YKi.V. 4 - PUWMALFL -ITC8NODAT, MCKOCS}, general News • " » One-man protest on 5-foul basketball rule Crime of the Week Yon can take the boy off the sports page, bat you cant lake the sports page off the boy. This week Crime Stoppers Is seeking information on a burglary to the United States Post Office In Marengo. Sometime daring the night of Wednesday. August 10, a burglar climbed a ladder to the roof of the post office located at 223 E. Grant Highway in Marengo. Crawling through ductwork, the burglar gained entry to the building. Once inside, the suspect took numerous post office suppbes. burglar including 375 postal cards, 805 20-cent envelopes, and 90 20-cent envelopes embossed with a white eagle on a brown background. Total loss to the post office is near $300. Police investigators believe the may have acted Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards of up to flJOt for information to the arrest and filing of criminal charges against offenders. If you have any information about this August burglary to the Marengo Post Office, or information about any other crimes, call Crime Stoppers at 815 456 4900. Crime Stoppers, which is sponsored by the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce, assigns secret numbers to anonymous callers ' who provide information Callers are instructed to call back at regular intervals to find out if any suspects have been arrested as a result of confidential information given. If there are arrests, the Crime Stoppers board of directors then meets to determine an appropriate reward. A secret meeting is arranged to make the cash reward payments. It is early in the season for my annual sound-off about the S4oul rule in basketball My is that free So. they had to cut some out. ft Ionian bad. You didn't miss auytlnug good --And maybe I to help this Early or not, I've i on TV to stir me into my usual one-man protest. out of the lor foob? So I Hear Tonight in a TV teleconference Merrill Lynch answers your question: "WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH MY ja&rr Heres your chance to hear Merrill Lynch anal1 the AT&T divestiture and the new opportunities it oi you Listen to the top-ranked research team of Wail Street bring you information-packed reports on the seven new phone companies and th* reorganized AT&T by Earl Walsh A player has three fouls called on him so the coach has to yank him and save him for later in the game. Right there the coach has to weaken his team If a player is aggressive, he is going to have fouls. fo football, the officiate march off a lot of yards agaiust a team without thoughts of a player being outfed. Such things as interference in baseball can be called without thoughts of a player being toased out of the game. For a dirty foul that causes or "light cause injury, bounce the culprit out. Give 'em the old heave-ho. To be fair to the fans, give them a chance to see the best lineup in action when the out come of the game goes doom to the wire. Tefl me, dear rule makers, is there anything so sacred about the game of basketball that sets it apart from other sports? Would you believe?! I was encouraged to write longer columns. So I did - last Friday. Whoops! A phone call told me they made up page 4 without leaving enough space. That's show business. Others have met the same fate. m just have to remember not to get carried away again. Mrs. Eveline Larkin died last week at the remarkable age of 102 years. A grand person and beloved school teacher was this lady. Former pupOs from Irish Prairie turnMl out for the wake. The Bolgers were there. So was Bob Adams, who ranked third in his class of three. When the Swedes invaded Irish Prairie. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nordin enrolled their little daughter, Lillian. Lillian came to the wake and probably many others were mere at duttrcnt tones. As I remember, people got sick in' the night, not during the night. gentleman who got sick In the night and his wife sprinkled holy water over him. '* Not until morning did she realize she had grabbed the bluing bottle by mistake . JUST THINKING-- When we were Idds, our mothers told us that wearing boots or rubbers in the house would give us weak eyes. Warren Weber was called from this earth last week. We are sure his winning smile and keen sense of humor will spread cheer in heaven. With other birds, a pair of cardinals paid us a visit almost daily during fine weather. Along came cold weather and snow and our fine feathered pair deserted us. IlLjhet a dollar to a doughnut that Teresa Conway and Kenny Diedrich are furnishing heat in their bird houses. Famous last words: It is just something that has been going around. My grandmother told of an old Christmas walk raises spirit, money In order to raise money for their parish, some North siamora, Connecticut, reaorrms started an annual tour called "A Christmas Walk." Early in the season hundreds of people paid for tickets to visit nine homes to see handcrafted ornaments, festive wreaths, and elaborate table settings. Afterwards, the group met for luncheon in the church hall. This project helped to spread the Christmas mood and also gave ideas for their own homes, plus the church netted thousands of dollars. They'll t« , __ perform in the newly competitive telecommunications held and the protected economic climate of 1984 Before you make any decision, take advantage of this vital report from Wall Street Don't miss AT&T: New Investment Opportunities on Channel 3 at 7:30 PM Lakes Cableviskxt, loc Morrill Lynch IliB i m - - - • g *»• U, W Merit Lime* note Fcm* & Sm«Mnc A C C /jpyrtft* Nt f ) Memtl U/nrh Fenrwr & Smith Inc Membet yPC Bill Fitzgerald Of ? Shamrock Really Says!!!! F.H.A. removes ceiling on interest to be charged on T home mortgages and the number of points to sell ers and buyers. Advantages? Lower selling prices due to negotiation on price and points. A lower down payment, fixed rate, assumable mortgages with government guarantees. This has no effect on V.A.-guaranteed loans that are now 12'/a%. Why not start the new year off with a new home, in many cases, with as little as ̂ down. Call us at 815-728-0424 / Wa ll help. OVER 200 RECLINERS IN STOCK WITH OVER 100 ON DISPLAY UK. SCNWEICCM FMM.YIMMSCI •*1842" Value* I*1099*1 2 PC. FRANK UNC UVIN0 BOOM SCT •M310" ValuJH •5799oc I ALL RIVER SIM IUVMB BOOMI •M STOCK! 35% OFF ACTION WALL SAVER 3 POSITION RICUNIR IT weeds! g09" ValiJ Ll*9'fl ALL COLONY NOOK •UVMCROOMB •W STOCK! 35% OFF 3 PC. COONTBYUVMO •ROOMCRI r930 Valu3 699" •299" Value '239" M I SOT ROCKER/RICUNKR »359" Value •i n» STRATOLOONOCR L0-0ACK RKCUNERS 4 Only Value* to *559" %nr* EN. 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