7 - I'l.AINDKAI.KR - FRIDAY. DECEMBER 2.1«M • \ •/ • '2' Ringwood: six CHURCHES MEET FOR POTLUCK, TO EXCHANGE IDEAS •Je Last Sunday evening, members of six area churches met at the Ringwood United Methodist Church for a, potluck supper and combined * charge conference. The United Methodist churches par ticipating were Alden, Ingleside, Greenwood, Mount Hope, Spring Grove and Ringwood. In attendance for the meeting were Bishop Jesse DeWitt of the Northern Illinois Conference and the Rev. Sandra Hoke, Elgin District Superintendent. Ministers of the various chur ches, as well as lay members, participated in the opening worship service. Each church group then met individually to conduct election of new officers and vote on matters pertaining to their church. Following the supper, the members broke up into discussion groups for some exchange of ideas as to how the smaller churches could work together and carry out ideas. Special music for the evening was presented by Kay Nowlin and Bruce Paulsen. A combined choir of all the churches sang two anthems during the worship service. It was a very enjoyable and inspiring evening for everyone. CELEBRATIONS A big surprise seventy-fifth birthday celebration for Mrs. Frances Schmitt (Georgia Bauer's mother) was held at St. Peter's church hall in Spring Grove with approximately 170 people present. She was told that she was going to a surprise baby shower and it took her quite a while to realize that the surprise was really for her. Mrs. Schmitt is one of 11 children and half of them were at the party to help her celebrate. The festivity was hosted by her seven children, Donna and Ed Condon, Leon and Judy Sch mitt, Dennis and Verna Schmitt, Gary and Kathy Schmitt, all of McHenry; Jack and Bev Sch mitt of Spring Grove; Barb and Don Wagner of Eagle Grove, WI; and Georgia and Rog Bauer of Ringwood. Included to help with the party were her 32 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. A good time was had by all, with lots of visiting and reminiscing. Dorothy and Urban Bauer held a birthday party for Dorothy's father, Harvey Jones, Sunday, Nov. 20, at their home on Barnard Mill Rd. His four children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren were all in attendance to help him celebrate his eighty-third bir thday. 4-H BUSY THREE Members of the Busy Three 4- H Club and their parents held their achievement dinner recently at the Ringwood School. Jeannie McConnell, a member of the County 4-H Federation board, spoke to the group about the 4-H Federation. Sandy Slatter, who lived in Germany for six weeks, presented a talk with slides on her visit there. She also showed some German money and books she had brought back. Prize money earned at the County Fair on their various projects wass presented to the members. Tiffany Letezia Reporter U.M.W. MEETING The Ringwood U.M.W. will be meeting at Alice Peet's Thur sday, Dec. 8, at 12 o'clock, in stead of 12:30 as previously reported. This is the Christmas potluck luncheon and everyone will bring a dish-to-share. Secret pal gifts will also be exchanged at this time. Each member is asked to bring a box of Kleenex, the large man size, to be delivered to Sunset Manor Nursing Home. Anyone of the church is welcome to contribute to this project and they may bring the boxes to church on Sunday. COOKIE EXCHANGE Have you contacted Nancy Daurio, 653-9906, about par ticipating in the cookie ex change? Why not give her a call right now and tell her you will be coming to the Koffee-Klatsch Wednesday, Dec. 7, at one o'clock? It will be nice to have a variety of cookies for the holidays without having to do all the baking yourself! SNOW DAYS Tune in - don't call in! This is the message from the Ringwood school about snow days. Now that we have some snow, we need to think about the possibility of the Ringwood School being closed because of too much snow. School officials keep track of any major storms approaching and the weather conditions are monitored beginning at 4:30 a.m. The decision to either open schools as usual or cancel classes is relayed to radio and television stations, Helping Hands and district staff, so tune in. In cases where storms occur after school is in session, of ficials may order early dismissal of classes. In that case, the media and Helping Hands will be notified as soon as the decision is made. Buses will transport students as usual. NEWCOMERS Here we are to continue our story about Phyllis and Wally Mircinisk. Phyllis, Wally and their two little ones moved to the Ringwood area from Johnsburg and are making their new home at 5310 N. Ridgeway. Daughter Christine and son Jeffery, I'm sure, will soon love it as much as their mom says she does. Phyllis, being a former farm girl, is looking forward to the spring and getting out into their big yard. She works part time and does some volunteer work at school one day a week. Also, she and Wally are enthusiastic snowmobilers. We are so glad to welcome the Mircinisk family to the Ringwood area and hope they will like it well enough to want to stay forever. HAPPENINGS Greg and Karen Bazilewich and children Nickie, Guy and Troy, spent Thanksgiving Day with Karen's brother, Ed Kerwin and family in Lake Villa. They enjoyed a delicious dinner with turkey and all the trimmings. There were 12 relatives on Linda's side of the family, from the Chicago area, enjoying a complete home grown turkey dinner with Chris and Linda Ferrara and family. The day was also special because they celebrated Emily Ferrara's second birthday, falling on Nov. 24; and there was also cake for David, who became 12 Nov. 28. A typical old fashioned Thanksgiving was at the home of Terry Freeberg and Sharon Julin. They had Sharon's mother Marty; her brother and his family; her sister and her family; all from the Dixon area. Terry's two sisters and their hubbies and family from the Elgin area were there, too. It was a first for the girls - en tertaining, having a big dinner, and both families at the same time. All enjoyed the day. Patti and Dan Hanson, Erik, Lee and Scott enjoyed the company of Dan's parents, the Vern Hansons of Woodstock Thanksgiving day. Patti prepared a delicious turkey and dinner and Doris and Walt stopped in later. Lynn and Kevin Bauer sons spent the big day with Lynn's mom, Lois Weber, in . Johnsburg. Bob and Martha Betts spent turkey day with their daughter ' Doloris and hubby David Commella and little Nicholas. - Others attending were David and Kim Betts and son Jonathan . of McHenry; Debbie and Bill \ Bork and son Aaron; and Bill's parents of Chicago. They en- ; joyed Doloris' delicious dinner and seeing their grandsons. BIRTHDAYS I "Happy Birthday" to Keith ) Hanson (Barb and Jeffs son) way up there in Wisconsin on < Dec. 6; with Laura Baker ad ding another candle Dec. 7. Dec. I 8 is thai special day for Pam (Low) Kehoe and her nephew ; Scott Miller. Byron Sowers will.. add another candle Dec. 9; with Cindy Barker (Darrell's wife) and Linda Hosier adding another candle to their calces. Sigurd Jacobsen and Irene Olson will celebrate their special day Dec. 11; with Dec. 12 being a very busy day for Katy Jane Glessner (Betsy Fossum's) Georgia Hogan, Jim. Pearson, Paul Walkington and Eric Bruce all celebrating. • We wish all of you wonderful people a very happy day and many more to come. lagic Sleep HOLIDAYS HOSPITALITY \ \ < > < ) l ) M O < k I M l \ I K l \1 \IN s | KM | i,,vl (Ml I lu V(Iiilis 2. | 1 \ I ikIi i I >(l. 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