THURSDAY, NOV. 17 0 MO Tights' A riot ond rlses to (am*. Betty Gro- blo, Dan Oaky, Motto Fr--mow "It47. ® M-awve*' I h«l» A Then • (9 Tilt mcciiiM owntc of a vott imifon It diiiwilHid to dowinot® Hn wtiff rjQtofi JoHn Way**, Forfott Tucker, CHritto- pfo#r GtofQt, Nf JoiimoH. 1970 •:30 PM • 0 0 Cheen Daeo boii Son* thot h* » * ' *' " i it*. can onniR wyi * ' •wmw nn î wim Dtono IN 24 hour*. CD AM Now TWi OW H«ih 33) 0 ® *o» Sec. Ufe of t r " TK# PoiHilovt PAOf If CHEER8JEERS Diane (SheNey Long) is repelled by slick sportscaster Dave Richards (Fred Dryer), who claims he can break up her relationship with Sam with in 24 hours in the "Old Flames" episode of NBC's "Cheers." airing THURSDAY, NOV. 17 CHECK LISTING8 FOR EXACT TIME ©* 62) Joker's WM 0 ® I 960PM BOQi Knot* Londtog As Chip Got doM to death. Dtono gives polcf Mm Mormotiofi he Hot toAd hor about OfT* doath. (40 mln.) 000IMiliM«M»o< A potto | yM M/nihinriiri n O" nn J" tfi ano wovun r̂on, •tOQ* O MIC* (ED © 99 vi••Hoi, a Wig tho War (194S-1973).' Mil an's progmm of troop put-outt, itoppod-up bombingi and hug* (40 mm.) O (E) 0 M/io ID MM* «f Mm M|O T TUBE By Joan Crosby WO 000 COUPLE -- Carol Burnott and the great Met ropolian Opera tenor Placldo Domingo are doing a •pedal to be telecast on CBS sometime alter the first ol the year. Carol Isn't going to sing an Brla. Instead, she says. "I'm bringing him down to my level." Domingo said he agreed to the show because "no one would poke fun at opera." "A lot ol people don't under stand the opera world so they put It crown," he says. The pair are mutual lans ol each other who met last season when they appeared on another TV special and sang a duel from "Call Me Madam." SECOND SEASON -- "Masquerade." a series star ring Rod Taylor, Kkstle Alley and Qra« Evtgan. Is now being shot on location In los Angeles as well as at Fox studios It's aimed for ABC's second season, which Is supposed to start In January. Word Is viewers won't ftave to wait that long OIO YOU KNOW7 -- Erin Oray of "Silver Spoons" has been a commercial spokesperson for Blooming dale's, the New York department store, for the past si* years. She has |ust renewed a contract for a seventh. USA SINOS -- "Facts of Life" star Lisa Whelchal has signed to record an album of gospel songs that's set for a March 1984 release Lisa, a religious young lady, often goes on speaking tours where she talks to high- school students about lighting drug abuse Wingor. Louis Gossett, Jr. 19S2 0D (3 Vorontco, • Kootto €D 91 Praise A Thou through tho oyos of tho "Git." (40 mm.) [Closed Captioned] CD Hwmn S--its IB bioMo Mm NPL ID (39) ID MOV* "An Offtaor and • OsntUmon' A hordonod loser is Sought to occopt rssponsUtty by o tough dHR sorgoont, and is softonod by tho love of o work ing girl. Richard Goto, Dobro Navy New* A Navy erew is as- s i ^ j n o ^ l t ^ i t o s t ^ ^ i ^ n o n o s t s o w ongine in a liny patrol craft dur ing WaiW War R. Gory Cooper, Jane Greer. Jack Wafab. 1931. (0 0 ® Ml TBS Bvontog Mows 9:90 PM O Yestoryoor hi ffiCH 0 0Ti 0® Proiso A Thaw 945 PM m <d| OmovbI IS (90 TMcfce of the 1040PM 000 0 ( 2 9 0 0 0 0 €9 Now* 0 NoshvtMo After Hour O0Sesp CD Imiwtn toport (3D 6D <39 • ^9^P0O£ of 0 Alfred Hit duo sk How CD Nature of Things 09 Net NotossorWy The 0 ( 8 691*» 93 Taxi 0 M*A*S*H 00 SB O Three's 0 10 MOVW: Tap*' 0 (39) Newlywet 0 MOVIS: -Up 'n Coming' 0 M*A*S«M (38 NIh A Then 10.45 PM . ( B m i * . 11:00 PM O Now 0(23>TI< 0 0 6D Thkfco of tho Night ) S 3 1 0 0 i 0 O < B) MOvm Hunger h. Per Homo' A young girl has a tom- 99 0 AN hi tho 10:15 PM 0i 10:30PM 0 V John. MJ>. When Dr. Longtry occidently shoots his wifo, tho question of who tokos over his potionts is droppod into Trap per's lap. (R) (40 min.) O 0 Tonight Show o Offstage oftoc o coumi loitt K«r pofonti and moves in with hor famly. Undo Blair, Carol Lawrence, Loo Purcol. 197*. 1 lj30PM 0MOV*foot Moods' A young dnweos struggle i to moko a now Kfe for horsoif in the bockstogo jungle of a TV toRi show. Edio Adams, Dick Shawn. Carrio Snodgross. 1979. 0 late Night wtlh 0 (23> AM In the Family Olevo Beat 0 Sport sCoiitor 0 MOVIS: "You're to tho O MOVIS: ^Nesh, Hush Jwoot CfcflHoNo A wow »top» Mi dougHtor frofn runnwQ oH m who h btof