PAOIS2 FRIDAY, NOV. It €D 39 fwlii A Tlmi 0 31 Q M h Mm o €9 K«dw| Fmi hinwl> 1045PM CD VM. ©iMf 10:15 PM OD Top I awing from AH--Hi City, Ml 10:30 PM © MO v* 'AMfcftr* A Vfflfry oWpotof It forQottw but not QOM oftur bting fluiHtd Into o city iiwir wHnro It qtowi into o monstrous ond devours ptoplt. Hob#rt F oritur. 1901. 11:00 PM MOVtt: Ibe ONwr - a »*« * i » -• * 1 n_ 'wfi who |#tad har. Moria-Pronca PI- #jtf j||n r do*. 1977 CD Qofhtag* O (23) AM In MM My @9 TeaigM Www 69 TMtfca of MM M«M (If farity Ti ©CD 99 utMigM (B MOVMb •DoaMtdfown' A mothar, obtouad with tha con viction Mwt bar ton dU not dto in action, accutai tha Stota Daport- mant of tying. ^on com# homa but ttronga thing* bagin to occur. John Mortay, Lynn CorSn, Richard Bacfcut. 1972 CD TIM Salf Hoip Shaw (B MOV* -Mogofaraa' (E) S® © TMcka of MM €D<a CD MgM Tmcka 11:15PM •MDnl 11:30PM US CD (291 69 soap 0D Taxi GD M*A*S*M QH <59 Praiia A TTMW CB (J® MOVM: Troaswro mi •I Show Mo Alva oo Nlia A Than Ask Kate Did Stephanie flip? By Kate Woods WM Stephanie Zlm- ballat aver a gymnast bafora aha became an actress? -- R.S. No, but she played a Russian gymnast al the 1900 Olympics In the TV movie "The Golden "Moment," which co- starred David Keith as an American athlete who falls tor her. v - ELLIE MAE LIVES -- Whatever happened to Donna Douglas of "The Beverly HlllbfMtes"? -- J.C. The former ENie Mae Clampett struck It rich for real In Beverly Hills with a successful real estate business. BROTHER'S -- la Jamee Naughton of f "Trauma Center" relat ed to David Naughton of "American Werewolf In London"? Didn't Jamas co-star In TV'a "Planet of the Apes"? -- P.M. Yes. on both counts. James Is David's older brother, while he and Ron Harper played the two downed astronauts In the aeries « WHERE'S TOM? -- I've noticed that Tom Selteck seeme to be on each "Magnum" epl- eode leas and less. What's the problem? -- W.W. No problem, realty, other than Selteck -felt overworked and wanted the rest of the cast Id help carry the show. Send your letters to Kate Woods. United Fea ture Syndicate, 200 Park Ave. Room 602. New York. NY. t0166. Because ol volume of mail, we can not make personal replies • ©' 12&AM IB Robartt CNiobath Alan. 1971 ® NH of MM Weak ID Miss PM 1:00 AM I MOVMb 'NsMiaMs' • (29 ii a*: OPMdeylBgM O 700 CM CD MgMMna fl) 39 Am MOV* 'Ai dng* to tradMon in s Mms boasf by rapid chonga. Joaaph Cottan, «ti. m » lll«V,,l,WRI 1942. Fleybey aa 12:15AM OP IW Marv Skaw CD O 09 MOVMI DM barbarian mm4 llm (MtHo* A historicof dromo of ons mon's succmcHiI JO^OR to trl0 #m world. Jo^m Wojmst Bko Ando, Sam J^fa. 1950 © © O l flying OHM CD i 12j30 AM O Oprytawd on BNp'alMkar © CD CD IB MOVM) Tbs MkaMga af Qiilhr1 THs Cubon miiifls crisis during 1962 Is prosontod. va/jMI--_ is u r,,+;n • C " inswm i/vrvnOf miinwi ̂ n̂ viif Howard Da S*a. 1974. CD39< 1:15 AM CD spattsCsMfW 1:30 AM Q NsikvMa Aftsr Haw "j B BRfi laalde fsslfcrf t ID Nefwa af TMapa 12:45 AM O MOVM, A Star Spangled OM* A iwaat giri-naxt-door fail In with two ui- 89 m CD <39 9aWorn for LMng' CD 99 Nowa/SJgn Off ' i%.{ 1:45 AM BIIMMSMMNK ID MOVMi •SpaHort' 2:00 AM adhort. Sandy Duncan, Tony MEDIA MONITOR 'Chiefs' adds to Collins' acting skills By Joan Crosby Stephen Collins. who had the lead role In last year's series "Tales ol the Qokj Monkey." Is one of the stars ol "Chiefs." That's the three-part CBS mystery-drama about 40 years In the Hie a smalt Southern town, which airs Nov. 13, 15 and 16. CotNns' character. BNty Led. appears In the second and third eplaodes. "He's designed to be a Kennedy like figure, who becomes lieutenant governor of hie state. In the third eplao* p. he appoints a black man to be police chief of this small Southern town, which causes much controversy." Collins keeps developing himself as an actor. He has talent and an extensive, impressive stage back ground. which ranges from the classics to comedy He Is a serious actor, but has the ability not to take hlm- aelf too seriously. Shooting "Chiefs" prove^^o ĵb ĵijrue»ĵ experience. In order to play his character as an older man, Collins spent nearly two hours a day In makeup, covering Ms lace with latex. "It averagad 105 degrees In South Carolina where we were •shooting and the humidity was around 90 percent. The day we were doing the final shot, we were fighting time because we were losing the light. There was supposed to be a very dosp shot of me, but the heal h«d made some of the latex loosen around the edges." They managed' to get b shot that will work and. wtpt't important, through It ail. Collins kept calm ' *1 have been doing TM (Transcendental Medita tion) for years and through III can relax and even fight the heat," he says CoWns has lor malty stud ied acting, but he toys thjfl his basic performing pbttqft ophy Is "lo let my work my teacher." v 3D