PMMM THURSDAY. DCC. 1 and 'Kitty and 1 QD 3$ MOW: Prom Now York' A faSen hero Qttt a Mcond chanct when ha IHm to mew the President of the United Stoles. Kurt Russefl. ffî MOV* UtojWi W>T A go to the moon Tom Tryon, Man Keith, MIMIIKI O'Brien. 1962. « Q) <2g) 'CharyNn' CD Tk r« Dowflk €D 99 MM <ukii>iri Sprang S'f< Jfoirv noiow* © 99 MOVtC: IMe IflVflfl Um 1̂ A widower ond i-i- M. !L. I -»- At,!,. I vlH IWolnJr Vy<nw to estobtish now roots on the ho- zordout frontier. Gooey C. Scott, Andrew MM, Glenn Cor- bett. IMS. •s30PM •as Chun Dick Covott uggnti (hot Sam write Mi mwitoiri, ond Norm'i wNo becomes the 'prise' 93)® 99 Top Sac. Ufa of LI ® <9 Voko of FaHh • 4 5PM 0 M N w T M t Old HOMO 940PM o o o e Knots landhtg O ® © M« Stooaf MOM It. Hunter becomes devostotod by the disclosure that he wo» a bag man tor corrupt detectives, and Coffey and lata* they how* a good COM against a taxi cob company owntr until a wit- Mil ifMMgi * surprise (60 min.) ID World Sportsman 1 (TP Q| (TO Vietnam: A IWWlHill IllVIvy rVOCt It o» Hand (196S-1973).' WMo Amancans and Viotnomos# con* tinuad to dash in battla, tho di plomats m Paris finally rooch on yaars. (60 min.) (Oosod Cop 1] ID ID MOW: *Vko Squad' 0 99 CD 99 too CM €0 CHilt Coumotor 99 Treasure Hunt 945PM ® i 1040 PM CD A © |D CD © i O Hulwii After Hoars 9$ CD (19 MiMs S (D Naturo of Things ID 99 Nowfywod Omm I M'A*S*M I Mo of tpftaa 99 CD AM hi MM 10:15PM Ĉ *d{ SCCA Nkiw Tvddo-AW 10x90 PM CD Tmpp* John, MA. A mentoRy refolded young man and a sarcosMc old thing vduabh to dbf each othr. (R) (60 min.) O D ToMghf Show Guest L A B 1 ^ B , ! m IWII JVWI IUVWI N FOVNW WY rm* (60 min.) I AN In Hm Paadly (33) ® 99 tafmlgbl ID 99 ® TMcke of HM CD MOV* Hanky Tank I MOW Take Off 60 Taxi CD 99 Jim takkor CD <39 TWso's 1140 PM ® MOW:'Po»M ood Mies owner pesos as a worker to in- lodteeMghf Oaf MOW •WaHiaks' I (8) Veronica, • Rostra 9:15 PM CD History of HM il 940 PM O Yesteryear In Mas* 09 Quests to be MOW: 'Darby's »• In this story of the gal lant exploits of the American RoHgsrt, ColeuM WVam Darby leads the assault on North Af rica. James Gamer, f tcMka Cho- roau. Jack Warden. 1958. M4fWf-|| ||||| 0 ( 8 Ufa and I P 99 Ohab That 1 99 TwMgM Ions 1240 AM O (29 MOW WAITH- Two womon bottif oQoiwit oocfa othor in ordor to bo oioctod pcoi* a nJ _ nntifmnl 1. . .|li|» n i reiexii zotion. Lourofi Oiondo iockton, Honry Gibson. 1979. ISHL SB Woman an 1240 AM "rfww vn CD MOW fort safenei causes the i his miStary outpost by the Apochas due to his own stub bornness. John Wayne, Henry Fond* Shirley Tempts. 1948. H9 loteMgM Amarica ID Hamee lanwMy 1 MOW: 'An Offlser and Arthur, Charles Cobum, Robert Cunimings. 1941. ID Radio 1990 ID Nsl Forward IB MOW •Mamlgwer' © MOW *Smaeh Patoee' CD Tonight thaw Guest host Joan Rivers is joined by MscMa Presley and Mwfe Manner. (60 min.) 3D TMcko of MM MgM €D 99 Am Bakker 69 <39 laugh In CD MOW: Tho Mark of MM Hawk' An educated African, elected to the legislative council, soaks equality for his people by peaceful means. Sidnoy Poitier, John Mclntire, Eartha Kift. 1956. CD CNN HeadBm News 11:15PM ID NCAA Sodtcî cil' ^Hfwiiiiicfcfi of LSU 11:30PM O MOW lava far Ransom' Roger Quentin and his partner are hired by a millionaire to find his kid- nappod doughtar. John David son, Barry Primus, Richard Lynch. 1977. W MOW D MOW laeerMeef A tssnoger finds an afion ray gun that enables him to destroy his enemies. Roddy McDoweN, Mi chael Rayo, Kim MWord. 1976. €0 CD 99 Anothor Ufa CD 99 News/Sign Off After Hours 119 Tap AMoMNCMy.NJ ID Nefwre of ThMge 0 <9 ttar 2iOOAM CD Today In CvltW Cowtooto# (D MOW farce FWe' ID MOW: «llw T^̂ P ^̂ mn^gT wlw v̂ €D NIC News Overnight CD Iwfertolnmenl Tonight CD The Merv Shaw Q) 99 Anewor CD Joo FrankUn Shaw 1*15AM ID SportsCenter 140 AM & lava 09 The SoM Help Shaw 6D MOW: •Nafhahe' ® CNN Heedhm News CD 99 J**ry FatwoM CD MOW "Comsat In PfefroM* An American dancer in London mistakes an heiress for a chorus girl and woos her. Fred Astaire, Joan Fontaine, George Sums, Grade Alan. 1937. 2:15 AM CD cts Now. ** »••!--240 AM 12:45 AM CD MOW: *Owet la My DesHny' After starting a new Rfe with his bride, o bitter ex-con is arrested for murrimr Irstse* msfrmiil Priefilr. nmrvor. jonn vjofti# IO , rnKHtO lane. 1939. 1:00 AM CD cts Now* ID ID MOW Tho long ID ladtos Night Ovt ® 99 Jerry FafwoK 245 AM CDMOWOOOP VaNoy* A mountain girl taHt in love with the escaped convict she is hiding. No lupino. Dane dork, Wayne Morris. 1947. 340 AM I * First in Qualify * First in S«l«ction * First in Savings * First In Sarvka First in Homo Entartainmant Including Zanith TV's Sony Radio's Complata Homo Entartainmant Cantors 1 4400 W. Ufa. 120 McHanry Rta. 47 ft Country Club ltd. Woodstock