SECTION 1 - PAGE 1 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER*. I Q1U olunSyia Ir services art needed to ofter w in (he free Tax- Tax ^Counseling for the Eloferly program of the American Association of Retired Persons. The program assists older taxpayers in preparing their federal income tax returns. Millions of elderly Americans pay more federal income tax neignDoi than the law requires, according Chicago to the U.S. Senate Special AARP, Committee on Aging, which found that as many as half of the tt-or-older taxpayers may have overpaid their taxes in one recent year. Volunteer tax counselors are ... needed iij Chicago and suburbs service of AARP, is conducted in - r ' C . * I Violet show set to assist older persons in filing income tax forms, according to Francis Rutz, who is serving as Northern 0 Illinois District coordinator tor Tax-Aide-Tax Counseling for the Elderly. Additional volunteer tax counselors are needed so that more elderly . persons * may receive free tax service at neighborhood' sites in the area. with its 15 million members, is the nation's largest organization dedicated to helping retired persons achieve lives of independence, dignity and purpose. Tax-Aide, a community ung ( Internal provide* cooperation with the Revenue Service. It free income fax advice to older taxpayers. Rutz said that persons volunteering to serve as counselors should have a sincere interest in serving older adults and have a basic knowledge 6f 'should be day training course and agree to devote at least four hours a week during the day to provide tax counseling. Volunteer counselors do not have to be members of AARP. "Since the training course emphasizes tax benefits for older adults and not general tax return preparation, those volunteers who prepare their own tax returns and then take the IRS course, usually make very good counselors," he said. Hie IRS training course for volunteers will be held in January. The local Tax-Aide program will offer assistance to older residents at convenient neighborhood locations in the suburban area from February until April 15. Persons interested in finding out more about serving as tax counselors may call AAkP Area V office at (312) 298-2853 from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. week days. general i Di a i News Attorney speaks to vets Greg Stayart, an attorney with the midwest regional council against the six major chemical companies who manufactured agent orange, will discuss how the litigation in the lawsuit is progressing and how Vietnow "veterans Helping Veterans" can enter into the lawsuit. Stayart will bring information' packets for those Vietnow members and other veterans [to enter into the lawsuit Also, he will also answer aay questions about the lawsuit be can. The. meeting will to held Monday, OctSl, at 7:Mp.>s.LU St. John's Lutheran church, Rt 47, Woodstock. Vietnow general meetings are open to the public anyone inirrroiffl ID nGIplZlx VMDI1I1 veterans. For more information contact Jack Wojewoda at (SIS) 455-2810. The Barrington Bloomers. African Violet Society of Barrington will present an African Violet show at the Chicago Botanic Garden in Glencoe, Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 5 and : Based on the theme "A Harvest of Violets", the show will be open to the public Saturday from noon to 4:45 p.m., and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. The garden is located on Lake- Cook Road, half mile east of the Edens Expressway in Glencoe. NOW THAT WE'RE HERE TODAY, |||Mk nign Quality Corporate iilHMMUaa. PW><»*» rail rw <>r drop hy (or more informal ion JEFFREY BOBROWICZ 101 Virginia St., Suite 110 Crystal Lake, IL •15/459-1005 mm THERE TOMORROW. t7ReVC0 DISCOUNT DRUG Chosn! Prices an tower it force OLD STYLE BEER 12PACK* 12OZ. CANS REVCO'S LOW. 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