SUCTION 2 - PAGE 8 - PLAINDEALFR - FRIDAYVNOVEMBER II. It83 general News Foresee consumer saving in nuclear plants Railroad club holds fall open house An axiom of model railroading says a layout is never finished; this is true of; the Wauconda Central. Over the years, the layout has undergone several upgradings. The most recent project oi this type is currently under way. The new freight and passenger terminals, engine and car shops, and new industrial area are approaching the midpoint of construction. All modelers and family members are invited to come and see the Wauconda Central in operation or to discuss techniques and methods with the club members. An enjoyable time will be had by all. The Lake County Model Railroad Club of 107 S. Main St. (rear entrance), Wauconda, IL will hold its annual fall open house Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 12 and 13, from 11 a.m. to 6 jp.m. both days. Admission is The Lake County Club was established in January, 1972. Since that time the club's members have spent over 20,000 man hours building the clutf*. layout. Some of the other ingredients used in creating this railroad in miniature are: 1300 feet of rail handlaid on 50,000 individual wood ties, more than one ton of plaster, and over five miles of electrical wire. By Jeff Waalkes Shaw Free Press Media Nuclear power plants are fast becoming the backbone of Commonwealth Edison's electricity production system, according to James J. O'Connor, president and chief executive officer of the utility. O'Connor, whose family owns a farm south of Woodstock, spoke about energy and nuclear power to hundreds of local business and industrial Monday night at the Wc Chamber of Commerce and Industry's "Salute to Industry" dinner. By 1986, 80 percent of the electricity produced by Com monwealth Edison will come from nuclear plants, "making us the single largest producer of nuclear power in the country," O'Connor said, adding: "we think it is a good bet." Commonwealth Edison's nuclear program, which in cludes seven nuclear plants in operation and five more under construction, will in time reduce costs to consumers "by billions," O'Connor said, because a kilowatt hour of electricity can be produced by a nuclear plant at half the cost of the next cheapest method, coal. With hydroelectric fully used and gas and oil power becoming too exj nuclear power and nsive, are the only two options left, O'Connor told the group at the VFW hall. He added that environmental laws make it hard to use coal and that as a result, Com monwealth Edison uses less Illinois coal than it used to. O'Connor, who noted that electricity is "increasingly becoming the preferred fuel/' did not avoid the questions of safety of nuclear plants and of radioactive wastes, the Three Mile Island incident of 1979, he said, "every measure that could be taken has been to ensure safety." "We would not have continued with the kind of program we have if we dldnTt have assurances it could be operated safely." Nuclear wastes are now stored on-site in Illinois, O'Connor explained, and he emphasized even if there were no nuclear power plants in the U.S., there still would be a there is no technology totally risk-free." He said there will be risk as long as humans making CROWNS The reason, according to O'Connor, is that 96 percent of all nuclear wastes are generated by the U.S. military, not by nuclear power plants. "The waste problem can be cured," O'Connor declared. "We do have the solutions. It is not a technical problem, it is a political problem." On the other hand, O'Connor did acknowledge that society has to "accept the fact that are involved. "In my judgment, the risks are worm taking because the benefits are very real and we have to have it forprogress." The recent. rate increase request by Commonwealth. Edison is necessary to complete the nuclear plants now under construction, according to O'Connor. He noted people should keep in mind the savings that will come once the plants are completed. The Commonwealth Edison nuclear plant system, once completed, will give Northern Illinois the "most modern, economically competitive power supply in the country," he said. He added Illinois now has the lowest costs for nuclear- generated power of any state in That electricity supply should attract and retain industry in Northern Illinois, he stated. Alert public to illness from cheese REPAIRS i FROM { $15 * Permanent Hair Removal Certified by ••No Needles Onyx Voc. School Free Consultation • Confidential William L. Kempiners, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, has issued an alert regarding the consumption of a Brie cheese imported from France. The cheese is sold throughout niinmig under the brand name, Mardllat. "Consumption of this cheese may cause gastrointestinal illness characterized by abdominal cramps, vomiting, watery diarrhea, nausea ana - fever, Kempiners said. "Six people are reported to have consumed the cheese and experienced symptoms, but none required hospitalization." The state health department is requesting that anyone who has eaten Marcillat brand Brie cheese and experienced any of the above symptoms to contact either their local health department or the Division of Disease Control, Illinois Department of Public Health, 217-782-2016. The department is continuing investigation into the cause of the illnesses-. ~ • INTRODUCING THE EXPANDABLE IRA November Wm December January wm February March April 15 L Lock in his November 30. Or more through April 15.The great thing about the 6-month Expandable IRA is that it lets you build your tax shelter from the ground up. Your opening deposit of $250 will start growing right away at today's high interest rate. Plus, you can make additional deposits of $100 or more right up until tax time? Remember, every dollar you put in the Expandable IRA up to $2,000 ($2,250 with a non-working spouse) is tax deductible. And both your principal and earnings will remain tax sheltered until you begin to make withdrawals at retire ment, when you'll probably be in a lower tax bracket. Keep in mind this $250 minimum introductory offer is limited to the month of November. After that, the minimum will return to $1,000. And the offering rate can change weekly. So hurry over to First Federal of Chicago. Call 977-5000 for the location nearest you. * We reserve the right to limit additional deposits after the first renewal. '• Interest rate subject to change without notice. Substantial penalty for early withdrawal. First Federal of Chicago McHenry - 4400 West Elm Street 385-9000 Investments for your life. Main Office: Dearborn and Madison, Chicago, 977-5000. And other convenient offices statewide, reut e 1983. 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Advertised prices good in all our retail stores through Saturday, Nov. 10,1063. 1