Compare at s9 Pant and Top Sets Compare at s6 Toddler's Asst. Tops Everyday Low 7.93 pant and top sets available in three styles and bright coordinating colors. Elastic waist pants, long sleeve tops. Compare at 19.50 Jordache® Fleece Tops Everyday Low 9.94 Everyday Low 4.93 Toddler boy's or girl's fleece lined print sweat shirts available in ador able prints. Made of 100% spun polyester. Sizes 2-4T. Compare at s12 Misses' Smock Blouse s the latest fashion craze! Fleece lined sweatshirt top available in pink, blue, lilac, cream, aqua, and more colors! Sizes S,M,L. Perfect Gift For Christmas! Everyday Low 10.96 Ideal for work or casual wear. Choose from red,- pink, turquoise, or purple. Misses' sizes 32-38 Save 4.97 Ladies' Warm Wrap Around Winter Robe Infants' Bonnets and Hats For Boys' and Girls' 18.96 Our Everyday Low 23.93 o OFF Curl up in comfort and warmth. . .curl up with a thick, pile winter robe! Assorted colors. Sizes S,M,L. Everyday Low 4.93 and 5.96 Choose from corduroys, turs, bonnets with linings -- all for infants this winter! Available in assorted sizes and colors. ' Our Entire Stock of Fashion Jewelry OFF Everyday Low Prices Earrings, bracelets, necklaces, pendants, and more. . .all on sale at Hornsby! Also, a complete selection of children's jewelry available. Not available in Havana" Our Entire Stock of New Fall Handbags «0FF • 1 Everyday Low 1.97 to 17.93 Huge, complete, fashionable selection on sale! Vinyls, canvas, nylons, cordu roys, leathers, and more available in all the latest styles and colors! Compare at *8 Todaler Boy's Sets 5.54 Everyday Low 6.94 Corduroy pants and co ordinating long sleeve tops are ideal for rugged little boys! Assorted col ors. Sizes 2-4T. Compare at s28 Misses' Levi" Velour Tops Rug by" s t y I e velour tops fea ture fashion able twill collar, L e v i * b r a n d buttons, and a v a i l a b l e i n misses' sizes S,M,L. OF ST^JE Compare at S11 to 19.50 Ladies' and Jr.'s Blouses »/,V$ OFF Everyday Low 8 96 to 15 96 Our entire stock is now on sale -- from stripes to patterns to solids to prints. Stop in today for a huge selection to choose from. Jr's., misses', women's sizes Levi's WOMENSWEAR QUALITY NEVER GOES OUT OF STYUE Save up to 2.19 Revlon® Fragrances For Christmas A. Vi oz. Scoundrel* Cologne B. Charlie" Qlft Set 4.93f~« Jontue" Gift Set 8.64-"* Everyday Low 10 83 8.64 .6 oz. Jontue* Cologne 4.93 E. .4 oz. Charlie9 Cologne F. Chaz® Gift Set 4.93 Everyday Low 617 7.16 REVION Choose the perfect cologne for that special someone. . .and save at Hornsby! Revlon® brings you beautiful fragrances. . Hornsby brings you fantastic prices! HOP A7 tPrcv/"*- ffiffiSSSsfWs»s .Y°BKVJLUE Waver\y St. Kennedy Dr. mm. ctorF WITH YOUR SAVING . «an» ••MBSHSB"®5 Use our FREE lay-a-wav plan. A small de posit will hold your purchase. * Sorry because of space limita tion • our lay- a way plan is not available in Streator. Compare at s23 to S31 All Our Levi® Corduroy Pants and Jeans OFF Everyday Low 18 96 to 24.96 Corduroy is number one for winter sportswear! Choose from all colors, styles and sizes for junior, misses', and women's. Our entire stock of classic, dressy, sporty Levi' corduroy pants and jeans. :6ALESBURG-|| ̂ andW°26 :|%NE"o°̂ es«9ate P̂ a 27718 11-23/Page 3