushrooms, green onions, slivered ham, dry wine -- be creative. Warm crusty bread and your spon taneous soup make a hearty supper. FREE PAIt SUNGLASSES WITH LENS PURCHASE BAUSCH & LOMB SOFT LENSES ^ 5® g . With tM» ad only ONLY Offer Expires November 30.1983 HMD LENSES 2 nirs '70 SEMI-SUET LENSES M20 UTEWEB WEAR LENSES *159 ASTIGMATISM SOFT LENSES MfiS BIFOCAL SOFT LENSES >109 BOSTON II leases *135 Lens prices good on initial purchase only. 100% REFUND TRIAL OFFER! Professional fee not included $50 professional fee includes • Complete eye examination • Free chemical care kit • Private practice of a registered optometrist . Complete hand|mg instruct(0ns- • Office visits for 1 year Out Practice Specializes in The Hard lo Fit Patient and Previous Contact lens Failure' "COMPARE OUR GUARANTEED FIT REFUND POLICY TO ANY OTHER!" Why Take A Chance Anywhere Else? II within 30 days you are not completely satisfied return your lenses for FULL 100% Refund Even the professional fee will be refunded' We Keep nothing" "CHICK AMP COMPARE" * We are private offices of Optometry0 not Juft soma optical vltlon place or eyeglaee store! Doesn't your vlalon dasarva a private doctor's practice with professional care? Contact Lens Consultants 743 Nerge Road (Nerjf 4 Plum G'owRdsi Schaumburg, HI. (312)351-0084 Crystal Lake Health Care Center |A Crystal UKE Pla/a Crystal Lake, III. (815)455-5774 Guaranty Savings Building 184b t Rand Road (lust 1 mile ftntot Rindhu'sH Arlington Heights, i. (312)5777300 FREE PAIR SUNGLASSES WITH LENS PURCHASE