McHENRY PLAINDEALER/RICHMOND GAZETTE. Wc4nc««ay. November 2.1. m.) nMrllemr. . RicfjtltOttb aindealer^ (6a?rttej| I2iSSi s 1C5C1 Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of on error or ommission. Ihe paper wtfl be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion The newspaper sholl be lioble for only the portion of the od which is in error In case of on error notify the Classified Department at once Call Classified Display Ads 815 385 0170 Private Party £ Commercial Line Ads 815 344 4800 Payment in advance most be made for these ads 'Babysitting 'Business Opportunites "Business Services #Garge Sales 'Moving Sales 'Out of Show Free Press Circulation Area 'Political 'Rooms Appts. to Shore'Situations Wanted'Sublease Re rent etc. 'Wanted to Buy'Wonted to Rent Office Mr». M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5 00 p.m. 3 LINES, 5 DAYS *8.80 PRIVATF. PARTY [.INK ADS <#> Shaw Fr«• Pr«t» Newspaper Group •Woodstock Doily Sentinel 'Saturday Extra 'Crystal lake Morning Herald "Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald 'Elgin Herald 'Richmond Gozette 'Marengo Beacon Republican News 'Hunfl£^ Beocon Republican News 'Sycamore News •Cary-Grove Clarion 'Bornngton Banner 'McHenry Plaindealer •Genoa Kingston Kirklond News •Hampshire Register •Harvard Herold "Shopper Service "McHenry Citizen Tri- County Shopper ; DIRECTORY DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND WED. PLAINDEALER FRI. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Announcements Cemeteries ft Lots Cord of Thonks Notices Cor Pools Lost ft Found Personols Instruction Auctions Help Wanted Child Core --~ Nursery Schools Situations Wanted Employment Agencies Household Help Wanted Help Wanted 02 03 05 10 1 1 1 1 2 13 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Merchandise Wanted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Sales 33 Merchandise Under $50 34 Antiques T!. 35 Bicycles ft Spoits Equipment 36 Lawn t Garden Equipment 37 B o a t s . . . 3 8 Musical Instruments 39 Comeros 40 Aviation 41 Pets ft Equipment ^ 44 Horses ft Equipment ^ 47 Farm ft Dairy 48 Livestock 49 Machinery ft Equipment 53 Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy Business Properly Open House Real Estate Condominiums for Sole Townhomes tor Sale Lots ft Acreage Mobile Homes Farms for Sale Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent Rooms Boord House Apartment^ to Share ,,. Aportments to Rent Homes to Rent 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Condominiums ft Townhomes to Rent 82 Stores Office ft Industrial to Rent 83 Farms Farmland to Rent 84 Miscellaneous to Rent , 85 Automotive Autos for Sole 86 Wonted to Buy 87 Auto Parts ft Accessories . 88 Trucks Tractors ft Trailers .89 Vans W Motorcycles ft Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicles 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Cemeteries 2 &Lots CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK ft UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as M7J, including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. llS/4j»-OS47. Card Of Thanks THE THOUGHTFULNESS and sympathy extended by our friends and neighbors during oyr recent sorrow will always naln with us a precious memory. Our sincere thanks to all. Sincerely, i Erich ft Mary Meissner Notices PLASTERING Restoration or New Vernon T. Kopseil «HS/33I Ufa* STEAMEX Carpet Rental U.ff Half Day Lloyd's Paint 'N Paper Reserve Yours at Crystal Lake ltS/49* 1140 Woodstock •IS/331 1180 CHERISHED FAMILY PHOTOS Copied ft Restored for your 'Family Tree' Wall Grouping DeWane Studios 231 Benton Woodstock •IS/331 1100 HILLCREST APARTMENTS Warmly Wishes All AVERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING WILL ADORESS Christmas cards, wedding Invitations, calligraphy, chancery script, Xk per envelope. 115/331 ml JERRY'S TOWING We Pick Up Junk Cars •312/4ST4M7* Our Service is designed so that you can virtually choose the type of person you want to date Coll: McHenry County Computer Dating Service •15-338-2990 It Works! Meetings TOPS fIL, IMS Wednesdays, 4:30 p.m. Coleman OEM Virginia Road, Crystal Lake •1S/4St-S8S4 Mary AMVETSPEARL HARBOR MEMORIAL POST 1245 2nd Thursdays, (p.m. Reg. /Meeting, Cardella's, Cary Last Thursdays. • p.m. Drawing Night, Pub in Cary 3U/fr3»-1»31 BETA SIGMA PHI XIIOTAOMICRON CHAPTER 2nd ft 4th Mondays; <:00 •15/455-2861 Cate Williams ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meets Dally •15/455 3311 for Information KEENAGERSCLUB Of St. Thomas 3rd Thursdays, noon Lores Hall, Crystal Lake KIWANISCLUB OF CRYSTAL LAKE Each Tuesday at Noon Branded Steak House •15/451-2993 Cllft McHENRY COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 2nd Thursdays. 7:30 p.m. Grace Lutheran Church < Washington ft Tryon St. Woodstock •15/315-0036 * June NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FUTURE WOMEN Dinner seminar 3rd Thursdays, 5:45 p.m. Cattlemen's Restaurant Algonquin Barbara 455 5406 Meetings Algonquin (by r 312/4M MM ALGONQUIN AMERICAN LEGION POST670 1st Mondays 7 :30 Main St. (Rt.31) ft Legion Dr. r railroad tracks) 312/650-5071 PARENTS ANONYMOUS Thursdays. 7:30 p.m. 5006 Rt. U, Crystal Lake Next to Showpiece Theatre •15/338-8080 Meetings PSI IOTA XI Theta Omega Chapter Third Tuesdays; 7:45p.m. 312/658-7012 Linda BATTERED WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Mondays, 7:30 p.m. For this weeks location call 815/338 8080 LAKE IN THE HILLS VILLAGE BOARD 2nd ft 4th Thursdays. 8 p.m. Activities Center 1111 Crystal LakeRd. 312/658-4213 PROFESSIONAL ' SECRETARIES INTERNATIONAL Fox Valley Chapter 3rd Wednesdays. 7 p.m. Offices of Zukowskl, Poper, Rogers ft Flood 50 Virginia Sf. 815/459 2050 NUNDA TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING 2nd Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. 3510 Bay Road, Crystal Lake 815/459-4011 ALGONQUIN TOWNSHIP BOARD* TRUSTERS 2nd Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. 3702 Northwest Hwy. (2 ml. Wot Cary on Rte 14) 312/631-2329 CHILDBIRTH AND PARENTING ASSOC Monthly Meetings 312/639-6175 Lin WOODSTOCK ELKS LODGE 11043 2nd & 4th Toes , 8 00p.m. 138 Cass St ., Woodstock •15/331-0090 BARRINGTON BOOK REVIEW 4th Tuesdays. 10 00 a.m. T.C. Spir i ts Crystal Lake NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Willow Creek Community Church Rt. 62, South Barrli Fridays, <00 SCHOOL DISTRICT #380 BOARDOF EDUCATION 2nd ft 4th Mondays. 7:30 p.m. 405N. Sixth Street West Dundee TOUGH LOVE Parents Support Group Every Monday, 7:30p.m. Momingside Community Center 3035 Wakefield Carpentersville 312/428-2303 LAKE IN THE HILLS Property Owners Association 2nd Fridays, 8:00 p.m. Community Building Meetings \ Lake In The Hills RECYCLING 4th Saturdays, 9a.m.-1 p.m. Community Buildino aluminum cans bought newspaper accepted TheBertuMre Community Organization 3rd Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. Carpentersville Village Hall 3Q/426-7(45, EdCoiby WOMEN'S AGLOW FELLOWSHIP 2nd Thursdays; 7:00 Gall Borden Library 200 N. Grove St.; Elgin Bible Study Information 312/428 1802; 312/428 9582 McHENRY COUNTY DEFENDERS 4 Crystal Lake Recycling 3rd Saturdays. 9 am 1 pm Crystal Point Mall Next to Golden Bear 815/459-0450 T O P S TakeOff Pounds Sensibly Chapter IIL, 1739 McHenry Mondays. 7:30 Shepherd of Hills Church JoAnn <15/459-0743 FOX VALLEY ARCHERS Fox Valley Archery Club 3rd Wednesdays. 1:00p.m. Hickory Nut Grove Rd., Cary 312/65* 2231 312/639-4355 NUNDA CHAPTER 1293 O.E.S. 1st ft 3rd Thursday, • p.m. Masonic Temple 200 Ellsworth. Crystal Lake CARPENTERSVILLE LIONESS CLUB Fourth Mondays 312/426 7679 Fay LAKE IN THE HILLS JAYCEETTES 3rd Thursdays, 8:00 P.M. Activities Center Lake in the Hills ALGONQUIN VILLAGE BOARD Irst ft 3rd Tuesdays • :00P.M. Village Hall SAMATARIAN REBEKAH LODGE #120 GAR. Hall 270 Fulton, Elgin 2nd ft 4th Tuesdays • :00p.m. Mary Green, 312/741->240 FOX RIVER REBEKAHLODGE 50 E. Main St. Carpentersville 2nd ft <th Tuesdays. 1:00 pm ALATEEN Willow Creek Community Church Rt. 62, South Barrlngton F r i d a y s , 8 0 0 24 Help Wanted SLEEPY HOLLOW VILLAGE BOARD 1st ft 3rd Mondays. 7:30 p.m. Village Hall . LAKESIDE FOOO CO-OP Bi-monthly Meetings Every other Thursday •15/455-0006, Detotoy CRYSTAL LAKE CITY COUNCIL 1st ft 3rd Tuesdays 7:30p.m. City Hall 121N. Main St. Crystal Lake CRYSTAL LAKE ZONING BOARDOF APPEALS 1st ft 3rd Wednesdays 7:30 p.m. City Hall 121 N. Main St. Crystal Lake CRYSTAL LAKE PLAN COMMISSION 2nd ft 4th Wednesdays 7:30p.m. City Hall 121N . Main St. Crystal Lake CRYSTAL LAKE PARK DISTRICT BOARD 3rd Thursday; (p.m. Park District Onice Main Beach, 300 Lakeshore Dr. Crystal Lake McHENRY COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL Once a month Thursday afternoon 133 Illinois St. Crystal Lake McHENRYCOUNTY MENTAL HEALTH 708 BOARD 3rd Thursday; 7:30 p.m. 101 N.Virginia St. Crystal Lake McHENRYCOUNTY COIN CLUB 4th Mondays; 7:00 p.m. American Legion Oak ft Woodstock St. Crystal Lake 815/455-6190 CRYSTAL LAKE JAYCEES 2nd Tuesdays, 8:00p.m. T.C. Spirits >15/455-0410 Larry Cannon ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Willow Creek Community Church Rt. 62, South Barrington Fridays; »:00 ALANON Willow Creek Community Church Rt. 62. South Barrington Fridays. 1:00 MAJOR MEDICAL AND SHORT TERM HOSPITAL |AND SURGICAL INSURANCE * Between Employment * On Vocation From Colloge -* Recently Graduated * On Strike • In Botweon Group Enrollment Choose a policy term,o/l 30 days to 6 months. Immediate coverage. No deductible JACK WALSH AGENCY > McHENRY • 385-3300 • 3TF DOUBLE DELIMMA Mother of T wins Club 2nd tuesdeys, 7:30 p.m. •15/459-6639 Janet SUNBURST CORVETTE CLUB 1st Thursdays; 7:30 p.m. Cattleman's Restaurant Ron Algonquin •15/38! 385-1428 CRYSTAL SPEAKERS A Toast master's Club 1st ft 3rd Tuesdays, 8 p.m. Crystal Lake Ambutal 4900 S. Rte. 31, Crystal Lake 312/658-3696 Tom THE FOX RIVER VALLEY ENCAMPMENT NO. 112 50 E. Main St. Carpentersville 3rd Wednesdays FOX VALLEY CHAPTER #53, MENDED HEARTS INC. 3rd Thursday; 7:30p.m. Assembly Hall Sherman Hospital „ \ 934 Canter Street. E Igin \ Don, 815/459 2823 MCHENRYCOUNTY COMMODORE CLUB Users group tor Vic-20 ft Com modore 64 Computers Crystal Lake Ambutal 2nd Saturday, 9:00a.m.-12 John-815/455 3942 INTERNATIONAL ORDER * OP JOTS DAUGHTERS Bethel 98 2nd 14th Thurs. 7:15p.m. Masonic Temple 200 Ellsworth St. Crystal Lake 312/639 4192 Guardian SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION AND ENCOURAGEMENT OF BARBER SHOP QUARTET SINGING INJWtERICA Mondays 8:00p.m. St. Stephen's Lutheran Church Rt. 25, Carpentersville Opposite Meadowdale Shopp ing Center 312/526-8306 Walt VIET NOW Viet Nam Era Veterans Last Monday each month 7:30 pm St. John's Lutheran Church Rt 47 ft St. Johns, Woodstock 815/455-2810 Jack REACH FOR SUPPORT (tor Mastectomy Patients) 4th Thursdays. 7:30 p.m. Northwest Community Hospital Arlington Heights. IL 312/639-2247 CRYSTAL LAKE TOASTMASTERS 1st ft 3rd Saturday 8:15a.m. to 10a.m., Crystal Lake Ambutal 815/459-8997 Carol CARPENTERSVILLE DUNDEE AREA CHAMBER of COMMERCE 3rd Thursdays 312/426-8565 CRYSTAL LAKE COMPOSITE SQUADRON CIVIL AIR PATROL North Jr. High School 170 N. Oak St. 1st ft 3rd Tuesday; 7:00 p.m. •15/459-0907 Capt. Erickson POLISH LEGION OF AMERICAN VETERANS Liberty PostflM 1304 N. Park Street McHenry 4th Sundays, 2:00 P.M. Commander Frank Ficek 815/385 1383 Sr. Vice Commander Bill Hecht-815/459-0300 CRYSTAL LAKE WELCOME WAGON NEWCOMERS CLUB F irst Thursdays; 7:30 pm American Legion Post 1171 406 W.Woodstock St. Deb 115/459-6676 TOPS Area Captain Ann Johnson Information •15/459 2185 Meetings CARY LIONESS CLUB 2nd Weds., (p.m. Cary Senior Center Main St. 312/6395643 Donna NARCOTICS ANNON YMOUS Mondays, 7:00p.m. 224 W.Judd Street - - j-* --«-wooasTocK Hal C., 815/337-0671 JohnM.. 815/338-5387 EASTDUNDEE Village Board 1st ft 3rd Mondays. 7:30 p.m. Village Hall CRYSTAL LAKE SENIOR CITIZEN CLUB Bethany Lutheran Church 78 W. Crystal Lake Ave 4th Mondays, 1p.m. Ruth 815/455-1564 BRANCHES CHRISTIAN SINGLES GROUP Every Tuesday. 8 p.m.. Lakeside Center 401 Country Club Rd. Crystal Lake 815/459-6010 v. CARPENTERSVILLE \ JAYCEE WOMEN 2nd Wednesdays. 8:00 PJM. wfii uunocc EVdie 312/426-2180 Masi'sJ Eydie BA^RIN BARRINGTON AREA DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP Barrington United Methodist Church 311 South Hou^t St. Wednesday's 7:30-9:00 Babysitting Provided Debbie 312/658 4943 426 4596 YOUNG SINGLE PARENTS Every Wednesday; 8:30 p.m. Timber's Restaurant Woodstock 815/337-0042 Sue ALANON Wednesdays; 7:30p.m. 36 North Ayer, Harvard (upstairs office 13) Pat. 815/943-7728 CARY DAYS, INC 3rd Wednesdays; 7:30 pm ERA Realty 7 Jandus Rd., Cary 312/639-4741 Barry CRYSTAL LAKE ANGLERS Moose Hall, Rt. 14 3rd Wednesdays. 7:30 pm 815/455-4018 24 Help Wanted MATERIALS PLANNER ft INVENTORY CONTROL We are in need of an aggressive well organized self-starter who has 2 to 3 years experience in materials plan ning and inventory control. Knowl edge of paper in printipg industry will be preferred. CRT experience helpful. Submit resume to: Ruth Cerny HI Data Documents A Pitney Bowes Company 176 West Terra Cotta Avenue Crystal Lake, Illinois60014 Equal Opportunity Employer MlF/H Meetings TOUGH LOVE Every Wed.. 7:38 Lake-ln-The-Hills Activity Center 815/455-3213 312/65ft5472 LAKE IN THE HILLS American Legion Post 1231 1st Monday E xecutive Committee /na monody Rifle Squad 3rd Monday Regular Business Meeting 4th Monday Auxiliary Meeting BOY SCOUT TROOP #76 Wednesdays. 7-8:10 p.m. VFW Post 15915 301 Lake Marion Rd. Carpentersville 312/426-2378 Bob McHENRY COUNTY DEFENDERS 3rd Mondays. 7:00p.m. Defender's Office 131E. Paddock St. Crystal Lake 815/439-0450 Ginger BARBER SHOP HARMONY WITH THE MINUTE MEN OF HARMONY Mondays; 8:08p.m. St. Stephens Lutheran Church Rt. 25, Carpentersville MASONIC LOOGE1190 Dundee 9 Kennedy Drive (acmes front Meadowdale Shopping Canter) 1st ft 3rd Thursdays. 7:38p.m. McHENRY COUNTY DAYCARE HOME ASSOCIATION Licensed Day Care Providers 4th Tuesday of every month, 7:30 p.m. 312/639-3199 Rita FRIENDS IN DEED Support Group for divorced and widowed single adults 2nd ft 4th Thursdays; 7:30 pm Bethlehem Lutheran Church Main ft Fourth, West Dundee 312/426 nil ALANON Has your life been affected By someone else's drinking? 815/459-6190 for Information BETA SIGMA PHI Rho Pi Chapter 2stft4th, Thursdays; 7:30p.m. PHOTOPEOPLE 2nd ft 4th Tuesdays; 7:30p.m. Crystal Lake West Beach 815/455-6167 Wendell Smith APPLEPEOPLE Personal Computer Users Every 3rd Monday; 7:00p.m. 815/455 4525 Don Rose MANIC DEPRESSIVE/ DEPRESSIVE ASSOC. 3rd Wednesdays, 7:30 pm AJexian Brothers Medical Center 800 W. Biesterfield Elk Grove Village 312/65»-3842 Reglna PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS 1st ft 3rd Fridays, 8:30 p.m. Senior Citizens Center 133 Illinois St. Crystal Lake 815/459-5262 Ginny Meetings McHENRY COUNTY BOARD 3rd Tuesdays; 9:88 a.m. McHonry County Court House 2288 N. Seminary, CRYSTAL LAKE LIBRARY BOARD 2nd Wednesdays; 1:88 p.m. 126 W. Paddock Crystal Lake McHENRY COUNTY COLLEGE BOARD 4fh Thursdays; 7:38 p.m. McHenry County College 8980 Rt. 14 Crystal Lake McHENRYCOUNTY ZONING BOARD of APPEALS 4th Tuesdays; 8:38 a.m. McHenry County Court House 2200 N. Seminary, Woodstock CRYSTAL LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT 47 Board of Education 3rd mondays. 7:88p.m 170 N. Oak St. Crystal Lake, IL CENTURYLOOGE, No. 492IOOF 50 E . Main St. Carpentersville 2nd ft 4th Thursdays 10 Car Pools NEED RIDE From McHenry to Cary, by 7 am. 815/344-1895. 11 Lost & Found MISSING DIRT BIKE, black ft yellow, vie. of Wonder Lake, r e w a r d . 9 y r . o l d «d. 815/653-9803 CAT LOST. 11/11, N. Lincoln area In CVIIIe. Small fat gray female tabby. Answers to Squeaky. Compensation. 312/426-5645. DOG FOUND, 11/15. near Rts. 25 ft 72, small female black ft tan shepherd type, friendly, aprox. IVI yrs. old. Owner may claim by calling 312/436^7900. LOST: Lrg. beige male blue eyed cat. West Wonder Lake area. Compensation. 815/728- IRISH SETTER, male, found in Crystal Lake area Nov. 7, 3-4 yrs. old. 312/639-0557 LOST: male Black Cat 4 yrs. old. FOK River Grove Area. P o s s i b l y s e e n I n C.L.Vista/Gardans area. Block flee collar, notch in right oar. 312/639-7654. 12 Personals HYPNOSIS ft COUNSE LING Weight-Smoking-Stress Marital-Insurance aid, 312/695-547X 815/455-1107 ALGONQUIN JAYCEE WOMEN Last Tuesdays. 8:00p.m. Lake in the Hills American Legion Hall Pat, 312/658-3118 or Lyn, 312/658 3005, eves. LALECHE LEAGUE land II of ELGIN 3rd Mondays; 8:00 pm 105 Standlsh Court Elgin, IL 312/697-8867 or 888 1835 CHAMBE R OF COMME RCE BUSINESS RESOURCES ? Wags Restaurant 1st ft 3rd Wednesdays, 8a.m. Chamber members only 815/459-1300 ILLINOIS COLOR COMPUTER CLUB OF ELGIN (ICCCE) 3rd Wednesdays 7:30 Aunt Marys Rt. 25. Elgin 312/742-7775. Barry YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU Board of Directors 4th Wednesdays; 7:30 p.m. Westwood School 14124 South Street Woodstock 815/338-7360 YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU Young Mothers Support Group (21 yrs. ft under) Tuesdays; 7:00 p.m. Jane Buchhou »15/33»-7360 PARENT SUPPORT GROUP (Tough Love) Mondays. 7:30 p.m. Rick Johnson >15/344-3240 SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE Support Group 2nd ft 4th Thurs; • p.m. Mike Baber •15/331 7360 24 Help Wanted PREGNANT? Need Help?Call: Birthright 312/695-7958 "MULTI-LEVELERS:" get brand name groceries at up to 37% discount! Recorded message. Dial 312/888-2356. If repeatedly "busy", In opening. call In daytime. JftJ BUSINESS SERVICES For all your builnass needs. 48 years of experience In small business applications. For complete Information, call 312/639-8821. YOLANDA'S- A TASTE OF ELEGANCE. Catering for all occasions, for any number of people For complete details, call 815/344-3249. 13 Instruction TOWNE TUTORS. Individual tutoring, speed reading, Woodstock, 815/338 5330 19 Child Care CHILD CARE in my McHenry •1.00 hr. Please call Laura, 815/344-1562. LOOKING FOR mature woman who loves children who would live in for 2-to-3 days a week. Own bdrm., bath, must have own transportation. For Interview call, 312/669 3279. CHILD CARE in my home, days only. Hot lunches. Lot of T.L.C. Call Anytime, 815/385^ 5286. WILL BABYSIT in my home, Mon.-Fri., days or after school. Algonquin. 312/658-3382. NEW YEAR'S Eve child care in my Sycamore home. Mrs. Wilson, 815/895-6129 evenings. BABYSIT Your child Pistake home. Lots of love cart. 312/497 3364 LICENSED Child Care in my home. 2 yrs ft up, also after school (Greenwood). 815/338- 6504. WILL DO babysitting in my Woodstock home, mature, reliable. $l/hr.-(40/wk„ days, eves., weekends. 815/338-8899 Graphic Design Artist We are looking for an experienced 13-6 yrs. I responsible team oriented individual to assist the Graphic Director in design production of our Sportsman's Mail Order Catalog. Applicants should have experience in mail order as well as lay-out, key line paste up, type. Photography background helpful. Salary commensurate with ability. Gall Hr. HUialovk 414-862-2331 EXPERIENCED COLLATOR OPERATORS AND PRESSMEN Minimum of 2-3 ^ears experience on Hamilton/Shriber equipment in either continuous and/or snap out forms. We are a nationalized leading manufacturer of business forms and can offer excellent benefits and wages. Please contact: Ruth Cerny Personnel Administrator ilData Documents A Pitney Bowes Company 815/455-3800 Equal Opportunity Employer m/f/h 1» Chad Care LOVING MOTHER will ISIHIFH U UFA IF | OVVfin Iff np www ml Lake home. 815/728-1577 21 Situations Wanted WILL STEAM CLEAN carpets Living room, S20; Each add) Honelroom, 818.815/943-5513. QUALITY ROOFING, carpen try. repair work done. All work guaranteed. Eves, John 815/459-2353. CLEANING LADY experlonc ed has own transp. ft ref. Call 815/784-3396 after 5. MATURE WOMAN Will babysit in C'vllle home. 312/4M6M. WILL DO washing ft ironing in my Woodstock home. May pick up ft deliver, II y33ft3287 IRONING Let us do your Iron k^teryou. Call 815/338-2799 or BABYSITTING tor the mentally handicap 815/728-1172 SEAMSTRESS E xperiencad (25 years) ins ft dressmaking 312/658-5106 MR. SCOTT Mr. Scott, wallpapering specialists. Over » yrs. experience. Residential ft Commercial. 815/728-0793. WINTER'S HERE Caulking ft Visqueen Windows Clean Gutters, chimneys and windows. Roofing, interior, decorating, carpentry. Call Now 10% Off •15/337-0281 TUTORING Language arts, math, computer. Grades K-6. 20 yr. dtpviHict Mastered teacher. 815/639-3890 after 4. MOVING? Save money with J. B. Packing ft Loading Service. Profes skmai moving at do-it-yourself prices. For free estimate, call 815/338-3641 Household 23 Help Wanted HELP! I Working mother needs part time Dog- Walker for 3 dogs. Call 815/385-7312 after 5 pm. SITTER NEEDED, rem* Me, flexible, my Cary home Call 312/639-6421 days. NANNY NEEDED 2 days week from 10 30-6 pm to watch 5 yr old. Some housekeeping Own trans. S20/day. Dundee area. 312/420-7482. 24 Help Wanted a daytime successful salespro- fessional, you can earn S500 per wk for 2-3 evenings work. Do yourself a favor and give me 1 hour of your time to learn about this opportunity. No invest., no inventory. Co. training. 312/741-8771,9-4 pm. John. AVON FEEL GOOD ABOUT WHAT YOU DO. Representing America's fl direct soiling company, sell beautiful products: cosmetics, fragrance, teweiry. Good Earn ^ Call: 815/459-5757 EXTRA EARNINGS need 3 people who have 18 -15 flexible noun per week, depending upon time. For complete in formation call. 815/338-4195 REAL ESTATE SALES Posi tions available for car minded soft starters. Top notch training program. Commission advances paid for qualified listings ft sales. Earn what y o u ' r e w o r t h w i t h E R A Household Realty. Call Bruci Kaplan for confidential inter view. 312/639-2000. 24 Help Wanted HIRING, qffshore oil driller, overseas, and domestic, will train I3S.OOO 150,000 plus possible Call Per toieum Services, at 312/920-9364 ext. 2949 also open evenings NURSES AIDES certified, for small private nursing home. Full time nights and days. Also part time days ft p.m.'s. 815/455-0550, ask for Ellen. HOME MAKERS If you have 7 or more years experience pur chasing groceries for your family, you have the knowledge that you need to succeed and earn 1500/wk for 2 3 evenings work. Give me 1 hour of your time to loam about this op port unity No invest., no inven tory. Co. training 312/741-0771, 9-4 pm, Pat. NURSES AIDS. Certified, part time, on call, days ft nights Please apply at the Woodstock Residence. 309 McHenry Ave., Woodstock. 015/338 1700. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Mon. thru Fri., 11-2 Call bet ween 12 ft 9 pm, 312/650 0550. Algonquin area. HAIR STYLIST w/experience. to work evenings Wed. ft Thurs.; days on Saturday. App ly in person at Hair World. 308 Lincoln Ave., Fo* River Grove, IL. EARN EXTRA Income for Holidays. Call: AMWAY Distributor. 815/385-9188. BOOKKEEPER Full time bookkeeping position in Fox Lake. At least l year ex perience desired. Call 312/587 2490 ft leave message. NURSE AIDES. Certified All shifts. Also RN's or LPNs. full or port time. Crystal Pines Nursing Home, 815/459 7791. PLEASANT INDIVIDUAL To work as cashier and bakery counter sales, have flexible hours and be able to work holidays. Mornings only. Please apply in person, Moloney's Restaurant, Spring Hill Mall. Dundee SALESPERSON, experienced, to sell Toshiba copiers in McHenry County, 414/248-9652 JOIN THE MOST Progressive ft fashionable womens' special ty chain. Gantos. Spring Hill Mall, has permanent and tern porary part-time sales ft cashier positions now. Available for mature in dividuals willing to work the flexible schedule including evenings ft weekends. Apply in person at Gantos. Spring Hill Mall. RN for Fox Valley Home Health. Part Time at presemt with full time later. Must have car. B.S.N preferred and ex perience in community or home health desired. Call: 312/232 7890 REPRESENTATIVES We are looking for a few profes sional people to expand our operation. Our people are earn ing S3-5K per mo. Are you in terested in a future in computer sales? We will train ft assist you. if you are self motivated and sales experienced. For career opportunity. 312/382 4575 EXPERIENCED light engineer and stagfemanager, for touring band. Full time, pro minded only. 312/658-5851. A P P O I N T M E N T SECRETARIES needed for telephone work. Apply in per son. Monday through Friday. 11 am to 6 pm. at Liberty Club, 1304 Park St. in McHenry, IL. SUCCESSFUL NEW home sales office looking for weekend greefer. Could lead to Sales opportunity. Call 115/455 0335 for appointment. •UP TOl6/Hr.» Your results determine your earnings. Mature adults 10 ft over. Excellent working condi tions in our phone room For Interview, Call •815/338-3962* 24 Help Wanted Full Charge Bookkeeper PART TIME Position available 3 to 4 days per week. 4 hours per day to assist credit manager in our international accounting department. Candidate must have experience with generis^ ledger, (double entry bookkeeping), computer printouts, in voicing and typing. APPLY ONLY IN WRITING TO: P.O. Box 447 Richmond, IL 60071 Cleaning/ Janitorial Need people who are presently employed and want to supplement their income. Part time evenings. 15 8:30 PM) Monday thru Friday. Experience Necessary. To apply, call COLLECT: (414) 332-6470 "Sit" SCHEDULER Needed to schedule custom order business forms. Knowledge of printing and press op erations or sales service in industry will be helpful as well as CRT experience. Must be aggressive and organized. Send resume and past salary history to: RUTH CERNY Hi Data Documents A Pitney Bowes Company 176 West Terra Cotta Ave. Crystal Lake. IL 60014 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H