Romance, American style: a part of holiday tradition Christmas is both a sea son for a family celebration and • special time for lov ers. For authors in Harle quin's American line of convemporary romance novels, Christmas tradi tion? are also a cherished part of their heritage. •'When I was a child, we had a Norman Rockwell- style, Iowa farm Christ mas," says author Kathleen Seidel. "From the home- canned tomatoes and corn to the cranberry relish and baked desserts, nothing was 'boughten.' We even had to pump the drinking water from the wen by the wind mill!" "Like many midwestern families, my grandparents were out milking the cows each morning, even on Christmas. We exchanged gifts the night before so the kids wouldn't die of impa tience waiting for the chores to be done." Long-standing custom Though there's no longer any livestock to tend on the farm, Kathleen's family still unwraps presents on Christ mas Eve. "In the morning, we open our stockings, which my mother carefully hides until Christmas Day; then we feast on home made goodies*" For New York's Barbara Bretton, Christmas is a ro mantic time --< and a day to remember old friends. "Every time my husband and I go on vacation, we'll buy an ornament. My par ents and friends do the same, and we swap every year. That way, if I don't see my friends the following Christmas, I have the orna- ment as a reminder of them." Barbara and her husband open their gifts topne an other privately On Christ- / mas Eve. "It's more Special that way; then we'reJready for a huge dinner with the family." remembers Christmas as a day of British cooking and Southern traditions. "We'd cut our own cedar tree from my mother's backyard," she says. The men of the family had a unique method of ob taining holiday decorations, says Rebecca. "They'd shoot down mistletoe and boughs of holly from the trees with their shotguns!'* For Rebecca, Christmas still means a tali cedar tree and plenty of roast beef and yorkshire pudding for din ner. Texas author Sandra Brown looks1 forward every year to an old-fashioned hol iday spent with her parents, four sisters and their chil dren. "I'm from a very reli- g ious background , so Christmas is a highly emo tional day for us," she says. y PACE IS - PLAINDEALEH Sandra and her family pay special attention to dec orating their home. "I make sure each room in the house has some sort of holiday or nament, whether colored lights, a nativitv scene or a TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 22. simple sprig of holly. "On Christmas Eve, my husband, children and I join to s ing ca ro l s . I t may be corny, but it's my favorite part of my favorite season." Mixture of traditions an Raised in Georgia English mother, author Rebecca Flanders equin ndc WARNING: f v 4 MUSI BE CAPTURED BY DECEMBER 3RD FOR GUARANTEED CHRISTMAS DELIVERY f,Le(s r# Careen C v. 3s McHENRYFLORAL 508 S. ROUTE 31 385-0404 FRESH & ARTIFICIAL ARRANGEMENTS i 1 lWt! MANY IN-STORE CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS JUST WAITING FOR YOU! BRING THE FAMILY POINSETTIAS ALL SIZES OPEN SUNDAYS 10 AM-4 PM DEC. 4 THROUGH CHRISTMAS! B ARMADILLOS* Versatile, go anywhere looks. You'll love the versatile, go anywhere looks of our "Skimmer" boot. Fashioned from soft, supple suede on comfortable bottoms. Pamper your feet and slip into a comfortable pair of Armadillos* today! 100% * American Made Yyy ^Morgan Qutnti $2995 Skimmers' 1307 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry 385-2801 HOURS M-F 8-5:30 SAT 8-4 ) NIES STUDIO m w F R E E P R E S C R I P T I O N D E L I V E R Y S E R V I C E M O N S A T 4 T O 8 P M ENT/IBLE "YOUR PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS" OTOIWBKMTB HHHVTWTTTT I f to f pm 'WHILE SUPPLIES SUNDAY (STOW) % md f J A I I a | act 'to7PM W 1 1 1 LA5T SUNDAY (PHARMACY) 'to3pm 1327 RIVERSIDE DRIVE - McHENRY, ILL. (815)305-4426 # u*rt yafip,y _/ hank±g Lcrcng STORE HOURS THANKSGIVING DAY 9-2 LIMIT 1 CASE £31.99 IKII# SiOISI Steel Wool Soap Pads S9!_ I f f L I M I T 2 I GOOD H/M/M-M, 28.83 J D0W Ziploc 1 Storage Bags sit M i m »« Frito Corn Chips vnannin Bath Tissue 100 SQ. FT Damassage 7§SS« Dishwashing b LIMIT 2 u/»/» nwcrHase^^ Dry Roasted Peanuts LJoton Cmtn Styfe Cup-a- Soup 3 M Arrid Jason INFLATION FIGHTER PRICE! LIMIT 2 COUPON oooo mm» . Liquprin SSCT " 3 DIET PEPSI- PEPSI FREE 8-16 OZ. BOTTLES ~ MICHELOB KJH\ 6 PACK >I(HUWA NR. BOTTLES MEET GAS LINE ANTIFREEZE 12 OZ. 12 PACK CANS INFLATION /D1C F I G H T E R / / X I I PtICII Mm I V I LIMITS I V COWONOOOD J