Legion observes Armistice Day with carnival atX IIU1N i • tout t* • t Li/tiKi/boi/uii - 50 YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Nov. 9, 1933) The McHenry post of the American Lesion will sponsor a carnival and dance at the Bridge ball room, east of the river, celebrating Armistice Day, Nov. 11. A large reception committee has been appointed, containing TWICE TOLD TALES Edited from our files of years gone by names of many prominent business men to greet the hundreds who will accept the invitaition of the Legionnaires to attend the carnival and dance. Arthur Cox left for Texas, where he will be employed in the oil fields. Arthur is a graduate of McHenry High School and for the past few years was golf pro at the local Country cluo. Twenty-six Warriors from the local high school traveled to Elgin and vanquished the Elgin B team in a manner that left no doubt as to the reason the boys went to town. The score was 20 too. 40 YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Nov. 11, 1943) McHenry veterans of the first World War, who fought to end all wars, are now seeing their sons engaged in Worla War II. Among the McHenry Fathers and their sons are Arthur Smith, Sr., and Arthur Smith, Jr.; Martin J. Weber and son, Richard Weber; and Larry Huck, Sr., and son, Larry Huck, Jr. This Armistice Day is the twenty-fifth anniversary of World War I. Pictures of all of these patriotic men appeared on speaker the front page of the Plaindealer meeting, in observance of Armistice Dav. boat binli in observance of Armistice Day. Vernon Freund is now back in McHenry again, having been given an honorable medical discharge by the Army. He entered service almost two years ago and was stationed the entire tune in California. 25 YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Nov. 13, 1958) * McHenry moved closer to dial telephone service as civic leaders joined Illinois Bell representatives in dedicating the new dial building in McHenry at a ceremony Nov. 12. A cornerstone sealing ceremony was held shortly before noon in the almost completed building at the southwest corner of Court and Pearl Streets. The new exchange will furnish dial service to telephone customers in McHenry when the in stallation and testing of equipment is completed next The Men's Club of the McHenry Community Methodist church will have a special guest speaker at their regular supper general News 10 YEARS AGO (Taken from the files Of Nov. 16, 1973) David Benrud was reelected at the annual election meeting of the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce to head that organization for the second year. Other newly elected of ficers are Ken Sheridan, vice- president, and Rick Lane, treasurer. Officers were named by the board following the election of three new directors, they were Frank Colomer, David Dolby and Jim McKinley. Mike Brown was reelected for another term. Parks and Recreation Dept. Ask January class registration ADULT JAZZ % Eugene boat builder and teacher at Lane Technical high school in Chicago, will exnlain the steps involved in building an Ocean going yaCht, a project that he All Conference Fullback Rick Freund was selected by his teammates as the most valuable football player at the annual awards night held at West Campus. Rick was also awarded another honor when he was chosen along with Bob Dob- bertin as the honorary co- captains for the past season. The best defensive award went to junior linebacker Bob Eppel. For a great work-out and fun at the same time, join this adult jazz exercise class that starts next January. This evening class begins Thursday, Jan. 5, at 8 and will be held at Parkland Junior High School. It's not just aerobics, it's "Body Therapy". PRENATAL Each session of Prenatal Exercise will be fun for 6 weeks. Beginning Jan. 10, the afternoon class will be held at McHenry Public Library from 2:30-3:30 on Tuesday and Thursday. The evening class will be held at Parkland Junior High School from 7-8 on Monday and Wed nesday beginning Jan. 9. Registration is now taken at city hall, so sign up soon. ADULT BALLET Ballet is one of the greatest exercises for the entire Body. In this Adult Advanced Ballet Class the emphasis will be on improving the coordination of those enrolled while building self-confidence and poise. Registration is now being taken at McHenry City Hall for this Thursday night class which begins Jan. 5 It will be held at Parkland Junior High School from 7 to 8. For further information on this Advanced Ballet course for adults call the City of McHenry Department of Parks i Recreation at 344-3300. ̂ FALL TV SPECTACULAR! r Clostag out aR 1983 model* If Thompson w/tnfcr $21110 par ma 1? tampon S237J9 psrmo 20 Thompson S242D0 p« ma 24* Thompson $27426 per ma 27SpaCraft $39021 pema 2f SporCraft wluround $270.71 pu ma 17 SportCaft Fshsnran $17142 p* ma Mh approved aw* md minimi downpqiMRt CLOSING OUT USED BOATS IUc n oHa-m m«Hi tlh) ntaad 2 Ewwde «hcWc Art wwrnoWte fame oafcnt condSai $S75" «di Mnson 50 hp. efec. start J9W ) looig rljrv JIM HUMPHREY'S MARINE 325 Kenosha Walworth, Wis. 414-275-5708 , tompne phuww Stan* Moorinp. SporCoA, Thompm, SMfcw, 0M& I Num£st Shod* Moo* To** CompMi fcomorio I Gift Siva I"™7!SEPBJ?»ONSLS»E WITH LENS PURCHASE! 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