Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Oct 1983, p. 35

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V • t , I • Announcements lagal Notices Cemeteries* Lots Card of Thanks Notices Car Pools Lost 4 Found Personals Instruction Auction} Help Wanted ChildiCare Nursery Schools Situations Wanted Employment Agencies Household Help Wanted H«lp Wanted Merchandise Wanted to Buy Miscellaneous Merchandise Garage Sales Merchandise Under $50 Antiques Bicycles & Sports Equipment Lawn & Garden Equipment Boats Musical Instruments Cameras Aviation Pats & Equipment Horses & Equipment Farm & Dairy Livestock Machinery & Equipment Business Opportunity DIRECTORY Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy Business Property . Open House Real Estate Condominiums tor Sale Townhomes tor Sale Lots & Acreage Mobile Homes Farms tor Sale 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 CLASSIFIED RATES • DEADLINES & INFORMATION 3 LINES 5 DAYS S9.57 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent Rooms, Board, House Apartments to Share Apartments to Rent Homes to Rent Condominiums & Townhomes to Rent Stores, Office & Industrial to Rent' Farms Farmland to Rent *> Miscellaneous to Rent Automotive , Autos tor Sale r. Wanted to Buy Auto Parts & Accessories Trucks, Tractors* Trailers Vans Motorcycles & Snowmobiles Recreation Vehicles / Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of an error or omission, the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of the ad which is in error. In case of an error, notify your local Classified Department at once Deadline is MONDAY 4:00 P.M. Payment in advance must Le made for these ads • Moving • Babysitting • Political • ^Wanted to Rent • Persons ( utside the Shaw Free Press area • Situations Wanted • .Legal Notices • Apartments lo Sublease • Rooms to Share • Garage Sale • ( J 86 87 88 89 90 91 9} Qk w '»e P'ess N*A$paper Group S - 3 A Crystal Lake Morning Herald • Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald • Woodstock Daily Sentinel • Elgin Herald • Richmond Gazette • Marengo Beacon/Republican News • Huntley Beacon/Republican News • Sycamore News • Cary-Grove Clarion • Barrington Banner • McHenry Plaindealer • Genoa Kingston Kirkland News • Hampshire Regis^ • Harvard Herald** Shopper Service • McHenry Citizen • Saturday Extra Our helpful, courteous sales staff is at your service during the following hours: MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:00a.m. 5:00p.m. Cemeteries I &Lots GRAVE LOT River Valley Mamorlal Gardens 1300 312/763-4417 after 5 P.M. HEARTLEVEL Granite side by side 2 Ma so leu m crypts, best location, nesteled in the evergreen forest, garden court yard all pnveleges WIN- DRIDGE Original Value 17780-- sell for *6500 312/421 Meetings Notices PREGNANT NEEDHELP CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office Open 9-11 a m & 7-9p.m. Mon Frl 24 HOUR Answering Service 115/305 2999 MILMANOW PINE APPLE FARM Jonathan, Spartan, Red & Golden Delicious, Rome. Wtnesap, Mutsu, & I dared Homemade donuts. fresh sweet cider. Comb & liquid honey. U pick apples (Jonathan & Red Delicious). Have fun & save money. Open Sept. thru Dec. Hours: Closed Mon. Open Tuts., Wed & Thurs. I1S30 Frl.. Sat. I Sun.. 10 5. Kesl Inger Rd. 2 miles east of County Line Rd.. Maple Park 115/127 3317. Meetings CRYSTAL LAKE SCHOOL DIST. 47 3rd Mondays. 7 30 p.m North Jr. High Learning Center i 170 N Oak St. AMVETSPEARL HARBOR MEMORIAL POST 1245 | 2nd Thursdays, I p.m | Reg. Meeting. Cardella's. Cary Last Thursdays. 8 pm. Drawing N Ight, Pub in Cary 312/639 1931 j BETA SIGMA PHI XI IOTA OMIC RON CHAPTER 2nd & 4th Mondays; 8 00 115/455 2061 Cafe Williams | ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS jUMft Daily 115/455 3311 lot lntu> maliufi McHENRYCOUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 2nd Thursdays, 7 30 p.m. .Grace Lutheran Church Washington 4 Tryon St. Woodstock ' 115/3(5-0036 June NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FUTURE WOMEN Dinner seminar l 3rd Thursdays, 5 45 p.m Cattlemen's Restaurant Algonquin Barbara 455 5406 ALGONQUIN AMERICAN LEGION POST*70 1st Mondays 7:30 Main St. (Rf.31) & Legion Dr. Algonquin (by railroad tracks) 312/658 8*68 312/650 5071 PARENTS ANONYMOUS Thursdays. 7:30 p.m. 5006 Rt. 14, Crystal Lake Next to Showpiece Theatre 815338 8080 BATTERED WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Mondays. 7:30 p.m. For this weeks location call 815/338 8080 LAKE IN THE HILLS VILLAGE BOARD 2nd & 4th Thursdays. 8p.m. Activities Center 11)1 Crystal Lake Rd. 312/658-4213 PROFESSIONAL SECRETARIES INTERNATIONAL Fox Valley Chapter 3rd Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Offices of Zukowski, Poper. Rogers A Flood 50 Virginia St 815/459 2050 NUNDA TOWNSHIP BOARD OFTRUSTEESMEETING 2nd Thursdays. 7:30 p.m. 3510 Bay Road. Crystal Lake 815/439-4011 ALGONQUIN TOWNSHIP BOARDOF TRUSTEES 2nd Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. 3702 Northwest Hwy (2 mi. WofCaryonRte. 14) 312/639 2329 CHILDBIRTH AND PARENTING ASSOC. Monthly Meetings 312/639-6175 Lin WOODSTOCK ELKS LOOGE 11043 2nd&4thTues., 8 00 p.m. 138 Cass St., Woodstock 815/338-0090 BARRINGTON BOOK REVIEW 4th Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m. T.C. Spirits Crystal Lake McHENRYCOUNTY DEFENDERS Crystal Lake Recycling 3rd Saturdays, 9 am 1 pm Crystal Point Mail Next to Golden Bear 815/459-0450 ' T O P S Take Off Pounds Sensibly ChaptarflL. 1739 McHenry Mondays, 7:30 • Shepherd of Hills Church JoAnn 815/459-0743 FOX VALLEY ARCHERS Fox Valley Archery Club 3rd Wednesdays. 8 00 p.m. Hickory Nut Grove Rd., Cary 312/658 2231 312/639 4355 CRYSTAL LAKE LIBRARY BOARD 2nd Wednesdays. 8:00 p.m. 126 W. Paddock Crystal Lake Meetings McHENRYCOUNTY BOARD 3rd Tuesdays; 9:00 a m McHenry County Court House 2200 N Seminary. Woodstock McHENRYCOUNTY • COLLEGE BOARD 4th Thursdays; 7:30 p.m. McHenry County Col lege 8900 Rt. 14 Crystal Lake McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD of APPEALS 4th Tuesdays; 8:30 a m. McHenry County Court House 2200 N. Seminary, Woodstock CRYSTAL LAKE CITY COUNCIL '1st A 3rd Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. City Hall 121 N. Main St. Crystal Lake CRYSTAL SPEAKERS A Toastmaster's Club 1st A 3rd Tuesdays, 8 p.m. Crystal Lake Ambutai 4900S.Rte.31, Crystal Lake 312/658 3696 Tom Meetings i 7 Meetings CRYSTAL LAKE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 1st A 3rd Wednesdays 7:30 p.m City Hall 121 N. Main St. Crystal Lake CRYSTAL LAKE PLAN COMMISSION 2nd A 4th Wednesdays 7:30p.m. City Hall 121 N Main St Crystal Lake CRYSTAL LAKE PARK* DISTRICT BOARD - 3rd Thursday, 8 p.m. Park District Office Main Beach, 300 Lakeshore Or Crystal Lake McHENRY COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL ' Once a month " Thursday afternoon 133 IllinoiSSt Crystal Lake DOUBLE DELIMMA Mother of Twins C lub 2nd tuesdays, 7 30 p.m 815/459 6639 Janet McHENRV'COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH 708 BOARD 3rd Thursday; 7:30p.m. 101 N.Virginia St. CrystafLake McHENRYCOUNTY COIN CLUB 4th Mondays; 7 00 p.m. American Legion Oak A Woodstock St. Crystal Lake 815/455-6190 SUNBURST CORVETTE CLUB 1st Thursdays; 7:30 p.m. Cattleman's Restaurant Algonquin Ron 815/385-1428 18 Auctions Meetings FOX VALLEY CHAPTER *53. i MENDED HEARTS INC. 3rd Thursday; 7:30 p.m. Assembly Hall Sherman Hospital 934 Center Street, Elgin Don. 815/459 2823 SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION AND ENCOURAGEMENT OF BARBERSHOPQUARTET SINGING IN AMERICA Mondays 8:00 p.m. St. Stephen s Lutheran Church Rt. 25. Carpentersvllle Opposite Meadowdale Shopp­ ing Center 312/526-8306 Walt 18 Auctions 18 Auctions 18 Auctions Notices 1 5 Notices BID NOTICE The Village of Cary invites your bid for cost and materials to demolish or secure a building at 245 Briargate Road in Cary, Illinois. Separate lists of the requirements including alternatives for (1) demolish, or (2) securing the building, can be picked up at Cary Village Hall, 255 Stonegate Road, Cary, II. Bids should be received at Cary Villag? Hail no later than 2:00 PM, Friday, October 21. The bids will be reviewed at a Building Committee meeting, chaired by Trustee George Kraus, at 7:30 PM, Oc­ tober 24,1983, at Cary Village Hall. If any further information is required, please con­ tact the Building Inspector, Lloyd Wagner, or Village Administrator, Tom Scanlan, at Village Hall, 312/639-0003. FURNITURE A ANTIQUE AUCTION Moving out of state and will sell all our antiques and collectibles 720 £. Main, Genoa. IL near corner of 72 & 23 Sunday, October 23 10:30 a m Ney Grange Lunch EXCELLENT ANTIQUES - DON'T MISS THIS AUCTION! Dry sink marble top dress*' (1645). slant top desk UttQi commode chest of drawers 4 dresser, library taMe. 2 wtetfen cabinets. tedf chest spiaet desk, round oak labia, cushion staffer mo uo*otste'mg material 2 mantel decks, man* pictures and frames, some pewter i silver items creeks. |u|s, many marbles trunks odd tables: lamps ice bo« 2 water pitchers, chairs, baskets. Old West Magazines 1st edition t collection edition, old newspapers: many 78 records, many books dishes Coca Cola buckle and mirrors. Lion head chair cla* feet 2 wagon wheels set of Baranan Germany china dishes 66 pes 5 Jim Bearr bottles some crystal: many tin items ink well, mirror flat irons casters old raoio I record player: small store, snare drum I bass'flrum upiignt baritone scng books sheet music tttscellaseous Items: 30 in apt sue gas stove bedroom set 10 ft counter 6 stools, eno tables reed chair restaurant dishes large cottee maker old Nary uniform two lawnmowers bicycle typewriter, chaftk writer, adding machine. Indian Moped like new, tires wheels hubcaos. 35 1 45 rmp records, fruit iars and many other items OWNER: KENNETH « LIUIAN KINGSBURY AUCTIONEERS: Clarence Floit Sycamore. 815495 6288 . Ra Nelson. Kingston 815 784 5366 1ERMS Cash or checks with proper identification No property removed until settled for Not responsible for accidents AUCTION Sunday, October 23rd, 11 am Three 1980 Chevy Malibus. 74 Chevy Suburban, '73 GMC Van. 2 2whaH trailers. Set 6 oak chairs. 4 pc. cherry bedroom set, Duncan Phyte and Gateleg tables, wicher 1924 Spartan, or­ nately carved radio & cabinet, antique heavily carved couches, chairs, tables, ball & claw piano stools, oak library table, 25 gallon crock, contemporary & early amerkan couches, cello, 25 ft chest freezer, I lot from hardware, beauty shop equipment, chain saw, 1 tan chain hoist, K) in table saws, 7 speed band saws, BAD radial arm saw, plus our usual ami of clean & collectible box lots. Duke Rath Auction Center 3 miles West of Elgin, on Rte. 20 Terms: cash, Master or Visa 312/685-03B8 REAL ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, OCTOBE R 29th --11 A.M. 51 Fountain Square Plaza Elgin, Illinois Excellent opportunity to purchase a downtown two story commercial building ' with approximately 21,500 square feet. Illustrated brochure on request with full particulars. VIEWING: Saturday, OCTOBE R 22nd --10 A.M. to 12 Noon or by appointment with Realtors. HOOVER-BURNIDGE, REALTORS 312/69S49Q0 DUNNING* AUCTION SERVICE 312/741-3483 * 1 auction 1 Sunday, October 23rd, Noon To be held at the Tower Hill Farm 4 miles W. ot Dundee, Gilberts, Illinois. Antiques, glassware, Elgin player piano, roll-top desk, living room furniture, dining room furniture, bedroom furniture, refrigerator, freezer, stove, Wurlitzer & Baldwin organs, police scanner. 23-channel CB, new & used small kitchen appl. Linens, 3-M copier, Small Coin & Jewelry Collection, garden tools, hand tools such as table saw, bench grinder, radial arm saw, motors 1 etc. Hovercraft 3-bladed prop 2- cycle airplane. Rider mower, 4 snowmobiles. This is only a partial listing of the many, many items In this auction. For information call: Ballards Auction Service _ Elgin, IL. 312/888-2539 AUCTION Located from Marengo, II 2 miles north on RL 23 to River Rd., then west 4 miles on River Rd. to Miller Rd., then north % mile, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 at 12:00 NOON 31 HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS: including 2 ref. Red I White I 1 re ( . Hohtein There ire some outstanding young dairy type corns in the herd with lots ot potential. A bull runs with the herd daily Bangs tested and p»eg examined. FEED SO0 Ual« miied hay and 25 bales ot straw. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Mueller 300 gal bulk coder w/3 mol old compressor 3 DeLaval units a/new pufsatars. OcLavai Model 76 vacuum pump 2 yrs. old; 14' StarHne silo unloader. good cond., Pati barn cleaner taken out OHaval milk transfer system, etc.; 82 gal. eiec water heater, I' i yrs. old: LB KWiite propane heater new SS rinse tanks: 2 teed carts: 2 Gaulds water system pumps w tanks; 2 feed bunks 3 6 18' stock tanks; milk cart 3 dec. tank heaters; milk scale, barn logger 2 Weed Chopper fencers; 5 calf buckets, misc. cleaning eqirp FARM EQUIPMENT I STOCK TRAILER: Farmaii 706 tractor w wide front & 3 pt (German diesal); Farmaii 560 gas tract* m fast hitch. NF Faimalt 450 dieset tractor; Farmaii MO diesel tractor w 2MH picker, Ford 8N tractor w loader, eitra buckets i fork I weights. Hale 16' Bumper hitch stock bailer, IN No. 16 Forage chop- pei w hay I corn heads, Shaver hyd. past driver; Case 220 baler, ties good Kewjnee 14' wheel disc, ID M>4 rear cult; Fairbanks Mone 3000 lb scale wti3'i' platform, 10 3 pt No. 307 6' rotary mower, ID No 55 blower w pipes, IH 414 No. 540 3 pt plow; Kewinee 40' eie»; Nl PT0 sprtadw; ID bail mowei w/cond. hitch; green chop wagon; 3 hay rack wagons; ID No. 214 forage wagon; gravity boi wagon. ID roilabai rake; Nl Hay cond.; SchuKz chopper; 24' bate con veyor, 1000 bu steel corn crib; 20i4 auger, 3 pt bale mover, 6' rear blade; 150 pi bail sprayer; flare boi wagon; 14' bay rack; 2 RT whet!b«'iows, 2 300 gal fuel tanks; 2 window K units, 1906 player piano, needs work; 7 hl2il6 new planks; cement cart, used tires; 50 steel fence posts, dec wire and many other items. GORDON DUNNETT, OWNER AUCTIONEER: Gordon Stade, McHenry, IL 815-385-7032' CLERK & CASHIER: Gordon Stade Auction Service RESPECTED AUaiONS SINCE 1952 CALL YOUR L0CAL0FFICE TODAY: Crystal Lake 815/455-4800 McHenry 815/344-4800 Woodstock 815/338-2650 Richmond 815/678-2581 ... Marengo 815/568-7867 Hampshire 312/683-2627 Genoa" 815/784-5138 - Sycamore 815/895-9179 ; Huntley 815/568-7867 ' Carpentersville 312/426 1616 Elgin 312/426-1616 Cary 815/455-4800 Barrington 815/455-4800 r- I I I I l l I I l i l - I i - l I - l i - i L From Telephone No MAIL TO: Shaw Free Press Newspapers Classi f ied P.O. Box 250 Crysta l Lake, IL 60014 Class: „ 3 Great Packages 15 Days, 13 Papers Amount Enclosed: • 3 Lines for just $9.57 • 4 Lines for just $12.76 • 5 Lines for just $15.95 Fill Out The Ad Form Send Check or Money Order Private Party Ads Only * Does not apply to Garage Sale Ads 4 Average Words Per Line 18 ESTATE AUCTION TOTAL CONTENTS-on the premises at 766 W.CHICAGO ST. ELGIN, IL. Sat., October 22nd-12 NOON Beaded Purse (1920), Watch makers tools and large magnifier, clocks; Ansonia sessions, etc. Tin electric train (original box) hand tied quilt, pocket knife col­ lection, costume jewlery 1920's etc., sterling and silver plate items. Glassware; Depression, Carnival, Occupied Japan, cut, crystal, amber, colbolt, berry set, console, complete sets of dinner ware and much misc. Furniture: Oak, Victor Victrola, dining table, bookcase, small tables, sewing cabinet. Walnut: East Lake settee and rocker, tables, 1930 bedroom *et. Mahogoany: Desk, drum table, Duncan Phyfe dining table, 6 carved chairs, china cabinets, sewing case. Wicker: chairs, table, child's rocker, baskets. Plus cedar chests, smoking stands (wood & iron), iron bench and misc. furniture. Household: Matching sofa & chair, tables, chairs, Lazyboy, kitchen sets, lamps, gliders, 9 pc. hand carved teak wood parlor set (very unique), 2 more bedroom sets, linens, tv's, paintings, prints, frames, mirrors and much miscellaneous kitchen items. Misc: Copper; teapot, mold; boiler, railroad lanterns, refrigerator, stove, dryer, wringer washers, tubs, crocks, lawn mowers, garden tools, aluminum ladder, and misc. tools. Auctioneers note: Most of the furniture and goods in this estate sale are in fine condition. Terms: Cash or Cashiers check, unless known to us FRANZEN AUCTION 36 Gingerwood Lane Elgin, IL 312/741-8976 ESTATE AUCTION Sunday, OCTOBE R 23rd --11:00 A.M. 633 West Grant Highway Marengo, IL. ANTIQUE FURNITURE Fancy oak Fainting Couch with original leather upholstery in nice condition; unusual Oak Hall Seaf and Oak Bevel Glass Wall Hat Rack; 4 pc. Birds Eye maple bedroom set with bow front dresser and oval mirror, commode with towel bar, chest and double bed all in nice condition; Oak commode with towel bar; 2 small oak dressers with long oval mirrors; Oak Dining table with 4 leaves; 3 pressed back oak chairs; small oak sidebaord with bevel glass mir­ rored top; oak arm rocker; ornate Victorian Walnut lamp table, Victorian Turtle Back Lamp Table; Vic­ torian side chairs; Cherry Dresser and Mirror wifh candle brackets; 1920's Style 6 pc. Bedroom set with twin beds, very ornate and elaborate design, in very nice condition; made in Rockford; Sewing Rockers, Singer Treadle Sewing Machine, Pat. 1883, Bentwood Baby Bed; Walnut oval Drop Leaf Table with leaves; Victor Talking Machine in oak console cabinet; 78 records; 4 Ladder back chairs; Masonic Wall Knick- Knack shelf; Mahogany Bow Front Dresser & Chest; Hand made pine hired man's rope bed, Trundle bed, East Lake Library Table; Several Trunks; Stage Coach Trunk; Chllds Oak Rocker; 2 Hall Trees; 2 Cedar Chests with brass trim; Walnuf and other nice picture frames; Wrought Iron Glass Fount Floor Lamp; Needlepoint Footstool and other nice Antique Furniture. ANTIQUE DISHWARE Pitcher & Bowl Set, England; 6 bottle Castor Set in silver plated holder; 3 pc. cream & sugar set, marked Heisey; Lemoges Hair receiver and powder dish; Vaseline glass button & Daisy compote; etched water Pitcher with 16 matching glasses; R.S. Prussia Demi Cup & Saucer; Fiesta Dishes and serving pieces; John Bull Toby Mug; Several pieces of old pattern glass; Roseville bowl, set of 12 salters, Depression glass, painted plates & bowls; Blue Luncheon Set; Stubenville China service for 8; and other Old China and glassware. OTHER INTERESTING ANTIQUES Victorian Blue Bulls Eye Shade Hanging Lamp, has been repaired; other old lamps; Curling Irons; Bead ed Purse; Ansonia Mantle Clock, dated 1882, Glass Butter Churn; Crocks; Foot Warmer; Grain Cradle; Brass Candle Holder; Slate Boards; Linens; Tablecloths; Handwork, Handmade Blouse & Skirt, 1090's; Black lace parasol; Fur Muffs; Fur Coat; Bi­ ble carried in the Civil War; Ribbons; Marengo Republican from 1884; Oliver No. 3 Typewriter, Old books, Uncle Sams Navy, 1898; Life and Times of Washington in 2 Volumes, 1857, The Story of Kit Car son, 1874; Thomsons Practical Arithmetic, 1853; Un­ cle Toms Cabin, 1883; McHenry Co. Directory, 1877, Carved Figures in bottle about 100 years old; Lionel Super C-501W Diesel Train Set in original boxes, in very nice condition. HOUSEHOLD Pianola Player Piano & Bench, 130 Piano Rolls; Hammond Cord Organ & Bench; Duncan Phyfe Drop Leaf Dining Table; walnut desk & chair; modern style sofa; Duncan Phyfe coffee table and lamp table; Dun<pn Phyfe tier table; small pillar book case; floor lamp;-room size rugs; knick-knacks; small electric appliances; wood shaft golf clubs and other nice household and furniture. IDA ROWLAND ESTATE TERMS:CASH . FAYS LUNCH SCHULTZ AUCTION SERVICE AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS AUCTIONSOF ALL KINDS OVER » YEARSOF COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE ELGIN--312/741-8412 Auctions 18 Auctions Meeting? MCHENRYCOUNTY COMMODORE CLUB Users group for Vlc-20 & Com­ modore 64 Computers Crystal Lake Ambutai 2nd Saturday, 9:00 a.m.-lJ John >15/455 3942 VIET NOW Vtet Nam era Veterans Last Monday each month 7:30pm ' St. John's Lutheran Church Rt 47 & St. Johns. Woodstock 815/455 2810 Jack CRYSTAL LAKE TOASTMASTERS 1st & 3rd Saturday I 15 a.m. to 10 a.m., Crystal Lake Ambutai 815/459-8997 Carol CRYSTAL LAKE COMPOSITE SQUADRON CIVIL AIR PATROL North Jr. High School 170 N. Oak St. 1st & 3rd Tuesday; 7:00p.m. 815/459-0907 Capt. Erickson POLISH LEGION OF AME RICAN VETERANS Liberty Post* 188 1304 N.Park Street McHenry 4th Sundays, 2 00 P.M. Commander Frank Ficek 815/385 1383, Sr. Vice Commander Bill Hecht-815/459-0300 NARCOTICS ANNON YMOUS Mondays, 7:00 p.m. 224 W Judd Street Woodstock Hal C.. 815/337-0671 John M-, 815/338-5387 BRANCHES CHRISTIAN SINGLESGROUP Every Tuesday, I p.m. Lakeside Center 401 Country Club Rd. Crystal Lake .815/459-6010 YOUNG SINGLE PARENTS Every Wednesday 8:30p.m. Timber's Restaurant Woodstock 815/337-0042 Sue AL ANON Wednesdays, 7:30p.m. 36 North Ayer, Harvard (upstairs office 13) Pat, 815/943-77M McHENRYCOUNTY DAYCARE HOME ASSOCIATION Licensed Day Care Providers 4th Tuesday of every month, 7:30p.m. 312/639 3199 Rita AL ANON Has your life been affected By someone else's drinking? 815/459-6190 for information BETA SIGMA PHI RhoPi Chapter 2st & 4th, Thursdays; 7:30 p m. PHOTOPEOPLE 2nd & 4th Tuesdays; 7:30 p.m. Crystal Lake West Beach 815/455-6167 Wendell Smith APPLEPEOPLE Personal Computer Users Every 3rd Monday; 7.00p.m. 81S/455 4525 Don Rose MANIC DEPRESSIVE/ DEPRESSIVE ASSOC. 3rd Wednesdays, 7:30 pm Alexian Brothers Medical Center 800 W. Biesterfield Elk Grove Village 312/65>-3>42 Reglna PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS 1st & 3rd Fridays, 8:30 p.m. Senior Citizens Center 133 Illinois St. Crystal Lake 815/459 5262 Ginny McHENRYCOUNTY DEFENDERS 3rd Mondays, 7:00p.m Defender s Office 131 E Paddock St. Crystal Lake 815/459-0450 Ginger PS I IOTA XI Theta Omega Chapter Third Tuesdays; 7:45p.m. 312/658-7012 Linda 11 Lost & Found LOST CAT Approx 9/20. Vicini­ ty Randall Rd & 62. Female tiger, older cat. 312/426-4200. FOUND DOG, Sheltie mix, young female, black & white, vie. Sq Barn Rd , 312/658 7043. FOUND CAT, young male, white paws, brownish grey w/little black spotting, vie. j Berkshire & Northampton, j Crystal Lake, 815/459-0991 or 815/459-4280 ! LOST CAT, Ig. solid gray long haired neutered male. 1 yr. old ' Oct 10, Pomeroy St. near Taco Bell. Call 815/459-6968. RED TOMCAT Morris double, lost 10/16, vicinity Lincoln Pky., wearing collar & leash. Answers to "Red; Compensa­ tion offered Please call 815/459-8997 LOST All black female dog. Very friendly Mostly labor dore, part great dane Vicinity Spring Creek Rd. and Haegers Bend Rd. Compensation. 312 658 4384 FREE Adorable black 6. white long haired kittens. 7 wks old, litter box trained. Need loving homes. 815/455 1546. 12 Personals PREGNANT? Need Help? Call: Birthright 312/695 7950 "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOTLINE 312/934 9233 HYPNOSIS 4C0UNSELING Weight Smoking Stress Marital-lnsuranceaid 312/695 5473, 815/455 1107 PARTY who owned a bedding store on Fullerton and Pulaski in Chicago, please call collect. 1-305/737 3941. THANKS TO the Blessed Virgin, our Lord and St. Jude. P_G. I LOST 80 pounds without dieting! Call me NOW and ask me HOW 312/438-4242. PERSONAL LETTERS from Santa. Handwritten, cheerful letters from Santa to a child you love. For more info. call. Elves' Inc 312/742 7302. i

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