Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Oct 1983, p. 13

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T --r QERVICE News I , « • BRIAN ROULEY Air Nitioaal Guard Air­ man Brian L. Rouley, son of Vernon W. Rouley of 3305 N. Richmond Road, McHenry, and Virginia M. Burri of 137 White Street? Davtona Beach, Fla., has graduated from the U.S. Air Force wideband communications equipment course at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss. Gradu^vw* of the course were taught to install, operate ana maintain special radio equipment, and earned credits toward an associate degree in applied science through the Community College of the Air Force. Rouley is scheduled to serve with the 234th Combat Communications Squadron in Hayward, Calif. HERBERT DETTMER Set. Herbert W. Dettmer, son of Wayne and Mary A. Dettmer of 4510 W. Clear view Drive, McHenry, has graduated from the U.S. Air Force weather medalist course at Chanute Air Force B§iet HI. During the course, students were taught to observe and record weather using mechanical and electronic meteorological equipment. Dettmer is scheduled to serve at Scott Air Force Base, 111. MARK PETERS Navy Seaman Recruit Mark A. Peters, son of Rose M. Peters of 205 Kohl Road, Spring Grove, has completed recruit training at the Naval Training Center, Great Lakes. TIM WEISENBERGER Navy Midshipman 4th Class Timothy G. Weisenberger, son of Joseph D. and Mildred Weisenberger of 38352 N. Fourth Ave., Spring Grove, has reported for duty at NROTC Unit Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. JAMES GIBSON Marine Lance Cpl. James J. Gibson, son of James E. Gibson of 1615 N. Highview, McHenry, has reported for duty with 2nd Marine Air­ craft Wing, Marine Corps Helicopter Air Station New River, Jacksonville, N.C. furnace-related fires PACE 15 - PLAINDEALER • WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER ». 11 Fall is in the air, the frost is on the pumpkin and as nouses become chilled the heating process for the year is started. Each year at this time, the McHenry County Department of Health reminds that more than 8,000 people each year receive emergency treatment for in­ juries associated with furnaces, and , hundreds of people die needlessly from carbon monoxide poisoning within their homes and fires caused by heating systems. Carbon monoxide gas is odorless and gives no warning to the person or persons being ex­ posed. . Carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms include a tightening across the forehead, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting and un­ consciousness followed by death. Breathing even low concentrations of carbon monoxide for long periods can bring about dizzy spells, anemia, circulatory im­ pairment, ner­ vousness and irritability. The best first aid f o r c a r b o n monoxide poisoning is lots of fresh air and seeing a doctor as soon as possible. The followir? suggestions are made to assist in having a safe and warm fall and winter without any furnace related injuries or fires and to prevent carbon MEETING SET The next regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the McHenry .Jo. Oounty Association for the Retarded (Pioneer Center) will be held Thursday, Oct. 27, at 8 p.m., at 4001 Dayton Street, McHenry. ARE YOU NEW IN THE McHENRY AREA? Do You Know Someone New? We Would Like to Extend a ROYAL WELCOME TO EVERY AREA NEWCOMER!! Call Lorraine Monahan 385-5475 NO OBLIGATION IT S FREE t itrti wncmi ROYAI WELCOME Know Your Area-Royal Welcome Does It Best &RServk:ENAL DIRECTORY JACK WALSH. AGENT EARL R. WALSH. BROKER INSURANCE fit BONDS Fl,«. Auto Farm. Lit* ••pr»»»nting RIUABII COMPANIES MIIW dm Si. Mc Henry 3*5 3100 McHENRY COUNTY OFFICE MACHINES SAIES SERVICE • RENTALS Mon Sol * 5: JO Friday til V:00. 91 Grant St., Cry*tal lafc* Phon* 459-122* DENIES CONWAY AUTO LIFE FIRE State Farm Ins. Co. lilt W. Elm Straat McHenry III MS-7I1I DR. LEONARD BOTTARI 1101 Richmond Rd. McHanry Ey*> Eiaminod • Contact Lenta* Glotiet Fitted *Mon. Tue» . Thurt Frl. *-* p.m.. Toe» Thur». Fri 7 »p m. Sot. *30 1p.m. Phone MS 4ISI or 3*5 2242 JAMES M.McINTEE. LAWYER AVAIIABU TO PRACTICE IN: Perianal ln|ury/Trlolt *uilne,i Corporation, Willi Probata. Divorce. Real Estate. Workmen', Cempentatlon. 1414 W. Elm Street. McHenry. III. Far appointment phone - MS-2440 McHENRY DENTAL CENTER DR. C.I. LUDFORD DR. KEVIN WEGRZYN OPEN 1 EVENINGS A WEEK UNTIL I 10 P.M.* SAT 1«S 1140 We hove laughing Go, II V Sedation ' Farm Equipment GEORGE P. FREUND, INC. Cote • New Holland 4102 W. Cryttal Lake Rd.. McHanry But. MS 0420 Rat. MS 0227 l l R E L L I RADIAL TIRES FOR ALL CARS EUROPA MOTORS, INC. 2111 Rte. 120. McHenry ... ilS-MS-0700 . monoxide poi in­ spections of your heating system by a professional is necessary. 2 - Follow specific directions for lighting the pilot light or have the utility company or service man light it for you. 3 - Cover floor furnace metal grates with screens to prevent children and adults from getting burned on the hot surface. 4 - Keep flam­ mable liquids away from furnaces or fireplaces. 5 - Chimney vents and flues must be yot checked annually to jui make sure they be: have not become blocked by leaves, bird nests, etc. , 6 -- Ventilation systems and gaip appliances require annual checking by an expert • to properly function • ana not give off carbon monoxide. 7 - Gas ranges and ovens should not be used for heating purposes. 8 - Do not burn charcoal in your home. 9 - Do not patch a vent pipe witn tape, gum or other substances. 10 - Engines such as automobile engines and on the snowblower should only be run in the garage if the garage door Is open. 11 - Automobile exhaust systems need to be checked to be sure they are not leaking and allowing exhaust to e n t e r y o u r automobile. 12 -If you become stuck fat the snow, make sure your exhaust pipe is not blocked with snow and keep a window open if the engine is running. 13 - Make sure 'our fireplace is not ust decorational fore starting a fire in it. 14 - Fireplace dampers must be open while burning a fire. 15 - Coal, char­ coal and Styrofoam must not away from the fire since clothing can easily ignite.. 19 - No one should wear loose clothing or long flowing robes near a fire. 20 - Fireplaces should be installed by a professional. 21 - Ashes must be thoroughly cool before being removed from the fireplace. 22 - Clean your f i r e p l a c e o r woodburning stove chimney frequently to prevent chimney fires. ' genera! Indian Guides in eampout According to Dwight Smith of Cary, chief of the Lake Region Indian Guide program, nearly 160 fathers and sons from the Crystal Lake-Cary-McHenry area conducted their annual fall eampout at YMCA Camp ' Duncan recently. The eampout included many outdoor ac­ tivities such as boating, fishing, hiking and field sports as well as swimming in the camps indoor pool. ' The highlight of the weekend was the induction of nearly 40 new fathers and sons into the YMCA Indian Guide program. Gary Bucholz of Crystal Lake, Medicine Man, assisted Chief Smith in the Sacrifice of Selfishness ceremony during which the fathers pledged to be mindful of the need to spend more time with their young sons. Y-Indian Guides is a program for fathers and their sons in grades 1-3, and is conducted by the Lake Region YMCA, 7315 5. Route 31, Crvstal Lake. burned in your fireplace. 16 - If using ar­ tificial logs, only burn one at a time. 17 -- Always completely cover the opening around your fireplace by a screen to keep the sparks in. 18 - Keep children Pats Snow iti its Place! With a touch of the fingertip controls. The Boss gives you the plow you need when you need it. Whether you're punching through snowdrifts in the vee blade position or carrying snow across a parking lot with the blade inverted. The Boss will handle the job with authority. The oversize 8'-2* cut will move up to 3 times as much snow as a straight Made in the same amount of time. 0 The Boss features a compact profile and high undercarriage clearance for smooth over the road traveling. Our "Rapid- tatch" feature allows The Boss to disconnect from the cab in seconds. The Boss Plow is designed for long term, heavy duty performance and has be­ come the choice of snow handing professionals. Don't let winter discourage you. Mount The Baas on your truck and T>ira QuOcon Company ADAMS ENTERPRISES 3017 W. Rt. 120-McHenry 385-5970 Rich Adams-Owner put snow in its ptece! NONPARTISAN ELECTION NOTICE Notice Is hereby given, that on NOVEMBER 8,1983, at the following; regularly established polling places: PRECINCT Why 1 2 3 Marengo 4 1 2 I ChMMRf 4 5 POLUNG PLACE (kTaalUI uwuwj • ww vv imh CityHaM BUMX*"" •aits* Off icc Raacuo Office Tsasckia Cmm • wwnaiH|r vaia|s Fire A Ruacue Staban Card 1 Carai 2 Grafton 1 Grafton 2 Grafton 3 Grafton 4 Grafton 5 Grafton 6 Grafton 7 Dorr 1 Darr 2 Dorr 3 Dan 4 Dorr 5 Darrfi Darr 7 Dan I Dorr) Don 10 Dorr 11 Dorr 12 r of Commerce tuMfeg m -- - ^ - ^--- - / ?WOf KfTu S WVCWf JWf Chemeitf United Methodist Ckifck Aldan Fire Station Vslftoy Hi Home Ntttvood School Smki TimiInp Hi JHWAJF Cord Tewnship Had United Church af Christ • i **- U.H nuniiej vmafc nan West Beach Center mottss Hay Rd. north af Anthony Rd., Ritay Twp. Hit PrairieSt, Marengo 132 L Prame St, Maiaafa Cantor Ron to 23 i 171, Maraaio Carsar Raata 23 i 174, Marengo 117 Airport Rd., Harvard 502 N. Division St, Harvard MilfcKmteySL, Harvard 79 S. Apor St, Harvard i nrai Tnadi|iiiftnmiiait--r 1171, Chemung 11412 L Route 173, Aldeu 11, |J rti. ,ti at m ii I. i. I n i L tW narxiano no. inafuimii ffooosioc* 14124 Saatk St, Woodstock 16506 tarda* Valley Rd., Woodstock Jefforaon A Otsan St, Union PRECINCT 4 5 6" 7 S 9 10 £ Pit 13 in 14 im 15 16 17 II 19 POLLING PLACE Fox Rim Grave Fire Oopaitmaal Community Ream Crystal Paint Mai Eastview School Recreation Peiidinf Cary Fire Department Orchard Street Grade Schod Crystal Lake Central ftigh Schoal fiddhouse Ent) UTH Activities Cantor Oak nodi GtadeSchaal „ Essex-CosteNo Red Estate Office Haeger's Bend Community Budding UTH Community Building Algonquin Read Grade Schod Cary Grove Temple Assaciatian Algonquin Fire Station 2440 lake Ave.rCiystd Lake 1S50 Borthehaea, Crystd Lake Grafton Tewnship Garage IDtot School Wert leech Centif i Rard Fire Statiaa Richmond 2 3 McHanry 1 McHanry 2 McHenry 3 aa-M C mcnenrj 9 aa.ii £ mcnenrj 1 McHanry 7 u#uMIM a xinfiuj • McHanry 9 10 U 12 13 14 15 16 17 II 19 U-.I V) mcnenry £v McHanry 21 McHanry 22 McHanry 23 McHanry 24 McHanry 25 McHanry 26 McHanry 27 McHanry 21 McHanry 29 Nunda 1 Wanda 2 Nunda 3 Nunda 4 Nunda5 Nunda6 7. Maaae Lodge (No. Daar Entrance) Grata Eaaafdkd Lathara* Charch Graca Eaanfskcd Lutheran Chartk St Ana's Episcapd Church neoeemer unMrtn urarcn First United MathaM Church (Roor Entrance) Con|re|atiiniMiniveaa(<s1 Church MfMdrtKk Lumber Cmpniy •?j„ai-ij > n.-A-niifaneie rresoytertan mvrcn WoodMoch Country CM Tom HoM Commnnity Buildini . St lohu's Urthoran Church Commnnity Bniî inf Former Slrti Bnnh BiilliH| Hahraa Fua Station Memorial HaN Richmond Township Offices Masonic HsN TavuHaH Ringvraad United Mathadist Charch McHenry City HaH Liberty PaNsh Layaa d American Ifhitsbun Community Qnb H^TBen Elementiry School V J.N. Club Hausa Iwa Ford Solos CI A Auto Body r, ;aL imLiini • at. L rwni rrtsoyionan uwfen miily Lntheran Church Aworican Upan Pad 491 McCnHom Laha Poach House Safe's Caian McHanry City Wide Carpd (Rear Lovrar Entrance) Raymond's kfensfeurg Bond I Restaurant Suimside Village HaM ChanvOLakas Evanfdicd Covenant Church namson Lienteniary ocihm Shepherd d the HiNs Lutheran Charch , Lifearty Palish Legion d American Veterans Vi.R. Clufe Hausa - Whisperiuf Oaks Community Center Lakeland Part Community House Lakamaar Munkipd Building Whrspurmi Oaks Community Center Raymond's lohnsfeurg Bowl i Restaurant McHanry Ned Campus (North Parking Lot) American legion Pod 491 Nunda Kurd Fin Protection District Waikln Center North Elementary Schod Wand UhaVIU«e Had l ie u Nunda12 Nunda 13 Nunda 14 Nunda15 Nunda 16 Nunda17 tin 1 2 Algonquin 3 Ljtanoor hlnni^ipoi Wand Lake Village Had ANiinct Church Oakwood Hflb ViHagc Hdl Nature Canter (Veterans Acres) Green Acres Nursery A Garden Store Casey's Hdl Public Safety Budding Prairie Grove Schod Church ot Joans Christ Latter Day Saints Nunda Kurd Fire Protection District Alliance Church Village HaH Immanud Lutheran Schod Oak Kndl Grade Schod « 100 Briaiwaod Rd., Crystd Lake MIC Bard Rd., Lakevreod 2440 Lake Ave., Crystd Lake 435 LMd St. Naodstack 731R. Seminary Ave., Woodstock 401 Cloy St, NooMock 311 Nashington St. Woodstock 311 Naahingtoa St, Noodstock 503N. Jackson SL, Woodstock 1321 Dean SL, Noodstock 205 N. South St, Noodstock 221 Daon St, Noodstock 1101 Lake Ave., Noodstock 0505 Church St, Ridgefwid 10310 Country Club Rd.. Noodstock ^ J vinafc Of breenwooc Route 47 North, Noodstock Nuody Tr. t Meadow In., Wonder Lake 401 St John's Rd., Noodstock Woody Tr. I Meadow Lit, Wonder lake 0924 Main St. Hebron 12014 Prairie Ave.. Hebron 10300 Main St, Route 12, Richmond 7112 Route 31, Richmond Broadway St, Richmond Spring Grove 5307 Barnard Milt Rd., Ringwood 1111 N Green St. McHenry 1304 N. Park St, McHenry 2315 W. Church SL. Johnsburg 6009 McCuNam Lake Rd.. Wonder Lake 3002 N. Route 120. McHenry 3925 WEhu St, McHenry 7140 Barnard Mill Rd., Nonder Lake 2107 N Lincoln, McHenry 3506 L Nonder Lake Rd., Wonder Lake 2505 N. Ringwood Rd.. McHenry Ldhe Shore Dr.. McCuikxn Lake 4720 N Elm SL. Route 120. McHenry 3100 N Elm St, McHenry 3312 N. Chapd HiH Rd., McHenry 1515 Channd Beach Dr., McHenry 306 HWtep Dr.. Pistakee Highlands 4115 N. WMmot Rd., McHanry 6900 McCuNom lake Rd., Wonder Lake 404 N. Green St, McHenry 1304 N. Park SL, McHenry 3002 N Route 120. McHenry 4513 N. Front Royal Dr., McHenry 1717 N. Sunset, McHenry 234 N. Rand Rd.. Route 120, McHenry 4513 N. Front Royd Dr.. McHenry 3312 N. Chapd Hill Rd.. McHenry 4724 N. Crystd Lake Rd.. McHenry 2505 N. Ringwood Rd.. McHenry 1713 Route 176. Crystal lake 133 INinois SL. Crystal lake 500 Noodstock SL. Crystd lake 176, Island Lake 14 i 171. Crystd lake 234 W. Rand Rd., Route 120. McHenry Haute 176, Island lake 3115 W.BuN Valley Rd.. McHenry Village d Oakwood Hills. Cary 330 N. Main St. Crystal lake 7421N. Hillside, Crystal lake 2601 S. River Rd.. Grtswdd Lake 121N Noodstock SL. Crystal Lake 3223 Route 176, Crystd lake 5209 N. Ndkup Ave., Crystal Lake 1713 Route 176, Crystd lake 3115 WBuN Valley Rd., McHenry 2 S. Main SL, Algonquin 174 McHenry Ave.. Crystd Lake 409 First SL. Cary 121 Algonquin 22 Algonquin 23 a« • _ *| Algonquin ze Algonquin 25 Algonquin 26 Algonquin 27 Algonquin 21 Algonquin 29 Algonquin 30 Algonquin 31 Algonquin 32 Algonquin 33 Algonquin 34 Algonquin 35 Algonquin 36 Algonquin 37 Algonquin 31 Algonquin 39 Algonquin 40 Sherman Plumbing A Heating Cary Grave High Schod Community Center Briargate Schod Coventry Schod (Gym) Lundahl Junior High (Parking Lai- Lower Gym EnL) Canterbury Schod Coventry Schod (Gym) UTH Fire Station Cary Fire Station Newbert Elementary Schod aa -- i -- i t* -- j. c-i 1 wapieeooo «noc xnooi Algonquin Middk Schod Algonquin Road Grade Schad S.S. Peter A Paul Schod Gym Crystd lake Manor Park District lundahl Junior Hwh (Parking Lot- lower Gym Ent) Church d the Nazarene Crystal Lake South High Schod UTH Grade Schod Bright Oaks Community Center OPPRESS MgHiqyin ̂ Rhm fimo 114 A Mate St, Candida 162, Alganquin 300 Lahe Share Dr̂ Cryatd Laha 22 Spring St, Cary 401 Orchard St, Fda Rhar Grave Ndkup AVL, Crystd Lahe 1115 Crystd Lahe Rd. UTH 409 Fust St, Can w'- 330 Vugima St, Crystd UW 3211 Fud SL, Alpwquin 1212 Cryatd Lahe Rd. UTH 975 Alganqum R4, Fat Riear Gravi Haute 14, Can 302 a Hanim St, Alpspte 300 lake Share Dr. Crystd Ma 6119 Sarthwod Hwy. Cryatd Ishe Three Oaks Rd. A Fnt St, Cary 402 Northwest Hwy. FOB K WNetff St, Cary 120 Darimgten UL, Crydd Lahe 560 Nash Rd. Crystd laha 175 Canterbury Dr. Crydd Ida 120 Derttegteu La. Cryatd Lahe 2 L Oak St, UTH Sihnr Lahe Rd. A Crystd Lahe Am. Can 1100 Hunbugten Dr. Ilpapia 422 W. Kranz Ave. Can langwoed Dr. Alpuqam 975 Mfanqum Rd. Faa Rhar Gmm 416 a Fwt St, Can Pingrae Rd. Crydd Laha 560 Nash Rd. Crystd Lda 531 Devonshire La. CiyatdLda 1200 S. McHanry Ave. Crystd Lde PHaw SL, UTH Bright Oaks Sufed. Can in the County of McHENRY and State off IIHnois, an Election will be held for. EDUCATION OFFICERS SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS COMMUNITY COUEGE BOARD MEMBERS REGIONAL BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES Fox River Grove Schod District #3 Union Consdidated Schod District #1 Lotus Elementary Schod District #10 Spring Grove Elementary Schod District # 11 Johnsburg Community Unit Schod District #12 Richmond Consdidated Giade Schod District #13 McHenry Community Colsdidated Schod District #15 Hawthron Community Colsdidated Sch*d District #17 Riley Community Consdidated Schod District #11 Alden-Hebron Community Consdidated Uait Schod District #19 Cary Community Consdidated Schod District #26 Harrison Elementary Schod District #36 Prairie Grove Consdidated Schod District #46 Crystal Lake Community Consdidated Schod District #47 Harvard CommJhity Unit Schod District #50 Community Unit Schod District #100 Wauconda Community Unit Schod Schod District #111 Marengo Elementary Schod District #140 Marengo Community High Schod District #154 Crystal Lake Community High Schod District #155 McHenry Community High Schod District #156 ̂ Richmond Burton Community High Schod District #157 Huntley Consdidated Schod District #151 Woodstock Community Unit Schoo< District #200 Barrington Community Unit Schod District #220 Dundee Community Unit Schod District #300 Elgin Community College District #509 Rock Valley Community Cdlege District #511 William Rain«y Harper Community Cdlege District #512 McHenry County Community Cdlege District #521 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT TRUSTEES-ln the Idlowing Fire Protection Districts. Algonquin lake in the Hills Fire Protection District and the fdlowing PROPOSITIONS: The establishment of THE JOHNSBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT The establishment ol a special tai for Ambulance Service in THE McHENRY 10WNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT An increase in the Educational Tai Rate tor WOODSTOCK COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT #200 The pdls of said Election will be opened at Sii o'clock in the morning, and wiU in the evening of that day. Dated Octobei 14.1983 cteaa at Seven •'duch (Pub. Oct. 26, 1983) No. 830460 ClMl

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