e PAGE 12 - FLAlNUbALIiiK - i UhSUHt. nu v biuuLiii **• i«o» general \ Hews (S * • - Damages for air tragedy are slow by Kurt Begalka Shaw-Free News Service , Art Gait has owned Gait Flying Service, Inc., ior some 30 years and said he has never encountered anything like it. On March 19,1982, an Illinois Air National Guard KC- 135 tanker exploded over the village of Greenwood, killing all 27 people on board and raining debris across a three-mile-wide area. Gait estimates some 200 men and 40 vehicles par ticipated in the search, many of them heavy buses and trucks. There was one large helicopter and five or six "gunship". style choppers. In the spring of the year, the pavement was brittle. The heavy trucks cracked runways and en trance roads. The military used Gait's lounge as a com mand post. Trucks were parked on the strip and grass. They tied up private traffic. "The people that were here said, 'Don't worry about a thing. We'll take care of it,' " Gait said. Gait had Curran Construction Co. make an estimate of the repair costs in April. It totaled $25,900 and included patching the en trance road, the roadway to angars, taxiway and run way. Gait points to the undulating double pad around the gas pumps. The U.S. Air Force offered him $11,400. "I told them that I couldn't very well put it back in shape for that/' Gait said. They offered him $15,000. "It's very hard to pay a $25,000 bill with $15,000," G a i t s a i d . . The Air Force denied his claim entirely. "They just walked around and made their own estimate of things," Gait said. "I don't know whether they were Air Force people or National Guard." He has attempted to work through channels. "I think it should b e s e t t l e d amicably," Gait said. "I hope the politicos will put some pressure on them." Gait doubts whether $25,000, given inflation, will even cover the damages. "I would do the same thing again," Gait acknowledged. "But I don't think that they treated me right." J o h n S h a y , director of the Now that Fall is approaching have your chimney cleaned, repaired I re- • lined for Ihf upcoming heating sc. o».. Call... GENE'S CHIMNEY „ SWEEP SERVICE 815-9434927 IIN! RMsqtau •he professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rental FREE $1.00 per hour..for •vory hour th(it«fl*r (Examplo 2 hour*... total char go $1 plus tax.) Special Rontal Roto Good Monday thru Thursday RINSENVAC cleans the way professionals do at a fraction of the cost. SAT.. t SUN Nf I OVERNIGHT SPECIAL I 8:00PM 9:00AM $19.00 Ofgfi 4400 W. RTE. 120 MeHENKY. 111. November 25,26,27,&28 McHenry County Emergency Ser vices and Disaster Agency, coor dinated the county rescue and salvage efforts. He sub mitted a bill of $9,716. The county was reimbursed $2,694. Expenses incurred from overtime hours by the sheriffs police and extra mileage were refused by the Air Force. Citing the Military Claims Act, Whitaker said: "We are not allowed to pay for those services that are provided as a public service." McHenry County Board Chairman Clint Claypool is still angry about .the settlement the county received. He has written the Air Force and received "form letters" explaining that certain corts are not covered. Claypool does not believe the court costs would be worth it, and asked: "Where can I go?" Like Gait and Hay, he contacted state Sen. Jack Schaffer to attempt to reach a solution out of court. Schaffer, in turn, contacted U.S. Rep. Phil Crane and U.S. Sen. Charles Percy. "Primarily, this is a federal thing," Schaffer said. He hopes both sides can hold an informal meeting at the site to discuss the matter. "A lot of people with stars and bars went around saying, 'don't worry, we'll take care of it.'. Some things were taken care of and s o m e t h i n g s weren't," Schaffer said. He acknowledged that he'd be leery of the Air Force if a similar situation occurred again. "I thought the government of ficials and private individuals came t h r o u g h l i k e troopers,'* Schaffer added. "Frankly, I'm a little bent out of shape at the Air Force." f* m u *0** - i Tidy will offer you 100's of styles and col ors to choose from....sculptures, plushes, tone-on-tone, even vinyl. Prices starting at $9.95 a square yard installed.* These are just a few examples of your holiday sav ings at Tidy. *Ce««f» stomal la.lallalloa ever weed. This Christmas can be special... Tidy is this year's special place. Come see why. @ Ifrfw Carpels cfc Floor Coverings i.*». 1 9 1039 Lake Avenue -- Woodstock. IL (SIS) 338-1000 117 E. SIW. Hwy. -- Barringtin. IL (312) 381-7R07 663 Villa Street -- Elgin. IL (312-697-2600 HOtRS: Mondav. Thursday. Friday 10 to '> Tuesday. Wednesday. Saturday. 10 to 5 Sunday 12 to 5 BARRINGTON LOCATION 0!\LY: Friday 10 to 7 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH TO QUALIFIED BUYERS WITH 20% DEPOSIT. NO PAYMENTS TILL MARCH Berkshire & Whirlwind 2 styles of nylon sculpture to choose from. 8 dreamy color* available. Cabin Craft The carpet and colors vour dreaming of. Come Along, 4 colors Reg. 18.50 sq.yd. Whisper - Gentle Breeze Reg 21.50 sq yd. Royalesque - Asterly Reg 24.75 sq.yd. Memoirs 3 colors. Antron III Reg.'33.00 sq.yd. Classical Grace Juliet Flowers Reg. 32.75 sq.yd. Great Expectations Toast. 15 ft. wide. Reg. 23.25 »^d. tirm ft to 12 50 M|-.»d. carpel imp 12 12 50 ««!•.» d. carpel <>al> 50 carpei oalj 12 50 «*->d. earpel oalt 12 50 iq.j d. ear»«i o«t. 125? vartft'l a ill Minimum of 60% Off Regular Retail = Price On All Remnants. Partial Listings59 of lOO's of Beautiful Remnants. No. 77901 • 12' x 16'11" Custom Weave Kahala Oahu Sunrise. Reg. $908 04 rr . . . . $293.2H No. 75685 - 12' x 18' Queen • Medium Blue. Sculpture. Reg. $402.00. : . . . , - . . ' . $ 2 0 1 . 0 0 No. 7 7794 • 12' x 1810" Custom Weave Beautique Rosetii - Ultra Fine Velvet. Rec $1035.79 $326.43 No. 77821 • 12' x I4'2" Custom Weave Corp. Suite Maple. Look of Wool. Ree $868.00 $245.57 No. 76868 • 12 x21' Queen Sculptured Browns with Beiges. Reg. $779.13 $215.00 o 77777 - 12' x I0'2"' Custom Weave Extra Plush Steel Blue. Reg. J79.I3 '...$176.17 77843 • 12' x I9'8" Custom Weave Infmique Ebony - Our best plush. Rec. $ 1507.65 $340.86 No. 77950 » 12' x 10' Custom Weave Stately Dark Blue Plush. Reg. $489 88 $173.29 No. 74478 • 12' x 10' Kangaback Brown Plush. Reg. $ 159.29S79.9S No. 77773 • 11' x 17' Custorit Weave Commercial Loop • Berber Gray. Reg. $678.97 ....$294,71 No. 77006 • 12' x 21 * Queen Aqua Blue Sculpture. Reg. $474.60. $273.00 No. 7 5004 • 12' x 2 J' Lees Ultron Plush -Misty Mauve. Reg. $399.00. $199.00 No. 76502 12' x 20 Mohawk Rust Brown Sculpture. Reg. $4/8.00. ' $239.00 No. 76103 • 12 x21 Queen Ultron Plush Cranberry. Reg. $378.00. $189.00 ttrr