Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Oct 1983, p. 37

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s r 24 Help Wanted HIRING NOW! M position* 4 available far advertising campaign, $3.35 par hr. plus up to $99/9100 par wk. bonuses Full tlma, day* ar ppidijj* ^Jply In parson? MdMliy • iinOi|fi t aw"f pnit at Sulfa A, 1»l N. Richmond K. NEED FULL T IME Ex pariencad pasteup and layout paopta. Call 312/699-6160. Ask lor Norm*. SPRAYMAN Expor. w/iacouer and polishing. 312/991-1222 before 9 pm . or 312/540-0790 ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT Entry-leval job requires coi lege accounting background. Laarn all phases of our business cantarad In Kana county. Mutt have future In lareet In management and be., able to analyia and solve pro Reply to: BOX ADR Crystal Lake Morning Harald P.O. Cox 290 Crystal Laka. IL 60014 Cawal Opperlwatty Employer CREDIT MANAGER Growing company with of fleas In Kana A McHenry Coun ty needs Individual to perform cradM management and cotloc- tlons. Rotatad experience re quired. Job can •' A to other opportunities our company dpdf 400 employees Reply to: BoxADQ Crystal Laka Morning Harald P.O. Box 290 Crystal Uka.IL MOU Eeuei Opportunity Cmpie>er 31 Wanted To BUY ALUMINUM CANS. Copper. Brass. Batteries. Aluminum, Automobile Radiators. Gold & Silver. T A C Metal Co.. 24 Woodstock St.. Crystal Lake. II., Mon thru Frl -10 to 5. Sat - • to A 019/499 4445. H.C. STAMP I COIN CO. We Buy A Sell to Crystal Laka Plau •015/459-3940* MAJOR APPLIANCES Usad. working and non-working. I15/W4713 TRUNDLE BED In Usable Condition 3)1/4*5734 WANTED 40" Mower for GT 14 Wheal Horse or other brand. 915/499-0500. CRIB. 1 or 3 year size; Also typewriter table. Reasonable. 312/420-5400. REASONABLY priced oxer else bike or rowing machine wantod in good cond. 312/650- 2110. Misc. 32 Merchandise SWEETSTREET Gift Shop Now Open, daily from 10 AM. Col lector Stickers. Wooden Items. Stuffed Animals. Doll Clothes, Floral Decor Homemade Ice Cream A Me 11 um' s Gourmet Chocolates, 120 Crystal Lake Plaza. 015/455 3344 USED RAILROAD TIES. Largest selection A best prices on now landscape timbers, cedar rail fencing A much moral We deliver! Woodstock Farm A Lawn Cantor, 220 S. Rt. 47, Woodstock. III. 015/330 4200 BUY YOUR Mattress, factory direct, save $50 to 1100 less than retail prices. Woodstock Mat trass. 2720 Raffel Rd. Retail hours. 10 am. to 2 pm. or by appt. 015/330-6674 or 330/3979. it HAPPY GRAMS Singlno Telegrams. Male/Female Bel ly Dancers. 312/450 5353. WEDDINGS BOOKED during the month of October will receive 25 thank you cards w/wallat size pictures A one 11 x 14 candid. Nies Studio. McHenry, Ml. 015/305-0093. (Expires 10/31/13). • TRACK STEREO Player w/spaakers. Westlnghouse. $15. Ping Pong table w/ac- cessories. 015. 7V* hp Scott At- water Outboard Motor. Like New, 0125. Oak Kitchen Table w/4 chairs. 120.312/050-7530. REFRIGERATOR Hotpoint. $100. Water Softener, complete, $175.015/499-5020 after 5 pm. RCA CONSOLE TV, 19 inch black A white, in perfect condli- tlon, $05. Call 312/050-1000. COLDS POT chest freezer, 22.1 cu. ft., 0150.015/459-3041. DEWING MACHINE, Penney's Zig Zag $05; Redwood picnic table, benches. umbrella, $20, $15/459-0029. DRAPES and full size bedspread, custom made. 2 pr drapes fits 40" window, <4" long In fall colors. Plus custom made patio door drape in beige. After 6 pm 015/455-52*9. BEDROOM SET 4 piece. Full size bed, 2 dressers & mirror. 312/436-0341. ANTIQUES, Furniture. China, Misc., Wed. Sat., 11 A.M.-4 P.M. $505 Ridgefleid Rd., Crystal Lake. RADIAL ARM Saw. Craft sman, 10", 2<A hp., exc. cond., $250,019/455 1149. MODEL TRAIN Sat/Tyco. HO, TxV w/many accessories, $95, $15/455-1149. DRYER Sears, port. Gd. Cond., $100; Handmade china cabinet Gd. Cond. $500/best. 015/455 5077. BEDROOM SET Quean, oak contemporary. Dresser, chest, 3-way mirror, cabinet head­ board w/llght. $$00/best 015/455-2970. SHADE TREES Green Ash. Mountain Ash, Pin Oak, Norway Maple A other varieties. Sized 2V» In. to 5 In. diameter. LAZY DAYS TREES, 015/330-3042. MOVING, must sail kina size bad w/accassorlas. solid cherry oval dn. rm. table w/4 chairs. Ranch style solid oak bunk beds including dresser w / m l r r o r A d e s k w/boookshelves. Foosball table. 311/039-7523. Misc. 32 Merchandise WASHER A DRYfR, heavy duty. •>> cycles A settings. REFRIGERATOR, aM HkanMv In excellent cond. 312/095-3175 ar 495-Q775. QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford Satisfaction guaranteed. FREE ESTIMATES A SENIOR CITIZEN OISCOUNT 015/499-7194. WASHER A DRYER, heavy duty, all cycles A settings; REFRIGERATOR, all llkenmir In excellent cond. 111/699-1375 or 0954775. SPRING CLEANING Specialists. Call ServiceMaster •pr all your cleaning needs. Carpet, Furniture, Floor (Tile. Wooa Slate), and wall clean ta. Free Estimates, 015/455- FIREWOOD ~ Dry oak, delivered A stacked 015/560-7792 T Y P E W R I T E R a n d CALCULATOR Sales & Ser­ vice. Porteble machines chemically cleened for $29.50. Knuth's Office Supply. 22$ Main St., Woodstock, II. $15/330-3535. FALL STYLES In men's A women's shoes A boots et greatly reduced rates! Good selection of styles A sizes Make your choice today at the Spare Pair, 53 Brink Street, in Downtown Crystel Lake. FAMILY ROOM English Tudor furniture: hall table w/mirror. $190; sofa, $300; arm chairs (2), 0125/ea.; game table, $150 w/4 side chairs, $75/ae., desk, $200; hell bench, $75; coffee table. $129; end table, $75; hanging tiffany style lamp, $75; table lamps. $50/ea. 915/305- ATARI 2000, video geme system, extra controls, U classic cartridges, mint condl tton, $250/best Natural Rabbit Coat, full length, medium size, 1 yr. old, lust cleaned A glazed, exc. cond., $250.312/639 1530. GIRL'S FURNITURE set, white & yellow, good cond ; Ward's Ig washer/ gas dryer. Call after 7 pm $15/455 3164. CHINA CABINET, Provincial, all wood, $400. Wood table A 2 chairs $75/set. 015/455 5723 eftor4:30pm. TV, B/W, portable w/stand. $15. Corner desk w/llght, $30. 2 Swivel chairs, modern, $20/ea., Toastmastar oven. $10.312/420 6456. HOSPITAL BED ' Electric, Gd. cond, $400 015/499-9610 REMOOELING SALE Entire kitchen for sale, in eluding all appliances! Carpeting, desks, dressers, tables, chairs. Call $15/455 4553 . v OAK FIREWOOO, $40 per Face Cord. Call $15/5474362 or $15/544-2411 after 5 pm. FRIGIDAIRE wash ing machine, top of the line. Must sell. $150, 015/305-9400 or 015/330-2099. WICKER TABLE A 4 chairs. Never Used. $400.312/639-6041 VILLAGE RESALE SHOP 65 Woodstock St. (Across from Depot) Crystal Lake, IL Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10-5 815/459 3401 FIREPLACE custom-built, elect, w/shotves A dry bar, great for fam. rm. $200/otter. 115/499-2705. SEWING MACHINE New Home, zig-zag. deco stitches, attachments, exc. cond. $200. $15/499-2705. FOR SALE: Sofa, desk w/hutch. stereo equipment, toe-cart, child's organ, manual typewriter w/case. girl's scnooi A play clothes, sizes $ A 10. All in exc. cond. Call $15/455-4216 or 455/4226. SOFA A Matchino Chair, brown plaid, very nice condi tton $140; Maple student desk. $20; 015/455-0227. JAPANESE WW II Rifle. $75 FOI Reqd.; full size Viola, $325; 7 mm dies, assorted sup plies. $15. $15/499-7970 after 6 Pf̂ " STEAMEX Carpet cleaner. Pro-3, 6 jet wand, hoses, misc. Item. $450.312/742 4542. GET YOUR Hunting and Trap ping Licenses at: The Firing Pin Gun Shop, 919 Huntley Rd., Algonquin, IK Call 312/65$ 5005. We buy, sell & trade guns. TYCO M.O. Train Set with many accessories, $100. Call 015/499-9226 after 6 pm. N U T S - B U L K Saltod/Unsalted, dried fruits, nutritional mixes, gourmet candies Oi chocolates, gift packs, UPS service, case lots, fund raisers, containers, fac­ tory fresh bulk outlet - Only store of its type in McHenry County. Some Other Nuts, 5 Crystal Lake Plaza, $15/455 NUTS. 70 GAL. Aquarium, wrought Iron stand/accessories, like new. $200. $15-315 5407 after 5. WASHER A DRYER, 1901 G.E. heavy-duty, 5 cycle, gold-tone, $550. Call $15/459 2529. MODERN SOFA Loveseat, chair. Beige background, rust A green floral. 1 yr old. $145. Whirlpool washer/dryer, port. $295/set. 015/455-5460. FURN. WAREHOUSE SALE 5 pc. group: sofa, chair, 2 end tables, coffee table from $399/set. Monthly payments avail.. $15/455-4116. QUEEN BEDROOM set. $100; Sears Twin Canopy bedrm set, $150; 0 pc. pecan dining rm. set, $350; 4 oak Lane chrs. $300; or will sell separately; Jacobsen Lawn tractor w/accessories, $100.312/302 2734 after 5 P.M. Misc. 32 Merchandise PINE kitchen table A 4 cap­ tain's chairs, butcher block dinette set, good cond., best of­ fer. Call after J pm, 015/455- 9024 UTILITY TRAILER, 4X4. w/fenders A lights, 4J0X0in. tires. 0191. Call 019/499-5930 days or 499-1630 evenings. LAWN CART, Reclinor chair; stereo, radio, earphones and tape. All exc. cond. 312/659- 4W9. SOFA A LOVESEAT. blue fur A chrome; end tables, coffee table A lamps, chrome A glass, HOO/all, 919/499-7903. FREEZER, 1 sofas, & other household Items, 312/690-3991. DINING ROOM Set, Formica top pine table A four captain's chairs. Good condition. $200. Call 312/650 7436. COLONIAL COUCH A 2 chairs, reen A white print. $140. 5/499-9267. KITCHEN BOOTH w/bleck pedestal tbl $ 1 chr., $75, Kit­ chen Tbi. w/2 chrs. $29.312/659- I9M after 6 PM. WHOOO could resist our Glow in the-dark Halloween Ghost Balloons? Sand a bouquet to your favorite Goblins. Bioomln' Balloons 019/499-RAVE. TRUNDLE BED, c r i b w/canopy, large cherry wood cradle, port e-crlb, children's clothes, child's 3-spd. Schwlnn Bike, air hockey game, gas stove. 019/499-7719. INSULATION, 6 rolls. 3W" x 23", 135 sq ft. ea, foil faced. $60/all, 019/499-1020 BOLENS 10 H.P. Tractor with these attachments: 40" Mower, 31" Snow Blower, 42" Plow, 36" Sweeper, 36" Lawn Roller, Seeder & Fertilizer, 5Vj HP Lawn Vac, H.D. Hawllng Cart; 40 year old Manual Cash Register (Gas Station Type); Peymaster Check Writer, Vic tor Adding Machine, Portal* Dishwasher, Deep Steam E> traction Carpet Cleaner with l oal Stainless Steel Tank 115/459 2561. FREEZER 14.7 cu. ft. chest. $200. Refrigerator w/freezer. Best offer . 312/603-4760. TELLA CASEMENT window. 66 x 54. All wood, double glass, screens, removable cross-bars. One side cranks open. Usad one year. $200.015/455-1656. WATER BED, kingsize, w/ 6 drawers. $250.3 ptoct bedroom set, dresser, vanity, nights tend. $100.312/639-O20S. BEAVER COAT Man 's , medium. Never worn. $15/455- 1079. OFFICE FURNITURE steel case desks & chairs. Exc. shape. After 6 pm/weekends. 015/330-2217. > MINK JACKET natural dark ranch, used little. $900. Other clothes, roes., 312/420-0499. ELECTRIC STOVE. G.E., white, better than new because Ws cheaper. Exc. cond., $195, $15/455-5045. ASSORTED canning jars, $2.40/doz., large weber grit, $25. portable typewriter, $20. 015/499-6269. SEWING CABINET. $30; tires A rime to.' 14" Ford, 4 bolt, 2 American Alum, wheels W/G 60 tires. $75; Snows A rims, $10; 6 ft. Alum, sliding patio doors, 2 pairs, used, $150.312/650 3422. DRESSER A MIRROR w/mat ching chest, mahogany, well built, both for $M. Victor automatic computer, $25. Call 015/499-5446. UNDER BAR SINK, S/S, 3 hole, one 9*, one 0' A other restaurant kitchen supplies. $15/330-0420. BEAUTY SHOP equip., used: 2 dryer chairs. 1 hydraulic chair, 1 shampoo chair, 1 porcelain shampoo sink. Wail hanging station w/2 drawers, $500/all or best offer, $15/330-1906. TRASH COMPACTOR Sears. $200 312/426-9015. WANTED: G lassware - Depression, Heisey, Cam­ bridge, Fostoria, Candlewick. etc. Pottery-Fiesta, Hall, Weller, Roseville. etc. 115/095- 4033. APPLES Red Delicious, Spartan, Jonathan, Yellow Delicious. Cider-Honey Rt.23A LeeRd. Waterman, IL 015/264-3276 The apples with the flavor LAWN CART; Recliner chair; stereo, radio, earphones and tape. All exc. cond. 312/650- 4939. NEVER USED, still boxed ARMSTRONG Carpe t Squares, (110 sq. ft. will do a 9x12 rm) sculptured, shag green & olive, 100% nylon face f i be r , se l f s t i ck back ; CHAMBERS gas built-in stove S stainless steel, 4 burner, ; Coppertone Vent Hood w/llght. $19; 5V* Ft. artificial long needle Christmas Tree in very gd. shape, $10. 312/741- 0625. DINING ROOM TABLE Light color- elm, w/chrome legs. 6 ft long w/2 leaves. Original cost $1000. 2 yrs old. Exc. cond. $400 or make an offer. White levolor vertical blinds for sliding glass doors. Gd. cond., $50. 015/459 $461. MAHOGANY DESK, solid wood, $100. Modern desk, 2 yrs. old, $75. Recliner, Lair Boy. brown, $75,815/330 7269. CHESS SET, made In Mexico, $75 or best of­ fer. 312/4201321. The Mother Lode f|j ESTATE SALE . | Friday & Saturday, October21&22,8am-4pm 520 West Jackson, Woodstock, IL (Parking At St. Anne Church) SO Years Accumulation Of Old Items: Furniture & furnishings, linens, crystal, pots & pans, garden tools, metal & wood lathes, precision tools. TONS OF TOOLS & LOADS OF COLLECTIBLES! •815/459-0754® . Not Responsible fjy Accidents Misc. 32 Merchandise S P E C I A L O R D E R that sofa, chair ar loveseat and save big bucks over normal retail. 450 fabrics to choose from, hundreds of frame styles, 30 day free delivery. Famous makerw/llfetime guarantee. Weasax House, 015/455-4790, 3321 South Rt. 31, Crystal Laka, 2 ml. North of Rt. 1»1n Flame A Hearth Building. BEDROOM SET So l i d mahogany. Double bod, chest, dresser,. mirror. Needs ra- finishing. 0400.019/499-3064. RATTAN FURN.: Corner unit Includes coffee table, and table, 2 couches, $690/ail. Rattan free standing bookshelf tor TV, books, etc., $200. $15/3054150. FOOSBALL TABLE (Tourna­ ment), excellent condition, 0390.015/305-0150. ADDITIONAL 9% savings off any sale Item thru October 31, 19n w/presentatlon of this ad. Sherman Plumbing A Heating, 0119 Northwest Highway, Crystal Laka, 019/499 6060 (Coupon expires Oct. 31.1903.) STOVE 36". gas Roper, $90; Hoover apt. washer. $79. 312/6504034. CONTEMPORARY sofa, solid wood frame, eat Hituna colors. OXC. cond. $479.019/499-9099. WASHER/DRYER. Kenntore, axe. cond., $300; Dresser, $29; 9 pc. dinette sat. $50; Wood baby cradle. $40; 312/420-4035 anytime Frl. 312/426-3274. Tues. . OFFICE DESK Like new, steal w/woodon top. 095. 915/330- 4765. WASHER, Gas d rye r , Whirlpool, 2 yrs. old., like new cond.. 0400 pr. Beautiful Sable cape. $100 or best offer. Power propelled lawn mower. Ilka new, $150. 2, leather, Blanchi No. 1094, Winchester M94 Gun cases, never used. $35 each. $15/455-9943. 33 Garage Sales ESTATE SALE Crystal Lake 647 Darlington Ln. Oct . 21, 22, 23, 9-5 CASH ONLY Cameras, games, stemware, sm. appl.. stereos, 1930 table radio, vacumes. rnd maple drop leaf table w/6 chairs, dressing table A bench, cabinet bar, misc. B U R L I N G T O N Horseman's Garage Sale Burlington Rd. between Plank Rd. A Plato Rd. Daily.9am-6pm Saddles. Bridles, Harness, Wagon. Horses A much more 312/603-4910 CONTINUED Multi-Family/Moving Sale Cheap Prices Marengo 2072$ Ratfieid Rd. (Rt. 20 to Maple St., Drive 1 mile to Ratfieid) * Oct. 19 thru 23 Antique books, large collection table lamps: crystal, brass, large figurine, small figurine, wood , b r l s to l , vase l i ne , ] cranberry. Floor lamp, lamp | shades, elec. meat grinder, ; Mixmaster, slow cooker, fabric shower curtains, amber A j cranberry stemware. Revere j projector, stereo, modern ceil- o f cameras , ca rn i va l , ; McMahon collector plates, i magazine rack, chairs. Fisher Price, garage transmitter A receiver, ceramic Xmas tree, sump pump, china, household, housewares, oil paintings, much misc. All clean A good cond. Fresh boxes open dally. HAMPSHIRE Multl Family 4 Chandelle Dr. Oct. 21A 22. 9-5 Lots of misc.. children's clothing, toys FALL THRIFT SALE Sycamore Federated Church 612 W. State Oct. 20, 1-7 p.m. Oct. 21.9-3 p.m. Don't Miss It. HAMPSHIRE Multi Family 35 Immelman, Case de Aero Oct. 21 A 22; 9-5 Lots of misc. A children's clothing 0 FAMILY SALE Genoa 229 Railroad Ave. ' Oct. 20,21 a. 22; 9-5 GENOA 21$ A Street Oct. 20,21A 22; 0 5 Like new blankets. Like new luggage, roii-a-way bed. storm windows, winter clothing, misc. • FANTASTIC SALE Crystal Lake Estates 6314 Plngree Oct. 20 thru 23; 9:30-5 Wicker, chairs, tables, anti­ ques, oak tables, 12 old chairs, Victorian chair, 2 bdrm. sets. Iron bed, old phonograph, fern s tand , o ld qu i l t s , rugs , glassware, pictures, lamps, dishes, lots of coi lectables A misc. NO EARLY BIRDS! Merchandise 34 Under $50 FIREWOOD/STORAGE Pallets, $15/Pick-up Load 015/4594140 After Noon FIREWOOD " Oak, $50/Face Cord 015/4594140 After Noon 35 Antiques CAST IRON bathtub w/ctaw feet A original fittings, good condition, $105. Call $15/459 3557 after 6 pm. Bicycles & Sports 3 6 Equip. COOPER, the Choice of the Pros at your HOCKEY HEAD QUARTERS- Joslyn Sporting Goods. Crystal Point Mall In Crystal Lake IL. 015/4554700. PRINCE GRAPHITE tennis raquet, 4Vj In. grip, strung, $160. 015/455-1574 after 5pm. P R O S H O P S A L E Save on all your golf equipment needs. Public welcome. Stop by or call Ralph Backa, Turnberry Country Club, Crystal Lake, $15/459-3356,0 am to 5 pm. 37 Lawn& Garden Equipment Wheal Harae Tractor With Mower 312/430-5640 WARM TRACTOR '03. 10 hp., 39" cut, 9600; town spreader, $12,015/4994919. ALLIS CHALMERS 0 hp rider mower w/toaf A grass catcher, 0299. Call 019/4994594. SSJSJ4 TSSi tractor. Snow plow A 42 in. ind. 9000/best. $15/522 38 Boats STARCRAFT Runabout. 16 ft. aluminum, w/55 horse Chrysler motor A frailer, all ac­ cessories, gd cond, $750, 015/3094611. HOUSEBOAT, Nautailne, 43 ft.; twin 229 Chrysler engines. Dona outdrives. Completely self-contained. Newly added in the last two years: 4.5 Onan generator; refrigerator (11 cu. RT); carpeting (inside A out side); drapes A curtains; reuphotstored cushions; water tanks, steeper sofa; three marine batteries; three bilge pumpaAaWOber gas grill. End of season special; Was asking $30,000, Will take $30,000 Call weekdays. 312/645-1010; even togs A weekend!. 312/037 7033 or 312/390-9015. BASS BOAT 14 ft. 20 hp Mer cury. Traitor. Must Sacrifice. 01900 Firm. 019/459-401$ after 6 SWITZER I/O, '61, curved glass windshield lots of chrome, best offer, $15/459-5660 or 915/459-1237. CRUISER, 16 ft. w/M hp motor w/electrk start. Good cond., also has split tltt trailer. Must it, 015/459-9576 39 Musical Instruments BANDMASTER APPROVED Instrument Rentals at LOWEST PRICES. Full Service. Call Today! ROSELLE MUSIC 312/697 3366 WURLITZER Piano A Organ Anniversary Sale. Prices start at $795. Boll Morford Piano A Organ Company, 72 Fountain Square P laza , E lg in , I L . 312/741-0700. UPRIGHT PIANO A bench, mahogany, very good cond., now keyboard $450/offer. 312/039-4316. HAMMOND T924C console, new, $4400-*eJI $3,000 Kawai Brand 2 yrs. old, best offer; Wurlltzer Spinet $500/best. 312/697 1236. FISHER PIANO Service Tun ing A repair, guaranteed. No electronic tuning aids used. 312/6504193. CLARINET w/caae, good con d it ion. $05; great tor beginner. 312/6904427 KORG DELTA Synthesizer w/chrome stand. $600, 312/931- 0040,312/490-3204-Da ve. SELL YOUR 5 spd bike fast in our Classified Section, then go buy that 10 spd. you've always wanted. 40 Cameras OLYMPUS OM2N 35 MM cagiora w/ftosh, 00-200, 200 M, 50 MM 1.4 lens, 3x converter, case, etc., |ust $390. 019/499 9029 Pets* 44 Equipment THE PERFECT GIFTI Photography tor pets! Hillside Studio of Marengo. $15/560 5444. ENGLISH SETTER mix, female, 0 mo., gd. w/kids. Use to outdoors, free to good home. 312/650-5193. TOY POOOLE puppies, one apricot 1 red, AKC, 6 wks., home raised beauties. $200. $15/653-9201. NEEDED: Metal Cage for large dog; good condition, reasonably priced. Call 312/639- 5400 after 6 pm. ENGLISH SETTER, orange, male, show quality. 4 yrs., $100. Irish Setters, born 9/22, reserve now. $15/330-7420. * ROTTWEILER PUPS, cham pton sired, champion dam. pet A show, 015/330-7343. IR ISH SETTER Pups purebred. To good homes. First shots A worming. Under $100. 312/639-7204. DOBERMAN PUPPIES, AKC, 11 wks., l rod female, l black male, shots, tail A ears done, $200 /ea . , 015 /459 3374 . , I v . message. KITTENS Free to good homes. 6 wks. old and very cute. 312/420-1706. DACHSUND Pup minis. 7 wks. AKC. Adult weight 4V> to 9Qlbs. Adorable. $150. $15/305-5620. FREE to good home Ige. male cat, neutered, declawed, litter trained. 312/4204160. BLACK LAB, male, AKC, 10 mo. old, housebroken, friendly, $100. Call 015/459 2535. DOBERMAN Pups, $65 each; Kittens. $5 each. Call 312/420 5100. AKC BOSTON TERRIER pup pies. Champion Bloodlines. Males 0i Females. Stud Ser vice. $15/330-1301. SHELTIE PUP pick o'litter, shots, exc. temperament, champion bloodlines, show pro­ spect. $250/312/650 7006. . SIAMESE KITTENS Adorable personalities! Good with children. 10 wks. old. Lif­ ter trained. $15/459 3666 after 5p.m. BLACK LAB A SHEEPDOG mix puppies. 1 male, 2 females. Adorable, 7 wks. old A ac customed to children. Call 01V4550510 between 6 A 9 pm. 75 Lots& Acreage SIAMESE KITTENS Call after 4 $15/445-6459. 44 Pets& Equipment MINATURE POOOLE, Mack male, 7 wks. old, loves children, $50. Call 312/6504357. RODIESIAN RIOGEBACK, free to good home, 7 yrs. old, house trained, family dog, exc. watchdog. Moving to Florida. 312/639-3336. Business 66 Opportunity FINANCIAL Planning, IRA's, Keoghs. Hard assotts. Call Tim Howtond at 312/7734030 tor In to. American Financial Plan 47 fo- Horses & Equipment THOROBRED 16 hnds.. 9 yr. old. Bay gelding, green, exc. potential. Jr. or amateur rider. Exc. disposition. Call 915/455- 3703 after 3 pm. Farm & Dairy Equipment 48 & Products FOR SALE, ready*\> lay pullets, cel-wtiite - reds white leghorns pickers duckwax - supplies - baby chicks. 414/479- 2053 49 Livestock NUBIAN Goat (with papers), 6 month old doe. $00. Call 015/455 PRIME BEEF SALE Side $1.29 lb. Hinds $1.49 lb. Beef Loins.... $1.99 lb. Boneless Pork Pac . $1.49 lb. FREE DELIVERY BARRINGTON MEATS 312/302 5360 Ask for Jerry Machinery & 53 Equipment PLAIN PAPER Copiers, used. $295. Others, $75. Valley Office Mach., 915/455 3050. GERMAN SHEPHERD pup pies, big boned, top quality, AKC, ail shots, 2 females, $250, 312/656 4401. POODLE BABIES, AKC, champion sired, toy A tiny toy. $100 A up. Also, all breed grooming. $15/330-2155. POODLE PUPS Silver, Pek ingese A Sheltie pups, exotic blues; 2 live turkeys. 312/603 4677. „ 75 Lots& Acreage La Font Wood Splitters Bob-Jo Cycle Rt. 64 5 mi. E. Sycamore 815/895-5251 CHAIN SAWS •Echo •Homelite •Stihl •Generator "Pumps Bob-Jo CYCLE CO. Rt. 64 5 Miles E. of Sycamore 815/895-5251 START Your own AMWAY Business A earn financial in­ dependence (get the whole story). Under no obligation. 312/639-5627. FLEA MARKET lots of room tor expansion. Owner too busy to manage, priced to sail, V R Business Brokers, 312/232-1900. NEW OWNER needed tor out­ door equipment dealer. ma|or dealership, year-round pront. Ideal location In affluent suburb. V R Business Brokers, 312/232 1900. TOBACCO SHOP, buy now and enjoy holiday profits. Owner moving, anxious to sail, V R Business Brokers. 312/232 1990. Business | 70 Properties | tEA Ar J 31 A 14. « Y on It. r% HIGH TRAFFIC AREA prox 2 acres on Rto wtth lounge currently on .. Also excetwnt tor office bidgs. ,- etc. Seller may part&ipato in ¥ financing. > Country Oaks Realtors ( Ask tor Sallie Follett. 015/455- ̂ 5991 or 312/4*9000. J 72 Real Estate ; For Sale 2 ELGIN EAST SIDE, 2 flat, by r owner, 3 bdrm. lower, 1 bdrm. ̂ YOUR HOBBY can earn its own way in this record and tape shop. Center of town bargain, V R Business Brokers, 312/232- PRINT SHOP Small but active. Exc. accfs. Ideal for couple to operate. Owner will train and assist with fiancncing. VR BROKERS- 312/070-0100. OWN YOUR own jean Sportswear, Infant- Pre- teen, Ladies Apparel, Combination, accessories or Large Size Store. Na­ tional brands: Jordache, Chic, Lee, Levi, Vander- bilt, Izod^Gtfffhe Sax, Espirit^talvin Klein, Ocean Pacitic, Evan Picone, Haberdashery, Healthtex, 300 others. $7,900 to $24,900, Inventory, airfare, training, fixtures, grand opening, etc. Mr. Dickson 501/882-5164, 501/268-1361. 70 Business Properties TAVERNS A LOUNGES from $35,900 to $369,000. Seller may participate in financing-equity partner or leasing. Country Oaks Realtors Ask tor Sallie Follett, 915/455- 5591 or 312/426-9000. 73 Condos. $40.500.312/695-3375 or 6954775. WONDER LAKE 3 bdrm ranch on Irg. cyclone fenced lot. lto baths. Lrg. kitchen wtth new appliances Incl. bay win- dow In living room. Full finish ad carpeted basement, with laundry room. Now black tap­ ped driveway with iv* art. garage. Baacn and laka rights. Reduced $50,000 919/7294792, after4:00pjii. LAKE GENEVA Wooda l r Lakevtew, year round. Slip, torn., 4 bdrm., 2200 sq. ft. on small lot. 312/990-0154 or 312/490-3300. REPOSSESSED HOMES, all counties. $1000 down. 9Vi%/30 Sutton Realty. 312/625- £>. 6 UN IT APT. BLDG. Nr. Spring HHI Mall -Dundee. Call beT waon 7 A 9 PM. 312/991 1623. WISCONSIN 4Vi acres. 3 rm. furnished cabin near river. Near Eau Claire. $10,000. 699/455-2071 or 01V455-4049. CRYSTAL LAKE 4 bdrm, cape cad. Central air, 2 bath, 2 car gar., wooded lot, full bsmt. w/fam. rm. $72,900. Century 21, Homestead. 200 South Main, Algonquin. 312/650-7043. CRYSTAL LAKE By owner. Warm A acy 2 bdrm, 2 bath, frplc bsmnt, IV* car gar. Com pietety renovated inside A out. V* Mk. from lake, near schools. Cathedral calling w/skyiight In llvingrm. Lge. closets in master bdrm. Many extras- Asking $99,900.915/459-5145. ALGONQUIN-by owner. 3 BR Ranch, ax. cond. 2 full bths. new carpeting in torn, rm., Ige country kltah. 2 car garage, new Ige. deck w/boeutWul land- scaptog. $76,900.312/65A3279. SPECIAL FINANCING on ig. Crystal Lake 2 story. 3 bdrms., 2 baths, frpfce., Ig. kit. w/brkk arch, applia., din. rm., bsmt., garage. $61900.015/499-3940. 73 Condos. 75 Lots& Acreage McHENRY CON DO 3 bedroom, iv* bath, all apliances. C/A, close to transporta­ tion A schools, full carpeting. Incl. rec room. Priced to sell, $41,560. Low down payment, will arrange financing. "Direct By Owner" Arlington Hts. Call 312/870-1700 75 Lots & Acreage 75 Lots & Acreage Two Parcels Of Land Adjacent To Crystal Lake Morning Herald LOT 4 • APPROXIMATELY 3.1 ACRES • 134,685 SQUARE FEET • 229" x 645' LOT 1 • APPROXIMATELY .9 ACRES • 40,105 SQUARE FOOT • 72' x 271' BOTH LOTS ZONED M-l FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: BILL ST ARKS 312-426-1607 . mmrw - -- , jJISSk . ...V: . iii& ̂ /i O 1

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