Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Nov 1983, p. 11

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t'ACK 11 - l»l,AINI>EAI,ER - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER II. 1W3 nMcHenry* f aindealer Ricf)tnott5 Office Hr» M-F 8:30 O.m 5 00 p.m. 3 LINES. 5 DAYS *8.80 PRIVATE PARTY LINK ADS Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group Advfrliltn, P'M>* check your od the FIRST insertion date. In the tv^it oMon error or ommistion. the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. tU newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of the ad which is in error In case 6f on error, notiffHPe Classified Department at once. Coll Classified Display Ads 815 385 0170 Private Party & Commercial Line Ads: 815 344- 4800. Payment In advance must be made for these ods: 'Babysitting 'Business Opportunites 'Business Services 'Gorge Soles 'Moving Sales 'Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area 'Political 'Rooms Appts. to Share 'Situations Wonted 'Sublease Re rent, etc. 'Wanted to Buy 'Wanted to Rent. •Woodstock Daily Sentinel 'Saturday Extrp 'Crystal Lake Morning Herald 'Cordunal Free Press Morning Herald 'Elgin Herald 'Richmond Gazette 'Marengo Beacon Republican News 'Huntley Beacon Republican News 'Sycamore News •Cory Grove Clorion 'Bornngton Banner 'McHenry Plaindealer •Genoa Kingston-Kirklond News 'Hampshire Register •Harvard Herald 'Shopper Service 'McHenry Citizen To County Shopper DIRECTORY DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND WED. PLAINDEALER FRI. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Announcements Cemeteries ft Lots Card ofi Thanks . . Notice* Car Pools ........ Lost ft Found Ptrsonals.: Instruction. Auctions 02 03 05 10 11 12 13 18 Help Wanted Child Core . 19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wanted 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted Help Wonted 24 Merchandise Wonted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Sales 33 Merchandise Under $50 34 Antiques . , . 35 Bicycles ft Sports Equipment 36 lawn ft Garden Equipment 37 Boots. .J.. 38 Musical Instruments. . . 39 Cameras. 40 Aviation 41 Pets ft Equipment. .44 Horses ft Equipment .... -. . . 47 Farm ft Dairy 48 Livestock. 49 Machinery ft Equipment 53 Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy 69 Business Property 70 Open House - 71 Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sale 74 Lots ft Acreage 75 Mobile Homes 76 Forms for Sole . 77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent 78 Rooms Board. House Apartment^ to Share .79 Apartments to Rent. 80 Homes to Rent. 81 Condominiums ft Towt?hornes to- Rent , . g2 Stores Office ft Industrial to Rent 83 Forms Farmland to Rent 84 Miscellaneous to Rent . ' . , 85 Automotive Autos for Sale 86 Wanted to Buy 87 Auto Parti ft Accessories 88 Trucks Troctors ft Trailers 89 Vans 90 Motorcycles ft Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicles 92 815/344-48001 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT I Cemeteries -- &Lots CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK ft UNION CEMETERY Choke lots tvallebi* m low m S27S, Including porpetuel cart. " "" tlon. T« Catholic ate I1S/49M547 Term*. MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS For Sala • 2 or 4. At beautiful Win drMpa. Cary. Saw 20% from private party. I1S/33M1N, attar 3 pm. GRAVESITES for sala In Memorial Park Cemetery, Woodstock. I1S/3M-44M. Notices We have iH age groups from 18 to 80 right here in McHenry County who want to meet you! Call ~ MCHENRY COUNTY COMPUTER DATING SERVICE 815-338-2290 Lonely? Do something about it! Card OfThanks WE WISH to thank relative* ft friends for gifts, flowers ft cards on the occession of our JOth anniversary. You have helped make this one of the most memorable days of our lives. Henry 4 Rossella Schmltt WE WOULD Ilka to express our rratitude to McHenry Rescue quad, Emergency Room, Police C, Fire uept, Dr. Ecks- Family ft Friends for tela cards ft prayers received dur­ ing our accident. Bettie ft Deb­ bie Smith. THE THOUGHTFULNESS and sympathy extended by our friends and neighbors, during our recent sorrow, will always remain with us as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks to all. The Family of Agnes M. Freund. 5 Notices BAKELYCONSTRUCTION Corp. Gravel, sand, dirt, cats, cranes, earth movers. Com­ plete subdivision work. Huntley. 312/W-MO. CAYW000CARPENTRY Carpenter/Contractor New work, remodeling roofing, repair', quality craftsmanship. Insured, free estimates. >15/331-3454 QUALITY PHOTO Finishing color ft black ft white photographer's supplies. DeWane Camera Sales, 221 Benton St., Woodstock. »15/33»-1IIO. R. RASMUSEN Carpentry, Inc. Homos, additions, garages, remodeling, re- rooflng, storms, siding, smell excavating, concrete and load- hauling. 115/331-4515. Small jobs welcome Notices FOR YOUR snowplowing call Rick Rasmusen Carpentry, Inc. 1M3/I4 list now being formed. H5/33H5M. MARSH TREE SERVICE Free Estimates Fully insured H5/<75-2475; I15/3M-7W PLASTERING Restoration or New • " 11 vernon i • popscii «1S/33SUfc* STEAMEX Carpet Rental U.ff Half Day Lloyd's Paint'N Paper Reserve Yours at Crystal Lake I15/49MM0 •15/331-11M 2. Notices NOTICE McHenry County College Foundation in care of McHenry County College is ac­ cepting bids on 7 cases of new C5DB Bostitch-Textron 5 penny coil nails to be used with a N5-1 pneumatic trim and sid­ ing Bostitch coil nailer. There are 40 coils per cose with 400 nails per coil. Deadline for bids will be November 15, 1983. For further inforamtion call the purchasing office: 815-455-3700 HAVE YOU been Introduced to new, fabulous, stain-glass paint? 115/5444400. SHIP VIA U P S. or Emery, 225 E.Calhoun (rear) Woodstock, 015/330-4t51 Wepeckage, tool Mon.-Fri.9-5; Set. M2 10 Car Pools LV. CARPENTERSVILLE at 7 am for Elk Grove. Lv. Elk Grove at 4:30 pm. for Carpentersvllle, Mon. thru Frl. Call after 5pm. 312/420-4750. McHENRY TO Accutronics Plant in Cary, 7 am to 3:30 pm, call 015/344-W5. 11 Lost & Found LOST, Mala, yellow, tiger striped cat. 1 yr. West Shore Beach area. 015/344-2071. 11 Lost & Found CAT FOUND 11/05, Lakeland Pk„ McHenry, young male gray tiger w/whlte legs ft face. Very well mannered ft well cared tor. Call 015/344 M42 12 Personals "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR-HOT LINE 312/»*-«33 • SCULPTURED NAILS 025.00 inr Professional Nail Artist. Call Joyce t 312/050 2019 storapp't HYPNOSIS ft COUNSELING Weight-Smoking Stress Marital-Insurance aid 312/00S-S473.015/455-1107 PREGNANT? Need Help? Call Birthright Office Open 9-11 ajn. and 7-9 p.m. Monday-Friday 24 hour answering service 015/305-2999 RIDE NEEDED For 3 children Center to Holi­ day Hills apprea. 5 pm. M Frl. 015/3444097, after 6 pm. THANKYOU St. Aide. tor favors rece vecLXZ SPECIAL THAWKS to St. Jude tor urgent petition answered. JftMF JOIN FIT ft TRIM Lose those ugly pounds for the Holidays. Safe, sensible ft inexpensive 015/330 5146. ask tor Lynn BUSINESS . S ervices THINK GREEN Landscaping and Lawn Maintenance Slop. Think, Call and Compare Prices Complete Lawn Maintenance Weed and Peed Fertilizing, Thatching. Sod. Black Dirt, Sand Gravel. Decorative Stone, Tree and Shrub Planting* Installed or Delivered Leaf Making, fall clean up. -R, 815-385-6103 Auto Rental Plumbing D.I. AUTO RENTAL lowest Rates In Town Day, Week or Month at Dan's Auto Body 4910 W. Rto. 120 McHenry 815-385-8240 Hawing a Water Softenor Problem? en 815-344-2662 Reliable Repairs on all makes Lindsay Water Conditioning Salt delivery, Service, Sales arid Rentals . Machine & Automotive Services T & A HOME IMPROVEMENT 815-385-8259 I' New Goroges, Room Additions, Dormers, Alum. S/Windows, S/Doors, 5eomless Gutters, Siding, Re-Placement Windows, Soffitt, Foscio , j Any Type Roofing. All Types of * ; Remodeling Inside ond Outside. i jWe Also Duild Complete New Buildings, Wood Decks ond Potios Co. Fully Insured 10 STf MUELLER PRECISION ENGINEERING We Specialize in Custorp Machine work arid welding, Performance Engine & Transmission Rebuilding. 815-459-8554 Plumbing Gunderson Plumbing Septic-Sewer Water Remodeling and All Repairs Power Rodding Commercial and Residential. Emergency Service 815-653-7806 Crafftway HEATING PLUMBING COOLING 815-385-5591 24 Hr. Emergency Service Furnace Cleaning (Hot Water Tanks Sump Pumps Air Conditioning Leaky Pipes FREE ESTIMATE ON NEW INSTALLATIONS Senior Citiztn Discount Septic MATHISON SEPTIC SERVICE New Septic Installations, and Repolrs Baikhoe Work Questions about your septic systems? Give us a call light Hauling. Driveway Grovel, lop Soil. Sand & Fill 815-344-3980 Welding CONNIE'S COURIER SERVICE FAST sma For Prompt Pick-Up and Delivery at Reasonable Rates Discount Available Serving McHenry, Lake, Cook Kane ft DuPage Counties Prompt Sale Delivery 01: •All Your Delivery Needs •Picketed Goods •Business Documents •Printed Hitter Bonded A Insured Days-Nites-7 Days 815 3441497 II/21FC' McHENRY WILDING SERVICE All Types Welding SPECIALIZING IN •ImI ft* Ie»»in •CmlM tieiler Hikkti 2912 W. RU. 120 McHenry 815-385-4929 Call 385-0170 To Place Your Business Service Ad! 12 Personals DN'T ^SLID^E INTER without s! Call us for a PLEASE DON' THROUGH WINTER Auto Insurance! ouote. Special rates for over 55 driver. Budget terms. Sunderlage Insurance Com pany. 815/338 332« PREGNANT? Need Help? Call: Birthright 312/6957950 SECRET KEYS To multi-level wealth! Recorded message 312/W-2356 JOB HUNTING? We can help you make that All-Important First Impression the best possi We! Changes Hair Design, 79 Williams St. in downtown Crystal Lake. 115/455-1115. 24 Help Wanted 13 Instruction! 21 TOWNE TUTORS, Speed reading courses, study «klll»< tag. i courses. Individual tutor •15/33S5330 19. Child Care HAVE OPENINGS avail, for Ml time toddlers In Cary. PI--»a call 313/SJR-4911 CHILD CARE In my L.l.T.H. horn*. Drop Ins Wetcome Call: 312/656-5S32 WANTED, loving day care home for 2 & 5 year old. South School area Call 115/4555459 MOTHER Of ONE will babysit < in my Lakeland Park home, full or part time, any age. Hot meals, lots of TLC, references. •15/3IS-M*. I WILL watch your children. Good clean home. Crystal Lake. Droplns OK. 115/455- 4724. SCHOOL TEACHER mom will babysit my home days, part time welcome, w/references. Debi, USmS-4012. MOTHER organlilng Play Time CO-OP in Cary. 2 days a wk.-2 hrs a day-limit 3 to 4 children-ages 2 to 3. 312/639 •994. RESPONSIBLE person will babysit your children in my home. 115/459-0937 LOVING MOTHER will babysit full time in my Crystal Lake home. IIS/459 1171. 21 Situations Wanted QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, We aim to please. Senior Citizen's Discount. 815/315 4937, 312/359 4339 or Answering Service, 115/459 38W, Ext'Q'. SEAMSTRESS Experienced (25 years) Alterations & dressmaking 312/651-5106 WILL STEAM CLEAN carpets. Living room, $20, Each add! tional room, >10.815/943-5513. SNOWPLOWING Driveways, walks. Reasonable and af­ fordable. McHenry area. 815/344 1632. HOUSE CLEANING Responsi ble, energetic person lookina for work cleaning houses. Ref. 815/344 2631 anytime. ONE OF EACH: Budoet-right, variety live musk. Parties & weddings 115/455-3634.312/882 8337 F NEED IMMEDIATELY | Entry Level | ELECTRIC MOTOR REWINDER I Must be qualified to learn hand rewinding skills for repair of large electric motors ond related equip- I men). Successful applicatnt will hove o high school diploma, basic electrical knowledge strong math I aptitude, manuol dexterity, maturity, work referen- . ces and tools: plant maintenance knowledge a plus. | This position is for o quality-oriented craftsman, not • a machine operator • GOOD SALARY • PAID HOLIDAYS • UNIFORMS • CROUP INSURANCE • WITH DENTAL • PAID VACATION McHENRY ELECTRIC CO. 4012 W. Main St., McHenry, IL 60050 815-385-5530 RN'S Fulltime, mental health, 3-11 Pert time, mental heal.h, 11-7 Part time, Pediatrics, 11-7 Full time, emergency room, 11-7 Mental Health Tech Part time 11-7 Experience preferred, excellent benefit package Please call Personnel: 815/338-2500 Memorial Hospital for McHenry County 527 West South St., Woodstock, IL Equel Opportunity Employr M/F 18 Auctions AUCTION Because of health and age, the undersigned will sell the following at auction on the premises located 1 mile east of Volo, being on Route 60, l/« mile east of inter, with Route 120, or y« mile west of Fish Lake Rd., on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13,12:00 N00N REAL ESTATE, COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS 5 ACRES WITH 5 BEDROOM LIKE-NEW HOME This wctt-ioutad 2200 plus home is set nicety on 5 hijti wd drj productive acres with 375' fronUft on III. Rl 60. The brick ind alum, utenor it maintenance fret. There is « 3 car attached piaje w.'eiec door openers and blacktop driveway. It has an eat in cabinet kitchen, dininj room, targe living room, master bedroom, full bath and den or office on first floor and 4 bedrooms and full bath on second floor. It has a full hei|ht. dry basement Heat provided by natural ps (orced au furnace, and the 180" well has a submersible pump. Hardwood floors, alum, storms and screens. You'll like the condition and location el the 14 ft. old house. The land is excellent for vegetables or nursery stock or horses. Wauconda school district TERMS: SS.OOO earnest money to be deposrted on day of sale, balance due at closing, or buyer can pay 25\ of purchase price, i» duding earnest money, at closing, balance due in 1 yr. w/interest at 10% annually. Seller will furnish Title Policy and Survey Announce­ ments day of sale precede printed material. Call auctioneer fee ad drboesat information. OPEN HOUSE OF REAL ESTATE ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2:004:00 HOUSEHOLD, COLLECTIBLES t ANTIQUES: 4 pc. bedroom set. Me new, oek library table; new white frostfree 17.S w/treew (7 mo. old); Amana upright freenr, elec stove; fern stand; 2 sewing machines; Duncan Phyfe OR set w/buffet, C chairs, 3 leaves; 3 Banjo chairs w/master chair, mah. china cabinet; book case, kitchen table w/chatrs, maple desk; beds A dressers, mah. end A coffee tables; 8W TV; lamps, chairs; davenport 1 chair; pictures and frames; washer I dryer; glassware, alec appliances, linens; large quantity of kitchen atmsita; large mirror; large t small fans; step stool; record player, set Mi* for 24 el DeHaviiand china, butcher Week; single bed w/chast; X" round coffee table w/ceramic tap; dishes and much mere. LAWN, GARDEN & MISCELLANEOUS: Caaa 7* b# rid* tree tw w- mower, snow plow & snow blower, pipe viae, l* la 2 «. pipe fcreader cutter, reamer ft lead pot; 4 30" range heeds, never ate* acetylene torch; garden hose ft Si -inkier* garden tools; T wood and r alum, step ladders; hand teals, 30 fence posts, showeh; spades; nhes; new lawn sprinkler wood; Weber BBQ, and more. MRS. FRANK EHREDT, OWNER Auctioneer Gordon Stade, McHenry, IL 815-3S5-7032 RESPECTED AUCTIONS SINCE 1952 Situations Wanted House PAINTING Exterior, Interior. Reasonable rates. I15/4S5-3SM. EXPERIENCED Electro Mechanical Design Draftsman available for part time work. t1S/4SMia. QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Garages, decks, basements, remodeling, additions, etc. ns/eo-aoeeeves. HOUSE CLE AN ING. ex­ perienced. Call Sue after 5 p.m. 312/4JMS0 ELDERS, TLC. little things that take your time & patience, letter writing, hand/feet care, >u/3*4-oesi t, NURSE for private duty. Available all hours. Please call 312/H>-2451 HANDICAPPED? Or have you had a few years added to your age? I would like to cook or do minor housekeeping for these people, Sd/per hour. Call Michael at 115/459 2IS4 after 5 p™ EARL'S ROOFING. 10 yrs exp., specializes in shingiev free estimates. 115/344-4729 day or night BARTENDER avail, for Priv. Christmas parties, also Wed dings. Banquets, etc. Refer. IIS/459-2353. TYPING, Bookkeeping, R e s u m e s , C o m p l e t e Secretarial Services. Pick Up I delivery. 115/455^665. WINTER'S HERE Caulking & Vlsqueen Windows Clean Gutters, chimneys and windows. Roofino. interior, decorating, carpentry. Call Now 10% Off •1S/377-02M 24 Help Wanted 2L Situations wanted I DO housecleaning, havw owi4 tram ft ref., call Pat US/459" -- » Household^ 23 Help Wanted? LOOKING FOR reliable, to care for 9 month old In our home. Sun ' f nyside area Hours; Mon.-Frl.A* 4:30 am-5 pm. Call after 5 pm. 115/344-5306. < SITTER in my Holiday Hills j* for 3 children. 7:30 to 5™ pm. US/3444097 after 6pm. W HOUSEKEEPER Mother ^ helper, loving family, Mon.'II thru Frl.,9'k>6, refer required. •15/330 360J or 330-0144 fll MATURE WOMAN, wanted to, A care for 4 yr. old + 16 mo. old. ** Preferably my home, 1-6. 2-3 days a week. >15/459-6064. EXPERIENCED BABYSIT riT TER needed for 3 yr. old in „ Algonquin or Lake In The Hills, ^ your home, part time, flexibleJr hours, refs. roq. 312/650 4700 HOUSEKEEPER/ COOK for Barrln^ton Hills Estate Well qualified ft experienced.*} Should like 10 yr. old boys and animals! Some travel. Write with references to 122 West &£ County Line Rd., Barrington. IL. 60010. ^ RESPONSIBLE Babysitter T), needed week day mornings'" before school. In my home for 2'98 boys, 6 ft 9 yrs. old. Own trsp. 015/459-3543 after 4 PM. ^ SITTER NEEDED, responsi-^ ble. flexible, my Cary home ' Call 312/639-6421 days. INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Must be qualified to troubleshoot and repair electric motors and related equipment. Successful applicant will be career-oriented, and have a high school diploma, several years full time mechanical repair and/or rebuilding ex­ perience, maturity, references, tools. Electrical and machinist knowledge a plus. • GOOD SALARY it GROUP INSURANCE • PAID HOLIDAYS WITH DENTAL it UNIFORAAS it PAID VACATION McHENRY ELECTRIC CO. 4012 W. Main St., McHenry, IL 60050 815-385-5530 SECRETARY EXPERIENCED Responsible position for a secretary with good shorthand, typing and dictaphone skills. This is an interesting, diversified job, providing an excetitaY i salary, generous company paid benefit^, and ad- vandcement. Call for interview: P.J. Calabrese 312-546-8225 The Grieve Corp. Round Lake, IL REAL ESTATE SALES We have openings for persons in­ terested in becoming associated with our very active national franchise organization. As America's largest electronic realty system, we offer proven sales tools and benefits to make listing and selling easier. Whether you are just starting out or are experienced and looking for a step up, call today for a confidential interview. Ask for Alan Moll 815-385-9394 ERA-RDG Realty of ILf Inc. 4507 W. Elm Street McHenry, IL 60050 18 Auctions Estate Auction Location: 2405 Villa Lane, McHenry, IL (Chapel Hill Rd. north to Chapel Hill Coun­ try Club Entrance, then west to bottom of hill; turn left to auction address.) Sunday, Nov. 13th Noon Sharp FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD RELATED ITEMS: Thomas Elec. organ, Crown gas range, G.E. refrig w/freezer (less than 6 mos. old), Coldspot chest freezer, Magnavox color TV, 2 pc. LR suite, 2 pc. sectional sofa, sofa, several occauonal chairs, dining room table w/4 chairs, poratable bar, Sears humidifier, leather top drum table, china cabinet, round dinette table w/4 leather armed chairs, buffet kitchen table with 4 chairs. 6 pc. bedroom suite, asst. dressers, double bed, vanity dressing table, asst. chests, glass door (double) bookcase, several coffee & end tables, many lomps, books, linens, kitchen utensils, asst. garden tools Toro elec. start lawn mower, and many items too numerous to mention. OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST: Blue Boy & Pinky tall elec. Hurricane lamp w marble & brass base & stem, several figurine lamps, cedar chest, dropleaf table, knick-knack shelves, dropleaf wood serving cart, wardrobe w large glass door - plus drawers, asst. vases, pictures, bric-a-brac, dishes and many other interesting small items. Auctioneer: Wieser Enterprises, Michael J. Wieser L TERMS: Cash (All items will be sold on a where as-is as basis with no warranties or refunds ESTATE OF LORRAINE I. NEVE

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