I* MSK I - IM.AINHKAI.KR - FRIDAY. NOVKMRKK 2S. IMO general News The new and the old in McHenry education That was the week that was. It was Back To School Week for me. HONORED ON BIRTHDAY--Dr. Richard Farmer, left, presents Earl R. Walsh with a birthday cake decorated with a school house. Walsh vAyo was a STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE CATUMO guest at Landmark School's "Old Fashioned Day", holds greeting cards made for him by the first graders. First it was down to East Campus where Dennis Welter, Director of Special Programs, had invited a group to see American Education Week in action. I was impressed and surprised at the enormity of Learning Management Program. Some students are gifted in one direction while others learn another way. To round out their learning program, Dennis directs a staff of 15 teachers, 10 instructional aides, one secretary, one school psychologist, one social worker and a director. Federal and state funds assist in carrying out this program which covers both East and West. I had no idea the special learning (urogram was so big. Students who are guided through to graduation will always be thankful. With a folder full of material to read, I will know more about the efforts and concern of our schools toward improving the educational goals. •K. 3rd SAT. 7><U4M̂ C *4 1/ifMCtUd 'P&UruUtt Twelve- Orime Wi One - IxK) Portrait Two - 5*7 FwtnlU «•*•» *•» • m* mm *» pmmm $J4-W : iMitw m Inn MMSBY'S MARKET PLACE CENTER MCHENRY, a. Professional Family Portrait fcckage i 6 2*mIO-, (A V m m m t m t y m m r f m ^ m t m a m d Otfm Umataad k / -- y ( M O T o r | « • at kgmi amm param* mtamt tm kattadad im par+att. Wmmaty parwa* pat kaf amy mat ka No Appointment AfttM Evening* Only 6p.m. to 8pjm. lad ONLY WEB. Hot Fll. UNLIMITED SEASONS PASS still only * 12900 (plus tax) WITH THIS AD! AND OPEN HOUSE Americana Ski Area I LAKE GENEVA, WISC. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM 1* BUY & SELL USED SKI EQUIPMENT * Ski Shop Displays * Ski Care Seminars * Ski Patrol Demonstration * Ski School Display * Movies * Season Pass Sales - SEE WHAT IS NEW-- Room Package Information - Snow Making Exhibition REFRESHMENTS V CALL FOR bETAlLS - 248-8811 Ext. 669 Americana Lake Geneva s&SOST HWY 50 EAST LAKE GENEVA Your home! B-1 Bi-Level Level B 2 I B-3 Bi-Level " R-1 Ranch w/opt. Garage It's the Great American Dream Series complete, on your lot starting at $36,000 * Great choices. Compare these beautiful homes -- ranches, multi-levels, two to four bed room models in traditional and contemporary styles. All specially priced! Oi;der your new home now, to be built between December 1983 and March 1984. It's the perfect time. You not only get a special price, you can enjoy FREE APPLIANCES--quality Ken- more refrigerator, dishwasher and electric range. Ask your Wausau Builder for details. Duplex Homos See him for plans, ideas, & free appliance offer. 'Standard Ranch R-1 Model on your lot Final price may vary depending on local conditions. See your builder for full particulars BAUMAN CONSTRUCTION 1114 N. SEMINARY AVE., WOODSTOCK, ILL. 815/338-2759 Cooperation by all concerned is the name of the game. Next came a real fun day full of surprises as Mrs. Glenna House, Landmark teacher, invited me to their special day. I was chosen because of spending 12 years in the school now named Landmark. After telling them about the smart remark by John Looze, "Did it take you 12 years to go through grade school?", I ex plained the school in my day housed both the grade and high school students. Both adults and children were garbed in early day clothing, long dresses for the girls and a mixture of combinations for the boys. Even saw one pair of red suspenders. The students were guided around the assembly- gynmasium area by their teachers to see many displays of interest. Leading all questions were "How old are you?", "How did you get to school?", and "Did you have slates or pa^erio write on?" Explaining that my home was only a block from the school didn't suffice. So-I told them of my days on the farm and riding my pony to school. Both boys and girls thought they would prefer a pony to a school bus. One little boy asked if I tied my pony outside the school. Uiat brought on an explanation that my father had a horse barn as did many people near the school. Most of the high school students from the farming area came to school with a horse and buggy. For two dollars a month, you could rent a stall. One girl who opened a parasol over her head with class, had to explain it wasn't to shed rain. I don't think the kids could see much use of a parasol unless to keep away the rain. When they learned how the ladies of another era wanted to protect their lily white skin from 4he sun, the kids looked at each other in wonderment. Betsy Ross was there in the person of Glenna House's mother, showing how to rank** a quilt. Dr. Fanner, Supt. of Schools, was present and gave me a real surprise. Somebody learned my birthday was two days henoe. It was a happy experience to have the children present me with cards they had made in their classrooms. I loved it. This wasn't supposed to be my day, but somebody baked ana cleverly decorated a birthday cake. As I was leaving this eventful program, Dorothy Hollander showed me through her learning center, the school library. «•% :! The library if in the building in front of the school. '< Never knew what that building * housed. I was enjoyably surprised to * see 2000 books. That is probably 1800 more books than we had, even in high school. Dorothy reads to those ldn- ^ dergarten and first grade pupils. % And, of course, she has music! After all, she taught music for 18 years before the schools had to abandon the course in an economy measure. "Blessed are those who <» engage in lively conversation ; with the helplessly mute," reads . the sampler in Dr. Chapman's .. office, "for they shall be called .V dentists." Contributed •, Wayne Gaylord leads the . group of co-workers in laughs abOUt the HaHng of thia •> in the questionaire on page 2 last week. , Instead of "So I Hear", we were listed as "So Here I Am". ... y I hear the chart was made up elsewhere. Whoever did it, gave some people a lot of laughs and knocked "So I Hear" right out of the box as far as votes are concerned. Will have to try a little harder. >Ch trj Note to Joan Althoff. The paek you out Day was great. I didnt light up a cigar all day. "Red" Tourville has patented a new twist to delivering a bowling ball. It's an overly developed hook known as a dunker ball. It wears out the gutters, >bui saves the wear and tear on the alleys. Our mention of Captain Dan : came out as Captain Don last i week. That was close. The answer to high heating bills.. W\ It's the most important gas furnace breakthrough »in over 40 years. The Pulse furnace slashes your heating bills with efficiency vastly superior to other fossil fuel furnaces. Payback on your initial investment takes just a few heating seasons. If we can't convince you, your current high heating bills willl Call or see us today. ° , DOWE AND WACNEIt HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORK AIR CONDITIONING 542 W. RAND RD. MCHENRY 385*0468 lENNOXi AIR CONOITIONINO • HEATING <