PAGE 1« - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2%, 1M3 lainclealer Real Estate OFFICE HRS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:30 am to 5:00 pm . , SATURDAY 9 to 12 Noon CLASSIFIED READER DEADLINE 3:30 MON. FOR WED. PAPER . 3:30 WED. FOR FRI. PAPER CLASSIFIED DISPLAY DEADLINE 4:00 MON. FOR WED. PAPER 4:00 WED. FOR FRI. PAPER No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, in Memoriam. Birthdays, Anniver saries, Situation Wanted, Wanted to Rent, Wanted to Buy, and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in classified ads after the first insertion. "Check your ad after the first insertion and call our at tention to any mistakes. PHONE 815-3S5-0170 McHENRY S A V I N G S • llll tllllitllll m.<v 10.9% FINANCING AVAILABLE WITH AS LITTLE AS 10% SOWN ON THESE HOMES! FAMILY HOME McHENRY 2 Story Colonial; 3 bedrooms • 1'/, baths, control air con ditioning, firoplaco. $83,900 NEVER OCCUPIED CRYSTAL LAKE '/» of duplex: 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms. 2Vi baths. 2 ••orles, l car attached garage, heat pump and central air, lawn and snow maintenance by association, tennis and gome cour- MAINTENANCE FREE I io.*% CRYSTAL LAKE tf^"ciNcl % of duplex; 5 rooms. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, full un finished basement, central oir, 2 cor garage, lawn core ond snow removal done by association, tennis and game courts. ..J0-'" S*a*ciNg $84,900 NEVER OCCUPIED JOHNSBURG Quod level, 2 story residence; 3 bedrooms. 2% baths, fireplace, central air, unfinished basement, ottoched garoge. $119,750 . 10.9% (FINANCING McHENRY IDEAL STARTER HOME WONDER LAKE New aluminum siding, new carpeting, new paint, block from park and boat launch into Wonder Lake. 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, forced air gos heat. ^ 9 % . HNANCINO] tfiittuifi&pltl $36,900 •f'prs CALL 315-3000, ASK FOR MR. MARINAN6EL McHenry Savings too lOa* AttOCiatoOO 120* North Green Street, McHenry StS-3tS-3000 10620 Main Street, P'chmond 015-670 2041 10402 North Vine Street (Huntley Center on Route 47) Huntley J12-44*-MM SAVERS HOURS: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday. Tuesday, and Thursday. 9:00 am to 8:00 pm Friday. to 1:00 pm Saturday. McHenry Office Drive-in windows open Wenesday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Closed Wednesdoy in Richmond and Huntley. Q^»ilH hiwrf SI--.-- by F»4«fl jwtiy S I--n Garage Sale- For Rent GARAGE SALE, Rained out, New and old Items. Drapes and rods; closet and wall shelves; carpet; crib; lamps; oven hood; twin bed set; stereo equipment; large vanity; Soni T.V. and stand; winter coats, toddler and adult; electronic computer parts' and books; miscellaneous household items. 1401 EastwoodLane, McHenry. Friday and Saturday, 9-lpm. 10- 26-10-28C GARAGE SALE, Saturday, October 29th, 8 to 5pm. 415 .Stratford Court, McHenry. 10-28-10-28c AMOVING SALE, Entire household contents; furniture; appliances; tools; fireplace blower and equipment. Split firewood, $8.00 a trunk load. Cash only. Friday 28th and Saturday 29th, 9-3pm. 3802 Clover, Edgebrook Heights. 10-26-10-28C ! GARAGE SALE, • Miscellaneous items. • Friday, Saturday, ; October 28, 29, 9am- • 4pm. 2748 Knob Hill, J Johnsburg, (Dutch . Greek). H0-26-10-28C : ; GARAGE SALE, Inside, 4 Families. £•7702 S. Oak Road, • Wonder Lake, October '•'28 to 30,9 till 8pm. 10- • 28-10-28c • • - • 3 FAMILY GARAGE Sale, October 27,28,29, 10am-4pm. 521 Kensington Drive, Foxridge. No early birds, please. 10-26-10- 28c GARAGE SALE, Kitchenware; books; boy's clothing; furniture; games; exerciser; much miscellaneous, ftiursday and Friday, October 27 and 28. Early birds welcome, 7am-4pm, 507 Silbury Court, Foxridge. 10-26 GARAGE SALE, Furqiture; wringer washer; Avon Products; Act II jewerly; clothes; curtain rods; much more. 1319 W. Sunnyside Beach. Friday 9-5pm, Saturday 9-5pm. 10-26- 10-28c GARAGE SALE, Thursday and Friday, 9 till 2pm. Leftovers from last weekend. Prices reduced 1209 W. Sunset Drive, Holiday Hills. 10-26-10- 28c GARAGE SALE, House furnishings; organ; office equipment; mirrors; pictures; old library table; wicker; much miscellaneous. Some give away prices. Saturday 10-5pm, Sunday 10-3pm. 2807 N. Regner Road. 10-26-10- 28c GARAGE SALE, October 28-30, Friday and Saturday, 9-5pm; Sunday, 10-3pm. Small furniture; assorted clothing; much miscellaneous; some new. 120 to Lily Lake road, 1 mile to 613 Christine Drive. 10-26- 10-28c GARAGE SALE, Collier buggy; baby items; clothes to size 2; portable bar; stools; Johnson boat control; Weber grill; accordian and more. October 28, 9-4pm, October 29,9-2pm.7413 Salem, Wonder Lake. 10-26-10-28C MOVING, . WILL DICKER. Everything must go. Tools; fully planted terrarium; African violets and other plants;, nurniture; linens, knick-knacks; much more. 803 W. Southside Avenue, Lilymoor. Starting Thursday 9am. 10-26-10-28C CAMP DUNCAN YMCA'S 2nd ANNUAL Rummage & Bake Sale Fri., Oct. 28 9-4 Sot, Oct. 29 9-2 Camp Duncan Lodge Rt. 12 (1 mile north of Rt. 120) Volo, IL 2SJ RICHMOND LARGE 2 bedroom home, full basement, all appliances,, on double lot. Available immediately. Minimum l year lease or longer if desired. Efficient gas forced air heat, city sewer and water, within walking distance of shopping and city park, attached garage and blacktop drive way. $425 per month. Century 21 May Realtors, 815-678-4575. 10-26-10-28c DETAIL GARAGE available and or big parking lot. Prime location, off Front Street. Will split. 815 344-5610. 10-26lfc 3 BEDROOM, 14 bath house, Johnsburg Schools, 1 year lease, references required, $450 month. Available immediately. Call Century 21 Care, 815- 344-1033 ask for Mary Ellen. 10-26-10-28C HOUSE, 4 Bedroom, 14 baths, full basement, 2 car garage, 4. acre, Johnsburg Schools, references required, $425.00. 815-385-3458. 10-26-10-28c Lost LOST: MAN'S Diamond Ring, vicinity Chapel Hill Country Club Dining Room. Reward! 815- 385-6218. 10-26-10-28c $42.000 Custom Built Home Builder's Lot Included 3 Bedrooms' 960 Square Feet Carpeted Decorated All Electric Attached One Car Garage Highland Shore, Wonder Lake Financing Available Call McHENRY REALTY 7508 Hancock Drive Wonder Lake, IL 60097 815-653-2211 815-385-5922 h McHwrf * Ufct Cwiu REPOSSESSED as low as $1,500 down • Priced thousands below value. Homes storting at $27,000. Fixed rate Financing. 312-980-9378 AMERICAN Waterfront Pistokee Terrace lefhnsburg School district. For rent or sale. 4 bdrm., 2 bath, family room, 1'/» car garage. $79,500 815-385-7266 WONDER LAKE: 1456 square foot, ttiain- tenance • free, 4 bedroom home on large corner lot. Aluminum siding, basement, fenced yard with patio, large septic. $45,750. Call 815-653-2061 ask for John Chambers. McHenry County Realty, Inc. _ -aviAH au^riw* FOR SALE BY Owner, 3 bedroom, full basement, 24 car garage, with rec. room $bove, 1 acre lot, in town, immediate occupancy. 815-385- 2388, No Brokers. 10- 21-10-28C FMEOtSO McHenry County V.A.-10%-30 yrs. Fixed rate mortgages, HUD & lender's homes also are available. Call SHAMROCK REALTY 815-728 0424 .S'lOTFj IDYMAN ICtAl"" 2 bedroom home! Garage, in-town, good location, walking distance to school, church and shopping. $29,500 8153850557 NEW 2,500 Sq. Ft. Commercial, 1 overhead door, located east side of McHenry on Rte. 120. 815-344- 1100 or 815-385-8306. 10- 12tfc CLEAN, NEAT and convenient 3 bedroom Ranch, 14 baths, laundry, family room, 1 car garage, 8475.00. After 8pm, 815-385-4389 or 815-728-1033. 10-5tfc JOHNSBURG HOME, Professionally Managed and Well Kept. 2 bedroom home with large, 2 car detached garage, on large country lot, available immediately! New economical gas-forced air heat, refrigerator and stove included. Available on a minimum l year lease (or longer if you desire). Children and animals welcome, $395 per month. Century 21 May Realtors, 815-678- 4575. 10-26-10-28C CUSTOM DECORATED 1 or 2 bedroom converted lower level of owner's McHenryhome. Rented furnished or not, responsible adults only, security deposit. No pets. $300 or $375 includes utilties. Available November l or later. Call evenings, Larry. 815-385-8252. 10- 26-10-28c HOUSE, ONE Bedroom $49.00 week, Wonder Lake, security deposit. No pets. 815- 385-8442. 10-26-10-28C CHOO CHOO Hot Dog Stand for sale, $15,000. 815-385-6191. 10-21-10- 28c BY OWNER, 4,000 sq. ft. custom built ranch with indoor swimming pool, too many extras to list. Will sacrifice for $119,100. Call 815- 344-2918 after 5pm for appointment to see. 10-21-10-28c NORTHERN WISCONSIN, By owner, 2 bedroom cottage, storms and screens, new septic and plumbing, $20,000. Call after 3:30pm, 818- 653-7388. 10-21-10-28c MOVE RIGHT IN, completely redecorated, 2 or 3 bedroom ranch. Call today for financing, Re-Max, Gloria, 312- 398-3050. 10-5tfc FOR SALE, 3 Bedroom Home, full basement, 2 car attached garage, fireplace, all appliances, - water front view, boat dock, perfect condition. Price to sell. 815-344- 2891 after 6pm. 10-26- 10-28c DOUBLE HOUSE, $39,974 ($3,997 down), $84 week. Owner 815- 344-1183. 10-26-10-28c "NEW" 2 BEDROOM, aluminum sided, raised ranch, $99.00 week, ($5,995 down). Immediate occupancy. 815-385- 0169 owner. 10-26-10- 28c HANDYMAN SPECIAL, Two bedroom, porch, basement, garage, river rights. McHenry one mile. $25,987, agent. 815-344-1183. 10^ 26-10-28c VACANT LOT, Just reduced, $2,000, 100x150, south of McHenry. All reasonable offers considered. 815-385- 6575. 10-26-10-28c 120X130 LOT on Rte. 176 between River Road and Burtons Bridge, high ground, trees all around. By owner. After 3pm, 815- 385-3024. 10-19-10-28C STORE FOR Sale or rent, 1,300 sq. ft. upper level, 950 sq. ft. lower level, located Rte. 12, Fox Lake, central air, and ample parking facilities. 312-282-6222. - 10-19-10-28C FOR SALE BY Owner, Ranch house with family room, 3 bedrooms, carpeted, Johnsburg Schools, $59,800, 84 percent, 30 years. 815-385-6566, 815-344-1632, 815-344- 0748. 10-19-1 l-4c FOUR BEDROOM Victorian, built in 1870, 2,500 ' sq. ft., Johnsburg. Many uniquefeatures, $79,960, 8 • percent interest. 815-344-1632, 8J5-385-6566, 815-344- 0748. 10-19-1l-4c FOXRIDGE, Luxury plus. Bi-level, 5 bedroom, 24 bath, family ro<^m with woodburning fireplace. Sliding glass doors leading to deck, off living room, sodded lawn, $88,500. McHenry County Realty, Mortimer, 815-385-6990. 10-26-10- 28c 5 PERCENT DOWN, 84 ^percent interest! New 3 bedroom ^ l, $49,900, model open by binlder. 312- 428-9400. 10-7-11-23c SMALL 2 BEDROOM House, close to McHenry, good investment, $31,500. Call 815-385-3490. 10- 5tfc y McHENRY COUNTY by owner, 13 unit apartment building at $23,000 per unit for total of $299,000, older brick building. Gross income $42,780. Call 815-385-3490. l0-5tfc FOR SALE BY OWNER, two bedroom ranch on two lots, near lake, two-car garage, $49,500.815-728-0661. 10-26-10-28c NORTHFOX Condominium,2 bedrooms, 14 baths, includes, washer- dryer, stove, refrigerator, garbage disposal, trash compactor, central air, fully carpeted. Must see to appreciate, $39,900. Call 815-385-6205 before 2pm, 815-385-1132 after 2pm. 10-21-10-28C WONDER LAKE home has 1,000 square feet and sits on 5 level lots. Huge dining room, 2 baths, ample sleeping area, nice size garage, appliances and most furnishings. Owner must sacrafice at $30,000 firm. McHenry County Realty, Inc. 815-653-2061 or 815-385- 6990. 10-21-10-28C COMPLETELY Maintenance free, 3 bedroom, 2 4 car garage, 14 bath, full basement, asking $65,900. 815-385-0083 before 5pm. 10-12-11- 4c BY OWNER, Investment tax * shelter, income property, 4 unit apartment building in downtown McHenry, $119,750, 9 percent interest. 815-385-6566. 10-12-10-28C WATERFRONT Home, 125 ft. on Fox River, north of damS3 bedroom, 14 story Cape Cod, - 2 car garage, living, dining, family room, natural stone fireplace, wooded lot, $79,850, 9 percent interest. 815- 385-6566. 10-12-10-28C For Rent. HOUSE FOR RENT, 5423 W. Highland Avenue in Westshore Beach, McCullom Lake, 2 bedroom, $300 month, utilities not included, 1 month rent and security, references required. 815-653-9085. 10-26-10- 28c r X)N PISTAKEE Bay, 4 small rooms, suitable for a mature person, $268.00.815-385-3861. 10-26-10-28C AFFORDABLE Office Space, Get the business out of your home. Over 300 sq. ft. of finished office including utilities, restroom and use of meeting room, $200 per month, plenty of parking, 24 hour access. Call 815-385- 3192. 10-26-11-4C MIDDLE ' AGED Working Woman, kitchen privileges, in town. 815-385-0557. 10- 26-10-28c NORTHFOX CONDO, lower, 2 bedroom, 14 bath, all appliances, carpeted, $410 per month. Available November 15th. Call after 4pm, 815-385- 5264. 10-26-10-28C 2 BEDROOM HOME, 14 baths, family room with fireplace, near stores, $450 month, McHenry County Realty. After 5pm, 815- 653-5876. 10-26-10-28C OFFICES, 1,000 Sq. Ft., 6 rooms, a.c., carpeted, $450 month plus utilities, McHenry. Call 815-338- 0777. 10-19-10-28C FURNISHED ROOMS in Pistakee lakefront home, kitchen privileges, utilities paid, $50.00 week. Long stay preferred. Call after 3pm or weekends until 3:30pm . 815-385-1811. • • 10-26-10-28c FARM HOUSE for rent, 3 bedrooms, 14 baths, full basement, Woodstock area, $350 per month plus utilities, security deposit required. Phone 815-385-0335. 10- 26-11-4c Pr jAS ui Rent. 815- •>85-93p>8. 10-26-10-28C MAtt STREET Offict $95.00 month, mini * fices, $59.00 and $29 0 month. 815-385- 0169. 10-26-10-28C SMALL HALL For Rent, 125 people or less, Anniversaries, Graduations, Weddings, etc. Liberty Hall, 1304 Park Street, McHenry. 815-385-2281 after 5pm. 10-5tfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9am to 12pm weekdays or after 6pm. 10-5tfc INDUSTRIAL Space, Available, Fritzsche Industrial Park, Inc., 5,000 sq. ft. to 52,500 sq. ft. 815-385-1079. 10-5tfc LARGE STORAGE area in city, dry, clean, secure, not heated, 24 hour access. 815-385-3192. 10-21tfc 29 YEAR OLD MALE looking for roommates to share 3 bedroom, 14 bath house near McHenry Shores. Call after 6pm, 815-344- 5030. 10-21-10-28C INSIDE BOAT Storage, in town, $10.00 a foot. Call 815- 385-3192. 10-21-11-4C 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in town. No pets. $450 a month 815-385-6646. 10-21-10-26 PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS, 2 bedroom home, fenced yard, basement, garage, excellent condition, $450 month plus security. 312-773- 1452. " 10-21-10-28C 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX, full basement, yard, off street parking in Harvard, $275. Call 815-943-7911. 10-5tfc 2 BEDROOM Duplex, full basement, yard, off street parking in Harvard, $275.00. Call 815-385-3490. 10-5tfc VEHICLE STORAGE parking, fenced area, Rte. 120 and Hill Road. 815-344-0822. 10-5tfc 1 BEDROOM Furnished Apartment, utilities furnished for mature adult couple. 815-385-8905. 10-5tfc SPACIOUS 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments, air conditioned, appliances, dishwasher. 815-385- 2181. 10-5tfc APPROXIMATELY 800 sq. ft. basement level in local office building, $200 per month as is or will remodel. 815-459-3145, ask for Bill. 10-5tfc f