J'AdK II. PLAINDRALER • WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER ». 1M3 Social •Recently installed officers of the Grandmothers club, from left to right sitting, are Blaine L. Day, President; sand Irene Mueller, Treasurer. Standing are Aldona Mcepulis, Vice-President; Jane Peloquin, Secretary; and Past President Esther C. Heard, Installing Officer. ^ • * : % ' V-..'. SENI9RS... Out to lunch In keeping with the new for mat for reservations of meals at the McHenry Walk-In Center (since the decision was made by the Board of Directors of the McHenry County Senior Citizens' Council to change to\ catered meals), the Plainaealer is printing weekly menus in each Wednesday issue of the paper. Reservations for the week of Nov. 21 through Nov. 25 must be made by calling 385-8260 no later than Tuesday, Nov. 15. The menu for that week is as follows: Nov. 21: Salisbury steak, mushroom gravy, Duchess potatoes, spinach, carrot and pineapple salad, white bread, margarine, chilled peaches, milk. Nov. 22: Meatballs agid mostaccioli, Capri vegetables, „ cottage cheese with pineapple, Italian bread;' margarine, fresh orange, milk. Nov. 23: Oven fried chicken, whipped potatoes, wax beans, pea salad, rye bread, margarine, birthday cake, milk. Nov. 24: ALL CENTERS CLOSED - THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY! Nov. 25: ALL CENTERS CLOSED - THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY! Officers of the AAT. Hope United Methodist Women, from left to right, Ann Prince, Secretary; Hazel Vercouter, President; and Bernice Birney, Treasurer, are shown putting the finishing touches to some of the large variety of items that will be offered at the bazaar to be held at the church, 1015 Broadway, Plstakee Highlands, Thursday, Nov. 10, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. A luncheon will be served from noon to 1:30 that day. On Saturday, Nov. 12, the bazaar, along with a bake sale, will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and an added feature will be 'coffee and' for those who want to sit and sip and rest their feet. 'Install new officers Community Calendar Square dance benefits vets r The McHenrv Charter No. 826 motherhood throush the ob- v * " The McHenry Charter No. 826 of The National Federation of Grandmother Clubs of America installed officers for 1983-84, at the McHenry Country Club, Wednesday, Nov. 2. * Members of the group, Blaine L. Day and Esther C. Heard, recently returned from the National Convention of Grand mother Clubs of America, Inc., held at Honolulu, Hawaii. One hundred forty clubs were ; represented with more than 600 | grandmothers in attendance. The objects of the club are to honor and dignify grand- motherhood through the ob servance of the second Sunday of October as National Grand mothers' Day; promote better understanding of the privileges and obligations of American citizenship; contribute to the cause and dure of children's diseases; and support charitable projects as adopted by conventions of the national federation; and participate in such charities as may be voted by club members. NOVEMBER 9 Annual Fall Bazaar-1 to 7 p.m.-Chicken Dinner-5 to 7:30 p.m.- Zion Lutheran Church. Day of Recollection-Father Walter Johnson-St. Mary of the Assumption Church-10 a.m. Kishwaukee life Member Club-Telephone Pioneers of America- Meeting, 11:30 a.m.-Deeters Restaurant-15105 S. Rt. 14 & Old Rose Farm Rd., Wdstk.-Reservations by Nov. 2-caIl 3444144 or 338-6637- 7:30 p.m.-information This year's project is City is ye of Hi 'The ope. Baptize little Treasure Adam Lawrence Treasure, Hnfant son of Joseph and j Patricia (McMillan) Treasure, < was baptized during a regular 3 Sunday service at the Ringwood j United Methodist Church, Oct. # 16. Pastor Gordon Smith of- } ficiated at the baptismal rite, before the altar, covered with a red cloth and decorated with a beautiful ftord jftitamtioit of red carnations and white "gladioli, which was furnished by Adafii's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schatz. The infant's godmother is his aunt, Jeanne Schatz of Wonder Lake; and the godfather is a second cousin, Bernard Feilen, also of Wonder Lake. Among those attending the celebration was the baby's maternal grandmother, Dolores McMillan of Wonder Lake. The Laternal grandparents, awrence and Eloise Clark, were also there from Missouri, where they had moved in August of 1983, upon their retirement. The couple formerly resided in Wonder Lake. Following the ceremony, a brunch was hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMillan, Jr., at their home in McHenry: Proper diet is important With the senior population steadily increasing, emphasis must be placed on their nutritional needs and concerns. Insuring that these needs are met means focusing on their eating habits and behavior. Calorie needs decrease with age. This decrease derives from a reduced basal metabolism and physical demand for calories uihat characterize those over 50. As calories are reduced, more thought should be given to dietary adequacy and high nutrient-dense foods. /, Studies related to the eating habits of older people often reveal a low intake of foods that are good sources of protein. Many high-quality protein foods are expensive and simply cannot be afforded by persons in this age group. Dairy products are probably one of the most edible and economical sources of protein for the older adult. They are easy to chew, less expensive than meat and can easily be integrated into the eating style of this population. Milk, especially, should be a high priority food for the older adult. It is a palatable form of protein, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin D and riboflavin. Special attention should be given to the energy value of their diets and to selecting adequate sources of protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber and water. TOP COAT SALE bring food for needy. McH.-Fox Lk. LaLeche call Margie McCarthy, 385-: NOVEMBER 10 McH. Co. Genealogical Soc.-Meeting 7:30 p.m.-Grace Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall-"Show & TelT'-Bring Genealogical Interest Article. Christmas Bazaar-Luncheon-Mt. Hope Church-1015 Broadway, Pistakee Highlands-11 a.m. to 3 p.m.-Lunch reservations, 497-3601. Rules of the Road Course-10 a.m. to noon-McH. City Hall-Details, Jim Jansen, 385-7475. ' Lakeland Park Women's Club-Meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Lk. Pk. Comm Hse.-1717 N. Sunset-Hostesses, Margaret Seifert & Cecilia Oakford- Guests Welcome. United Methodist Mt. Hope Church-Bazaar, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.- Luncheon, 12 to 1:30 p.m. C.P.R. Training-McH. Hospital's Cary House-sponsor, McH. Area Jaycees-Details, call 344-0195. McH. Woman's Club-meet 11:30 a.m.-Lunch, noon-Shepherd of the Hills Church.-Speaker, David Klasing. NpVEMBE'Rj rp. 1 Beach Gals Christmas Bazaar-Bake Sale-8:30 a.m. to4p.m.-McC. lie. Beach Hse.-Refreshments. McHenry Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot, 1 p.m- Public Welcome. McH. Area Toastmaster's Club-Meeting, 9 a.m.-McH. Country Club--Guests Welcome. Friendship Club Potluck Luncheon & Meeting-First United Methodist Church, 7:30 p.m.-Evening Circle Hostesses. Bazaar-Bake Sale-Alt. Hope Methodist Church-Pistakee Highlands-10 a.m. to 3 p.m.-Coffee And Available. Fall Harvest Festival Bazaar & Luncheon-Chain-O-Lakes CovenantChurch-1415N. WilmotRd., Johnsburg-11 a.m. to3p.m- Reservations, 497-3050. NOVEMBER 13 McHenry Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Turkey Shoot, 10 a.m.- Public Invited. NOVEMBER 14 McH. Sr. Citz. Club-Regular Meeting, 7 p.m.-East Campus-McH. Choral Club Entertains. NOVEMBER 15 Wdstk-McH League of Women Voters-Debate on Nuclear Weapons Policy-Courtroom of Old Courthouse Inn-Dinner, 7:15 p.m.- program, 8 p.m. NOVEMBER 16 Whispering Oaks Woman's Club-Comm. Center, 1 p.m.-Program, Handwriting Analyst. NOVEMBER 17 Rules of the Road Course-10 a.m. to noon-McH. City Hall-Details, Jim Jansen, 385-7475. United Methodist Women-General Meeting, 7:30 p.m.-First United Methodist Church-Evening Circle, Hostesses. Catholic Daughters-Business Meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Polish Alliance Hall. • " A square dance to benefit disabled hospitalized veterans will be held from 8:30 p.m. until 12:30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 12, at the American Legion Post 171, 406 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake. Live music will include square dance, polka, blue grass and country jamboree styles. This fund raiser is to assist the hospitalized disabled veterans at Downey Veteran's Hospital in North Chicago, and all proceeds will be donated to the hospital. Tickets may be purchased at the American Legion Post in Crystal Lake and at the door the evening of the dance. Barn dance reflects past An old time barn dance will be held Sunday, Nov. 20, at 2 p.m., at the Park District Building, 42 S. Seymour, downtown Grayslake. This is the third barn dance of the 1983 fall season presented by the Grayslake Community Park District. The band features a fiddle, guitar, five string banjos ana other traditional string in struments. They will play old- time tunes that have been danced to by Americans of Yesteryear at grange halls, old barns and big city lodge halls and ballrooms. Everyone is invited to attend, from children to adults; with or without partners. For more information, call Uncle Roy at 312-223-2081. McHenry Co. Homemakers enjoy slide presentations Although Wednesday, Oct. 19 dawned overcast and rainy, the plans of over 100 McHenry County Homemakers and guests to attend International Day were not dampened. They met at the Woodstock Methodist Church at 10:30 a.m. to travel to Canada and Alaska courtesy of Louise Dora's slides, and to Russia courtesy of Brian Sager. Louise Dora, Betty Frisch and Violet Mathews and their husbands journeyed to Canada June 19-29 to take part in the seventeenth Triennial Con ference of the Associated Countrywomen of the World at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Through Louise's slide presentation, everyone toured the sights and wonders of Canada; everything from the Fraser Valley where produce grows to one size - ENORMOUS - to a salmon barbeaue catered to serve hundreds of people. churd) prepared and served a delicious lunch consisting of hot chicken casserole, Waldorf salad, rolls and butter, cherry cobbler, tea or coffee. The tables sported maple leaves and flowers as centerpieces - maple leaves being the symbol of Canada. Following lunch, and before jet lag set in, Brian Sager, McHenry County Extension Agricultural Adviser, treated The group also had the privilege of seeing Alaska through the eyes of the same tour guides. They took a side trip to Alaska and treated everyone to scenes of Whitehorse, Mt. Kinley and other northern points of interest. The Women of the Methodist everyone to slides of his recent two-week trip to Russia. Several points mentioned were that Russia is a region of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) much as Illinois Is part of the United States, 70 percent of the doctors in Russia are women, the average monthly wage is 180 rubles (1 ruble equals $1.25), and housing costs are about three percent of their salary as opposed to about 30 percent in the U.S. Brian had souvenirs from Russia on display and a question and answer period followed the slide program. Appreciation was extended to Louise Dora and Brian Sager for their marvelous presentations and for making wonderful memories for all those who attended. BEST OF BOSTON & MISTY HARBOR Rag. *105-175 L FOft MEN SALE STARTS FRIDAY, NOV. 11 THRU WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23 1214 N.GREEN ST.* McHENRY M-TH 9-5:30, FRI 9-8, SAT 9-5 OUR WAY OF INTRODUCING YOU TO OUR FINE STORE M 10-30%OFF A FINE SELECTION OF QUALITY CRYSTAL & HOUSEWARES D 13944 Main St. McHenry, 111. (ACROSS FROM MuHENRY DEPOT) 344-5445 HRS: MON-FRI 9-6*SAT 9-4:30 VISA & AAASTERCARD WELCOME. >»!« "V T<y, b P«:;, fill! a>i Sat. ,nus Arfos* Hitr-it TV,' P,(l :'/• Puftlyftott fail Sal* M r<«) f'M Fail Ha'-** f'art >at< >t Parity^ F«li Sale f hart** T Pan,' i-.rja ) H« Tr,' Pi,r>1wr.< Fjii Sai«i m P--ilg Pfiriy. jv» Sai« Mi' T 'yfcntf t To ityhov f .-Hi I '.>«•< Maimu P«riyhf,sii ran ij-j f-.» .<yh MAKES The HEADLINES ON SALE NOVEMBER 10-19 TWO SIZES AVAILABLE A-B and C-D STYLE RIG. PRICE SALE Sheer Pantyhose 2.50 Sandlofoot Control Top Sandlofoot Knee Highs Sandlofoot 1.25 2 pair 1.95 Light Support 4 S0 3 COLORS- 2.0s 2.45 2 pair 1.40 1.70 Barely There'5'.South Pacific1,Town Taupe 1216 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY M-TH 9-5:30 FRI 9-8 SAT 9-5 (