S I ' I A l l \ L P H O N E S A V I M i S I T S O S C O F O R O N E S T O P S H O P P I N G F O R P H O N E S A N D P H O N E A C C E S S O R I E S . W I T H E V E R Y T H I N G Y O U N E E D T O D O - I T - Y O U R S E L F I N C L U D I N G O U R F R E E B R O C H U R E ! Cold Star Microwave Oven video values PAGE t-PLAlNDEALER-TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1983 Christmas Gift Boxes •Robe Boxes-pack of 2 •Blanket Box-single padc •Lingerie Boxes--pack of 4 •Shirt Boxes-pack of 3 Osco Reg. YOUT Choice $1.39 and $1.69 I GTE Star lite® Telephone Compact, ivory wall mount phone with touch calling and traditional handset. No. 55313 QQO QfBG BBS BBQ Straightline indoor/outdoor set. Stays lit even when one bulb burns out. UL listed. IUPRL2-50-A 0*co Sale Price 9 r 4-Foot Presto Scotch Pine Tree Tabietop artificial tree comes pre-assembted, complete with stand. Rame retardant. J4B-4507 Unisonic' Touch Pulse Telephone Futura Telephone Touch/Pulse phone with 10 number/ 16 digit memory in cludes a 12 ft. cord and wall holster. JTP6015 Osco Reg. $24.99 One-piece electronic phone with Touch Pulse dialing for use ori all systems. Features in clude last number redial, mute button, and ringer with on/off switch Comes with 10 ft cord and wall hanger Ivory color. I TP6012 Osco Sale Price Boxed Christmas Cards* Demon Attack" journey Escape Your4 choice for Atari* :«yKona™ Donkey Kong™ lteiilvisTon for Atari*, I Trsdmwtt of Nwmndo of Afnmci, mc. Battlezone™ for Atari® Handle a suoer tank on oesert terrain OscoSatePnce ATARI: Pole Position1 for Atari® ReDiica of a Crano Prix race Osco Sate Price *Offer does not apply to Hallmark or American Greeting Cards. No Rainchecks We reserve the right to limit quantities 3 Convenient Locations: tMMKY 4221 lim St. SM-7744 [YSTAL LAKK IN vtrttm* 4SS1040 MMHTOCK 4io tMtwood tu-nu Prjces effective Thuts., Nov. 2^. through Saturday, Nov. 26. Prices effective while quantities last.