PAGE 3 - PLA1NPEALER - WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 26.1963 general Hk •• y ci IUI ai News TWO DIE Woman of year / WJ^F PHOTO-WAYNE CAYIOBO A surprised Joan Bauer, center frond, places hafid over her face in disbelief as she is announced as AAcHenry Woman of the Year. The occasion was the annual Octoberfest of the AAcHenry Business & Professional Women's Club AAonday evening. An enthusiastic membership applauds in appreciation. from page 1 Service Here). The organization was started in 1973. Ms. Bauer became active three years later, an activity that has increased with the years. She accepts calls at her home, and either acts herself or refers the caller to others. These in volve requests for food, fur niture, rides, etc., and occur almost daily throughout the year. But the holiday food drives are probably Joan Bauer's most important responsibility. She is constantly shopping, and in the of an admirer, "hits all words the sales She beams broadly when she is able to buy, at greatly reduced cost, socks, mittens and other necessities for children. It is then that she buys by the dozen, using monetary donations from generous citizens. There are always last minute deliveries, and it is these that Joan Bauer takes care of even though they occasionally fall on the eve of Christmas or Thanksgiving. Joan O'Brien was born in Chicago. When she and her twin sister were 10, the family mo v. 1 to River Road, McHenry., Besides the one sister, she also has four brothers. Joan attended St. Mary's and St. Patrick's Elementarv Schools and also St. Mary's High School, Woodstock, where she was homecoming queen in 1951. In 1955 she was married to Donald Bauer. They have six children, ranging in age from 15 to 27, and one grandchild. She has just completed a busy 13r week period in which three of the children were married. During the time she and her husband were raising their six children, Joan was a room mother and involved in the hot lunch program at Montini schools. She also worked with the PTO and was a Cub Scout DNen Mother. The honoree served on St. Patrick's Parish Council for several - years and was especially active on the Social Committee. In 1975, she became a moving force behind St. Patrick's Town and Country, a fund raiser which benefitted many segments of the community as well as the church. She served as co-chairman for three years and as a room chairman for three. In more recent months, Joan did the bookkeeping and other paper work for the federal government's local cheese and butter program. In this role she works closely with the Public Aid office, visiting - nurses, McHenry County Housing Authority, and others. LIBRARY. students currently use the library. Friends of the Library say it fills the gap that is left when the schools close their doors in the evenings and weekends. Students are often urged to use the public library for research. The * Johnsburg Library Project was started approximately a year ago with a Mayors meet Oct. 26 Jim Considine, a member of the Illinois Department of Water Resources, will speak on flood i n s u r a n c e t o members of the McHenry County Municipal Association. The monthly meeting is s c h e d u l e d f o r Wednesday, Oct. 26. H o s t i n g t h e gathering, to be held at Cloven Hoof Steak House, will be M a y o r D a v i d Klasing and the City of Marengo. The social hour at 6:30 p.m. will he followed by a 7:30 p.m. dinner. $50,000 grant from the State of Illinois and is sponsored by the Northern Illinois Library System (NILS). The boundaries of the library district coincided with the Johnsburg School District. In the April election, taxpayers in the Johnsburg ' voted down the library. ever, since the vote was very close (it lost by 26 votes), the state granted a six-month extension of time to the library project to allow it to be voted on again in November. Because it was turned down once, new boundaries must be ------ from page 1 drawn. The new boundaries are very similar to the old, with the exception of a small section south of Johnsburg Road along Riverside Drive wiich has been eliminated. , Szramek rounded the curve and /the car slid into the eastbound lane of traffic, crashing head-on into an auto driven by Erik R. Bengston, 5062 Paupukkewis Trail, McHenry. Szramek and Bengston were taken to McHenry Hospital. Three passengers, Jay J. Weber, 3803 W. Waukegan Road; Ronald C. Pliner, 3715 W. Maple; and Randolph T. Glick, 2823 Emerald Court, all of McHenry, were also taken to McHenry Hospital. Szramek was charged with driving too fast for conditions and improper lane usage. Thomas M. McMillan, 4006 Grand Ave., McHenry, was charged with reckless driving, leaving the scene of a property damage a accident, fleeing and attempting to elude police, disobeyed a stop sign, no red taillights ana no valid instruction permit. A car driving in the 5200 block of Willow Lane hit two mailboxes, a city sign and caused lawn damage at three residences. McMillan told police he was not driving on Willow Lane. Lawrence Pingel, 408 Washington St., Maple Park, IL, was ticketed for failure to yield the right-of-way after the dumptruck he was driving pulled out in front of a truck, driven by Thomas J. Hillegrand, 923 Rolling Lane, McHenry. The McHenry Area Rescue Squad took Hillegrand to M c H e n r y H o s p i t a l f o r examination and treatment of injuries. The truck dumptruck was registered to the Stahl Construction Co., of DeKalb, IL. Christina D, Lindemann, 210 Bromley, McHenry, was cited for failure to reduce speed to , avoid an accident following a two-car collision in the 900 block of N. Front Street. Ms. Lindemann was dri\ from page 1 north on Front Street, appl the brakes and the vehicle slid off the road and struck an auto in a private drive. The driver of the other car was Steven P. Freund, 3215 Fairway Drive, McHenry. No injuries were reported in a two-vehicle collision near the intersection of Routes 31 and 14. Lee Tomlinson, 2505 Martin Road, McHenry, was attempting to change lanes when ner car struck a vehicle driven by Philip S. Desimone, 7018 Hillside, Ciystal Lake. Maria V. Faulkner, 7712 Deep Spring Road, Wonder Lake, was charged with failure to yield the right-of-way after two cars collided on Lincoln Road, near River Road. Ms. Faulkner was stopped in a parking lot and did not see the other vehicle, operated by Charles Cannell, 2405 Edgewood, McHenry, when she pulled out. Robert R. Kenney, 4516 Garden Quarter, McHenry, was driving on Wright Road when another vehicle pulled out of a tavern parking lot. Kenney braked to avoid the vehicle and his car slid off the road and struck a pole. No injuries were reported. - * Dennis R. Leo, 710 Country Club, McHenry, was charged w i t h d r i v i n g t o o f a s t f o r conditions after the car he was driving slid into the oncoming lane of traffic and hit another vehicle. Leo told county police he was driving south on River Road, applied the brakes and the rear of the vehicle slid into the northbound lane. The driver of the other car was Scott H. Losch, 1209 W. Northeast Shore Drive, McHenry. Betty Smith, 1402 N. Green St., McHenry, was listed in fair condition Monday at St. Anthony's Hospital, Rockford. She was seriously injured in a traffic accident Oct. 8, at the intersection of Bull Valley Road and Route 31. Dennis Jeschke, 1506 W. Hickory, McHenry, was listed in serious condition Monday at McHenrv Hospital. Jeschke sustained severe injuries Oct. 15 in a car-motorcycle accident on Lily Lake Road. jj|: TO THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER The McHvnry Ploind*o4er 3812 W Elm Street McHenry II 60050 • 3 YEARS - $40.00 • 2 YEARS • $28 50 D 1 YEAR$I6.50 • 6 MONTHS -$150 • PAYMENT ENCLOSED Nam* Addrest City Price* good in ' McHenry County Ann Hund of Lake In The Hills LOST 30 LBS. Ann says, "I like the people and the food is really great. The diet itself made me feel really good and improved my self impge. I am like a new person! I would say if you arc thinking of losing weight, Nutrl System is your Best Bet going* •WITHOUT DRUGS, INJECTIONS, HUNGER! The holidays are closer than you think. But you can be ready forthe fun because Nutri/System will help you lose up to a pound a day ...without drugs, without strenuous exercise, without being hungry! , •ENJOY GOURMET NnSYSTEM CUISINE! 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