FRIDAY, NOV. !• 3D 0 39 u--n < wartd O M h i m O Happy Day* Afd* 0 Mature of TMng* 0 Intlda H»* NR Q9 Q (Q Paper Qmm Q D O N i m C ^ GD Taxi Q o Pralta A Tbea 0VaaCeatDeTl»atOaTV S O ' CD € 0 1 6:15 PM 0 NU Tonight 6:30 PM 0 O Taa Caa la a Mar 0(29 wwhi QD m Taik at lactaa 3D€D39MacNeM/Utirer mm oi 0^H 0 People's Caart 0 0 0 1 ID (311 CD MOVMi The Reluctant Atliaaawf A man, deulMy af raid of heights, learn* that hit attronout training program. Don Knottt, Arthur O'Connrf, J*- KJ n I .. •! 1AA9 WDTIw PiOtOft. I »P' : © Maw. 7:30 PM 0 0® k» To help ® 25) ChotpWte QD PM ka|»»lm CD (38 PreHe-A-Then © Tke TkM lye Jo#y Q#t mon#y fof hit cmm trip, ^̂ SWW*M* y<Tvi npfi v wwnoo» containing a mid* photo of hor to mI at an auction. 0 0 © W ah* tor Webs ter learnt ha it to ling and donca •ion. 0 3D039WaN Street Week Louit Rukeyter onaiyzet tha "80t with a weekly roviaw of 0 CD A Wheie Now Yaa 6 0 1 IP Q9 Pratoa A Than CD Tke To CD York at Bertea 8:00PM 002li © Wheel af hitwit GD PM» CD (*$ 0 Yea Cant Da That On TV CD Oi C D < CD 9eany MM Ifcew 700 PM OO(&0 Dvkat of Menard A ttolin dto- mond naUloco moket Oaky and lutu tha torgett of goont. (AO min.) O ID © Mr. Smith Mr. * '•* • i * «-* ••nlminin r. ft* • 3mim n TQCVQ WYTTI vxpHJinin ̂ TO a friond*t widow that hor hut- bond'i bMt friend wai an oran- gutan. Q MO PeradUa O00Bee*aa lenion't agreement to tettify ogomtt hoodlumt bockflret when he mit- h taket a goon for a cookie com petitor. [Cloted Captioned] O MOVtt: thaw Dogs' A young mothomotioon tooking ra* venge far hit wifa't rap*, tumt t into o violent kMer. Out tin HoH- ' man, Suton George, David War- Mr. 1972. ' Q| Weehingten Week/ Ravtaw Paul Duk* it joinod by top Wothington joumokttt ono- tyzing tha weok'i nawt. 0 Cowntdewn te *94 CD CaMa Haafth Wartd 000 MOV* flaw Oaf A tound affactt anginaar ocodantoRy tacordt a politico! attottinotion. John Travolta, Nancy Alan. 1991. CI y- .l. ,m, u lf®WTVWD I •WW O 0 © lattocyl Floharty and Ruth or* groatad by mug- gart in Now York and or* invited to o wadding whara tha groom hot to docida batwaan o naw brida and hit ax. (60 min.) CD Mclaughlin Oreap 33) CD © Marti at ta Mark at 0 USA Mday Night taxing 0 Regit PhMbin't CD World Chompionthip loxinf: Rafaot S 0 (39) 0 With a Touch af 0 ( S i 0 MOVM: -Hanky Tank Man' 0 9:00 PM 0 0 QBE 0 braofci down to beg Angola for mota wHo or* out to km hor. (60 0OW. min.) AAott iovootf0oto8 1I19 nm î̂ t' a t«*nngs prottituto. (60 min.) OP Himyamaau 0O Praito A Thaw 0 CreaMen ef e BaBet 945 PM 0 0 NPl Owaa af Ma Waak 0 Uadareea W11U af 1040PM 000 '0(90000 3D 39 0i . 0MOVM 0 (29 Vataalaa, • Raatra 0 Saaay NM Sfcmm CD 99 Prefca A Then CD Pint 9dMaa 9:15PM CD TSI lying Yodityoof lo CD IportiCocitor Q| |uttn> 3D CD 39 Saaadhig* 'Tha Mutic of Lukot POM.' Tonight't program look* at rahaartait, parformancat and tha man ba hind hit experimental mutic. CD Hataia af Things 0 9:30 PM Nad 0 01 0 ® 0 M#A*S*M Soop BeatJ Veteran 'EON* producer defends show's new writer CZDMOVH:' 0 MOVM: Justin Marfan Mad a Nana' A coioniol tchooi- taochar ocquiret o colt that be- comot tha firtt of o broad of Morgom, Amarico'i mott varto- tiia horta. Don Murray, lona Wood, R.G. Armtfrang. 1972. 0 (29 Sebor Latino 0 Amntfti Awong Ut 0 (39 Praite-A-Then CD Artitt and Athlata 0 39 MOVM: Xarrie' A tormantad taanogar utat har w- pematural powert to gain ra- vanga on tha tchoolmota* who hova obutad har. Siuy Spocak, John Travolta. Pipor Louria. 1976. 8:30 PM CD Chkaga Wook In Roviaw 33) ® 39 Washington Waak/Roviaw Paul Duk* it joinod by top Wothington (our- noliiti analyzing tha waak't nawt. 0 MOVM: 1HH of tha • MfM* 0 (39 Prait*-A-THon By Connie Patsafacqua On dsyllme drsmas. where change Is the only constant, It's unusual to find a long-term profession al ike Erwin "Nick" Nichol son, executive producer of "Edge o! Night " Top pro ducers at most soaps aver age a two «o-three year tenure. Nicholson has been at the helm for 18 of "EON s" 27 years. Perhaps no other show has undergone such drastic changes this yesr as "EON" and Nicholson has been the steadying hand behind them ad. Most inno vations have come from the pen of Lee Sheldon, a young nighttime mystery show writer with no previ ous daytime experience. He look over Nve months ago Irom Henry Slesar, who had been writing lor the last 15 years. "I think Lee has made a marvelous transition Irom nighttime to daytime." says Nicholson "He's picked up the pace of the show. Scenes are shorter. And we've taken the time It takes to telt a story and condense H. In the old days, it wouldn't matter that It took eight or nine months to tefl a story. Now viewers won't sit that long. Alt of our story Unas are now being told in 13-week segments." Many longtime "EON" fans feel Sheldon's story Hnes have been moving so fast that It's difficult to fol low what's happening. "Lee's story Hnes are very complex." responds the solt-spoken Nicholson. "But it's always been the network's aim to get audi ences to tune into the show five days a week, not only two or three. So that's why we've got lots of action going on every day." "EON." which 20 years ago became the first soap to do outdoor shootings (known as remotes), has done two such sequences since Sheldon took over. One featured Jody (Lori LoughHn) and Preacher (Charles Flohe) on a Queens. N Y., beach, while the other (Stan Hatha- way's death) was shot on the roof of "EON's" mid- town New York studio 'I like to shoot outdoors only when the plot requires H, not |ust to provide need less scenery shots They're very expensive to do. And I believe that these remotes should only last one or two episodes, not two or three weeks work like on some of the other soaps."