.SKCTION 2 - PAGE «- PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. NOVEMBER II. 1W3 general Christmas seals continue fight on lung diseases 'Christmas Seals continue an American tradition of 76 yeiars and fight lung disease in children and adults. Public support through the use of Christmas Seals enables the American Lung Association in DuPage to carry on the fight against lung disease, Dr. August Uossetti, McHenry County Christmas Seals chairman, said. The primary goals of the Lung Association are the prevention and control of lung « diseases through education, community , services, research and > training. Funds raised help the Association carry on Jts program of work . , Dr. Rossetti also stated the most recent literature available to the public from the Lung Association are the self help manuals "Freedom From Smoking in 20 * Days"; "Superstuff," a kit for asthmatic children and their parents; and an information icket called "Smoking and For more information on the Lung Association's programs and materials, contact the Woodstock office at 815-338-6675. ^ The GONSTEAD TECHNIQUE » How Narvaa Becomo Pinched from ML Horeb, Wisconsin We have helped many in dividuals by introducing them to the Gonstead Technique as a means of Health Care, most in just a few visits. Your problem ££^may be one that we can correct. 126 South N.W. Highway/381-1110 Borrington Slop by for an immediate evaluation o! your problem And an Honest Answer to whether or not we (eel we can help you. Book week at library This special week, Nov. 14-20 is Children's National Book Week. It is a good opportunity for children of all ages and adults to visit the McHenry Public Library. Using with this year's theme, "Get into Books, the library will focus on the new books th the children's room and will hold a favorite author contest. Children can vote for their favorite author or authors through a ballet box. Safety education, an excellent series, presents everyday safety rules to youngsters. little etfen characters invite's STAFF PHOTO-WAVM OAYlOflO Success at 'I Quit Smoking clinic These smiling people, Ed and Kathy Walsh, Mary and Nick Hedge and Joan Afeader, know the meaning of the word "success." These five people participated in an "I-Quit" smoking clinic that was held recently at McHenry Junior High School. The "I-Quit" smoking seminar was sponsored by the American Cancer Society. Joan Althoff, of McHenry, was the local coordinator for the event, which was designed to assist people who want to kick the cigarette habit for good. Among the other successful participants in the "I- Quit" smoking dtnic, were a number of McHenry area residents. They included, Tommie warren, Tom Raynor, Liz Frank Basler and Dan DeRoche. people hope that their resolve in giving up cigarettes for good, will encourage other smokers to participate in the nationwide "Great American Smoke-Out." The event is scheduled to take place on Thursday, November 17. reader to learn about health, physical education, hygiene. Guidance books with appealing full-color illustrations enhance values to live by. Rookie Readers is a new beginning-to-read series. Colorful, action pictures and familiar, everyday activities will interest and motivate young readers. Intermediate grades 4-5 feature high interest books that touch on topics of trends- oriented readers - computers, dirt bikes, video games, vans, science fiction. For Junior High grades 6 to 8, there are classics, both ancient and contemporary. During National Children's Book Week, Mrs. Rogers will visit Valley View School for the fall enrichment class. She will give an informative talk about the children's room and tell stores. Along with Girl Scouts and Brownie troops touring the library, it will be a very busy week. HYPNOSIS Introducing hv Sh.e C.itton, t •• A > (1 i» / V Taste that delivers IN THE MONEY SAVING 25 pack Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health LOSE- WEIGHT STOP SMOKING b p m •18 ()( H (j 111 '4K (JU | 1 \ ' l ' 1 o v e n P i o q f . i m r i . i t A ' • • H u t \jw/ -iii, 1 ' 1 1 A lie 11,1 ' l'll/gMlll If .Of ^ Sett.nq ( onlxlfMi >• H ;!dir»q .fit V-AMiai HypnO'.i ' f'-"ij,i t HyplniSf i Hi• F M I f t i l ' ; ^ T i m ! , ! h o m e i p y o 1 u ' e p TUtSDAY NOV 15 T C SPIRITS Meeting Rm . Crystal La^e WEDNESDAY NOV 16 Oic? J: House Inn Meeting Rm Woodstock *Vo p'e r"mstr ition rnjii ' f < ! f of >rrf> time hum r.tll HS/'-l i ABSOLUTE REAL ESTATE ...MCHENRY ...WOODSTOCK ...HAWTHORN WOODS ...GREEN OAKS ...ROMEOVILLE Developers/Banks Direct jflOmSNL 85 ROLLING WOODED One, Two & Three Acre Home Lots •t Prestigious $315,000 Home & Lincoln Park Condoariiilmn +7 '/» Acre Fully Improved Romeoville Landsite 45 Lois to be sold REGARDLESS OF PRICE ' with NO RESERVE NO MINIMUM BID Dmtatn aad B--h i redaction « imaitwi gi.es yon UufUBMilopportMky, IheduMCcofittfcttoc to pnrrhaee Ik Cms ami mm* beantlftri McHenry CoHt; and Lake Cn--ty My Improved Ms, at a fraction of the nrtgtael retail prkalOpan to tie Public la. McHenry, IL - Martin Woods development IS One Acre lota. Jual I mile Weat of McHenry at Route 120 and Martin Rd Originally Priced to $37,000. lb. Miliary, IL • Woodcreek Development - 23 One Acre Iota. Juat'/S mile Weat of McHenry at Route °^iI2 $ 5 .000 $10,1 $ s,m Sty Pi to $37,000. " $5.0M Woodstock IL • Pine Ridge Development in BoOVaBey. 2 Three Acre Lots Two of Route l20offRidgeRd.Origiaally priced to $38,000. 110 000 faJHawthm Woods. IL• Hawthorn Knolls Development - 3-1 to 174 acre homesites, 2 arc lake lots, on OM McHenry Rd , 1 mile North of Route 22. Originally priced to $60,000 11 Old Bara Rd. (Hawthorn Km*) - Spectacular 5 bedroom/}1/* bath cuatom built, brick bMevalImmc. 3 car garage. Wet Bar. Fireplace, 2 Patioa. Central Vac. 3,300 square feet of Living Area. Home it located in a prestige established area and is ready for you to move into Retail Price $315,000 12% Seller Financing . Offered with reserve. $75,000 3b. Hawthorn Woods, IL - Estates of Indian Creek 19 One acre lots Entrance is on Indian Creek Rd , Vi mile West of Diamond Lake Rd. Originally priced to $45,000. „ $ 7,500 3c. Hawthorn Wooda, IL -Thombcrry Creek Subdivision-I One acre lot . Rt . 83 North toGilmer Rd.. West 3 miles to Darlington Rd. Originally priced to $50,000 $10,000 4 Green Oaka, IL (Liberty ville area) - Green briar Subdivision-2 Two acre lots. Rt. 176 West to Sti Mary's Rd .North Vs mile across R.R. tracks. East on Green bnar Originally priced to $60,000 5 Chicago, IL - Lincoln Park - 860 W Lill One bedroom/one bath deluxe condominhsm in modem 12 year old brick building. Exposed brick walls. parking included. Originally priced at $68,000 12% Seller Financing Offered with Reserve 6 Romeoville, IL - Route 53 (Joliet Rd land Hone vtree Dr -I'/l Acre fully improved landsite zoned for commercial. residential or industrial uae only minutes South of 1-55. Originally priced to $375,000 Offered with reserve $10,000 $20,000 Opening Bk $50,000 Special INVESTOI Below Market Rate Financing for 'ORS...BUILDERS...FUTURE HOME OWNERS BUY AT YOUR PRICE! BUY FOR YOUR FUTURE! Cortfflod or CooMrn Chocks Noodod to Bid at Auction Only11,000 tor Homo Loto, <2,000 tor Condominium, $6^000 tor Homo and RomoovWo Proporty LIGHTS 10mg,"tar", 0 9 mg nicotine. FILTER 16 mg "tar". 11 mg nicotine, av per cigarette by FTC method C1983 RJ. Roynotda Tobacco Co. AUCTION: SUN.. DEC. 4, I P.M. McHenry Country Club, 020 N. John St., McHenry, IL Call tor Brochwrr and Terms of Sale (312) 346-1500 630-0916 I ft 8HELDOW F. CJOOO G. CO. (teal Estate Auctions, Inc 11 N Dftvf • Chit .i<jn h