Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Oct 1983, p. 27

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0 24 Help Wanted •AM PLAYfR tar varie­ ty/show road group. Must travel. uoo mln./wk. start. For interview, Ji2/6*5-3000, ant ait. ACTIVITY DIRECTOR far an intermediate Car* r •vliny »wr IIW UVVVVWIIIVIIIflr ly Dlaabtod. Must bo able to u|M|a yJik UkA PAali4A<l4a ww K wiim Www rVinWTTa If WVII as community aganclas. Day as In Therapeutic Recree- Appty at ar sand rasuma to: SHELTERED VILLAGE MOBordtn UIxmMAJ-L II WOOOSTQCK, IL. IXPfRIENCED Typist for ftnaral office work and posting to ledger. Apply In parson. Halges Machlnary, 200 Main St. MOMSEN TRUCKING naads auaflffod truck drlvar for Local Clitcafe work. Immadlats opening. Call 111/6JA6JI0. 24 Help Wanted AVON PEEL OOOOABOUT WHAT Representing Amor ice's fl direct-selling company, sail beautiful products: cosmattcs, frjgranca, lawalry. Goad Earn- Call: I15/4JF-5757 SALESMAN, door to door, needed to wark Wadnasdays and Thursdays. For mors In formation call «15/W5-tl70. EXPERIENCED ROOFER, rafs. req., to apply call ll5/67»- 4406 aftar i pm or laave mosaagsdays. EXTRA EARNINGS~naad~3 paopla who hava 10 • 15 flexible naurs par waak, depending upon tlma. For complata In- formation call. 015/33041»5. ATTENTION: Naadad, 10 daadly sarlous poo pla to complata my salas management taam Immadlats ly WO to 11500 month part tlma, 12,000 to 14,000 full tlma. Our haalth and nutrition com­ pany does business In the U.S., Canada, Australia and soon England, For Interview call: 312/430 4242 RESIN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT CHEMIST T^lrffTfaTSiiL l̂n..?Pyt>,nHy.*°r • Chemist and a °* water reducible, MjhMids and other raalna. Modern facilities In suburban {mî lhusrrttjflokius'* of an opportunity <hwllflad Indlvtduals should sand resume to: BOX ADV Crystal Lake Morning Herald P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, Illinois60014 PUNCH PRESS SETUP Familiar with press set-up up to 200 tons; experienc­ ed with air feeds, compound & progressive dies. Three years minimum experince. Excellent pay & full company paid benefit package. Apply to person­ nel department. GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201 East Brink St., Harvard, IL 60033 815/943-7411 * An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR EXPERIENCED For Industrial Sewing % ' Apply In Person Between 1PM A 3 PM PERSONNEL PROTECTION 9116 Virginia Road Lake In The Hills, IL. Help Wanted Light Machine Operator 2nd & 3rd shifts Openings Apply in person DAM PLASTICS 175 Mill, Burlington 24 Help Wanted SECRETARY For Law Office Please send Qualifications to: BoxADU Crystal Lake Morning Herald P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL. 60014 SECRETARY Plus General Office Accurate typing skills and shorthand necessary. Pleasant phono manner. Full time posi­ tion. Salary commensurate w/skllls. Content Mr. John at >15/455-0530. SALESMAN, door to door, needed to work Wednesdays and Thursdays. For mora In­ formation call ai5/IP5-f 170. SHOE REPAIR and Tailor Shop needs shoemaker, soemstress, tailor. Full or pert- time. No exp. necessary. We will train. 312/426-2330. PERSON TO do survey In Genoa area. Hr. wage and Incentive. Call any day ax- capt Thursday. >15/714-3337. CHANGE FREE Days to St. Looking for workers who hava at toast one full weekday free, to care for children on e tem­ porary basis. Call DeKalb 4-C at»15/75M14». RN for small private nursing home. For full-time p m charge. •550. Call Elian, 015/455- AIDE Part-time and full-time needed for small private nurs­ ing home. Call Ellen, >15/455- COOK WANTED Experienced enly apply. I15/45M700. 24 Help Wanted NEED AGRESSIVE with col tact ton experience to handle growing company In McHenrv County, past due ac­ counts. Sand rasuma with wage requirements to Randall Roberts, P. O. Box U, McHorry, IIS0050. FAST GROWING comany has requirement far metal fabricators A electric/ elec­ tronic equipment Installers. Call Jim Small at 312/0W-0S75. COOK A DAY WAITRESS Experienced 312/639-7100 JEWELRY SALES SEASONAL The demands of the up­ coming holiday season have created excellent SEASONAL opportunities with THE WHITEHALL COMPANY, a rapidly growing nationwide leweiry chain. FULL & PART TIME position^ are available for Jewelry Salespersons at our SPR­ ING HILL MALL store. Previous Jewelry saias ex­ perience is preferred, but equivalent retail sales ex­ perience could also qualify you. For complete details, please call: Joanne Falon 312/428-9444 THE WHITEHALL COMPANY EO.E.M/F IF IT'S still good, someone is looking In classified for H...ap­ pliances, furniture, musical In­ struments. FULL & PART TIME POSITIONS SALES & OFFICE MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Experience Preferred But Not Required APPLY IN PERSON: CRYSTAL POINT MALL SPRING HILL MALL HAWTHORN CENTER INSURANCE TECHNICAL SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Cary, Illinois Cotter & Company, the wholesaler & distributor for True Value Hardware Store is expanding its insurance business for its Member Stores, Consequently, we are in search of an experienced Commercial Jr. Underwriter/Rater with a background In pro­ perty and casualty insurance. Who will be handling Customer Service questions as well as CRT Data Entry operations. Good telephone skills are a prerequisite. This position has an excellent salary/benefits package and will afford an ex tremely healthy work environment. Interested applicants should submit their resumes to: COTTER & COMPANY P.O. Box 357 Equal 60013 Ity Employer M/F 24 Help Wanted Clerical We heve 2 immediate openings in our Accounting Department: ADVERTISING BILLING CLERK Must have skills In the use of a computer terminal, adding machine end typing speed of 40 wpm. Also required knowledge of administration of advertis­ ing rates and the ability to deel will wMh people CREDIT & COLLECTION CLERK Ability to deel well with customers over the telephone. Typing speed of 45 wpm end knowledge of calculator re­ quired. Previous accounting experience Is preferred. We offer an excellent benefit package and paid personal days. For Interview appt. call: Shirley Lerum 312/311-1840 TECHNICAL PUBLISHING 1301S. Grove Ave. Barringfon, IL 60010 ra.f«/F 31 Wanted To Buy ALUMINUM CANS, Copper, Brass, Batteries, Aluminum, Automobile Radiators, Gold A Silver. T A C Metal Co., 24 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, II., Men thru Frl • 10 to S. Sat - • t04.»H/4»-4445. H.C. STAMP A COIN CO. We Buy A Sell to Crystal Lake Plaza *15/459 3»40» MAJOR APPLIANCES Used, working end non-working. I15/M3-4213. Misc. 32 Merchandise WATCH Rolex, Oyster, UK gold case. Never worn. S1300. Perpetual day/date. I15/43M363. REFRIGERATOR Slde-by- side, Whirlpool. Avocado. Roper ges rang* Double oven, evocado. ON both. 115/455 MM. HUTCH 5 ft, w/gless doors A table w/chalrs. >400. 115/455 sm. ' STEREO RECEIVER Yamaha R-MS. 71 w/ch. Expander. S340 (S550 new). 115/455-2237. GARAGE DOOR, T x 1*', 4 pensts w/hinges, exc. cond.. StoO, 312/60M/5T. CRAFTSMAN upper A lower tool boxes, tm/both. 115/459 mfefterspm. INTELLIVISION, and 7 Cartridges. S200 - I1V45&749. BOY'S BIKE. 26" 5 spd.. 150. Guitar w/case. books A musk stand. U0, 015/4SM619. SUNLIGHTER, 4 tier plent stand, ISO. IIS/499-1419. CRAFTSMAN Power tools. 10" table saw, 12" bend saw, 4" lointer/planer. 1225 ee. 115/459 1227eftor4:30pm SILVER A TURQUOISE A m e r i c a n I n d i a n squeshWossom necklace. M00. Miscellaneous rings also. 312/439-3581." GIRL'S BEDROOM Set, 5 wood pes., 2 bed frames no head­ board. After 7 pm, 115/455-3144. ANTIQUE ARMOIRE. large, mahogany, center door w/mir- ror, very good cond.. S325. •15/455 5133. OAK FIREWOOO. 140 per face cord. 115/547-1342 or 115/544 2411 after 5 pm. SOFA, blue cotton chintz, ap­ proximately 35 years old. Good condition. >50.312/439-3104. BUY YOUR Mattress, factory direct, save $50 to S100 less than retell prices. Woodstock Mat­ tress. 2720 Raffel Rd. Retail hours. 10 am. to 2 pm. or by appt. 115/331-4674 or 331/3979. COMPUTER, Superbraln, 64K, CPM compatible, two SSDD disk drives, with bask, A Word­ star, users, manual, $1,000, 312/439-1203. eves. 312/439-2361 deys. ATARI 400. 32K w/2 languages A 11 gemes. cassette drive, A 7 programming books, $450, 312^51-3219 after 4 pm. FREEZER 14.7 cu. ft. chest, $200. Refrigerator w/freezer. Best offer . 312/6134741. Misc. 32 Merchandise MARY KAY COSMETICS 90% Off 312/42M43I SPOOKTACULAR BUY on children's Boots A Tennis Shoes, (Infant's - Size 41, now through Oct. 311 Heisler's Bootery, 91 N. Williams St. in Downtown Crystal Lake. If 9/4994171. DINETTE SET, solid oak drop leaf table, Formica top, 32 X 91 In. w/leef up A board inserted; 22 X 32 In. w/toeves down. Four matching solid oak chairs w/best grade gold A rust nylon upholstered seats A becks. $491 value - Will sell for S200. Call 119/499-2173 after 11 ELECTRIC STOVE, G.E., white, bettor than new because Ifs cheaper. Exc. cond., $199, •15/459-9049. ASSORTED canning jars, $2.40/doz., large wober grll, $29, portable typewriter, $20. •15/499-43*9. SEWING CABINET, $30; tires A rims for 14" Ford, 4 bolt* 2 American Alum, wheels W/G 40 tires, $75; Snows A rims, $10; 6 ft. Alum, sliding patio doors, 2 pairs, used, $150.312/450-3422. UNDER BAR SINK, S/S, 3 hole, one V. one f A other rest our ant kitchen supplies. •15/33<-042S. Pequl| dryer chairs, 1 hydraulk chair, 1 shampoo chair, 1 porcelain shampoo sink. Wall hanging station w/2 drawers, $500/all or best offer, I15/33S19S6. M O V I N G S A L E ALL ITEMS LIKE NEW! J a c o b s e n S n o w b u r s t Snowbtower, $140; Ward's 20 In. mower, $120; Homelito 14 in. Cheln saw $110; 16 ft. alum, ext. ladder, $35; Wards's 15 cu. ft. chest freezer, $160; Scoffs spreader, "Flexible Flyer" sl­ ed, folding pleypen, hi-chalr, A other misc. Must Sell This Week, No Reasonable Offer Refused! 115/499-0302. DECORATIVE wrought Iron storm dr., humidifier, comm. floor scrubber A polisher, sofa, 2 end tbts. A coffee tbl. 312/439- •540. AIR COMPRESSOR, 5 hp, 110 volt, M gal. tank, $450 or offer, 312/000-0855. BLACK A WHITE TV, 12", like new; 10 piece pecan dn. rm. set; bench saw; Singer Sewing m a c h i n e , l i k e n e w ; refrigerator, 17.1 cu. ft, (15/459- 0922. BABY ITEMS, changing tpble, $20; buggy $35; car seats $10 ee., etc. txc. cond. Prked To Sell I After 6 pm, 312/639-0474. DINING ROOM Tebie. tradi­ tional w/6 cane back chairs, gold velvet cushions, exc. cond., $400/beit, >15/499-0097. W E D D I N G R I N G , s e t , woman's. .03 carat. Size 4, gold/ sliver. Asking 050. Call Romana at 312/426-4395 days. FAMILY ROOM English Tudor furniture: hall table w/mlrror; sofa; game table w/4 side choirs; desk; hall bench; cof­ fee tebie; end table; hanging tiffany style lemp; teble lamps. >15/315-4032 after 6 pm. WASHER A DRYER, heevy duty, ell cycles A settings, REFRIGERATOR, all like new in excellent cond. 312/695-3375 or 6990775. F U R N I T U R E , i e r l y American; sofa bed, chairs, sofa, rocker loveseet, end tables, coffee table, lamps- all like new. 312/695-0775.695-3375. BEAVER COAT Men's, medium. Never worn >15/455-l>79 TRASH COMPACTOR Sears. >200. 312/426-9015. PELLA CASEMENT window. 66 x 94. All wood, double glass, screens, removable cross-bars One side cranks open. Used one yeor. >200.815/455-1656 Misc. 32 Merchandise STORE FIXTURES Cash Register • Shelving Call IIV499-4944 Days 2 GAS STOVES, 30", gold A brown, ISO/ee. Skto-by Side 22 cu. ft. gold refrlg., $129, •19/4993144. WASHER G.E. Good Cond. $75 312/650-0301. OFFICE MACHINES: IBM Electric Typewriter, >200; Three 3-M Desk Copiers, Smith il Typewriter, Adding Machine, Best. Cell Arlene at •15/499-0050. Cor one Manual PORTABLE SIGN 4' X •' alumlnated w/changabie let­ ters, S375.115/4555704 MOVING--Queen sz. mattress A Box spring, Ctrv. French Sofa w/matched coffee A end tbls, 2 red striped velvet chrs. party tbi w/4 cane chrs, server buffet, rocker, stereo con sole (needs repair), (15/499- •073. Moving Sale Custom built con t e m p o r a r y c o u c h , 7 f t varigatod blue stripe. >100. 37" Zenith console am/fm radio A record player. >40. '77 Dodge Xptorer 212 mlnl-motorhome. Exc. cond. $1000 312/650-3919. DINING ROOM SET, solid maple Early American. Rattan Fan Back chairs (2), $500 for all or best offer, 312/639-39(9. KITCHEN TABLE w/l leaf A 6 chairs, $45. Wedding dress, sz. (, never worn, $100. (15/499- Oll after 5pm. AMERICAN AIRLINES tkkets for sale. 90,000 mile award from American Airlines Ad­ vantage Program. One first class round trip or 2 coach round trip tkkets. Subject to American Advantage Pro- gram, (15/4990244. DUAL WALL FURNACE Gas. Wall thermo. 35,000 BTU out­ put. Vents through roof. $100. 312/491-4416. 40 CHANNEL Base Navaho TRC 440 w/Big Stkk antenna A cable, A amplified Dynamic Mk. $100. Call 312/4900799. USEO RAILROAD TIES. Largest selection A best prices on new landscape timbers, cedar rail fencing A much morel We deliver! Woodstock Form A Lawn Center, 220 S. Rt. 47, Woodstock, III. (19/331-4200. FOR SALE: Sofa, desk w/hutch, stereo equipment, toe-cart, child's organ, manual typewriter w/case, girl's school A play clothes, sizes ( A 10. All In exc. cond. Call (15/499-4216 or 495/4226. CB Homebese A 2 mobil units. C o b r a 1 3 ( X L R , $ 3 0 0 , Brunswkk full size pool table, 1" slate top, exc. cond., ball return. $500/best. (15/455-2490 after 5. > BALLARD AUCTION SERVICE ' , Can help you Don't "giveaway" your prized possessions, by having a garage sale. Leave all the work and worry to us Appraisals Auctions Antiques...Collectibles...Households...ReaI Estate • Loved one passed away? • Moving to a smaller dwelling? • Selling your home? • Transferred or retired? 312/888-2539 Member of the Illinois and National Auctioneers Assn. SYLVANIA STEREO, am/fm cassette A ( Tract w/tape recorder, 2 mikes, 2 speakers, never used $150, (15/499-0326. QUALITY, SERVICE A Up To Date Style can always be found of Heisler's Bootes, 50 N. Williams St. in Downtown Crystal Lake. (15/4590171. ZENITH TV 19", Like New, $300, T.I. Computer A 2 cart., $75; Stereo A 1 speaker. $15; Sofa, $15; Sewing Mach., $30. (15/499-4035. LOVESEAT A CHAIR, brown plaid, S6S/both. Antique rocker, $50. End taMes, 2 step, $20/both. On. sz. mattress, box spring A frame, $95/set. 312/650-5042. D R A P E S , g o l d , 4 ( " x (7"w/matching valance. 150" wide, $20/both. Upholstery fabrk. 14 yds., $40. 015/455- 2649. PIONEER ESSEX 6 digital stereo reciever 45 watts per channel, like new. $150.312/639 0126 and 639 7432. FIREWOOO Dry oak, delivered A stacked 115/564 7792 Misc. 32 Merchandise SWEETSTREET Now Open, dally from 10 AM, Collector Stickers, Wooden Items, Stuffed Animals, Doll Clothes, Floral Decor. Homemade Ice Cream. Now selling Ice Creom Pies A Birth­ day cakes, #20 Crystal Lake Plaza, (15/455-2344. CHAIRS 2. matching. Blk, brwn., white fabrk w/chrome legs A arms, Black toother rocker w/chrome. 2 matching b l k v e l v e t m u s h r o o m footstools. 2 end tables w/glass t o p s , o l i v e g r e e n rec liner/rocker. Student desk w/chair. Good Cond. (15/455- 4511, after 4 pm. MODEL TRAIN Set, Tyco, HO, 7'xr w/meny accessories, $95, •IS/455-1149. GE WASHER A DRYER, '01 heevy duty, 5 cycle, gold tone $550. Coll 015/450 2529. MINK JACKET natural darx ranch, used little, $900. Other clothes, reas, 312/420-0499. BUY YOUR Mattress, factor direct, save $50 to $100 less thai retell prices. Woodstock Mat tress, 2720 Raffel Rd. Retai hours, 10 am. to 2 pm. or b> appt. 115/33S-6474 or 33S/3979. • WE'RE LOADED, with pum pklns in our patch. Pick out < pumpkin balloon and have out gorilla deliver a bouquet tc your Halloween Party this weekend. Bloomin' Balloons •19/499 RAVE Call early WEDDING DRESS, sz. 7, $90, sewing machine w/cablnet, $190, Ward Tractor Mower, 10 1*0000.312/420-0070. .• SOFA-loveseat wood rocker- end tbl-matchlng lamp Ige ottoman-cocktail tbl-asking $329,119/344-3326. HI-CHAIR, $19; Winter Coat, woman's 14, wool, lamb collar/ cuffs. $49.312/426-9636. MAGNUS GRAND Organ (1)A Sean Double Key Organ (1), A Medicine Cabinet (1K 312/426- •706. WHIRLPOOL Refrlg, $190; Wards Heavy Duty Washer, gold, $100; »15/459-6151. STORAGE RACKS, (4). Steel, 5 shelves ea., 72" H. X 36" W. X 1(" D.; assembled, black finish. Value $90, will sell for > $25 ea. White metal storage cabinets, ((). 44" H. X 24" W X 12" D.- 2 doors- 5 shelves, $70 value, will sell for $30 ea. White metal storage cabinets, (2), 44" H. X 33" W. X 15" D.- 2 doors- 5 shelves. $130 value, will sell for $60 ea. White metal storage cabinet. (1) w/Formlca top work base. Overall. 66" H. X 42" W. X 1(Vj" D. Top has 2 hinged doors ,+ 2 sliding glass doors. Top, 17Vj" H. Opening for work too is 13W" H„ base 35Vj" H. w/2 hinged metal doors + 4 shelves. Will sell for $50. Call (19/499-2173 after 11 am. CRIB A MATTRESS. $100; High chair, $15, Car Seet, $20. (15/499-4402. WALNUT finish end tables, commode style. (1) 24X 24 oc­ tagon X 20 in H., 2 door storage, (2) 25Vi" sq. X 20" H., 2 door storage; (1) 60" X 19Vi" X 15Vi" H„ 2 door storage; also open center shelf. Perfect cond. Value, >139 ee., will sell tor >50 ee. (15/499-2173 after U am. LEAD CRYSTAL A cut glass s e r v i n g p i e c e s - . v a s e s - collectibles- Many to choose from! Call (15/499-2173 after 11 am. THREE Tall Crystal A Brass Lamps. 40" to 46 H.Value >150 to>300; will sell tor >75 tO>150. Three way milk glass A brass pole lamp. Light 1, Z or 3 bulbs. Soft lighting, no installation. Value. >100- Will sell for >50. •15/459-2173 after 11 am. THREE SOLID wood book cases, walnut finish, 71" H. X 24" W. X15" D. Perfect cond.- 5 shelves ea., center shelf ad justs for TV, etc. Will separate. Value of >300 ea.. will sell for >150 ea. Also one solid wood book case matches above cases, 72" H. X 24" W. X 15" D. w/3 oper shelves, l dosed bottom shelf,' fold-down desk center shelf Value, >450 Will sell for >200 Perfect cond. (15/459-2173 aftet 11 am. TWO GOLD striped best grade nylon upholstered hassocks, oblong. 24 X16A 15 In. high. >60 value ea. will sell for >25 ea. Six stackable wood end tables, black metal legs, walnut finish tops, will separate, 1( X 13V2 X 1( in. high. Will sell for >10 ea. (15/459-2173 after Ham. Misc. | 32 Merchandise | •v i • HAPPY GRAMS Singing Telegrams. Male/Female Bet- ly Dancers. 312/69A5393. WEDDINGS BOOKED during the month of October will receive 29 thank you cards w/waltot size pictures A one 11 x 14 candid. Nles Studio, McHenry, III. (19/3(9-0093. (Expires 10/31/13) QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford. Satisfaction guaranteed. FREE ESTIMATES A SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT (19/499-7194. S P R I N G C L E A N I N G Specialists. Call ServiceMaster for all your cleaning naads. Carpet, Furniture, Floor (Tile Wood, Slate), and wall dean- Free Estimates, (1V45A '4. -S?4 T Y P E W R I T E R a n d CALCULATOR Sales A Ser­ vice. Portable machines chemkally cleaned tor >29JO. Knuth's Office Supply, 221 Main St., Woodstock, II. •15/33A3535. REMODELING SALE Entire kitchen for sale, in­ c l u d i n g a l l a p p l i a n c e s ! Carpeting, desks, dressers, tables, chairs. Call •15/499- 4953. VILLAGE RESALE SHOP 45 Woodstock St. (Across from Depot) Crystal Lake.IL Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10-5 •15/499-3401 NEVER USED, still boxed A R M S T R O N G C a r p e t Squares, (110 sq. ft. will do a 9x12 rm) sculptured, shag green A olive, 100% nylon face f i b e r , s e l f s t i c k b a c k ; CHAMBERS gas built-in stove top stainless steel. 4 burner, $20; Coppertone Vent Hood w/light, $15; 9h Ft. arttfkial long needle Christmas Tree in very gd. shape. $10 312/741- 0625. ADDITIONAL 5% savings off any sale Item thru October 31, 1913 w/presentatkm of this ad. Sherman Plumbing A Hooting, 6119 Northwest Highway, Crystal Lake, (15/499-4040 (Coupon expires Oct. 31,1903.) CHESS SET, made In Mexico. $79 or best of­ fer. 312/420-1321. SHADE TREES Green Ash. Mountain Ash. Pin Oak, Norway Maple A other varieties. Sized 2Vi In. to 9 In d i a m e t e r . L A Z Y D A Y S TREES, 019/330-3042. OFFICE FURNITURE steel case desks A chairs. Exc. shape. After 4 pm/weekends. (19/339-2217. ZENITH Chromacoior II 19-in. TV A stand. $290, roll away bed, $19; All excellent values. 397 Hampshire Lane In Lakewood. W A N T E D : G l a s s w a r e - Depression, Heisey, Cam­ bridge, Fostoria. Candtewick, etc. Pottery-Fiesta, Hall, Welier, Rosevllle. etc. (19/099- 6033. DECORATIVE wrought Iron storm dr., humidifier, comm. floor scrubber A polisher, sofa, 2 end tbls. A coffee tbl. 312/639- 9544. W E D D I N G R I N G , s e t , woman's. 03 carat. Size 4, gold/ silver. Asking $390. Call Romana at 312/4264395 days. WASHER A DRYER, heavy duty, all cycles A settings; REFRIGERATOR, all like new In excellent cond. 312/695-3375 or 695-0775. F U R N I T U R E , E a r l y American; sofa bed, chairs, sofa, rocker loveseet, end tables, coffee table, lamps- all like new. 312/6954775.695-3375. STORE FIXTURES Cash Register • Shelving Call (15/499-4946 Days 2 GAS STOVES, 30", gold A brown, >50/ea. Slde-by-side 22 cu. ft. gold refrig., >125, (19/49? ;T BATIK MATERIAL Indone slan crafted. 10 pes. Average size 34" x 104" >20 ee. (15/499- (263. SPOOKTACULAR BUY on children's Boots A Tennis Shoes. (Infant's - Size 6), now through Oct. 31! Heisler's Bootery. 50 N. Williams St. In Downtown Crystel Lake. (15/455-0171. DRESSER, chest of drawers A 2 night tables. 2 rugs, M'xtf A 13Vi'x12'. Early American dinette set. 312/639-6417. APPLIANCE REPAIR COMPLETE T.V.& APPLIANCE SERVICE For Tho Lowest Rato$ Call 115/455-1811 All Work Guaranteed BLACKTOPPING ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EARLY BIRD „ SPECIAL 5Ot/ Sq. Ft. For grading & blacktopp ing only, on driveway$ over 1,000 sq. ft- •Perking Lots *New Drives •LongLanes 'Patching •Resurfacing •Seelcoating 14 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates IIS/459-3960 Coll Now A Save BLACK DIRT BLACK DIRT SAND GRAVEL ' Same Day Service Competitive Prices! Call: ROY •15/455-1415 CONSTRUCTION BAKLEY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION KENNETH BAKLEY Gravel, Sand & Black Dirt Cats, Crane & Earth Movers Complete Septic Systems Ditch Work t HUNTLEY, IL 60142 1 312/669-5433 DECORATING RAINBOW'S RESIDENTIAL Painting A Wallpaper Hanging Service. Interior Or Exterior. FREE ESTIMATES. Rainbow Home & Color Center 312/428-1166 DRY WALL & PLASTERING JIM EICKHORST CEILING 8. WALL WORK Quality Plastering Dry Well Henglng A Taping Textured Ceilings Stucco Wont 312/603-4439 over 20 yrs. exp. ELECTRICAL •Holes 'Poles •Trenching *Backhoe Line Construction COWAN ELECTRIC INC. 312/742-4000 or 683 3893 464 5226 EXCAVATING Call The FLYING DUTCHMAN for •Back Filling •Grading •Hauling also *Mewlng 312/464-5636 FARM SERVICE KRIEGELS BADGER SERVICE John T. Kriegel 312/683-2705 Badger PAD Humane Ritchie Vermeer Ribstone Silos Silo Repair FIREWOOD MIXED HARDWOODS SEASONED 2 YEARS 815/459-8831 FITNESS FITNESS ON WHEELS Stay Home A GetFltWIth > Barb 459-9272 Cathy 459 1679 Alto Group & Private Classes FERTILIZER ORGANIC FERTILIZER •Starter Fertilizer •Granite Meal •Vigortone PreMix for all livestock NORM WITT NATURALSOIL PROD. 312/683-3530 HOME IMPROVEMENT J&L HOME IMPROVEMENTS Remodeling A Room Additions Garages A Aluminum Siding Soff It* F ascla«Gutters Roofing A Decks Low Prices A Free Estimates Fully Guaranteed A Insured •15/455-4226 If No Answer, Call 815/459-3888, Ext. Z OPTOMETRIST Dr. Norbert T. Patterson OPTOMETRIST CONTACT LENSES. VISUAL TRAINING Mon.-Wed 9-5:30 T U E S . A F R I 9-7 SAT..... ?..9-l THURS ......CLOSED 75N.AyerSt. Harvard >15/943-4525 PAINTING ECONOMY PRIDE PAINTING A proud company. We know paint & what it takes to make a paint job last. We take house painting seriously & so should you! FREE Interior & exterior Estimates 815/459-1688 Days 815/459-2686, Eves. PAINTING Interior & Exterior Screen A Storm Window Repair ODD JOBS Call: Dan 115/568A334 PET GROOMING MARENGO PET GROOMING All Breeds By appointment 10814 S. 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