PAGE 5-PLA1NDEALER-TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1W# Lakemoor/Lilymoor: FISH DONATIONS ACCEPTED AT LAKEMOOR shared by 1< undergoing Donations (or the FISH program, to provide a happier holiday for the area's needy, will be accepted by Donna Hall at the Lakemoor Municipal Building weekdays, except Wednesdays, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Non-perishable food items or money will be especially appreciated. Items will be local families who are _ _ hardships at this time. ASSN PLANS. All items donated for the bake sale held Nov. 12 were promptly sold. Another sale, which will also include hand crafted items, will be held Dec. 10,* at the McHenry State Bank, giving Lilymoor residents another time of helping their community meet monetary commitments through their own efforts and donations. Marion Vornkahl will again be one of the dependable workers whose help is ap preciated, along with all other volunteers. The snows will be soon, so paid up dues are to defray thai cost. One tow truck charge can be more than the yearly dues. Isn't it more economically sound and more neighborly to do your part in keeping roads clear? Send your dues to the treasurer, Laura 1008 W. Dale, give the grieving hearts some solace. BIRTHDAYS Birthday time for Barb Mieszala is Nov. 26, six days after husband Phil MieszalaV The 27th is B day for Betty Sinkler and Bill DeMarco. Marge Baker, Jong time former resident who has returned to her home on Wegner Road, also recognizes the 27th as her day. Two youngsters celebrate on the 28th; six-year-old Teri Jean Odarczenko and Brian Wright. Tracy Hueckstaedt, library volunteer, adds a year on the 29th. REFLECTIONS With no leaves on trees to deflect vision, it is again time to marvel at what can be seen. From my den window, the ex panse of Lily Lake reaches across to the activity on Route 120 and the homes beyond. It is fascinating to watch the cement trucks, transports and vehicles of all kinds travel Route 120 and be perfectly mirrored in the waters of Lily Lake; even though a span of ground of 30 feet or more exists between the L I water. It looks as if lire vehicles are moving automatically with exact twins traveling upside A>wn at the same speed. What wonders can be seen if we but take the time to ponder and enjoy. » GOD BLESS Meyer, at McHenry. BRIEFS CONDOLENCES Sympathy is extended to Pat Morrison and all her family the death of her mother Pi P. Hoffman, Nov. Hoffman had been with Pat Norm for many months, receiving the whole family's tender loving care. May knowing that all was done for her comfort that was possible COM ED RATE HIKE OPPOSITION McCullom Lake: ITEMS PRICED FOR BAZAAR Twelve ladies attended the Nov. 10 meeting. The ladies made final plans and pricing of their handmade items for the bazaar. Dec. 8 is the date for the Christmas party in lieu of a meeting. Everyone is to meet at 6 p.m. at the local restaurant and there will be a grab bag. Also, this year's dessert will be a sheet cakk Get well wishes are being sent to members Mary Kantorski and Ethel Reiter. SUCCESS The Beach Gals Bazaar and Bake S4e were a huge success. Reports were that there was a steady crowd and the baked goods were delicious. Everyone who participated, whether it was set up, renting a table, donating baked goods or clean up did a great job CONSERVATION Seven members were present at the Nov. IS meeting, which was held at the beach house. The club is still looking for northern for the lake. If anyone i of a place that sells them, please contact Harvey May at 385-7445. State biologist, Harvey Brown, tested the lake for fish )wth and population on the of October. Bluegill, bass and perch are growing well. A few northerns were reported also. Officers of this fine club are President Harvey May, 385- 7445; Vice-President Julian Setters, 844-1504; Secretary Bill Buhrman, 385-3701; and Treasurer Harold Bowlin, 385- 8910. BIRTHDAYS Belated birthday wishes are sent to Carol Dina who celebrated Nov. 18; Rich Wolf his gifts Nov. 20; and Brown toasted in another year Nov. 21. "Happy Birthday" wishes for this weekgo to Paul Bacon on Nov. 23; Phyllis White's special day is Nov. 25; Rick Morris turns over the calendar Nov. 26; Bill Mathison shares Nov. 28; with Paul Fischer and Rachel Nelson celebrating her first on that date; and Marie McKim and Jane Thorton celebrate ANNIVERSARIES ' Belated anniversary wishes are extended to Bill and Jean Reid, who celebrated 37 years of happiness Nov. 16; and to A1 and Georgette Turner, who had lust celebrated 17 years of bliss Nc iOV. 19. Anniversary wishes for this and Dorothy 23 with jversary w week go to Don Lorch sharing Nov. Roser and Lavern Loewe; Vic and Karen Sarabia will celebrate 18 years together on Nov. 25; and Jack and Bonnie Morris will toast 12 years of marriage Nov. 27. Governor's Office of Consumer Services has filed a petition to appear before the Illinois Commerce Com mission in op position to a $964 million Com monwealth Edison rate increase request. NAMED TO FAIR BOARD Gov. James Thompson and Chicago Mayor Harold Washington announced the appointment of Thomas Ayers, Glen Ellyn, a retired chairman of Commonwealth Edison, as chair man of the Chicago World's Fair Authority, the rule making body for the 1992 World's Fair. NO EARLY PRISONER RELEASE Gov. James Thompson an nounced recently he will not seek legislative approval of an emergency release provision, but will furtoer accelerate COL- struction of prison beds across the state. When she finds a Lane love chest under he Christmas tree, she'll know your heart iS hers. It's the gift that says "I love you your choice 19995 Pine veneers in a rustic pine finish: Imported fabric top. *479*s VALUE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL S*70 O* Pin knotty oak veneers in a light brown oak finish: Em bossed front rail. *459" VALUE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL I -- -- A -* If your're thinking of buying a famous Lane cedar lined Chest for yourself or a loved one. the savings will never be greater than now Both the warm country oak chest (above) and the stately cherry chest (below) are 44" long with a lavish Jacquard upholstered top. brass-tone hardware. a lock and key plus a written warranty against moth damage Pecan veneers with gallery rail and upholstered top in cotton velvet. *479** VALUE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL *379.95 Charmingly crafted of pine veneers with a full base drawer *479** VALUE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL *379 OVER 30 LOVE CHESTS ON DISPLAY i 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH OR LAYAWAY •90 LAKE AVE J (S15)33*4404| M&T * T# S MH •treitvtl kY 1 H4 2413 W. Rt. 120, East of McHenry 385-6730 OPEN THANKSGI^ ̂ |day| 9 AM-5 PM PRICES GOOD NOV. 23 THRU NOV. 29 & Calvert Gin Popov Vodka 1.75 LITER Scotch 1.75 LITER Harvey s Bristol Cream 750 Ml '5.9S Lew Mail rebate *1 .SO FREE BOAT SHOW Lejon Brandy Ten High Bourbon 1.75 LITER 1.75 LITER PRESENTED BY MUNSON MARINE $098 Your Cost THANKSGIVING WEEKEND NOVEMBER 26 & 27 9 AM t£ 5 PM BOTH DAYS Beck's Beer Hamm s Old Style OVER 100 NEW or f 36) BOATS ON DISPLAY See Th« 1984's 24-12 OZ. CANS *5.98 Less Mail Rebate ' 1.00 4-12 N.R. BOTT. 24-12 OZ. CANS v \ Silvefton Your Actual Cost hy ypUHWHB iLITY RECONDITIONED I •MAKE US AN OFFER* r\» r> /i\ German Coke, Diet Coke, Liebfraumilch.. Decaffeinated Coke 750 ML * ^•{California Cellars Wine 1.5 LITER Reg. *2.99 8-14 oz. $ BOTT. ALL BOATS AT SPECIAL SHOW PRICES BEATJ; EXPECTED PRICE fn* layawoY PLUS DEP 51" I Less 1.00 Moil Rebate Schweppe's Cigarettes $£98 Plus 10% HOLDS YOUR BOAT THIS SALE ONLY AT OUR VOLO STORE fU SPRING WITH GUARANTEED PRICE KINGS w TAX or Warning The Surgeon General ha* | QQ'j determined that tmokmg i* ^ngcrous 21 oz. N.R. BOTT 'Ŝ /̂ monne EACH to your heolth POWERED BY WHY NOT PLAY LOTTO AT SPORTSMAN'SI YOUCOULDWIN *2,500,000 THIS WEEK! STERN DRIVES 4 INBOAROS ONRT. 12 T VOLO. IL 5 MILES S. OF FOX LAKE NUMBER I SELLER IN STERN DRIVES 222 815) 385-2720