47. '• f • «;'> Vv-"- general - - / Wait seeks reelection to General Assembly i-: r'$v Energy-saving program set Philip R. O'Connor, chairman of the Illinois Commerce Commission, announced last week that under the direction of the ICC, Illinois Power Com- has assembled an energy customers save energy and lower their utility bills. The program will assist customers in various portions of the company's service territory, including low income and senior by Cliff Ward Shaw--Free Press News Service A state legislator has to be an expert on almost everything, according to Ron Wait, a man eminently qualified for the job by that definition. A f a r m e r - l a w y e r - administrator-educator- accountant-businessman-and a legislator-Wait announced Thursday he will seek re election to his seat in the General Assembly representing the 64th district. Wait, a freshman, said he did a "fairly decent job" in his first year in Springfield. "In any job, it takes a few years to get your feet wet," Wait said. ANNIVERSARY. WE'VE BEEN SERVING THE McHENRY COUNTY AREA fOR 21 YEARS. AND IN CELEBRATION WE'RE GIVING SOME OF THE BEST TIRE PRICES OF THE YEAR! ALL TIRES ON SALE WOW! b*£ HURRY! HURRY! LIMITED AVAILABILITY ON SOME ITEMS SALE ENDS NOV. 30 PIKE m 1-11-13 HH 1.54 C-TU4 35.71 IN 1-71-14 JUL. 1.71 I-7U4 37.13 1.71 8-71-14 41J4 2J8 8-71-15 142.31 1 2.311 POWER STREAK II $2495 A-78-13 nww li.it.is •RMUnkiIH •SawttMtfwf paiyntv ctrt , [4417 I JJjjj •(Mfytar't Mst-wilMf Was ply tin nmwri 15x8 $27" 15x10 $33M WHITES-SPOKE ALL CUSTOM WHEEfl ON SALE LOW PRICES ̂ •LARGE SELECTION I TIEMPO The Original All Season Radial • $3795 L P155/M13 % Hack Plus 151 fU pita Fn hammi/w sin 1.H rmtmuim 53 31 1H PW75M4I/W 5141 2.14 hHfl3M4R/W N.1I 1 2.21 imnm «*m M* 2a B3.SI 2.31 Fhsrisreli is n 2iK RSTStlSim •15 2.71 R8/7915 R/V 73.11 2.N All SusM triad iesici for tractiaa in mi Hi see*; plis qiiet hi|kway ri it »Cas-saviit raiiil custrictiM • Over 18,M (rippiif etffis fir tractiM ARRIVA RADIAL ys SALE ma fn P17V7W1 Slack 51.• i.a name* 51.51 i.a rmnauwv 17* 2.14 mnaiiifl nil 2a raK7»i5i/s 75.11 2.51 «5/7*1S«'V 71.75 2.71 m/TSUif/v S4.SS 2a EVEN ITS FOOTPRINT TELLS YOU IT'S DIFFERENT P155/IW13 Black Plis 1.41 Ft! size PIICE FET Pitt 75114WlW 57a 213 P2B/75I15 V/V na 2a P215/75I15 t/f . 1471 2a P225/75I1S WfW aa 2.71 Original Equipment Steel Belted Radial EAGLE ST RAISED WHITE LETTERS SIZE U pi»7ai4 in P715/7W4 PVICE 71 a 75 72 2-25 10 |J P245M4 11J1 • i P225/7B15 a.47 2 a R P24&BI15 a. 12 2a Iff PS5/7M15 aa 112 HIGH PERFORMANC TRUCK MS ftPBCIAL! GOODYEAR UNISTEELII plus G167 RADIALS 10QQR2Q 11122.5 11124.5 3 POPULAR SIZES AT SPECIAL PRICES. FOR THE TRUCKER WHO WANTS THE BEST CALL FOR PRICES CLJLI El All-Terrain. All-Position Performer For Light Trucks and RV s sb ^ anO a. rA WRANGLER ALL-SEASON RADIAL $99°° P235 75115 SMlMVkiti lifers Pin 114 FIT •fit ttjctwa n tan wri tart * (ran) •Paffnltt i4m| rmlwKi flat stall kilM ttria|tt •taint witit linn titanil SIZE PRICE FET WRANGLER ALL-SEASON RADIAL $99°° P235 75115 SMlMVkiti lifers Pin 114 FIT •fit ttjctwa n tan wri tart * (ran) •Paffnltt i4m| rmlwKi flat stall kilM ttria|tt •taint witit linn titanil aiss tax 411 WRANGLER ALL-SEASON RADIAL $99°° P235 75115 SMlMVkiti lifers Pin 114 FIT •fit ttjctwa n tan wri tart * (ran) •Paffnltt i4m| rmlwKi flat stall kilM ttria|tt •taint witit linn titanil miss ma 424 WRANGLER ALL-SEASON RADIAL $99°° P235 75115 SMlMVkiti lifers Pin 114 FIT •fit ttjctwa n tan wri tart * (ran) •Paffnltt i4m| rmlwKi flat stall kilM ttria|tt •taint witit linn titanil 31119115 C 19.77 4a WRANGLER ALL-SEASON RADIAL $99°° P235 75115 SMlMVkiti lifers Pin 114 FIT •fit ttjctwa n tan wri tart * (ran) •Paffnltt i4m| rmlwKi flat stall kilM ttria|tt •taint witit linn titanil niiaaus 137 52 575 WRANGLER ALL-SEASON RADIAL $99°° P235 75115 SMlMVkiti lifers Pin 114 FIT •fit ttjctwa n tan wri tart * (ran) •Paffnltt i4m| rmlwKi flat stall kilM ttria|tt •taint witit linn titanil isaiunai ma ITS WRANGLER ALL-SEASON RADIAL $99°° P235 75115 SMlMVkiti lifers Pin 114 FIT •fit ttjctwa n tan wri tart * (ran) •Paffnltt i4m| rmlwKi flat stall kilM ttria|tt •taint witit linn titanil STaiBI 127 72 4.a WRANGLER ALL-SEASON RADIAL $99°° P235 75115 SMlMVkiti lifers Pin 114 FIT •fit ttjctwa n tan wri tart * (ran) •Paffnltt i4m| rmlwKi flat stall kilM ttria|tt •taint witit linn titanil . S9SS1B.S S(SL) 127.12 4.12 WRANGLER ALL-SEASON RADIAL $99°° P235 75115 SMlMVkiti lifers Pin 114 FIT •fit ttjctwa n tan wri tart * (ran) •Paffnltt i4m| rmlwKi flat stall kilM ttria|tt •taint witit linn titanil 111 WRANGLER ALL-SEASON RADIAL $99°° P235 75115 SMlMVkiti lifers Pin 114 FIT •fit ttjctwa n tan wri tart * (ran) •Paffnltt i4m| rmlwKi flat stall kilM ttria|tt •taint witit linn titanil CRYSTAL LAKE TIRE & BATTERY WYEAR 5505 E. N.W. HWY (RT.14), CRYSTAL LAKE 815 459-5114 or 815-459 1460 "McHenry County's Largest Tire Outlet" Hours: 8a.m. to 5p.m., Mon. fri.. Sat. 8a.m. to 2p.m. However, the Republican representative came to Springfield with his feet soaked, managing to pass five bills to the governor's desk. Gov. James Thompson signed them all into law. "I was quite pleased," he said of his success, "especially with the Democrats controlling things down there." He said he hopes to become an even more effective and efficient legislator next year. Wait never held an elected office until he got the nod from voters in November 1982 for the Mth District, which includes part of Woodstock and northwest McHenry County. He ran against Belvidere Democrat Judith Weihring. Before being elected, Wait worked with a number of civic concerns "that never paid a dime," be said. He added that he likes to work with people, and he sees his job in Springfield as an extension of that desire. His first year included appointments to the powerful House Appropriations Committee (where he said his accounting experience was useful), the agriculture committee (Wait runs a farm), the insurance committee and the rules and regulations committee. "You've got to have (legislators) who are well- rounded," he said. \ Wait's first year saw passage of his bills on tollways (for which he credited Sen. Jack Schaffer for "invaluable" help), horse racing, platting, and a bill that would allow the state to self- insure its employees. Wait said his legislation seeks to cut red tape and save money. "As a farmer, I know when times are tough, you've got to cut corners," he said. That philosophy of efficiency is one he said he brings to Springfield. Despite success as a freshman, Wait said he has received a political education in his first year, and learned about "give and take." "You're just one of 118 down there," Wait noted, adc ^iat legislators have to together to get the necessary votes to pass a bill. As a man who holds degrees in education, law, business and accounting, Wait believes schools are an important issue. "I consider education the top priority in the state," he said "The days when all you needed was a strong back to get a job have fallen by the wayside." Wait said he doefn't see the state changing the way in which schools are financed, and he said the government and schools have to do a better job "selling their product" to a public leery of tax increases to support schools. So far, no one has announced their intention to run against him, Wait said, at least he has heard of no one. However, Wait said if he must campaign, he will do so on Ms record of fiscal responsibility, reflecting his district's interests and ais a proponent of the philosophy that "the least government is the best government." "I try to be a representative of the people," he said. Wait was recently appointed to a statewide study committee to decide if Illinois needs a state building code. He was also named to the Tollway Advisory Board and the Agricultural Export Advisory Committee. Wait said he sees a need for state farmers to find additional markets for their products. Holiday events start Nov. 25 in McHenry The McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce announces the lttSt Ohristmas events schedule. On Nov. 15 and 98, purchases made from participating merchants will entitle the purchaser to a ticket for a free children's movie to be shown at 10 a.m. and noon Dec. 3. Dec. 3, a free movie, "Pinocchio's Greatest Ad venture," will be shown at the McHenry Theater on Green Street at 10 a.m.' and noon. Admission is by ticket only (obtained Nov. 25 and 28 by shopping in McHenry). On Dec. 10, Santa Claus arrives. The public is urged to join the jingle bells parade at East Campus parking lot at 12:45 p.m. and march with Santa and his elves and helpers north on Green Street to Pearl Street, then east to the park, where children can visit with Santa and help trim the Christmas tree with their homemade or naments. There will be carolling, hot chocolate and doughnuts and coffee will be available. The Toys for Tots program will be accepting donations that day. A week later, Dec. 17, Santa and Mrs. Claus will be in Pearl Park for visits* >: with children, and therav,Will be carolling during Santa's visiting hours ef 1 to 3 p.m. Children visiting with Santa will receive a free gift, and there will be hot drinks and doughnuts available. The Toys for Tots program will again be accepting donations. Dec. 11--17, a home decorating contest will be held with entries made by filling out the entry blank to appear Friday in the McHenry Plaindealer, or available at the Chamber of Commerce office and at Lakes Cablevision offices. There will be daytime and nighttime judging, with prizes being in the form of gift certificates at any Chamber of Commerce member business. Best of Show award will be a $50 certificate, with two honorable mention certificates of $25 each. Further limitations will be available on the entry form found in the next issue of this paper." Contact the Chamber of Commerce, 385-4300, for further information. I KIDS-HELP US WELCOME SANTA TO CRYSTAL P0IHT MALL, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, AT 10:00 AM. Be it the Miin Mill entrance to welcome the Jolly Fit Men home lor the Holidiys. Billoons will be given to the first 200 children welcoming Senti. Witch Sinti throw the switch to stirt the Crystil Point Express Tnin. Sinti will iho be enile- ble for photos ind visits ind his gifts forihe little ones. Psrents, bibysitting will be tvtilible for children under 12 yeers of ige on ill weekends 'til Christmes. This supervised service offers children the opportunity to drew « decontion to hing on one of the Mill itees or tike home while perents an shop our new stores full of merchsndise to satisfy ill holidiy needs. Route 14 ond Mom Srreer Crystal Loke A