PAGE 22 - PLAINDEALER - TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 22. 1983 ' • J f ZiiHiiaiMmL*.' • - - r k\ FINISHED AND UNFINISHED FURNITURE STORE <w?Jzm KNOCK r.-t.'.; w <\ ON HUGE DISPLAYS FEATURING: .RoclmqH.n. • KitclMit Tablm a Badroom Furniture j Rod,,,, • nT*' * ChiWrto'j Furniture • Dividan & Sbahriitf • Dining Room Tobln . Dol, Hou... • Wicktr Baskets i; WOOD - ivi!,' if. r Dolt Yourself AND SAVE $$$ • Many SimM Gift ItBfflS OFFER GOOD NOW THRU DECEMBER 15. LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER. Mon.-Tuaa 104 Wad., Thurs& Fri. 10-8 Sat. 10-6 Sun. 10-4 REGULAR $39.00 CONVENIENT LOCATION ON RT. 120.'/« MILE WEST OF RT. 12 VOLO- IL 815/344- f-A A doll-li > - V I CHRISTMAS IS FOR DOLL GIVING -- especially Royal Doulton'a Chriatmaa Doll. Festively dreaaed in a white awanadown trimmed red velvet coat, Chriatmaa Doll ia lim ited to 3,500 editiona worldwide. The 14-inch doll b aug- geated to retail for 9195. mesm For Office Furniture! FOR THE BOSS High Back Executive Chairs by Black Mfg. Co. Mfg. List *44640 XMAS »*l*S0 SPECIAL aU SAMSONITE Reinforced Folding Chairs for gifts or entertaining NOW *8" uch BOOKCASES Wood Veneer-In Stock 30"-48"-72"-84" From *S$* to •143" ALL NEW "HON" Filing Cabinets and Desks 40% OFF Mfg. Sug. List FOR THE SECRETARY STEN0 CHAIRS 4 Styles and many popular colors to choose from New From •Sl-to'149" DRAFTING CHAIRS From»103" £1 *•<?. ' ' -0 Get a pair of Bostonian Blazers free when you buy a pair of dress Bostonians. For one week only, you can receive a free pair of Bostonian Blazers when you purchase any other pair of fine Bostonian shoes. A $39.95 value absolutely free! Only while supplies last, so act now! Ask to see our full line of fine Bostonian Footwear. Uncompromising quality. Since 1HW. 33 N Williaas St. kwitawi Crystal laki J15459-0613 NOR,Sat 1-5:31. Tlwrs !-! USED SWIVEL ARMCHAIRS SHARP From l75## BRAND Equipment and Supply Co VttD S MtW OfFKE FI/MI t IM( Prim 8sa4 TWa Oac. 137 N MAIN-CRYSTAL LAKE 115/455-4550 M-F 9-5:30 SAT t-1 00 II. AatotoSatoFriM FOR THE BOSS on a budget? NEW SWIVEL ARM CHAIR 4 Styles Several Colors From *99*° •lection Unlimited Fur...the superb gift every masterpiece Is designed and fashioned from the finest p l̂ts. Each creation is meticulously examined to Insure the Impeccable quality that has become our tradition. We have all kinds and colors of furs, especially mink of all colors RAISED ON OUR OWN MINK FARMI if m \ Jjieve o#e <mcl fjftteve tfo/icfa eotonb, "ô wnk' FURS By BILL TALIDIS at the Mink Barn COMPLETE FUR SERVICE • CLEANING FRANKLINVILLE ROAD, UNION, ILLINOIS . o -rr\ o 7 m,l#* •©uMwwal ol Woodstock oIUHAkjc on 17« 4 Franklinvilla Rd REPAIRS (ai5(923"41B3 Of a23-2181 Tuas. thru Sat. 9 to 5:30: Sun. 12 to $; Closad Mon •RESTYLING . .f- r * • ' > : > . .