McHenry area views Democratic landslide SUCTION 1 - PAGE I • PLAINDEALER • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER II, I 50 YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Nov. 10, 1983) It was a Democratic landslide in state and nation, with Roosevelt elected as president and Horner as governor of Illinois by unprecedented majorities. At this writing only general figures are available, based on a small portion of the vote reported up to a late hour. Tammany Hall in New York City gave its governor a tremendous majority. The' upstate gave President Hoovm^ lead of about 160,000 but New York City swamped this lead with a majority for Roosevelt of upwards of 800,000. Hie election of John Nance Garner of Texas has broken a inasmuch as it is the time that a man from "down south" has been elected to either president or vice- president since the days of Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson during the Civil War. A summary of the past season of football at the McHenry Community high school reveals the fact that the past season was one of the most successful enjoyed by local athletes on the gridiron since the introduction of the sport in 1923. 40 YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Nov. IS, 1943) Another quota, the second one for November for Board One, is being filled as that board issued early this week a new list. Among those called were James Regner,. Jack Segal and Robert JTConway. Mrs. A.J. Wirtz was hostess at a personal shower given in honor of Miss Kathryn Wirtz, who will become the bride of Leo Thompson. Cards were enjoyed and prize winners were France Bauer, Mrs. Lewis Stoffel, Mrs. Melvin Miller of Woodstock and the honored guest. At their last meeting members of the local chapter, O.E.S., elected new officers for the coming year. Those elected were Ethel Smith, worthy matron; Chancey Harrison, McHenry accepted Take census survey on employment The U.S. Bureau of the Census will conduct its regular survey on employment and unem ployment in this area during the week of Nov. 14-19, 1983, ac cording to Stanley D. Moore, director « of the Bureau's Regional Office in Chicago. Households in this area are part of the sample of 72,000 across the country scientifically selected to represent a cross section of all U.S. households. The monthly survey is con ducted for the U.S. Department of Labor and provides a con- of the ^Course )wen, Lindsay, secretary; Ethel Holly, treasurer, Florence Larson, conductress and Marion Collins, associate conductress. 25 YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Nov. 20, 1968) Hnmld j, Bftcpn president of the Home State bank of Crystal i^y> and former bask official in and Cary, has the general of the $1,000,000 united action campaign to finance construction of Marian Central Catholic high school, the Rev. E.C. Baumhoter, chairman of the public information committee • and superintendent of the new school, announced. Property owners McHenry Golf Subdivision and the X)\ Stenger and Allen' presented : to installation of city sewer lines. The question of proceeding under special assessment or a cash payment plan must be decided on as soon as possible. Tnat grapevine has a way of leaking information and Musin' and Meanderin' has learned that So I Hear is observing another birthday anniversary. Just sorry that the number cannot be revealed. AGO files of Nov. 23, 10 YEA (Taken from 1973) The " a ! amount of ty Boai for 1973-74 in ,783,333, but not before a long period of debate concerning tne merits of increases in the Sheriff's department. The final budget was more than $300,000 more than the tentative budget okayed the previous month. One of tne changes in the Brmanent budget was the 1,000 increase for sheriff salaries, bringing the total department expenses to $2,081,580. McHenry will give its official welcome to the Christmas flgason, Nov. 24, when Santa Oaus heads a parade through the city. The parade will start in the Market Place headed by Santa riding in the beautiful city of McHenry float, the fire department truck and city police squad car will also be a part of tne parade. tinuous record of activity in the labor force. The September survey indicated that of the 112.4 tniiWrtn men and women in the civilian labor force, 101 9 million were employed. The nation's unemployment rate was 9.3 percent, down from the 9.5 percent reported in August. Information supplied by in dividuals participating in the survey is kept strictly con fidential by law and the results are used only totals. compile ^ f2 nm aiovto femato wMi any ^ -• Panasonic. BuvNow...NoPavitmts'niN*xtY*ari i Panasonic FwtobiB , vktoo ^ MOVIE TWOOAVt--ANVTITU ffHn ^ MOVIE TWOOAVt--ANVTITU ffHn ^ MOVIE TWOOAVt--ANVTITU ffHn CM3995®, e Ipeelef Wed* • ruwcWow jrJCl . >•<« r.riM • 14 Ooy hogrnniMMi J WWMMsvtsbsiKelioWh^^iliBiit iin fu'ttiw tanousftrond ̂ iSfen * n w S Sgeneral^" News FFA holds national convention Kansas City, Mo. is preparing for the thousands of FFA jackets that will cover the city for three days as it plays host for the 1983 ~ FFA Convention. ___ America on the Grow , tne three-part FFA public relations campaign, premiers at the 56th National National FFA Convention, Nov. 10-12. The campaign consists of a tieme show, FT A Week materials and public service announcements. The PSAs, which will be aired January through March, feature Eddie Albert and urge Americans to support FFA on the local level. Take the Welcome Wagon _ to a Carrousel of Crafts. The Welcome Wagon of Dundee presents a Carrousel of Crafts at Spring Hill Mall, Friday, November, 11th thru Sunday, November 13th from opening to closing hours. Come and enjoy 158 exhibits--everything from wooden toys to silk flowers, with lots in between--stained glass, spinning, fabrics and more. This is just die place to find that unusual gift for someone very special. So get over to Spring Hill Mall and give our Carrousel a whirl. o Spring Hill Mall Uncomplicated Shopping. Apart from the Crowd. Routes 31 & 72. West Dundee. Sears, Marshall Field's, Bet-goer's, JC Penney and more than 115 other fine shops. Wf DO Rt NT WATER SOFTENERS . . Wx.-:., No 111 ; Yes Yes Yes hllNltUMNMMSMW No Yes Yes Yes •• 1 1 1 1 Sm< m Aiw.yi «l W«*fUM4T Yes No No No Cfiinit Y*a No No No kWttMw bwrinf Yes No.* No No ta Wt Wm*r Um4 T. Regenerate ^p|ne SBCIiwbsII --< Mm Cycto«> YM No No No WwkhfNrtiOtMn OfMili In M Wm*t At AN Th--«lifcclm C--Oy hnlut Yes No No No hWHWUfAi «»•>!. 14 HMnrwOwt Yet No No No ^ J• \ • t 11 W - • :';r- rte !Pfgf" $"r. « » f? * j X' ;• \ - v NOW YOU CAN SEE & TEST EPSON IS HERE! Ute uCiiwuxie boMtset!" EpsonQX-10 t . w the comple te computer sys tem! the QX 10 includes a hwh-resolu- lion monitor, two 380K double- density disk drive', and 256K HAM. Plus free \ aidiH S sollnvrv popular ( P/M ofH-rutinv s\sletn. ' ' SHOWROOM HOURS Mon thru Ffi 10 a m to 9 p m | Saturday Sunday •$:30pm 11am-5pm 815-459-3274 GET ACQUAINTED SPECIAL! 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Imperfections • Heavy-Bodied Formula 193-129 Reg. 14.99 . I WWW $£99 tmiaTP a HURRY OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 16,1983