Automobiles «g Fwgflte OLOt CUTLASS Wprwm, '79, mint cond. Call Scott *ft* 5 pm. US/MUX- CHEVY CAPRICI Classic, H, om owntr, wall mslrrtsln*d, many axtrM. tl m, 119/415- CAMARO, '73, food running cond., 310 «nolM. 1590 or test pH*r. 3tt/53M37l. CHRYSLER NEWPORT, ,'47, cuts., A/C, clMfl, good transportation. Pr*shtun*up* oil chonoo, wlntorlzod, tJU. Coll »15/3&d5M. OATSUN 3M OX, 1*1, 2 door hatch, awn roof, 29,000 mlloa. AM/FM radio. Cotl I1V2M14M aft»r 5 or on woahonda. PONTIAC Grand Prix '77- ovt, F/S, A/C, P/8, AM/FM storoo. »5 angina, <3JW. 115/344^070. CHEVY MALItU'T*̂ dr. 1400/boatoftar H9/49»-*375 aftor &p.m. CHEVY MONTE CARLO, 79, vary od. cond., lot* of oxtraa. ttfOO/baat, 019/330-0343 aftor 9 82L VEGA 74, gd. cond., low mlloa, Bl. mpo. 11900/bos t off or 5/440-W. . TRIUMPH TR290, '40, com •tototy roatorod. MM Evon- WB 015/453-7101. CLASSIC '45 codllloc, fully loadod, 0790; tondom horaa traHar, WOO. Aftor 7 p.m., 019/330-4*1. THUNDER BIRD,vlt77, loadod, axe. cond., 47,000 mlloa. Mutt aool MH/Pffor. 019/455-776? PONTIAC PHOENIX, 1970, 2 dr. coupo. V4,11000 or boat of tor.119/330-4974 aftor 4 p.m. CHRYSLER NEW YORKER '79. All options, oxc. cond., roaaonablo. 312/490-0434. FIREBIRD '79, brown, no •wllor, V4, oxc. cond., $4900. 119/4950499. CHEVROLET Mallbu Claaak '70-Sport Coupo. Org. owntr. 14,000 ml. Exc. cond. Wilto sldawolla. AM/FM radio. A/C. 312/439-2470 ovoa. or woofconda. OATSUN 910 '70. Auto., 2 dr. 91000 ml. 01100.019/459 -4474. BUICK SKYLARK '70. Gd. Cond. Exc. runnor. No ruat. 91900.312/439-4041. JEEP CJ-7 Hardtop. '79, aufomotlc, am/fm atorao (spotters Includod), good con dttton, 14,000. Call 9\S/t£-VU. VW DASHER '79, runa good but noodaropotr, 9279,01V459-0714 HORNET AMC '73-Exc. cond. inalda and out. Sot to ap- proclato. 91000/boat offor. 312/439 1332 PONTIAC PHOENIX LJ 03. 2 dr., p.s„ p.b., am/fm storoo. tilt, roar dofoggor. buctets. conaolo. cwatom Int., * cyl.. 9000 ml., 312/439-4347 aftor 4p.m. VOLVO '70. 245 DL Wagon. Pa/pb. automatic. 14500 or boor 312/991-4734. Automobiles 86 For Sale BUICK Elocfro 225, '77, landau, I dr., all power, tut, dm/fm Horoo fopo dock; now, all oaaoon radlals, wlntorliod, ARC. cwd-̂ ew mlloa, muatboaoon, WOOO/boat. 312/434-4471. TOYOTA CELICA '79, OTS- •d- AM/FM comoHo, mm roof, Nka now, 019/54*4272 doya, 019/940-9402aftor 9 pm, ̂ GRAND PRIX 1974 liinrk laal -nWua WOTK. DfS' OTtff, 312/420-1974. OLDS TORONADO, 79, am/fm, tapo, ton roof, wlro full poi powor, mint condi tion, 019/309^397. FORD ELITE, '74.oa/pfc Vc, od. cond., call aftor 4 pm, >19/943-9790. RENAULT "La Car" '70. rod, rocontiyovorhaulod. roUaMo, 01700,019/330-1473 MUSTANG '71, goad cond., PACER, 4 cyllndor, 1974, 3 «pd.. nooda coll and battery. Lots of new porta. 9400/boaf. Coll aftor 4 p m. 019/493-7431. CHEVY SUBURBAN, Scott- adalo, 1901, air, oxcollont condi tion. Witt's vehicle, <4700. 019/720-0047. MERCURY MONTEGO MX Brougham, '73. All oowor, gd. rodw tiros, om/fm storoo, aomo ruat, runa good, 0500. 019/344-4149. » CADILLAC DEVILLExaadon, 1970, blue, all options, 95,500. 015/305-7477. Auto Parts & 88 Accessories ENGINES all makes. 0225, Transmissions, all typos, 0125, Guorantood. 312/439-2094. ENGINES all makaa. 9290, transmissions, oil typos, $129; Installation ond doilvory available. Guorantood. 019/344- 9114. m HUB CAPS-Buy and Sail, Thouaonda In atock. Country Collector, Wllmont, Wl., 414/042-2914. 4 TIRES, Gumbo Monator Mud dora. 14-39-19, llko now, SOOO/oll Coll Todd aftor 4 pm, 015/344- OLDS Station Wagon '74. for porta. Now exhaust. gas tank S mora. 019/344-1342. 4 GOODYEAR TRACKER PG L70-19 tiros on Chevy rims, Ilka now, <300.019/330-0144. CAP For amall short bod truck. Inauiatod w/alldlng aldo- wlndowa. 9100. 019^344-9445, anytime. CHEVY ENGINE, 390, 4 bar rot, guarantood to run , 1979, $299.019/720-1429. REAR STEP Bumper for SM. chromo, novor mounted, call o»oa.. Stovo, 312/301-4441 CAR TRAILER single axlo, 11 X T. Also for snowmobiles. etc. Good cond., 9400/boat. 019/344- 3437. 90 Vans SNOW TIRES B79-13, WSW, mountod an rlma for Dataun. Uaad 1 aaaaon, 090. 01S/449- 0279. _____ 72 CHRYSLER Newport, ong. A trana. good shape, misc. parts, runs but needs work# §M9/boat, 919/330-4174 boforo 2:30pm. wkdoya CAMPER TOP, 0 ff., aluminum, aido wtndowa A servant, IWTT m pidHG. Iiu, Coll IH/MTHI aftoTjprn. Trucks, Tractors " & Trailers MOOEL A Truck. Early 1920. Wlra-whoel. Stoko bod. Runa good. Now tires. Balance original. Noada roatorofion. 03000. Coll 015/305-3192 or 305- 4913. ̂ FORD F-190, 74/ Exploror, ovto, p.a., p.b., om/fm, caoootta, air, cap, A mora. 019/3W-3949. 3 TRUCKS 1901 GMC V» ton pickup. Factory ocon. pkg. 3 «on floor w/ovordrivo. Small anglno. High mlloa. uaodoa aoloa vahiclo. $4,900. Black 1979 Chavy Luv w/matchlng cap. 4 wd, 4 whool dr., lock out hubs. Body In oxc. cond. High mlloa, uaad aa aaloa vohlclo. 031900. 1979 Ctnvy COS. 2 apd roor ond. Exc. cond. w/rolfeock 29 ft afoot bod w/wlnch. $7,900. 019/330+490 aftor 4 pm. FUEL TANK, 130 gal., poliahad aluminum, good Coll 312/439-40117 ' > '74. G MAZDA PICK-UP '74. Groof for work truck. Nooda car ter ator work. 0400. 019/344- •nirtlmo 3BB3/ •njrllnlB, INTERNATIONAL Pickup '40. Good cond. 0400 312/420-4349 FORD RANGER F-190,79.440. 4V, pa/pb, o/c, auto., dual oxhM tint Mid., dual gaa tanks. Carpot, tonnoou. immaculato. $4*00. 312/439-0707, doys, 490- 90 Vans VAN CONVERSION, partial to complete. Froo Estimates, quality workmsnshlp, roossnsMo prtcaa. Chock ovt our Foil Special, tool J AD. Auto Body/40 N. Moin St. In Downtown Crystal Loko. 019/499-4410. VAN CONVERSIONS, portlol ts complete Qualify work at rooaonabla prtaoa. JAD Auto Body, 40 N. Moin in Downtown Crystol Lake. 015/499-4410. CARGO VAN 74 Ford. 150 modal, auto., p.a., p.b., am/fm storoo cassette. gd. body, 4cyl.< rtna groof. 91900/oftor. 312A01 9340 aftor 5 pm wookdoya. OOOGE VAN 70- 4-cyl., pa/pb. am/fm, new parts, needs engine work, must ooll. Roduc edt0Q2299/0ff0r. 01V455-M40. FORD E-190 Work Von, '77, 3 ap.. 4 cylw now tires, oxc cond., $2450.312/439-2990. SO Vena FORD 1 01900 or VAN, 1973, A carpeted, 019/344-9031, OOOGE WINDOW VAN '79, drpef, Inouiatlon, ponoflng, 2 roar soofa, o/c, full powor, 01,300/beot, 015/344-1042. Motorcycles k 91 Snowmobiles KZ m, 1979, bought now In aooo r nlnr J Uww tniiowi iwwma, 90* boot C4til |915/493-9743 aftor 4 YAMAHA Maxim 990 CC, '01. Bur|andy, kjnq/quoan aoot, aport wheels. Perfect cond. 91299. Coventry Motors. Ltd. 915/455-2720 HONDA ATC-79, 11, in oxc. condition. First $390 Tokos HI I CoH 915/344-1037. SCORPIAN STING 440, 77, now track, suspension fust rebuilt, handgrip warmers, flavor. 9400.915/455-3994 eftor 9 SNOWMOBILE '00, John Deere, Uquidflro. 1300 ml. Exc. cond. 91000. 015/440-2044, KAWASAKI G340 '72. Exc. eond. 0300/best offer. 915/499- 4041. KAWASAKI KLT300, 1903, loos than 5 lira., 91200 or boot offer, 019/499-0013 *MSKIDOOEvoroaf900E. Exc. cond. 91390/best offor. 312/OM194 HONOA '79.400 CC, auto. 1300 act. ml., many axfras. 0990/beot. 019/499-9291, after 9. 790 '13 Midnight Virago, 2700 ml., bock roof ft era* bar, $2900 or bast, 019/499 3439 after 4 p.m., 409- aoo,Ext.4o SNOWMOBILE TRAILER Double. $225. Like New. Exc. Cond. 312/439-0130, after 4 pm. HONOA Sabre. V-45. '02. Rod. Exc. cond. 015/3094039, offer 4 HONOA GOLD WING, 79. 17J00 mlloa. Windjammer, lug gage bac. many extras. Gar. Kept, well maintained, $2400. Sorleua Inquiries only, 015/344- 4337 oftor 7 pm. HONOA 790-F Sopor Sport w/oxfros, '00,1900 miles. Like New Must Seel $2400. Coil 312/033 OOOJ days, aek for Jim. YAMAHA IT 139 *00 trait bike, mint cond. low mllooga. Coll 919/330-2900 oftor 9 p.m. A R C T I C C A T E X T • i • M .til. rwi . rlialad SsX/WTTKJOf Iw# n» IffW CiCpTCO track, carbides, comet clutch, 440,3 cyl- 3 corb ongine. Nka, $490.915/344-4145. YAMAHA OT 129E, 1970, ox collont running cond. $300 or beat oftor. Coll offer 5 p.m. 555- 1140. Recreational OS Vehicle* Bl JAYCO Cardkiai Popup- Sioopa A OK. com. Super aov- mp. 93,200. Cod: 015^2W7. STAROIAFTFOPUP, 1974,1 aadMVMA iiA14C «_ a WOTO* COMpMPIf soHmnfsljod. 10 ft. flgargMas in DodotChifsUr tletoti, exc. cond, asking $1000, 015/409- 7947. MINI MOTOR home '71 ooH contained, 310 ongine, low ml- good. 015/470-7941 Legal notice NOTICE OP JUDICIAL SALE STATE OF ) ILLINOIS ) >ss COUNTY OF ) McHENRY ) V Real Estate For Sale IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS McHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOC A1TION Plaintiff, v». RANDALL L. GORANSON; etod., Defendants IN CHANCERY G«oicralNo. 83CH237 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a decree heretofore entered by said Court in the above entitled cause. I, Michael Sullivan, Associate Judge of the Circuit Court will on Friday, die 18th day of November A.D. 1983, at the hour of 9:00 oVclocfc A.M. (Local Time), In Room 908 of the Court House, in the City of Woodst~;k, in said County, sell at public auction to the highest and best Udder for cash all and singular, the following described premises and real estate in said decree mentioned, situated in the County of McHsnry f j mu ̂ f , oi uunoos, o thereof as MB bs sufficient te satisfy said decree, t£wlt: Lot 48 in Windinc Cntki Unit NTT being s Subdivision of pert of doe Northwest Quarter of Section 9 and part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 4, Township 44 North, Ranges East of the Third Principal Meridian, and pert of the Southeast Quarter of Section 99, Township 48 North, Range! East of ths Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat viwrvOi July 99. It7f ea Document No. V 774909, In McHenry County, Illinois. ADDRESS OR . LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Ml Heritage Drive, McHenry, 1 together with hnMin|« fiin improvements thoeon, and the hereditaments teid DATED, Woodstock, minois, this 19th day at October A.D. 1889. VERNON W. KAYS, JR., Clsrttefthe Circuit Cwrt of McHenry County Cappetta ft Shadk Attorney for Plaintiff 7 S. Dearborn, Chicago, IL., 88888 (912) ^26-9600 (Published In The Mcttcnnr niinoetier on October 98, November 4 sod II, 1889) Exhibit A No. i NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE STATE OF ) ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF ) McHENRY ) INTHECIRCUIT ' COURT FOR THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS McHENRY ) PACK 19 SAVINGS AND ) ASSOCIATION ) Plaintiff, vs. SONJA FROULA; stal., . Defendants IN CHANCERY CeneralNo. 82CH89 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a decree heretofore entered by said Court In the above entitled cauee. I, Michael Suuivan, Associate Juffee of the Circuit Court will on Friday, the 18th day of November AD. 1889 at the hour of 9:88 o'clock AM. (Local Time), In Room 988 oi tne Court House, in the City of Woodstock, in said County, sell at public auction to the highest and bast bidder for cash all and singular, the following dsocrfbed premises and real sstate in said dscree mentioned, situated In the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said dscree, to-wit: That pert of the * " ' Quarter of Quarter of Section 95 and that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section W, Township 48 North, Range! East of the Third Principal Meridian, dsscrlned as follows: Commencing st the intersection of the West line of the Northeast Quarter of ths Northwest Quarter of said Section 98, with the center line of niinais Route 198: thence Southeasterly along said center line 108.75 feet to the tdace of beginning of Uris description; Northeesterly at rights angles to die last described line 290.0 feat: thence Southeasterly st right angles to the last described line - PI AINDRAI^R • FRIDAY. NOVEMBER II, IW L«Oal notice , 28"<KSSrf,0.& «£•• * «•**«. cgnUsr'toM o? «ud ViU**e B«i< hour eertisr than mant'. due to thr V Ulsae discuss sewers. All" residents sre urged to sttend. DawnM. Miller, Village Clsrii (Pub.Nev.UA M, 1889) No. 890M8 Northwesterly along said center line 11(H) feet to the place of beginning, in McHenry Cowty, Illinois. ADDRESS OR LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 9808 W. Route 190, McHenry, Illinois 88880 together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and the hereditaments and h»lnw£i«i0 DATED. Woodstock. Illinois, this 19th day oi October A.D. 1889. VERNON W. KAYS, JR., Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Cappetta k Shadle Attorney for Plaintiff 7 S. Dearborn, Ctao.. IL.. 80809 (919) 798-9800 (Published in the McHenry Plaindealer on October 98, November 4 and 11 1989) Exhibit A No. A meeeting of The McHenry TuansMp . Fire Protection District will be held eg ' Thursday. November < 17,1989 at 8 p.m. in the office of Station 1,98M W. Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois. James L. Althoff, (Pub. Nov. 11,1819) No. ASSUMED NAME PUBLICATION NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on October t7, 1889, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names ana post- office addresses ofall of the persons owning, conducting and tranaacting the business known as SWITZER INDUSTRIES, located at 7107 Plngree Rd., Crystal Lake, IL., 88814 which certificate sets forth the owners ss follows: Robert L. Switzer end Carol E. Switzer. Dated October 97th, 1989. Roeemary Azzaro, County Clerk (Pub. Nov. 4,11 k Nov. 18,1989) No. 890481 the' An peseed by fVaoiiload Tj rretusrat ant of Trustees of the Village of Sunmrside,. Illinois, suthorizmg an atfgwaaoiMl faui |WA agrecmcni lor iat purchase of real property and levying taxes in connection therewith. « Copies of ordinance available for public inspection during the normal business nours of 9:00 AM. to 19 P.M. on Saturdays. Phil{pFlemg|. (Pub. Nov. 11,1989) No. i Legal notice ̂ NOTICE : : McHenry CountjT College Foundation in • care of McHenry County College 6; accepting bids on 7 ( cases of new CSDB • Bostitch-Textron S* " penny coil nails to be used with a NM • Pneumatic Trim and ' Siding Boatitch Coti Nailer. There are 40: coils per caae with 488 % nails per coil. Deadline < for bids will be " November 15, 1889. . For further ? information call the -' Purchasing Office, ̂ . McHenry County College. 815-488-9798., C (Pub. Nov. 9 k IL 1 1989) ' " No. 898485 0OD.T.' ,ifv. . rf- 1* \0» "-! *./ ii. Cf O 9' I The Coach Homes of- t Announcing: CROSSING . ' emit $ GRAND OPENING THE NEWEST CONCEPT IN CONDOMINIUM LIVING FULLY DECORATED MODELS NOW OPEN CRYSTAL LAKE'S ONLY COACH HOME COMMUNITY IN A PARKSIDE SETTING BALCONY DEN/BDRM 10 7"x 12 5' BEDROOM 2 10' 6" * 12' 9' LIVING ROOM 13'0"K 15 5" DINING ROOM 9' 8" * IV 6" MASTER BEDROOM 12 0 "* 15' 11" Gracious, countrified coach homes are coming to Crystal Lake's finest location. Not like typical boring row houses, each low-lying 2 story structure has homes with views from private belconles or patios of the surrounding commons or adjacent parklands. Each offers spacious floor plans, Its own attached garage and includes an impressive list of luxury features. 2 mZ BEDROOM HOMES PRE-GRAND OPENING PRICE $ FROM ' ! 5 53,900 EXCELLENT PERMANENT FIXED RATE FINANCING AVAILABLE RESERVE NOW AND SAVE) When Chasefleld Crossing is ready for move-in this December, the cost will be thousands more. However, your deposit will hold your home for you--and hold the cost down to the very special pre-grand opening price. A good percentage have already been reserved. Come see and save I 1 jil • k A / \lt 14 nmmr** fz 0 II * 8 | 8 i ii 2 ̂J SOWINHS SALBOTFICIOKII 9AA.Y 18 TO 8 Ml PMOMC 4854580 DIRECTIONS: Takt Rout* 14 Northwest Highway to McHonry Avo. South on McHonry Ave. to Bariino Road West on Borlino to Golf Course Rood. South on Golf Court* Rood to models. r-- Ttuxaic/i ttwiyi/- fCHASEFiELI ̂ l .ROSSIXl r h