. , >mi:' * ' I' 1 M I WJ'B "•> ' Present program, bean curd - tofu What is Tofu? How do you eat it? Can you cook it? The answers to all of these questions will be answered at a program, Nov. 15, given by the McHenry County Extension Service. Held at the extension office, 789 McHenry Ave., Woodstock, the program will Start at 7:30 p.m. A film strip will be shown concerning the production of Tofu and how to cook with Tofu. Food preparation wil l be demonstrated, tasting will be featured, and handouts will be available. Open to all McHenry County residents, there is no charge for this program, but a call at 338- 4747 to reserve a seat would be appreciated. IM«K 9 - I ' l AINDf Ai r u - FRIDAY. NOVKMIiril 11. 19*3 Social Mission team meets Dec., 5 The next Mission Team (Executive Committee) meeting will be held Monday, Dec. 5, at 9:30 a.m. in the church parlor. At the last meeting of the group, a report on the Fall Bazaar and Christmas Sale was discussed, and showed it to be a very successful project. - A membership drive is being planned; and a "Secret Sisters" idea will be instituted to begin in January. "Hospice" was discussed; also. "You", a movement to wr '• with problem boys: and the MissionTean. recommended that a nation be made to both This recommendation v. ill be presented at the Nov mber U.M.W. general meeting, Thursday, Nov. 17. It will be an evening meeting at 7:3n 3 m. at the church, with the Kvening Circle as hostesses. Mention was made tl at there will be an "Open Hous<' at the Lovvery home (parsonage) Sunday afternoon Der IS. PI Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi is pfoud to announce that two of its membecs have completed their qualifications to receive the Ritual of Jewels. Mrs. Phyllis Dickstein of McHenry, on the left, and Mrs. Bobbie Biedron of Johnsburg received this degree Thursday, Nov. 3, in the home of Miss Peggy Waelchli during a beautiful Sr. citizens plan dinner The McHenry Senior Citizens' Club extends an invitation to mtembers and friends to attend the Annual Christmas Dinner to be held at the McHenry Country Club Thursday, Dec. 8. Tickets may be purchased from Ruth Fradell at the next meeting, or Cfll 385-6686. rA trip is planned for the icago Loop, to see the istmas decorations, Thur- f, Dec. 15. Again, one may Ms. Fradell for tickets, or le to the next meeting, which I scheduled to be held Monday, 14, at 7 p.m., High Scnool. at East The McHenry Choral Group will entertain the club on the 14th and all members are urged to turn out to hear this beautiful chorus. Bowling chairmen wish to remind everyone interested in bowling with the Senior Citizen's Club on Tuesdays and Fridays to call Ann Bailey, 344-0947 or Ann Schwartz, 385-0764 for details. Mr. and Mrs. Smock, Mem bership Chairmen, will be ac cepting 1984 dues at the next meeting. All senior citizens in the area are cordially invited to join the McHenry Senior Citizen's Club. STAFF FHOTO-WA VNf OA YLOKO candlelight ceremony. Pi Alpha welcomes these two talented women who will be a great asset to the chapter. They are off to a good start, chairing committees for The AAc Henry Area Health and Fitness Expo to be held in the Spring, sponsored by AAc Henry's Pi Alpha and Xi Kappa lota chapters. Legion slates annual dance The American Legion Post 1979 of Island Lake is holding its fifth annual Veterans Day Dance Saturday, Nov. 19, at the Hong Chow Restaurant, on Roberts Rd., south of Route 176 (about one-eighth of a mile). Hie band will start at 9 p.m. and everyone is invited to come and have a stompin good time. Tickets are available from post members and also can be purchased at the door. For more information, call 312-526-7312 or 312-526-1601. Members of St. John's Home and School Association, from left to right, Rita Boulden, Eileen Gwizdala and Rosalie Beaumont, are busy making wreaths in preparation for the St. John's Parish, Johnsburg annual Christmas Bazaar to be held Nov. 26 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and STAFF PHOTO WAVNt GAYIOKD Nov. 27, from 8 a.m. to noon, at St. John's School in Johnsburg. There will also be handmade dolls, a football and pottery; a book fair and religious articles sale. Proceeds from the bazaar will benefit the new school roof. ivite Irish to square dance »rs of the Shamrock of Twin Lakes Area will ejfcjoy a square dance during tieir general membership meeting Tuesday, Nov. 22, at 7:30 p.m., in St. John's Com munity Center, Twin Lakes. Exhibition dancing will be fered in addition to instructing club members in a series of Smart Americans After years of regarding salt as one of the most popular flavorings, preservatives and iwtrients, Americans are now saying "No" to salt. According i a California nutritionist, salt become the latest among consumers. 1 a result of headlines urging the reduction of salt in the diet, many people are in search of iiew low-salt recipes and (poking techniques. Advice of t$is nature can be found routinely in newspapers and women's magazines, not to mention books devoted specifically to low-salt cooking which are equally numerous and popular. These books range in diversity from the most obvious square dances. The Shamrock Club of Twin Lakes Area has a current membership of 350 Irish- Americans. Membership covers a six-county area in Illinois and Wisconsin. .̂ """'3 » Inquiries are invited. Contact Larry Coffey, 414-877-2696. say 'No' to salt substitutions (elimination of salt 4 and the addition of garlic and pepper) to preparation of exotic gourmet meals. Cooking with less salt can be accomplished easily with a little effort and time. Instead of seasoning foods with salt, the natural flavors of food can be enhanced by the addition of spices and herbs. The use of lemon juice, vinegar and wine are but a few examples of how to add zest to low-salt meals. Moderation is the key to remember. By simply limiting the use of the salt shaker at the stove or on the table, salt con sumption of Americans can be cut almost in half. ANTIQUE MUSIC BOX & PHONOGRAPH SALE v . „• * Sunday, Nov. 13, Union, IL 40 Dealers Exhibiting •Music Boxes •Phonographs - • Radios •Literature •Records •Parts, Horns, etc. 9 A.M.-6 P.M. - *3.00 admission SEVEH ACHES ANTIQUE VILLAGE &. MUSEUM Take Rt. 176 lo Union Rd. Located at Rt. 20 & South Union Rd., Union, Illinois 815/923-2214 UM.I.U'* T«.;i OPEN SAT. & SUN. AT 6:30 a.m SPECIALS Wed. Night...B-B-Q Ribs...s7.95 ,.Kl k Friday Fish Fry...Icelandic Cod,..s3.95 ALL "U" CAN EAT Sat. Night Prime Rib s8.56 Sun. Night Roast Duck. s7.50 WITH ANY FOOD ORDER WITH THIS COUPON GOOD THRU NOVEMBER 2r TRY OUR HEW SALAD BAR for LUNCH or DINHER ' t"My Our Daughter Iraci U ' at £r» '•7*1 V 1983 THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER MENU McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB We're proud of i you and love : you very much. HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY JILL love you, Grandma Mchenry Country Club will again be serving Thanksgiving Din ner. Our famous whole turkey dinner with you taking home the leftover bird is available for $S.95 per person plus tax & gratuity (five or more in your party), children under 10 $3.95. The above is served family style with all the trimmings. Instead of going to Grandmother's, bring Grandmother to Mchenry Country Club. Wc will also have the following available by the plate; Turkey Dinner $8.25 Baked ham Dinner -- . $7.95 Roast Pork Dinner $8.25 Prime Rife^ofBeef $10.75 children under 12 $2.00 off above prices McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB 820 N. John Street Mchenry, Illinois W| WILL BE SERVING from 12:30-4:30 MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY.. . . 385-1072 mmtm - n- FREE! FAMILY** PORTRAITS Reservations are now being taken for our Nov. 17th Photo Session from 3pm to 8pm. To make your reservation simply call 385-9292. These beautiful 3x5 photos make for a perfect Christ mas Gift. This offer is good until all time slots have been filled. To reserve your time slot, Call: 385-9292 Time slots are filling fast! So don't delay, Call Today! * Discount packages starting at M2°s STORE HOURS Mon., Thurs. & Fri. - 10:00 to 9:00 Tues., Wed. & Sat. - 10:00 to 5 30 Closed Sunday 4605 West Route 120 McHenry, IL 815-385-9292 HcHENs VS. DROP-Cff CENTER FOR TOVS * m TOIS rami's > juvenile f ultftlTUfte *No Purchase Necessary! **Your choice of Family or Children Photos