I |' \I;K IK - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25,1983 general yci ICI a i News Explore hidden history of UFOs at MCC Nov. 28 Sullivan seeks GOP nomination By Angela Burden Shaw Free News Service McHenry County Associate Judge Michael J. Sullivan is seeking the nomination of the Republican Party for the office of resident Circuit Court judge in McHenry County for the 19th Judicial Circuit. A vacancy will occur in that office with the forthcoming retirement of Judge Leonard Brody. Sullivan was first appointed associate judge of the Circuit Court on Dec. 4,1976. Since that time he has been reappointed twice to the position by the circuit judges Sullivan said that he has enjoyed serving the people of McHenry County and the 19th Judicial Circuit. Sullivan, 42, was born in Chicago and raised in Aurora, where he attended Catholic grade school and the Marmion Academy. On completion of his studies at Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa, Sullivan attended the Notre Dame Law School, where he graduated in 1966 with a degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence. Sullivan and his wife, Margaret, have resided in Woodstock since 1969. They have four children, For many years there has been speculation that the U.S. Government knows far more about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) than it has told the public, and now, at long last, this is known to be true, according to UFO researcher Robert Hastings. He will speak on "UFOs-The Hidden History" at McHenry County College Monday, Nov. 28. Hastings says that a 1974 amendment to the Freedom of Information Act has allowed UFO research groups to successfully sue the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other intelligence agencies, and win the release of thousands of pages of once-secret documents about UFOs. These, and other declassif ied documents, together with recent disclosures by former military intelligence officers, leave absolutely no doubt, in Hastings' mind, that the government possesses a massive amount of evidence that UFOs do exist, and that it has engaged in a long-standing cover-up of the truth. He stresses that the material presented during his lecture is based not on speculation, but on documented information once hidden in the secret files of the CIA, National Security Council, Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and U.S. 6 Air Force. Among the once-classified items which will be reviewed during Hastings talk are: 1) a 1947 analysis from Air Force General Nathan F. Twining to the Pentagon, which concludes that UFOs are real, describes their appearance and flight characterist ics , and > v recommends a secret project to study them further; 2) a 1975 series of Defense Department documents reporting a number of UFO sightings at nuclear missile sites and atomic bomb storage facilities, and 3) a handwritten memorandum from then FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover revealing that the U.S. Army has secretly recovered at least one crashed UFO. Hasting says of his research,"My own extensive research on the official policy of secrecy spans a period of more than ten years, and results from my involvement in * an important, and still classified, incident at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana, in 1967, which convinced me of the reality of UFOs and of a cover up of that reality." Hastings has been invited to speak at 8 p.m. in the college's multi-purpose room j>y the MCC Student Life Committee. "UFOs-The Hidden History" is a 90-minute presentation consisting of a 30-minute slide- tape program followed by an illustrated lecture. Questions from the audience are encouraged. All area residents are cordially invited to attend. A small j admission will be charged. THE BIG CHILL R 1 FT! ft SAT 6:454:45-10:45 ANNIE SUN-MRS 6:45-1:45 ' p* 2-4:15 k II ̂ | IV 1 k I • • 0. A % • -- THE BIG CHILL R 1 FT! ft SAT 6:454:45-10:45 ANNIE SUN-MRS 6:45-1:45 ' p* 2-4:15 NIGHT IN HEAVEN • FH. ft SAT. 2-4:154-304:30-10:15 SUH INN MRS. 2-4:154:304:30 THE CHRISTMAS STORY PC FBI ft SAT 2:30-4:30-4:30-1:30-10:15 SUN TMNJ THURS 2:30-4:30-4:30-1:30 AMITYVILLE 3-D Pi FRI ft SAT 2:154:30-7-9-10:45 SOIL THM THURS. 2:154:30-7 * W ( I O I ) M ( H K I I I I \ I K l M \ IN ^ I Kl I I I i is i 011 IIH *MJu.in - \ ( lnlts 2; I I \ I ni l i i I >11; M.i lnw i s | |)o Xl> Martini: I rul; i \ ( . I M EVIL DEAD R MT&Y 749 O SPFCIAL MATMB HH-UTSM WONDERFUL WOtLD OS THE NtOS. GMMM X 2:30-430 CHEVY CHASE DEAL OF THE CENTURY Ft imautf SNCuiMiae m-uiSM ANNIE P# 24:15 HELD OVER! + + + V4Rog«r Eb«r1 Special Friday Matin**: 2:00 38 P&AP* I M|l CIBHKM4IS COW' <TR1: 2:00, 7:00, 9:15 ' SAT. /a SUN: 1:00, 3:15, 7:00, 9:15 MONDAY thru THURSDAY: 7:00, 9:15 SPECIAL MATINEE: ANNIE (PQ) FRI. 2:00, SAT. 4 SUN: 1:00, 3:15 McHENRY 1-2 BARGAIN MATINEiS SAT. & SUN $1.50 D O W N T O W N 3 8 5 0144 $ 1.00 TILL 5 PM A l l CanOc S T A R T S f R I D / V V H " , e u l > P R I M I SS JAMES BOND NEVER SAV NEVER AGAIN PC FW-SAT SUH 1:45-4:15-4:45-9:15 NON-MRS 6:45-9:15 TOM CRUISE ALL THE RIGHT MOVES • FW-SATSUN 2)14:30-7-9 NON-MRS 7t» DEAD ZONE <R) • * * Vi Roger Ebert-etarring Christopher Walkan A Staphan King thrillar combining psychic gifts, a •o*a story and a praaidantial campaign. FRI. S MON. thru THURS: 7:00, 9:00 SAT. a SUN: 1:00, 3:00, 7:00, 9:00 Need Santa volunteers Hubert Mortimer, of Wonder Lake, is in charge of securing volunteers for a holiday benefit for the McHenry County Senior Citizens Council. Needed are Santas, Mrs. Santas and photographers for two-and-a-half hour and three-hour shifts at Crystal Point Mall, starting Friday, Nov. 25. Persons willing to donate time are asked to contact Mr. Mortimer at (815) 653-9349. Job applicants receive help through workshop Jobs are hard to come by, and the competition for them is fierce. It is important that the job applicant submit a resume, or summary of experience, that properly represents his or her qualfications. McHenry County College Counselor Shelly Kaplan is conducting a "Resume Preparation" workshop Mon day, Nov. 28, from 6:90-8 p.m. that will cover the basic rules of resume writing and the various forms of preparation. Ms. Kaplan will talk about differnt types and formats of resumes, how to prepare one, and elements common to them all. She will provide information on such things as how to ef fectively organize a resume and key words to use in writing one. She will also discuss when and where it is proper to submit a GIVE THE GIFT YOU'LL RECEIVE TWICE A WEEK 52 TIMES A YEAR ...THE McliENRY PLAINDEALER AT $5.00 OFF! resume and what a resume can and cannot do for you. For example, Bis. Kaplan says, "No one was ever hired just on the strength of their resume." The applicant has to be able to sell himself after the resume gets his foot in the door. There are limits as to what you can expect a resume to do for you. The workshop is being held in room 143 of the Main Hall Building at MCC, which is located at Route 14 and Lucas Road, between Crystal Lake and Woodstock. A registration fee is being charged. Register at the college Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 5:30-8:90 p.m., or on Friday from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.mm. Registrations will be accepted at the door if seats are available. If you plan to do so it would be wise to call the college at 456- 3700 the day of the workshop to ensure that space is available. Plan as well to arrive at least 20 minutes prior to the workshop's scheduled starting time so that registration paper work can be completed. f(THIS COUPON NOT VALID 8EFORC NOVEMBER ». INI m You'll also receivc FREE the T.V. cable & network listing guide DOUBLEVISION, covering all 32 channels. Servicing Community Cablevision & Lakes Cablevision! 0 mm ̂ -I • v'AwS •VvS'iWf SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SUBSCRIPTION OFFER! 00 OFF SUBSCRIPTION PRICE! (Regular $19.00) So why wait? Order one for yourself or order one from a friend and save $5.00! For only $14.00 you'll receive the Plaindealer every Wednesday and Friday 52 weeks a year. 1 YEAR NOW S14°° ! hurry...Offer Ends Dccembcr 31 st! GOOD TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS ONLY IN McHENRY COUNTY QIANT DELUXE PHOTO ALBUM •lltfaa. ••»laa. • WmVT With aach roll of color print film davalopad and prfntad, starting Nov. 25th whlla supply lasts. t . • Limit two per customer a No eerty orders • tji--i----M A wlnlmaa B r|n(. j a^flfl e Ow FREE atmm psc qualttytng ordr fflflflnQflflonnnfloflnonflcowownnflflftmnftftfiflflflaflA, o'.'At, mm Area news, sports highlights, community features, advertising specials and coupons, plus Double Vision TV book are just a few of the many pluses you get when you subscribe to "Your Community Newspaper", the McHenrv Plaindealer. 7 |lp %•" J For Fast Processing Of Your Subscription Clip Out the Registration Blank Below And Mail or Bring to Our Office by Dec. 31 st! Ramdealer 3812 W. Elm St.-McHenry Phone 385-0170 I I I L Mchenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., Mchenry, IL 60050 1 year subscription special. *5"° off NOW ONLY 514°° OFFER GOOD TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS ONLY IN McHENRY COUNTY, i Name. City GOOD THRU DECEMBER 31,1983 Street No. _ State. Zip. $1400 REMITTANCE MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER BOLKR MM STORK 1259 N. MEEN, McHENRY, li 315-4500 SPORT FANS... I BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW Brought to you by Phil Ooffling It SHmi hard to believe, but the National Football league championship game 'on* year was played on a field that was only 80 yards long instead of 100-and despite such a short field, there was hardly any scoring! ...The title game of 1932 was scheduled for Chicago, but a blizzard came, and officials moved the game inside to an arena where the longest they could make the field was 80 yards...The Bears won 9-0. with oddly enough, only one touchdown and one safety scored on that short field. * •'* * Here's one of the most fantastic records ever made by any foot ball team...It was made by the Army team of 1945 that featured those two greats, Doc Blanchard and Glenn Davis...Army set an all- time record that year by AVKRAGING 7.9 yards per playl...lmaflne • team averaging almost • yards ovary Him they put the ball In play all season...That's a record that may stand for a long, long time. * • • Whan was the first time a football game wos ever on television?...First foot ball telecast in history was Sept. 30, 1939...The gamo was between Fordham and Waynesburg and it was tolevised in New York City. • * , * I bet you didn't know...that whatever your needs may be, McHenry State Bank's Lean Department can help. Whether H be a home Improvement loon, school loan or auto loon, Keith Leathers and I are ready to put together the right loan for your noeds and budget. Com* in today or call 315-1040 McHENRY- sir STATE BANK