Scout Pack 162 in busy fall season of awards 8ECTION2-PAGES PLAINDEALER-TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 22. 1»83 Pack 162 is ready (or another year of fun and excitement for the bovi. October was a busy month. Cecil Bays was welcomed as the new Cubmaster, also Diane Christensen Den 1, Maureen Jacobsen, Den 3; Rosemary Hansen, Den 7, and Len Har well, Webelos. Welcomed back were Vicld Smola and Sally Des Lauries, Den 2, and Mary Finch, Den 4. To start off the year, the boys went to the Pumpkin Patch to pick out the best looking pum pkin they could find so they could decorate it for the bf Halloween party that was he at the end of October. At the party the boys voted on who had the best looking pumpkin there and first place went to Den 4. Mary Finch, leader; second place went to Webelos, Len Harwell, leader, and third was Den 1, Diane Christensen, leader. Of course, it was no easy job trying to pick the best one, all the boys worked so hard and did such a fine job. Then the boys were judged on their costumes-the usual Count Dracula, pirates. Each den was judged, and then all the first place winners from each Den were taken to the stage and the top three boys overall were selected. Joff Godt was first Place winner, dressed as Dolly 'arton; John Hansen was second place winner dressed as a pirate and Ben Rusin was the third {dace winner dressed as a wolf.. Next on the agenda were the awards the boys had earned: Webelos, Len Harwell, leader: Jim Mays, 1-year pin, also perfect attendance award; Jeff Godt, 2-year pin; Steve Hajak, 2- year pin; Jeremy Jacobs, 1-year pin and Dennis Granel, 1-year pin. Den 1, Diane Christensen, leader: Bobcat Award: Chris Christensen, Ouinn Flores, Don Hensley, Michael Jones, and Chris Niemi. 1-year pin Joe Einwick, also perfect at tendance award; Shawn Ackerman, Lennie Harwell, Chad Bays, and John Hansen. John Hansen also received his Wolf Award. Den 2, Vicld Smola and Sally Des Lauries, leaders: Bobcat Award, Ray Anderson; 1-year pin Scott Peters ; 1-year pin and perfect attendance award; Eric Des Lauries, Ray Suberla and Andrew Serak; Arrow Points. Eric Des Lauries 2 Silver and Ray SiAerla 2 Silver and Ray also received his Wolf Award. Den 3, Maureen Jacobsen, leader: Bobcat Award: Bob Burns, Chad Hueckstaedt, Steve Johnson, Philip Sepke, Nicky Separdo; 1-year pin, Todd Smith; 1-year pin and perfect attendance award, Chris Welter. Den 4, Mary Finch, leader: Bobcat Award; Brian Anderson, Jeff Godt, Nat Green, Josh Nellis, John Neuhausel. Bear Award; John Finch; 1-year pin, John Finch, Matt Nitz, Ben Rusin, Jeff Stanish, Doug Youngwith, Matt Werhan. Proiect Soar Award, Jeff Standfeh. Recruiting Award: Matt Werhane ana Ben Rusin. At the end of the exciting evening, refreshments were served by Den 1 and Den 2. The big Father-Son Cake Bake and Decorate Cake event is next on the agenda. general Traffic fatalities rise rtation and Illinois State Illinois traffic fatalities during October increased by nearly 11 percent from October 1982, but traffic deaths for the 10 months of 1963 are still below the totals for the same period of 1982. There were 152 fatalities as a result of 136 accidents in Oc tober, an increase of 10.9 per cent from the 137 deaths in October 1982, according to ro visional figures released by e Department of Tran-£ sportat Police. The provisional total of 1,289 fatalities for 10 months of 1983 is a decrease of 7.2 percent from the |,389 deaths for the corresponding period of 1982, and a decrease of 16.7 percent from the 1,548 deaths for the same period of 1981. In October there were 26 pedestrians killed in 26 ac cidents. Winners in the Scout Pack 162 pumpkin contest are shown above. From left are Den 1, third place; Webelos, second; and Den 4, third. To show Air Force film on aviation experienced HEATING BILLS TOO HIGH? NOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE Q McHenry • 1175 ftfaindealer Th» McHwry Plaind*ol*r 3912 W. Elm StrMt. McHmry. II. *0050 •3 YEARS • $43.00 •2 YEARS - $30.00 • 1 YEAR .$19.00 •6 MONTHS-$10.00 am* Energy Command™ Oat Furaac* Nam* Addrast. City. Prices good in McHenry County The United States Air Force will present "Flightlines," a fast paced multi-image presentation iracing the dramatic growth of American aviation. This profile of powered flight will be shown at Crystal Lake South High School, 1220 S. McHenry Avenue, in a 45-seat mobile theater brought here from Dayton, Ohio, by the Air Force Orientation Group. Show times are 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 23. The 15 minute presentation highlights the progress of American aviation from the beginnings of powered flight to the aerospace craft of tomorrow. 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