Legal notice ANNUAL PMANCIAISTATIMSNT FOR PUBLICATION FOR THI FISCAL VIABINDIOJmm 88, IW (UCHM 10.17 «f Tt» Scfcoal Cm4m «f MllinU)** Number 1 N«..C«<tflcm4 numotr ui «n»noonct cvnffri - t > II Tt--,' "j* Numb*r of Certificated Kmptoyaaa At Full-Tim* U2 Fart-Tim* 5 v^ege dolly oltendooc*- S.471 Number of pupil* onrollod por grtodo: Pre-Wndaroarlen, 21/ Klnderoerten, 341; Second, 28ITThird, 385; PourthTaW; PHlh, SI; Seventh, 314; Eighth, 303; Special, 40. Total Bamanfary, 2,714 y Total nsbw Tax rat* by fund (In porcontago): Educational, 1.310 Operations, Bldg. and Mointonaco, .300 tond and interest, ITfj Working Cosh, .090; Transportation, .11*; Municipal retirement, .0# Fire Pravantlon and Safety, .OA; Tort Immunity, CBO District AuoiMd V Assessed Valuation AHOtl Lond Building* Equipment 'tlTIAUW' 'A.D.A Pupil 72,171 Totol Bonded Indebtedness June30, IMS- fl-OQftOOO Percent oibondlng power obligated currently LI Value of Capital Assets Basis of Valuation Used <317,727 5,274,771 »1,7tf coat coat coat •Bosod Upon the Illinois Program Accounting Manual for Local Education Agencies (1900) ••When publishing this report in the newspaper, type requirements must be In accordance with Chapter 100, Section II of the Illinois Revised Statutes. ISBE 90-37 (7/83) *. v Si t TION 2 - FACIE 7 - PI,A1NDUALER - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER IB. ISS3 WMMVIOUAL FUND BALANCi SHUTS hmm SB, 17B3 ASSETS Buiidirua'and T ' Municipoi Sit* and Working Educational Mofcmtenonce And Interest Transportation R«iir#m«n1 Construction Cosh c_a,h v 4. . n A n 4. 4 4- PettvCeah 100 Imprest Funds 2,500 Investments 746,753 240,777 187,743 378,896 114,222 u>** 1,241 J77 TOTAL ASSETS *747,353 240,777 1*7,743 378,896 114,222 14,434 1,241^77 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Reserved Fu rjd Balance 77,564 Unreserved fynd Balance 407,789 340,777 1S7,743 378496 114,222 W,4I4 MKJ'E TOTAL LIABIlfTIES. AND FUND BALANCE 747,353 260,797 187,743 378-«6 114.222 H*34 1,241J77 STATEMENT OF RCCBPTS/RBVKNUES, DISBURSEMENTS /EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FOR THE YEAR ENDED June 3B. 17B3. î !t̂ r^TV0*. mdTran'"r̂ - S3,102,142 **,126 27MS8 State Sources 1,556,140 - 324,707 Federal Sources 234.599 4mm OM" . Disbursements/Expenditures ond Tronafers Instructions, 3408,306 5455 Supporting Services fTi,W2 iSSll? 518,290 76,820 Nonprogrammed Charges . 174,776 .. 70̂ 19,217 31424 Debt Service* f...... 16422 336,349 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS/ EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS.. 4,756484 «0,7SB 355479 549,714 82475 Excess of Receipts'/Revenues and Transfers Over (Under) Disbursements/ Expenditures and Transfers 136,337 48,137 (7453) 54451 747 FundBalances, July 1,1782 633416 212440 195,096 324445 115,255 Other Changes In Fund Balance* • ' Increase (Decrease) - Fund Balonce, June30, 1983 ?.. 767,353 240,797 187,743 378496 116,222 10430 223479 10430 - 222J" 1,202 •"? 1341815 1,202 . 134415 5,208 7,228 88,784 1,151473 ' I 14434 1,241477 GROSS PAYMENT FOR CERTIFIED PERSONNEL EXHIBIT A SALARY RANGE: . LESS THAN *18,008 Ergina O'Connor, Sharon Fairchild, Myrna AJdna, Kathleen Alford, Gail Andsrson, Mary Lou Barry, Christine Basal, Michael Bazan, Patricia Billimack, Mary Lynn Bork. Judith Carlson, Julienne Cepulis, Loretta Coatar, Helen ConkUn, Shirley Creager. Barbara Dockfc, Nancy DuRei, Mary Etoerman, Mary Fins»h 'fituwn Pfwtmr r iiidi| otcvcii r wici. Katharine France, William Gnech, Kathee Greer, Francea Herrmann, Karen Herrmann, Eleanor Holian, Karen Hottel, Margaret Huck, Jennifer Jarvia, Michael Koch, Ann Kort, David Krage, Barbara Kurth. Joyce Kyle, Libby Leman. Pamela Low, Gail Luciano, Mary McAdams, Mary McGuire, Roberta MiJUn Marie Muechal, Yvonne Hnrtna, Teresa " , Ronald Richards. Deena Rohrer, Karyn Debra Mary Ann _ isan Snow, Lucia Sudbrook, Kim Thomas. Evelyn Traakaski, Susan VanKaneoar Twila Wekhle, Judith Welter,Roger WUhoit, Jane Willard, Susan Wirch, Susan Wright. SALARY RANGE: *8.000418,888 Margo Baranowski, Elaine Bottari, Jody Cruae, Carol Dixon, Sherman, Elizabeth Thompaon, Mary Ellen Thro. Janet Gene, Carol Koltz, Sally Larkin, Patricia McCryatal. Marilyn Miller, Cheryl O'Callahan, Linda Pohbnan, James Rom, Joan Werth, Sandra Hetfetfinger, Colleen Jackson, Mary Jeen Kiefer, JoAnn Larkin, Thomas MitcheU, Janice Natzke, John Rigby. Bonnie Spasojevich, Ceneca Van Taasell, Sherry Wedell, Ronald Bingman, Patricia Calawell, Roy Chamberlin, Kay Collins, Mark Jadxak, Deborah banders, Sharon Shafer. Dorothy Hollander, Ellen Jania, Marilyn Showalter, Mary Prokuski, Michael Dreher, Mary Jane Klttl, Faye Park, Barbara P< Terrance Donna Stanish, Kathleen Stork, Penny Roaemary sr Bunting, Cox, Suaan Danko, Carol Fuller, Harriett Kern. Judy Krabbenhoft, Patricia OToofe, Marjorie Rabbi tt. JaAnn Stumbna, Loraa Wolff, John Armstrong, Mary Lou Barry, James Ceaaroni, Paul Hanaon, Ruth Hubbard, Albert Jovanovic, Mildred Krauz, Anthony Dryc, Greg Loferen, June Reeves, Nancy Sanders, Patrida Seaton, Marda Wolf, -- . Goetchel, Kathleen ̂Hughes, Martha Kangaa, Mary Ellen Karp, Janice Knight, Paula McGilvray, Jane Thomas, Diana Brown, Jerald Eiserman, Marlene Griffith, Dwight Hibicke, Donald Hodges, Dorothy Kuta, Jeanne Ludwig, Diane Maaa, Eugene Maria, Richard Matta. Howard McHugh, David Miller. Linda Julian, Caroljean Ketchum, Kenneth Klein Victor Konieczaki, Frank Korinko, Cathie LaBay, Debra Mack, Chriatopher Maloney, ShirleyMann, Douglas Maris; Charlea Martin, Catherine McCoopeH Gerald McMahon. Rosa Merkel, William Miller, Keith Nelaon, Suaan Nelaon, Terry Parejko, Sharon Price, Carol Reed, Crystal Reed, Alvin Retnbokk, Scott Rhode, Jeff Robison, Roaeann Rokoaz, Ruth Reoer, Gale Serginia, Jacolyn Sheehan, Eileen Sima. Louiae Simons, David Chariea Steele, Tantillo, Jeanette Walker, Irene Weiaa, SharonWohlert, William Wolter, Cheryl Wriaht Marston Wniblewski, UMMSI Zabroaki. SALARY RANGE: $10,000416,988 Monica Backer, Brands-Collins, Bernadette vAUBIOB^II imuueen Schaffer, Elayne Schultz, Dale U^OI.16; Dick Company A.B., 10,2^8.85; Diedrich Roy, 877.50; Don ft Eastwood Manor Water Co., 2^86.90; Easy Way Products Company, 1065.30; EbscoSubec. Services, L280.«2;A Elton Corporation The. 711.80; Engineered ~ ̂lCo.rX4.614.00; i jocuiyn oootihui, Draw.,i,nv Janet Byrnes, Jsnet Eileen Sima. Louiae Indusdriea, ' Cody, Muriel Gilmore, Simon, David Smith. Fox Valley Mariene ^Goetchel, Charlea Steele. Runell Visual, 1,960.34 Smiley, c,i«aie Vltale, James LsShebe, SALARY RANGE: Over $25,000 Jsnet Vierke, Henry Kenyon, James Warren, Daniel DeRoche, Fred Goering, Richard Farmer, Bill Landis. John Nilles, Edmund Sobotkiewics, Oscar Sola, Donald Toole. . GROSS PAYMENT FORNON- CERTIFIED PERSONNEL EXffiBITB SALARY RANGE: LESS THAN $10,000 SALARY RANGE: $17.000-$24t999 Judy Bell. Kathleen Blggerstaff, Carol Bolger, Roxanne Brassart, Alicia Casey, Patricia Guzzetta, Nancy Johnson, Norma Jones, Carol Kramer, Eloise Leighty, Patricia Lofsren, Joanne March, Kevin O'Connor, Linda Partenheimer, Carol Pogue, Audrey Regner, Linda Spear, Donald Weichle, Marian Alford, Migdalia Ambroae, Valerie Carby, Mary Kay Coonrad. Jacklyn Crosby, Margaret Hall. Delores Hoover, Linda Kaazniak, Betsy Les, Barbara Novak, Patricia Schauble, Karl Stueben. Louise S Richard Anderson, Elmer Boeldt, Nancy Bunt, Lonshwai Dorothy V^rgensi Reginia Cameron, Juay Widhalm. Mary Deja. Mary Ann Schadt _ .. Marilyn Etheridge, Susan Wlnholtz, Cheryl Zabroaki. Anna Wenk, Mary Pierce, Loretta Alheit, Mary Bitterman, Helen Pitxen. Carol Simon, Pat Diedrich, Shirley Carlson, Viols Nickels, Elaine Rogers, Bonnie Creager, Patricia Diedrich, Diane • Tflnda Suzanne tionio, • Prince, Pamela Bellon, Marie Diedrich, Diane Carl, Donna Iannelli, Donna Schepp, Beryl GrinMa, Ann Smitn, Lucille Weingart, Arlene Mattes, Karen Mersch, Dorothy Comstock, Maria D îgowski, Coralie Miller, James Wynveen, Veronica Mull ins. MagdeUne Dowe, Patricia Kollenkark, Kim Kohn, Cincly Rankin, Patricia Wagner, Roaalie Hancock. Marie Ludowski, Carol Mendel. Donna Gates. Laura Schleicher, Phil Palodino, Doug VanDyke, Adams, Christine Amore, Susan Pinion, Gerald Becker, Jr., Tereae Behrle, Sally Bdser, Sharon Boger, Peggy Boags, Delores Bown, Nancy Carder, Diane Doyen, Janice Druml, Deborah Durrenberg, Marilyn Ehlen,̂ ̂ Katherine Elkins, Jeanette Nancy Farwell, (Jenrl Flam, Cynthia Fidti, Sharon Gacek, Eugene Gorman, Marcwene Gough,Marlene Gurske. Christine Hauck, Thomas Hickey. Cheryl Jones, Marie trevich, Karen Armondo Forte, Gerhard Abraham, Irwin Freund, Greg Alderaon, Rita Thennes, Mike Sutolovich, Edith Nimsgern. SALARY RANGE: $17.000424^88 Vera Reinboldt, Herb Brossman, Gerard Justen. SALARY RANGE: Over $25,000 None. EXHIBIT C VENDORS ACDyna TiteCorp, $66.88; Ace Hardware, S.756J8; Alexander Lumber Co., 6.54L21; Allen Group, Inc. The, 088.50; Almarc Mfg.. 85.684.82; Althoff Industries, 2,381.60: American Econodad Serv., 848.06; American Guid Serv. Inc.. 875.12; American bock Co., 677.46; American TV Appl. Madison, 7,300.00; Amoco Oil Co.. 6.885.87; Amtran of Illinois Inc ̂14,881.28; Anderson Pest Control, 1.382.75• Auto autch Parte Serv.. 796.22; Becker Food Inc., 18,755.72: Bolotin, Inc., 840.14; Boncosky Oil, 9.561.68; Bowman Distribution. 1,441,10; Breber Munc Co Inc. Geo. R., MU.50: Buch ft Son k.E., 3,104.49; Buch Bros. Plumbing Heating, 8,322.05; Tire Center, Ernst,'Architect Terry O., 2,809.56; Exchange Natl Bank-Chicago, 147,874.50; FiBher Scientific Company, 566.58; Follett Library Book Co., 1,970.71; Fox Visual, 1,960.34; Freund Inc. , George P., 1,206.40; Gestetner Corporation, 2^06.10; Globe Book Company. Inc.. 1.001J7: GM Audio-Visual Service, 782.54; Gordon Flesch Co.. Inc., 1,198^0; Havemeyer's 576.30; Hedlin's Dairy, 35,867.81; Highsmith Co., Inc., The, 583.47; Holt Rinehart ft Winaton, 12,777.46; Hornsby a Store Inc. No. 34, 604.27" iton Mifflin 21,562.66; Water ig, 1,234.00; Associates, 1,48(12; Burgess Anderson Tate. Inc., 1,791.77; Burlington Wholeeale - Foods, 51,561.34; Buss Ford Sales, 27,462.75: Cain ft Assoc. Ltd. M. David, 3,100.00; Carey Electric Contracting, 5331.66; Cary Dairy, 5,317.21; Cased Industries, 969.50; Central Baptist Chldr Home, 6,482.00; Chem Rite Products Co., 741.00; Childcraft Educ. Corp., 747.08; Children's Prees, 712.89; Chileda Institute Inc., 15,060.24; Collector of Spec. Assmts., Commonwealth Edison, 128,485.60; Country Mutual Ins. Co., 42,867.18; Craig Communications, 1213.75; Crystal Lake IUdiator, 1,257.00; Curriculum Associates, Inc., 563.99; Dennis Curtis Boiler Repair, 5,966.22; îamond Hughes Inc., 620.00; Huntington Laboratoriea, Inc., 1,450.80; LB.M. Corporation, 12.920J9; I.W.M. Corporation. 1,366.56; HI. Assn. J Sch. Bds., 1,933.00; 111. Mun. Retirement Fund, 63J76.38; 01., Dir. of Lsbor State of. 3.483.77; Illinois Bell Telephone Co., 18.7&55; Industrial Towel ft Uniform, 1,297.80; Inlander- Steindler Paper Co., 1^00°; Kappus Bread Co., 5,714.47; KeUey Williamson Company, 1,170.00; Kircnner Fire Extinguisher, 1,487.96; Koffler Sales Corp., 617.00; Laidlaw Brothers, 3,701.76; Lakeland Distributors Inc., 3,277.08- Larkin Home for Children, 7,425.82; LatU Company, J.S., 17,958.68: Lawrence Hall School, 776.52; Leach Enterprises, 10,905.61; Lowery McDonnell Company, a7.70: M C Supplies, 94; ta NYZ08M 3, 921.76; McHenry County Film Library, 1,472.00; Main Paint ft Decorating, Inc.. 825.25; McDougal Uttel ft Co.. 1,57049; McGraw HiU Book Company, 920.65; McHenry Cnty Glass ft Mirror, 6.619.59: McH«iry Dist. 15 Imprest ACC. 24,318.14; McHenry Dist. 15 M.M. Acct., 800,169.91: McHenry Dist 15 Payroll Acc., 3.173,239.21; McHenry Fireetone, 4,642.12; McHenry H.S. Dist. 156. 39,909.63; McHenry Lumber, 1.313.99; McHenry Plaindealer, The, 585.28: ^McHenry Printing Services, 1,178.15; McHenry Sand ft Gravel Co., 12,213.13; McHenry State Bank, 188,487.50 McHenry-WoodstocX Disposal, 9,484.97; McHenry City of. 4,584.77; Meadow Gold Ice Cream, 15,356.86; Miller Donald W., 625.00; Modern Curriculum Press. 1,955.54; . National Electric Supply, 1.222.21; National lic^CjSodety. Corporation, 4,627.79; North America Life Ins.. Co., 15,241.03; Northern Illinois Gas, 108,916.22; Perma- Bound, 1,240.07; Pioneer Office Forms, Inc., 809.52; Pitney 4,200.00; Chevrolet Bowes.3,492.13; RftW Graphic Enterprises, 1.156797; Rauton, 3,384.83 Raycraft Septic, 812.00; Reliable Corporation The, 516.27; Ridceway Academy, 1,592.50; Ridgeway Disuibutors, 570.13; Robbins, Schwartz, Nicholas, 7,570.31; Ross Buss Sales, 1,104.55; Scholastic Book Services, 61123; Scholastic Magazines, 74.96; School Health Co., 1^29.30; Research Assoc., Inc., 2,896.41: Scott Foresman ft Company. 2,583.09; Sears Roebuck ft Co., 671.40; SEDOM, 427,432.93; Sexton ft Co, John, 13,258.62; Silver Burdett Company, 907.30; Simplex Time Recorder Co., 2,882.60- Soc. For Visual Education, 1,169.65; Specialized Data Systems, Spdlmsn Inc, Jack, 754.14; Steck-Vaughn Company, 865.78; Stoffa Reihansperger Inc., 1,564.00: Suburban Oii Company, 21,900.00; Swanson Petroleum Produces, 2.466.06; Teachers' Retirement System, 234,648.22; Tonyan ft Sons, Inc., Wm., 4,592.00; Transaction Storage System, 768.00; ILS. waterproofing ft Const, 1,000.00: Union Oil Co. of California, 656.88; United Benefit Life Ins. Co.. 194,357.39; United Business Forms, 765.67; United Fleetway, 758.80; United visual Aids. Inc., 3,008.80; Unteed Scaggs Fritcn, 3,000.00; Valley Schl. ft Office Supply, 1.581.33; Wilcox ft Follet Book Co., 575.36; Wisconsin Book Bindery, Inc., 1,140.72; Wolverine Sports. 1.535.31; Woodward Ford, 7,720.87: World Book-Childcraft, 1,200.50; Xerox Corporation, 10,362.36. (Pub. Nov. 18, 1983) No. 830466 Legal notice ASSUMED NAME PUBLICATION NOTICE Public Notice . is hereby given that/on October 27, 1983, a certificate was filed in the Office of- the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names ana post- office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business Known as SWITZER INDUSTRIES, located at 7107 Pingree Rd., Crystal Lake, IL., 60014 which certificate sets forth the owners as follows: Robert L. Switzer and Carol E. Cuntypr Dated October 27th, 1963. Rosemary Azzaro, County Clerk (Pub. Nov. 4,11 ft Nov. 18,1983) No. 830481 h >*18 <1 UwH Needed less ̂ NmBer ef S•Hailing Touts? 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