Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Oct 1983, p. 15

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>Vi£Sij BANK ) VINOS ) # ) notices** and BUFFALO SAVINGS BANKH Plaintiff, Legal notice ^ATKOF ) East if thflwA ILLINOIS ) Principal COUNTY OF ) (SSpttog McHENRY ) therefrom the W TIffiCmCUrr North 270.88 feet COURT OF THE of the West 804.91 19TH JUDICIAL feet thereof?/in CIRCUIT McHENRY McHenr^Cc^ COUNTY, Illinois. ILLINOIS HARRIS ) PARCEL 2: TRUST AND ) The South Half of SAVINGS ) the Southwest BANK AS ) Quarter of the EXECUTOR ) Southeast Quarter OF THE WILL ) , of Section 30, OF JAMES L. ) Township 45 PALMER, ) North, Range 8, Deceased, ) East of the ) Prim Plaintiff, ) Men ) (ex vs. ) therefrom the .) South 330.88 feet DONAtJDH. ) thereof),in PALMER. ) McHenry County, DANAJOY ) Illinois. PALMER, ) Commonly known NORWOOD ) as 1206 Ridge FARMS, ) Road. McHenry, a Wisconsin ) Illinois. 80060. limited ) NOW. systems STATE ) file your appearance ^NK>and ) in the office of the UNKNOWN ) clerk of the Court OWNERS, ) above stated on or . . . J before Nov. 23rd, 1963, Defendants. ) and if you fail to do so, or do not otherwise NO, 82 CH 333 make your PUBLICATION appearance on or NOTICE before said date, this The requisite cause may be heard Affidavit naving been and judgment entered SSrin?1?? HFRFIN r **?*?! "ld NOTICfc. io HEKfilN Complaint with GIVEN YOU, further notice. UNKNOWN IN TESTIMONY OWNERS, WHEREOF, I have Defendants, in the hereunto set my hand above-entitled action, and affixed the seal of that an action is now said Court at my office pending in the court as in Woodstock. Illinois. shown above, wherein this 14 day of Plaintiff seeks to October, 1963. foreclose a mortgage Vernon W. Kays, Jr., made by DONALD H Clerk of the PALMER, DANA JOY Circuit Court of PALMER, and McHenry County, NORWOOD FARMS, a Illinois Wisconsin limited (COURT SEAL) partnership. with respect to the LITTLE JOHN, following described GLASS real estate: 4 YOWELL, LTD. PARCEL 1: 899 Skokie Boulevard The South 330.88 North brook, EL., 60082 feet of the South (312) 564-8910 Half of the Southwest KELL, CONERTY 4 Quarter of the POEHLMANN Southeast - 121 East Calhoun Quarter of Street Sectton 30. .t * P-O. Box 588 REPORT OF CONDITION, CONSOLIDATING DOMESTIC SUBSIDIARIES OF The First National 6ank of McHenry In the state of Illinois, at the close of business on September 30,1983 published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under title 12, United States Code, Section 161. Charter num­ ber 15765 National Bank Region Number Seven. Statement of Resources and Liabilities Thousands of Dollars ASSETS Cash and due from depository insitiutions 5/927 U.S. Treasury securities 5.848 Obligations of other U.S. Government agencies and corporations 6.871 Obligations of States and political subdivisions in the United States 4 ,086 All other securities 1.059 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell . ...; 300 ' Loons, total (excluding unearned income).. 11,164 less: Allowance for possible loan losses 137 Loans. Net 11,027 Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises 321 All other assets 859 TOTAL ASSETS..... 36,298 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 4,149 Time and savings deposits of individuals, r' partnerships, and corporations 27,402 Deposits of United States Government .. 99 Deposits of States and political subdivisions •o the United States ... 1.661 Certified and officers' checks 239 TOTAL DEPOSITS 33 550 Total demand deposits ' 4,488 Total time and sovings deposits 29,062 All other liabilities 332 TOTAL LIABILITIES (excluding subordinated notes and debentures) 33,882 EQUITY CAPITAL Con^mon stock No. shares authorized 67,000 * No shares outstanding 67,000 (par value) 670 "'.Surplus 885 9. Undivided profits and reserve for * contingencies and other capital reserves 861 \ TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL 2.416 -TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CAPITAL 36,298 V MEMORANDA^ » Amounts outstanding as of report date * ' Standby letters of credit, total "...... 36 * T|irie certificates of deposit in denominations of $100,000 or more 1,871 Other time deposits in amounts of SI00.000 or more , .. '00 Average for 30 calendar days (or calendar month) ending with report date: Total depos.its 33,618 We, the undersigneo directors, attest to the correc­ tness of this statement of resources and liabilities. We declare that it has been examined by u* and to the best of our knowledge and belief has been prepared in conformance with the instructions and is true and correct. Marion H. Busse - Mae Marty Stinespring Donald C. Stinespring / Directors, I; William J. Busse, Executive Vice President of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this Report of Condition is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. William J. Busse October 19, 1983 (Published October 26. 1983) No. 830456 Woodstock, IL., (815) 338-4511 (Pub. Oct. 19,38 4 Nov. 2.1963) No. 830447 Legal notice ADVERTISEMENT FORBIDS PROJECT NO. 1 McHENRY COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY Separate selaed bids for weatherizing homes in McHenry County will be received by the McHenry County Housing Authority, hereinafter referred to as the "Authority" at the office of the Authority, P.O. Box 683, Woodstock, Illinois 60088. if mailed, or if delivered, at die same office at 1116 N. Seminary, Woodstock, Illinois, upon the 8th day of Nov., up to the hour of 10:00 AM.., and then at said office publicly opened end read aloud. Information for bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract Agreement, Specifications, and Form of Performance and Paytnent Bond and other contract documents may be obtained at the Authority office on or after 10:30 A.M., Oct. 31, 1983. Proposals must be made on the forms furnished by the Authority. The Authority reserves the right to reject any and au bids, or to waive any irregularity in bid form. All work must be completed on or befo"> December 31, 1983. A pre-bid conference will be held for all interested contractors at the office Of the Authority, at 10:30 fovember l, ... A! 1963. Each bidder must insure that all sloyees and Jlicants for .' employment are not discriminated against because of their race, creed, color, sex or bidder* may .. Jjbid (30) days date of the opening thereof DATE; October 1963 Nancy Briscoe Executive Director County 19, (Pub. Oct. 26, & 28, 1963) r No. 830461 Legal notice IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOh THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS EASTERN DIVISION No. 9355 -vs- GEORGEC. ) HASKINS, ) etal. r ' ) ) Defendants. ) CASE NO. 83 C 5680 NOTICE OF SPECIAL COMMISSIONER'S SALE Public Notice is hereby given that is pursuance of a decree entered in the above entitled Court in said cause on 10-19-83 I, RICHARD CROSS, Special' Commissioner for the Northern District of Illinois .Eastern Division, will on Nov. 22,1963 at the hour of 11:00 a.m. at the front door of die County building located 2200 N. Seminary Ave Woodstock, Illinc 60096 sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described premises situated In McHENRY County, Illinois. Said sale shall be subject to 1962 general taxes and to any special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate. Upon die sale being made the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a deed on a specified date unless die property is redeemed according to law. Said property is described as follows, to-wit: Lot 35 in Block 5 in First Addition to Fox River Grove, a Subdivision of that part ofihe S.E. Va lving Northeasterly of the right of way the Chicago and orth western R.R. and Southeasterly of the Fox River, of Section 18, Township 43 N., Range 9, E. of the 3rd P.M.. according to the Plat thereof recorded 4-6- 06 as Doc. No. 10044 in Book 3 of Plats, ^"fflenry, Ska Fox River Grove, Dated this 2lst day of October, 1963. Richard R. Cross, Special Commissioner of the United " States District Court Northern District of Illinois FISHER & FISHER Attorneys for Plaintiff 30 North LaSalle Street Chicago, IL., 60602 312 372-4784 No. 03309 (Published in the McHenry Plaindealer Oct. 26, Nov. 2, 9, & 16, 1963) No. 830462 CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION OF WONDER LAKE STATE BANK (Account No.) 26757 OF WONDER LAKE, ITS DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN SUBSIDIARIES AND ITS FOREIGN BRANCHES AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON SEPTEMBER 30, 1983. Published in response to call of the com* missioner of banks and trust companies of the stato of Illinois. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ASSETS Cash and due from banks 1,156 U.S. Treasury securities <1,997 Obligations of other U.S. Government agencies and corporations 2,460 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 1,400 Loans. Total (excluding unearned income).... 2,270 Less: Reserve for possible loan losses 33 Loans, Net 2,237 Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises 161 Other assets . . . 103 TOTAL ASSETS 9,514 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 870 Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 7,229 Deposits of United States Government 24 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 322 Certified and officers checks ........... 3 TOTAL DEPOSITS X 8,448 Total demand deposits 899 Total time and savings deposits 7,549 Other liabilities 110 TOTAL LIABILITIES (excluding subordinated notes and debentures) 8,558 EQUITY CAPITAL Common stock No. shares authorized 37 ,000 No. shares outstanding 32 000 (par value) 320 Surplus • -320 Undivided profits . . 316 TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL 956 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CAPITAL 9.514 I, John McCamman, Vice President, of the above- named bank, do hereby certify that this report of con­ dition is true and correct, to the best of my knowldge and belief. Correct-Attest: John McCamman Stephen Mitchell. Donald Sturm, D.D S. William Johnson . Directors State of Illinois, County of McHenry s^ Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20th day of October 1983. My commission expires December 27 1983 Nancy Mason, Notary Public (Published October 26 1983) No.830459 RauuKteale PACK 17 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26,1963 Happy Rirthilav Business Services. REMODELING Specialists, "30 years." Basements, porches, room additions, garages, concrete ' repairs, roofing, siding. Promptservice. O.E.A. Construction, 815-344-1632, 815-385- 6566,816-34+0748. 10- 19-11-4C C&JSTOM Draperies, The "extra-special" )oek you like, at prices you'll love! Call for free consultation 815- 344-2922. 10-14tfc U HANDYMAN, CARPENTRY, Remodeling, roofing apd siding, painting, fences, tree removal. Complete services. No job too small. 815-344- 2384. 10-5tfc > • CARPET CLEANING Special. Any living room steamed cleaned and sanitized, $39.95. Bauman Carpet Cleaners, 815-943-4793. 10-5tfc ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS? Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Farm. For quick, reliable service, call Electrical Unlimited. Licensed and Insured. 815-728- 1614. l0-5tfc LOCAL MOVING and Hauling. Reasonable rates. 816-385-9386. 10- 5tfc GARAGE DOOR Sales, Service and Repair. Electric door openers. All work guaranteed. 815-385- 2862. 7 10-5tfc PLUMBING, New work, remodeling, repairs, water s , beaten, sump pumps Call Tom. 81 Stfc , R.T.A R. PAINTING. CO. Commercial & Residential. Interior & Exterior. Low prices. Insured. Free estimates. Ron 815-728- 0176. >'"> 10-5tfc JENSEN •• WOOD Restoration. Accurate and careful restoration of Antiques, furniture and kitchen cabinets. Also chair re-glueing. 815-385-4024 Gary Jensen. 10-5tfc WILL DO LAUNDRY, ironing, sewing, in my home. Diane, 815-455- 6665 after 5pm. 10-5tfc DO YOUR CONCRETE work before winter. You name it, we do it. C & E Concrete, 815-385- 3596. 10-5tfc TYPEWRITER REPAIR Manual and Electric. Free pick-up and delivery. Keener & Son, 815-728-0672. 10- 5tfc WILL DO GARAGE and basemeqt cleaning, lawn work and light hauling, also other odd jobs. 815-653- 6896,815-728-1833. 10- 5tfc SEWING MACHINE and Vacuum .Cleaner Repair and parts in home service. Keener & Son, 815-728-0672. 10- 5tfc WINDOW WASHING! 815-455-5536. 10-5tfc MARIA'S ALTERATIONS. Good work, low price. Open Monday-Friday, 8am- 6pm, Saturday 9-3pm. 815-385-3269. 4821 W. Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. . 10-5tfc FOUR \S0NS TREE EXPERTS Remo*alj*frieminfl •Emergency Storm Dtmtgt •Spraying*H«rdwood Firewood*Free Estimates •fully Inwred t •U.S.F.S. Trained 815-385-0318 HOUSECLEANING, Responsible, energetic person looking for work cleaning houses. References. Call 815- 344-2631 anytime. 10- 19-11-llc GARAGE DOOR Sales, Service and Repair. Electric door openers. 25 years experience. All work guaranteed. 815-385- 2862. 10-5tfc BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE Professional Dog Grooming. All breeds. Call 815-386-2018 for appointment. l0-5tfc ALBRECHT Construction, specialists in remodeling, repair and custom built homes. Free estimates. 815-653- 6451. 10-5tfc MATHISON tone SERVICE New Septic Installation*, and Repairs SockhoeWorfc " Questions about your septic systems? Give us a call Light Hauling. Driveway Gravel. Top Soil, Sand & Fill 815-344-3980 5 5TF ALLAH'S lAtlY .STM.FT. On Driveways Over 1000 Sq Ft •Parking lou*New 0'ives •long Lanes*Patching •Resurtacmg^Sealcoating 24 Hour Service All Work Guoronteed Free Estimates •1S4S9-39M Call Now 6 Save 5 4 IF THINK GREEN Landscaping and Lawn Maintenance Stop, Think, Call and Compare Prices Complete Lawn Maintenance. Weed and feed Fertilizing. Thatching. Sod. Black Dirt. Sand Gravel. Decorative Stone. Tree and Shrub PtanGng*Installed or Delivered Leaf Raking, fall dean up. \ 815-385-6103 10/5TT T & A HOME IMPROVEMENT 815-385-8259 New Goroges, Room Additions, Dormers, Alum. S/Windows, S/Doors, Seamless Gutters, Siding, Re-Placement Windows, Soffitt, Fascia Any Type Roofing. All Types of Remodeling Inside and Outside. We Also Build Complete New Buildings, Wood Decks and Patios I tofsrr YARD CARE. FALL clean-up. Mowing, weeding, hedges, etc. Ken, 815-456-5636. 10- 5tfc BASEMENTS* ATTICS. Cleaned and hauled. Free estimates. 815-455- 5636. 10-5tfc PAINTING, PATCHING, light repairs. Quality work and materials. Reasonable. David or Ken, 815-455-5636. 10- 5tfc AUTO REPAIR done at my home, reasonably priced. Can install motors, transmissions, rear ends, U joints, brakes, light tune-ups, tie rods, ball joints and many other miscellaneous auto problems. 815-344- 1576. 10-26-10-28C SNOWPLOWING, Driveways, Walks. Reasonable and affordable. McHenry area. 815-344-1632. 10- 26-11-llc Notices, RHYTHMIC AEROBICS, October 31-December 21, Monday k Wednesday, 9:30-10:30am, Grace Luthem Church, Woodstock. $35.00-8 weeks. 'Free babysitting. Sponsored by Smith's Fitness Center. For more information call, 815- 338-3650 or 815-338- 5120. 10-10-11-4C Happy 21st Ike Four Squirrels Tern, Weeber, Jodd and Corey 10 26 Card Of Thanks THiMSMVHK K0VBU 10 SI. JUK Oh, Holy S! Jude. Apostle and Marty, great tn viriue and reh *1 „ miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, Faithful Intercessor of ail *ho invoke your special patronage m time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my hear; and humbly beg to whom God has given such great powe' to come to my assistan ce Help me m my present and urgent petition la return I promise to make yout name knowrr and cause you to be in­ voked Say 3 Hail Mary's. 3 Our Father s and 3 Glory Be s lor 9 consecutive days Publication must be promised St Jude pray lor us aH who m voke your aid This novena has never known to fail: I have had my request gran ted. Publication promised Arietta PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Residential Commercial- Industr ial B i g s a v i n g s o n R e s i d e n t i a l w o r k P r o v e n b y t h o u s a n d s o f s o t i s f i e d c u s t o m e r s SPRING DISCOUNT • M a c h i n e Loid ' N e w D r i v e s • R e s u r f a c i n g • P a r k i n g L o t s • S e a l C o a t i n g A l l w o r k g u a r a n t e e d F r e e E s t i m a t e s ^ 312-546-5600 _ 5 G r a y s l a k e I I I . Public Notice Riverdale Subdivi­ sion is accepting bids for snowplow- ing of subdivision roads for 1983-84 season. • *V For Information Call: Wolfgang Nemeier 815-455-1168 or Jmi Tlistina 815-459-6837 All Bids Must Be Received by Nov. 9 KukJ DON'T BE SNOWED in this winter! Get on our plowing list now. 815-455-5536. 10-19tfc WILL DO LAUNDRY, ironing, sewing in my home. 815-455-5536 after 5pm. 10-12tfc DRIVERS BEWARE! On 2 occasions I was stopped by Huntley Police for no reason, while driving through town at midnight. Last time was unjustly ticketed. I drive with a Michigan license plate, will fight it. in court. If you had similar experiences, please call 815-338- 10-21-10-26 OUR HEARTFELT thanks to all who extended comforting sympathy and help in or recent loss. For the mass offerings, flowers, cards and other kindnesses, we are deeply grateful. The family of Joseph Nimsgern. 10-26 THANK YOU for your prayers, flowers and cards you so thoughtfully sent while I was in the hospital. Harold J. Freund and family. 10-26 THANKS TO ST. Jude for favor granted. G.K. 10-26 YOUR KIND expressions of sympathy are gratefully - acknowledged and deeply appreciated by the family of the late C. Irene Guffey. We realize, now, more than ever, just how much our friends mean to us. Thank you again. 10-26 Notices. Autos, 2ND ANNUAL Hobday Bazaar, October 28, 29, 30, 9am-5pm. 1800 N. Sunset, Lakeland Park, McHenry. 10-26- 10-28c GOOD DGrlL$ Bears &0DH0e/ » -1: ' • I." 11 l.l.l.l.lj.!-W.|:̂ Our PRICES are as LOW or LOWER than any muffler shop around! --CHECK THESE PRICES!!! MUFFLERS AsALsow $1 8.00 CHEVY TAIL PIPES AsALsow $22.00 FORD CROSSOVER PIPES. . As>°" $45.00 LIFETIME WARRANTY MUFFLERS SLIGHTLY HIGHER Hours: Weekdays 8-5 Sat. 8-3 815-338-5977 JIM'S MUFFLER BAY 1110 Broadway (Next to Marian Central) Woodstock. IL 60098 Call Today For Your Free Estimate 815-338-5977

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