MONDAY. NOV. 21 become marooned In a deserted mountain cabin during a raging snowstorm. AIM* Baxter, Dole Robertson, Miriam Hopklnt 1952. CD CD i CD MOVNh 'Missing' CD MOV»: © 2 $ QD MOV*: Kit. Ma, KIM Ma' A police investigator load ing into the death of a young tchoohoacher it discouraged from har wort whan her super iors think they olreody hove the criminal. StaMo Stevent, Michoel Anderson, Clouda Akins. 1976 €0 Jomes Lofton CD 38 Another Ufa CB (381 ® CNN I 12:45 AM CD nnr> CD MOVK: *Menky Tank MM' 1:00 AM O est Now* CD Critis Counselor ®l 6D i €0 Tha Marv thaw CD <38 owighf' CD Jm Franklin Show 1:15AM CD SportsCenter 1:30AM O Lava 2:45 AM w 3.-00 AM m o CD Vis. C§y§ HibIHi C0i CZD MOVK: "Oieocfc and CD (38 3:30 AM O MOVK: *Oay Cinllt* GDbart Roiond, Mar tin Garralaga. 1944. CD Boeder's PI gait UfaHma CD MOV*: 'Making Lava' €0 Now* CD 38 This Is the Life Q) Atarica 4:00 AM CD MOVM: ' Jonls' A look at Janis JopRn through stage appaoroncat, can did interviews ond recording iat- tiont. Jonis Joplm, Big Brother and tha Holding Company. CD Taka Chargat CD MOVK: 'Konny Rogors •• TK« QftmbUf' i 60 At Twohro €D <38 French pu 69 Vartad Programs CD Sign On/News 4:30 AM lk) Growing CD 98 CD Children's Fund €0 O NaikvWa Aftar Hour* O Chiidem's Ch»t. Relief CE) LA. 'S3: Amorican Cup M - Duat Final! CD Natura of Things © MOVII: "Chorir CD (38 Dwight Thompson CD MOV*: "China Doll' Cap tain, itationad in war-torn China, unknowingly purchases old bag gor's baoutiful doughtar. Hit on gar turns to iova ond thay marry. Victor Matura, Lili Hou, lob Mo- thiol. Stuart Whitman. 1958. 2:00 AM O Today In Chicago O INN Nows CD USAIOC Woman's Gymnastics CD Cvorybody's Children CD MOV*: 'An Offkor and a Gentlemen' CD CNN Headline Naws 60 CIS News Nightwatch CE) Six Million DaHar MM CD 38 Celebration CD MOV*: ••ringing Up toby' Archeologiitt. tociolite huntert rfl d two leopordl (on* wild, ona tome) odd up to o cloi tic comedy. Kothorine Hepburn, Cory "Grant, May Robson. 1938 2:15 AM O Reflections 2:30 AM O Mary Tyler o Laugh-In CD Auto Racing 'U: DIRT Schaofor 200 from Syracuse, NY CD Charila Rasa Show CD MOVW: *A Clockwork Oranga' CD i CD 69 Three'i CD People's Court 09 (S) la anwadaii ffi) Wheel of Fortune €0 FM Mogailno CD <39 Uvfng Stones CB Adventures of Black CB 981 CD i ©i 7:00 PM 0 0(23)€D O CD 69 A Team The A Team is hired to prevent the sa botage of a skyscraper project. (60 mm.) Q M0 Paradise O CD 0D J«it Oar Lack CD Nova 'Captives of Core.' Potienti at on institution for the handicapped rebel ogointt on administration bent on controlling them (60 mm.) (Closed Captioned] CD Sports Look CD Cablo Health World CD Man's Gymnastics: 1983 Caesars Paloco Invitational CD MOV*: 'A Clockwork CD (38 Hawaii Flve-O CD MOVK: Tha Godfather1 © Playboy's Hat Racks ® <8) Rolando Uttd 11/29/83 6:00PM O O O O (28 CD CD @9 CE) News O Dandn' USA Q 8amay Millar CD SparteCawtei CD MocNtil/UHrtr N«wtH- f«r 93) SI (CD Untamed World CD Radio 1990 CD Happy Days Again • CD Natura of Things CD (38 intartainmont Tonight © MOVM: Tha Kid From Brooklyn' A meek milkman turns boxer by a freakish twist of fote. Donny Kayo, Virginia Mayo. Vero-Ellen. 1946. CD (2$ Pre* cont'd © Texi CD (38 Bible Baffle @9 Going Oreat CB 38 Three's Company CD Carol Burnett CD i CD (SI Kay Arthur CB The To CD N. 8:00PM MOVM: -O ambler If* Part 1 0 CD CB Remington Steele Remington ond Laura dis cover that the infant left on their doorstep is the only grondion of an underworld kingpin. (60 min.) O NoahvMto Now o CD CE) Throo's CD Vietnam: A Television History 'Peace Is at Hand (1968-1973).' WhiU Americans and Vietnamese continued to dash in battle, the diplomats in Paris finally raoch an accord for peoce after four long years. (60 min.) [Closed Coptionod] © SI 99 Nova 'Captives of Core.' Patients at an institution for the severely handicapped re bel ogoinst on administration bent on controlling them. (60 min.) (Closed Captioned] CD Regis Philbm's Health m PM Magaiina CD (38 Today in Bible Prophecy CB Against the Odds CB 98 Bowling Game CD MOVM: Texas Across tha Rivar1 A young Spanish no bleman fleet to Texat after being accused of killing hit swee- fheort't fiancee. Dean Martin, Alain Delon. Rosemary Fortyth, Joey Bishop. 1966 CD News 7:30 PM O Fandango O CD CE) Happy Days 93) SI 98 Mystorious World CD NHL Hockey: Now York Islanders et St. Louis CD 'est Forward SD Dueling for Playmates m CD MOVM: Tha Boat' CD <3$ Sottd Oold © MOVM: "Susanna* 60 Camaras in Action 60 (28 Fantastic* 60 Tk Tec Dough CD (38 Jomes Robison CB Arts Playhousa CB 98 MOVM: •Slaepaf A contemporary Rip Van Winkle turns the year 2173 into a ilop- itick carnival. Woody Allen, Di- one Keaton, John Beck. 1973. CD MOVM: The Amwing Howard Hug has' Part 1 This ttory traces the life and career of one of the world's most wealthy ond mysterious men. Tommy Lee Jones. Ed Flondors, James Hampton. 1977. 8:30PM O CD CE) Oh Madeline Madeline thinks Johnny Mathit it an impersona tor Robert hired to ting at her high school reunion. O News CD ESPN's Ringside Review 60 Joker's Wild CD (38 Power Unlimited 9:00 PM 0 CD S) Bay City Blues Sunny fleet her abu- tive husband, ond Frenchy liet to hit wife about an extra-marital affair. (60 min.) 6:30PM O CD 38 S) Family Faud o You Can Be a Star O (23) WKRP in Cincinnati o NCAA Basketball: Notre Dame vs. Indiana CD NCAA Basketball: Notre Dame at Indiene 9D SI 98 MocNoll/Lohror Nowshour a WARSAW INN ON S ROUTE 31 IN McHENRY A Delic IOUS Polish American Smorgosbora Everyday House Specials Roost Beef Bobed Ham F^K.H«l»en frosh Polish SousaQt Pototo PoncoWes P»erogi\ Bl»n»/es ViuD I 2 Soiods J? Desserts ond much mu(h mo»e LUNCH: TUESDAY-FRIDAY 11 :30 2 :30 DINNER: TUESDAY THURSDAY 4 00 9 00 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 4 00 10 no SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS NOON 8 00 FOR RESERVATIONS, PLEASE CALL 344-0330 CLOSED MONDAY