Auto Parts & 88 Accessories I' \<ifc l« - IM .MNDKAI.KR - FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 25,1W3 with eve7i D®tterV »ee LO^PcKed N'8 « 48*^ Kia bu,b 8 lT«tely lit ®n° need -- battel , y°u 0NLY $4995 Installed With Exchange plus pREE Bulb & Fuse Kit ' FREE! A *6" Value fltwiMrtf •ATSUN PARTS ft SERVICE HOURS Mon-Fri 7 30 5:30 14) One block west Real Estate For Sale IN BAMNNCTON (312) 381-7991 White House Doctor TeUs of Presidents' Health CHICAGO (AP) • When a president hat even a minor health problem these days, it's front-page news. Hii aidea hasti ly call a press conference and give out a multitude of facts, but it was not always so, says Dr. William M. Lukash. official White House physician to Presidents Nixon, Ford and Carter. From the earliest days of the Republic until relatively recent ly, the state of the president's health was often veiled in vagueness, if not downright secrecy, Lukash writes in the new 1984 "Medical and Health Annual." Most people know about George Washington's wooden dentures. Not so well known is the fact that he, as well as Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, suffered from a varie ty of chronic disorders including recurrent bouts of malaria. As the presidency grew in im portance, presidential health gradually became a carefully 00 guarded secret, Lukash notes. In 1893, when Grover Cleveland's doctors found that he had a cancerous growth in his mouth, the public was not in formed, Lukash reports. Although Cleveland twice under went secret surgenr in which a part of his upper left ia removed and replaced with a vulcanised rubber prosthesis, few learned about it. Woodrow Wilson's grave ill ness was also shieldedfrom the public, writes Lukash. In 1919. worn out by the prolonged and rancorous peace negotiations in France and the battle for American entry in the League of Nations, Wilson suffered two strokes that Mm for the rest of Ms l̂ife. For two years, WUson lived as an invalid and recluse In the WMte House. The facts about Ms health were known only by his pkptfdan, one or two done aides, and his wife who, also unknown to the public, assumed many of the president's executive duties. A similar shroud of secrecy fed over the deteriorating health of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944, because of his determination to seek a fourth term and a general concern abort national security in time of war, Lukash explains. Although it was later learned Roosevelt was suffering tram hypertension and heart failure and may even have had cancer, Automobiles For Sale his physician stated ooenly the president's health was excellent. "The secrecy surrounding his final illness was so complete that public reaction to his death in 1945 was s mixture of shock and disbelief," Lukash writes. The piercing eye of television changed all thst by providing int and vivid clooeups of constant ae-presidents at work and play, cording to the article. The i era of openness and publicity »n with the announcement in that Dwight D. Eisenhower had suffered a serious heart attack. From the very onset of the ill ness, all the media were aiven full access to the president's health records, with press of ficials and Elsenhower'sper- aonal doctor, Paul Dudley White, brieflnc newsmen at freouent in tervals. After recovery. Eisenhower resumed his full duties and even undsrwent ab dominal surgery while com pleting two terms in office. Since the time of John F. Ken nedy, presidents hove been sub jected to rigorous diet-and- exercise regimens to help them handle the stress that goes with the office, Lukash points out. Kennedy, an athlete at college, made physical fltnepo a hallmark of his abbreviated term. Since then, Presidents Jotaaon, Nixon, Ford, Carter and Reagan have carefully followed fitness programs, Lukash says. Johnson swam dai-Lukash says. Johnson swam dai ly, Nixon had an early morning calisthenics program, Ford . Carter tennis, and eyed golf and * end played 1 , the oldest man ever to is an avid hca ss Dec k rider. "Each president also has techniques for relaxation that help him unwind and regenerate his energy to meet the heavy roRxmsi bill ties of office," writes Lukash "President Nixon listened to symphonic music. President Fordrelaxed in the late evening by visiting in the private luarters witn Mrs. Ford and his children President Carter, an avid fly-fisherman, enjoyed tlM challenge of making his own dry flies, which required total concentration." None of our earliest praridorto, Lukash says, were specimens of robust health. ' In spite of the strsssss and strains they experience daily, presidents nowadays seem to be msde of sterner sniff, he adds. HELP US SELL THE FEW REMAINING HOMES IN CRYSTAL LAKE'S MOST CHARMING CONDOMINIUM COMMUNITY... AND WE'LL HELP YOU BUY WrtH SPECIAL low PRICING AffORDABLE FINANCING The atmosphere is ime a quamt co'omoi vtiioge fne *omes u'e spacious with imoamative room arrangements The location »s Ovs»a lake where recreation surroonos voo ana conveniences c»ose No wonder we re almost soia out Ana iust «o complete J OP we aor»e we want to sen the tew homes :ew So we re ottering spec'O1 incentive of,ces that can help vOu Duv now eniOy't a" now Don r miss Out 1, 2 ft 3 BEDROOM HOMES C#%A AAA tAdlixNT PERMANENT 39,900 ™*sE!r° ACOLONY Automobiles 86 For Sale m 119841 TOJOTAS VOLKSWAGENS READY FOR IMMEDIATE •DELIVERY! Quality Pre-Owned Used Cm $3488°° 1977 Celica GT UftbacW 1976 Ford F250-XLT Ranter with Plow Ready for Snow 00 Toyota Trucks at Blizzzard Prices / Crystal Lake Imports HOURS 5 9 Mon f r t 9 6 Fn 9 b ru Closed Sun EXCELLENT PERMANENT SALES Off IK mi MKT II TO S * i» vmrnmrn mm DiRfCTiOfcS fsfc* ;4 •'» to tec Hem, Aft South 00 teff H) 8*> ni Road an 8*" nj tOu'W Road CoHXiv iotj-f 'OCJ'M 1 Chat*».»!d f -OS 0| oilk p Rsttdsntisi Oewtopmem ••Group i The Confidence Builder J 5417 Northwest Hay Crystal lake 459 7100 THE Real Estate 72 For Sale PONTIAC'S PERFORMANCE SEDAN IS HERE IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! PONTIAC 6000 ^ ERA-RDG REALTY FINAL CLOSEOUT ON THE LAST REMAINING '83 & DEMOS 1 - 6000 LE 4 Dr. "Diesel" - Was $13266 - Now $11539!!! 2 Grand Prixs LJ 2 Phoenix 5 Dr. H.B. 1 Bonneville Wagon-Diesel 1 Trans Am-Save $1700 1 GMC S15 4x4 Club Cab - Was $12700 - Now $11100 THIS WEEKS GREAT BUYS ON USED CARS!!! 4507 W. ELM ST.; McHENRY 815-385-9394 We Offer Complete Computerized MLS Service For Buyers and Sellers '•3 Dodge 600 ES 4 Or.-P S. & Disc B. Tilt Cruise AAA FM Stereo-Rear Defogger Buckets-Console-A.T.-6,000 Mi.-Show room New!! I-Special $9195 '•3 Chevette Cpe.-"4" 5 Speed Rear Defogger 10,000 Mi. Special S4995M! '92 Bon. 4. Dr.-P.S. & Disc B. A/C Cruise Rear Defogger-Wire Wheels-Vinyl Top 27,000 Mi. 2 Tone Blue-Sharp!!!! '•2 Phoenix 5 Dr. HB-P.S. & Disc B.-A/C Tilt Cruise AM FM Stereo Rear Defogger 29,000 Mi.-Like New I!! 'II Olds Cutlas Supreme Br. Wgn.-P S. & Disc B.-A/C AAA FM Luggage Rack Dark Blue Extra Sharp Intermediate Wagon '81 Grand Prlx-P.S. & Disc B.-P.W & Locks Tilt Cruise AM FM Stereo Rear Defogger A/C Buckets & Console Rally Wheels-21,000 Mi.-Showroom New!!!!! '81 Phoenix Cpe.-P.S. &Disc B A/C Rear De logger Rally Wheels 32,000 Mi. Sharp!! '81 Citation 5 Dr. HB-P.S. & Disc B A/C AM FM-Wire Wheels 29,000 Mi.-Cloth Int. Sharp Only S5595!!! '80 GMC 3/4 T. 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Blue with White Vinyl Int.-Sharp!!!. '77 Mustang Cpe.-P.S. & Disc B A T Sunroof- Vinyl Top V6 Eng.-Wire Wheels A Green & White Beauty!!! mORMSBY MOTORS LU 50 N. Main St., Crystal Lake (815) 459-4566 PONTIAC • GM QUALITY SERVICE PARTS OINIIAl MOTORS CORPORATION nly $124,900 A HANDY ANDY Will do wonders with this 3 bedroom, maintenance free exterior ranch. .Har dwood floors, full basement, large kit chen, 165 loot deep lot. Make an otter. Asking $45,400 •%,- Surrounds this lovely hillside ronch directly across Irom Moraine Hills State Park.' Fiching, snowmobiling, hiking traits at your front step. 3 car copacity Sirages. One Year Buyer Protected, r ^ t -•. • new DON'T SHOVEL SNOW AGAIN Super sharp 2 bedroom Whispering Oaks Condo. All appliances stay. Detached garage & extra parking. One Year Buyer Protected. Just reduced to $47,900 PERFECT FOR LARGE FAAtyLY Beautiful 4-5 bdrm. tri-level, 3 full levels, 2 car garoge. Basement has steel work bench & lots of cabinets. All ap pliances stay. Located on 2 lovely lots w/lake rights. Buyer Protection Plan in cluded. $79,900. 2nd home available in package deal. America's only NATIONAL Multiple Listing Service Quaint summer or alfyr. round cottage. 1 bdrm., fireplace. Applionces stay. New lot w/storage shed & lake rights. Home could also be used lor 2nd in come. Only $23,000. 2nd much larger home available in package deal. You have to get home is spotless, a three bedroom home with nothing to do inside or out. Price reduced. FOX RIVER FRONT Beautilul 2 story waterlront lamily home in heart ol McHenry-city water 8 sewer, central air. upper & lower porches, pier, panoramic view up 8 down river, 3 car garage. Walk to stores, school, church, park asking$122,900 SPECTACULAR 3,000 sq. It. hillside ranch in exclusive Vol Mar Estates. 4 bdrms., 3 baths, lull linished lower level w/wet bar, c-air, central al.-rm, oil appliances 8 riding lawn mower. Horse barn 8 pool. 1 Year Buyer Protected Kimite Clnss Teaches Disabled Sell-De/ense ami Sell-Respect PHILADELPHIA (AP) - They came in whetichsirs, on crutchcs or cams, and they Item as best they can various moves and techniques that may enable them to defend themselves in the streets or within their own homes, should the occasion ariae The diaabled, Uke everybody else, are susceptible to the rigors of daily life - they, too, fall vic tim to muggers and other criminals," says Duncan Wyeth, Consumer Activities Director for United Cerebral Palsy. "And because they're disabled, they are too often eaay prey." Once a weak, usually on Satur day afternoon, approximately a dozen group members meet at the United Cerebral Palay Association of Philadelphia and crutch, uae him for support and hit him with the other cmtch, Wyeth advises "Being in a wheelchair can force the criminal to come down to your levtl. Kick the attacker and roll your chair away from him or grab the criminal with either your legs or arms and trap Mm ui your wheelchair, punching him about the face. "But dont overlook the ob vious - scream for help - your voice is one at the beat defenses you have," adds Wyeth "Learn to uae what you have, even if it's part of your body that doesn't Function 100 percent." Practicing, the studsnU take advantage of every bit of Vicinity, property attired in their gi (prourioed "ghee" t, the belted pa jama-like garment that ia the universal uniform of karate, for a 14-hour workout in self- defense This is a relatively new pro gram, estabiiahed by Norm Coo- stantine, 25, a black belt in karate, former recreation therapist at UCP and regional acfcnintstrator of Martial Aits for the Handicapped. Constantine was the victim of s hit-and-run accident and remains in a semi comatose state, but in hia abaence, volunteers trained by Constantine keep the program running. What Constantine has been teachi« is karate with modifica tions. A move normally made by someone in an erect position is adapted to the sitting position when necessary. If a person has limited uae of a leg. an extra movement with the arm is uaed. The teaching is modified to fit the individual. "In some ways, the handicap ped have an advantage," Wyeth says. "With crutches, your peach is probably Incrsaasd by three or four feet, and because you use crutches every day. your crut ches become part of your body. So does a wheelchair. "If a mugger grabe year leverage that crutches and wheelchairs and wobbly legs snd constricted hands can provide to wrestle their "attacker" to the around, all the wMie yelling for ^Constantine was a deman ding teacher, but we wouldn't want it any other way," said " Gennan- be tough with us, but we love Mm for heq>- pupil Dewan Jones of l "Norm had to be wim us, wn w* »»»• ii* us feel better about ourselves - you know, self-eateem." According to Wyeth. "The self confidence wWch these build cannot be streeeed enough. Many of the UCP dienU comsin- to the program wtth a poor self- image, but mastering some of the martial arts ridlls and techni ques gives them grester con fidence in themselves and their abilities which carries over into other aapecta of their daily living." The funds for this type of pro gram and other such activities are obtained from proceeds of the United Cerebrsl Palsy "Weekend With The Stars" Na tional Telethon, which airs January 14-IS, 19M. over 100 sta tions coast-to-coast. Cerebral Daisy is the moot widespread (Retime disability m the nation and affects 700,000 Americans today and 10,000 newborn infants each year, ac cording to UCP officials Florida n,462 Miles oj Roaii But (hly H64 Feet oj Tunnel By JOHN PLATEKO PORT LAUDERQAUB. Fla. (AP) -- Florida ranks flbd in sue among the states, has 1,107 milea of shoreline. 11,402 miles of roads, about 0,000 bridges --and one tunnel, an 0017-foot subter ranean passage that takes U.S 1 traffic under the New River in this coastal city. The concrete and steal tunnel Is one of the safest strips of Florida thoroughfares, although up to 1,000 vehicles an hour In each direction shoot through its covered by 4*inch yellow i of expo* faded from yean of expoaure to Earlier thia year, the tunnel unteeesl a thorough cleaning by a private contractor -- the first time since It was span New Md brighter lighting BB ftlio IniUlltd. Ri|kfllcr cxpUins the tunnel walls an alee washed down every sis i alkaline aowtian. Sefety lathe primary concern of thoae for the "There has never been a serious accident in the tunnel that I'm aware of," aavs Ron Register, the Florida ^Depart ment of Transportation maintenance engineer for Broward and Collier counties. Called the New River Ttanoal, it took five years to build and waa completed in 1M0 at a coot of 00.4 million "It would coot at least three ttaea that much to buHdto- "We never allow traffic to move in two directions in see tabs," explains Register If bc«fa lanao of one direction are dooed, traffic ia rerouted on streets above. An electronic device measures carbon monoxide in the tunnel M boon a day .and huge fane path feed) air through ventilation tubas te keep gaaaa coats run a year, Includiiu salariee of the two-man tuanei work force -- electrician Jimmy Sheehnn and Ma assistant. Waa Bacwar. The tunnel runs north and south; each luedwaj has a pair of 12-foot laaaa. A email ia located in few uae it. There's a 14-foot clearance at mean low water between the top of the tunnel and the river'e sur face above Register explains thst since the zigzagging New River is shallower in other sec tions. it's impooaibie for a vassal ever to make contact with the "We do keep en eye open when •% haa bean at the tuneal for a years. The tunnel's 3-foot watts sre Automobiles 86 For Sale EigM phones Oahad to the Fort Lauderdale police station are meed out fc the tunnel and tasre are dson at thrse intervals so in an emergancy, anyone trap ped below could move te the op-etube. Fire heee coneec-ire apoced througheitf. Flertriral power « auppUod from t^poi^stetienatoWh haa a lorn cmenratcr mentor Hla| r t * m |(fc as^assiy^iaila I# A, inw can m wwiiiiuciiir • vnc and Bacwar la water. Heavy aeaaonal raina In South Florida often aend tons of water caacading down the tunnel to ita loweet point 40 feet from the roadway above Thirteen pumpe an available to dlapooo of that. Shaehan and Bacwar Uke their ^ yd have na daeln lor a transwr. lueir iwiaw com- -r" > <i. 4' PFAFF AUTO SALES The Lartjrst At/to Oeaifr m Hi'riutitul Downtown Huntli'y 669-3381 669-3382 1972 CHEV. IMPALA WAGON - V-S, auto $295 1975 PONTIAC CATAUNA V-8, auta $1698 1975 DELTA ROYALE COUPE LomM $2698 1976 BUICK SKYLARK 4 door, 6 qd., auto $1998 1976 F0R0 LTD - 4 door, 1976 0UB CUTLASS MMG0N-V-8, auta$219S 1976 PONTIAC GRAN PRIX • V-8, auto., Air $2898 1977 OLDS CUTIASS T COUPE-kadtd $3898 1977 CHRYSLER COR. DOBA^ow mite, sharp. $2898 1977 H0RNET-4 drM 6 oL, «rta . $2298 1977 D00GE ASPEN WAG0N-6 qfL, auto. $2198 1977 BUICX REGAL LAN- DAU-V-S, auto, win whtob, sharp $3898 1978 OLDS REGENCY-4 dr. *** $4998 1978 PONTIAC CATAUNM dr., extra doan $4198 1978 BUtCK REGAL iAN- DMkomoit, budwts $4698 1978 FORD MUSTANG4 qd, auta, km milai 1978 CHEV. V4 Torv4 »/cn*. - $3998 1978 FORD % Ton-6 w/cap. We have available for anyone wtth credit for aN the cars Nat this ad. financing Nftthgood ~ In