Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1983, p. 16

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I » \< ;K I f i - IM .A INUKALEI l - FR IDAY, DECEMBER B. 1983 33 Garage Pets& Sales 44 Equipment MOVING SALE I UNION Nil Stacy Lam Knolltop Subdivision Doc. 10 ft It, 12-4 pm Dining Rm. set, washer ft fridge, lawn tractor, n.filv. rm. furn., tools bdrm. furn., ft misc. 015/923-2302. MCHENRY Moving Sale 1411 Richmond Rd. Dtc. 9; 9-5-Dec. 10; 9-4 Rafrlg.. hlde-a-bod, sofa, and chairs, tools, snowblower, mower, tv, tv stand, Shopsmlth Mark IV, sawing macnlne ft misc. FREE KITTENS to good homes, gray ft whits famala, calico famala, 9 wks. old, llttar tralnad. Call 515/355-4055 after 3 pm. GERMAN SHEPHERD AKC pupplas. Put a puppy undar your Christmas Traa. Larga bonad, all shots. $130.515/335- •611 aftar 7 pm. CANARI ES-Home ralsad. Male/Female, Good singers. IIS/331-1311 CANARIES mala or famala, homa ralsad, malas 140, females $20.115/459-7434. Sala Moving Crystal Lake 122 Heather 9am-??, Dec. 9 & 10 2 living room sets, kitchen sat, kitchen appl., 3 bdrm. sets, washer ft dryer, stereo, color TV console. ^ 35 Antiques MA00SQ. FT. warehouse of an­ tiques at the most reasonable prices In the area I John Ken­ neth Funderburg ft Sons. Anti­ quarians, wholesale ft Retail. 2111 Newburg Rd., Belvldere, IL.51S/S47-5104. Bicycles & Sports 36 Equip, j MEN'S SCHWINN Bike- 26 In., w/lock, $75. Great Idee for Chrlstmes giving. Call 515/355- *221 i BMX BIKE- A Great Christmas Glftl Excellent con- i dltlon, many extras for light weight, $Yso. Call 515/459-3751 oftorSpm 38 Boats OUTBOARD MOTOR Johnson, 25 horse power, $250. 10 horse power, Johnson outboard, $450 515/3(5-4570 BOAT COVER, extre heavy du- I ty oiled canvas, 16 X it ft., grommets every 3Vi ft., $275. j 312/639-1253, eves. AKC OLO ENGLISH Sheep Dog Pups, Shots ft wormed, Ready tor Christmas. Taking orders now. Call 1/414-72S-9613. . DOBERMAN, AKC. housedog, gentle ft playful, loves i children, 414/177-3955. 39 Musical Instruments GUITARS- Brand New at wholesale prices, save 40-50%. Accoustlcs, electrics & bass guitars plus strings, straps, picks, drum sticks, cases & much much more. 515/305-5353 forappt. GUITAR Ibanez Special watt Ampeg emp. All access. Incl. All top performance equip. 115/330-742$, after 9 pm. PRE-CHRISTMAS WAREHOUSE SALE A small deposit will hold the Piano or Organ of your choice at the lowest available price. SAVE BIG-SAVE NOW Cell: RoselleMusic 312/697-3366 Mon.- Thurs.-1 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sat.-9 A.M. to 6 P.M. ELECTRIC ORGAN w/slttlng stool, $25,312/420-1(24 after 6 pm FISHER PIANO Service. Tun­ ing ft repair, guaranteed. No electronic tuning aids used. 312/65$-6193. - HAMMOND CONSOLE organ w/bench. Twin keyboerd, rhythm section, $500. Call $15/459-6449. CLARINET Wooden, exc. cord $175. H5/3$5-$474. . WOOD CLARINET for sala. Artist brand name. Exc. cond. $135,115/331-2359. LOWREY '12, Pageant orga with rhythm section, txt .$1500/ cond. m xc. i/best. $15/455-2357 rga Sale. Prices stert at $395. Bel Morford Piano & Organ Com­ pany, 72 Fountain Square Plata. Elgin, IL. 312/741-0700. HOLTON CORONET Ex. cond. $175.00 $15/3$5-9640 LOWREY PIANO Barely used, $1300. $15/337-0167 DRUM SET eight piece, 6 mon­ ths old, like new,$650 . 312/639- 653$ after 6pm GULBRANSON Model E Organ. Appraised- $1,500; Sell for $535/best. $15/459-0118 after 7 pm. MATTEL SYNSONICS drums w/power adapter, like new, $100. $15/33$-9720days, 815/338- 5637 nights TRUMPET, Bundy Student Model, exc. cond.. $175. Call $15/459-47$2 after 4 pm. BASS GUITAR Gibson Grab­ ber. Exc. cond., $300/best. After 4:30 pm $15/338-2803. UPRIGHT PIANO Best Offer. Needs reflnlshlng. 312/428-5624. HAMMOND SPINET organ w/bench, L-Serles, $450; Trom­ bone w/books, $100. 815/459- 0174. BUFFET CLARINET (wood) w/case & acc., exc. cond.. $325; Student 3/4 size Cello, w/bow 4 soft case, $135. 312/639-8253. eves. Pets& Equipment 44 AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD Puppies bred for protection and working abilities. German blood lines. Call: 815/648-4358. FREE TO GOOD home, pup pies, Lab mix, In time for Christmas, 312/426-2378 NEWFOUNDLAND 11 wk. old female $200. Beautiful bl Good with kids. 815/338 TWO KITTENS to give eway, 1 black, l white, male. 10 wks old. 312/426-5703. GERMAN SHEPHERD Im­ ports, AKC, Sire Benno Von Haus Kuhn. Exceptional quali­ ty, brad for temp., dlsp., ralsad with children 815/923-MI8. 2 MALE DOGS-1 Golden Lab/Shepherd, 6 mths old, Miniature AKC Poodle, black & white, 815/728-0919. FREE TO good home Dalma­ tian and Eng>"i Setter mix, 4 yr. old male jves children, very affectlor^e. 815/459-3236 after 10 a.m. PERSIAN KITTENS blue, black ft tortl, males ft females, shots, $200 & up. Will hold for Christmas. 312/888-1265. ALASKAN MALAMUTES, AKC, 5 wks., 2 males, 2 females, great with kids, $250, 815/459-7677 FEMALE SHELTIE Small. 1V> yr» old. $50. $15/675-6267. FREE to good home, two edorable kittens, 6 wks. old, both multicolored, litter train­ ed, accustomed to people. 312/669-3662. SHIH TZU PUPS AKC, 1 female, 2 male, blondes & stripes, $275 ft $300, 815/459- 8475. GOLDEN RETRIEVER Pups, AKC, Champ. , OFA, bloodlines. Reedy for Xmas. $200 $225. 312/639-1334, eves. & wknds. CANARIES Good Singers & Cages 312/639-2622 FREE TO good home, femele Siberian Husky. 815/344-5030 after 6 pm COCKER SPANIELS, American, 2 black malas, champ, sired. $75 ea. 515/725- 1929 eves. PERSIAN KITTENS In cream, blue 8i white, and calico adult. Beautiful pats for Christmas. $100-$250. $15/455-4160. CHRISTMAS PUPPIES, Pek­ ingese, Poekapoo, Sctineuzer, Sheltles exotic blue, Dwarf Bunnies, Free English Setter female. 312/613-4677. SCHNOOOLE PUPPIES, black ft silver, M/F, $35 ea. Call aft. 5 p.m. $14/344-4693. MINIATURE Schnauzars AKC Ready for Christmas. 312/741-4394 44 Pets& Equipment FREE PUPPY female. 12 wks., mixed bread, paper traln­ ad. Very good w/chlldren, • • Chr" ' ssr for Christmas. 312/425- 9 MONTH OLD female cat, Free In time for Christmas. Ra- coon coloring. 815/459 1435. FROMM DOGFOOD-hlgh quality at reasonable prices. Call Frelamma Shepherds, 515- 569-2596 eves, for prices and discounts and delivery In­ formation. SHIH-TZU PUPPIES, AKC registered, bred for quality 8. temperament. Call 515/455- 3034. COCK-A-POO, female, good with kids, 4 yrs., must part due to allergies. 312/658-9447. FERRETS ,2 male, 2 female, $25 each. Litter box trained. $15/385-7253 GERMAN SHERPHERO, AKC, puppies, bleck & tan, registered, well tempered, 5 Wks. old, 815/455-4266. FREE KITTENS three, cute 8i cuddly, gray & white. 10 weeks. 815/728-1617. GERMAN SHEPHARDS, AKC, champion sired, shots, axe. w/klds, will hold for Christmas, $100 & up. Call 815/338-6161. 47 Horses & Equipment SADDLEBRED MARE, REGISTERED, K ing o f Magic/ Wing Commander bloodlines. $600 or best. 815/338- 9272 after 5 p.m. MOVING Must Sell. 12 yr old half-Arab mare. $650 . 312/392- 0582 or 815/455-4620. STIDHEM 6 to 8 horse trailer. 7 ft. Gd. cond. $2800.815/337-0450. REG. ANGLO-ARAB Proven grey mare, 14 yrs., spirited but gentle. Must sell now at below cost, $600. Call 815/338-6261. Farm & Dairy 48 & Equipment Products LOADER, Michigan 55A series 2,4 wheel drive, VU yd. loader, $6,500. Massey Fergeson 30, In­ dustrial, tractor loader beckhoe, $7,250. International 504, Industrial, landscape trac­ tor, $3,750. Massey Fergeson 30, Industrial, tractor loader, $4,$50.312/430-5101. Farm & Dairy Equipment 48 & Products Business 70 Properties FRESH GEESE ft DUCKS avail. 12/11/53, eves. Geese $1.75 lb., Ducks 75« lb. Ordors- 515/337-0147. MC HENRY 4 acres across from new hospital. Brick bldg. ft lgo. house zoned B-2. For Sala or Laaaa. Will divide. (15/305- 1757, or (15/475-2242. TAVERN with living quarters- on 19 acres. Main hwy. North Wise. Must sell due to Illness. Reasonable. Pictures ft details, write c/o TAVERN. Woodstock Dolly Sentinel, P.O. Box 709- DC1, Woodstock IL 40090. Real Estate 72 For Sale Machinery & 53 Equipment MC HENRY 4 acres across from new hospital. Brick bldg. ft lgo. house zoned B-2. For Sala or Laaaa. Will divide. (15/305- 1757, or (15/475-2242. TAVERN with living quarters- on 19 acres. Main hwy. North Wise. Must sell due to Illness. Reasonable. Pictures ft details, write c/o TAVERN. Woodstock Dolly Sentinel, P.O. Box 709- DC1, Woodstock IL 40090. Real Estate 72 For Sale TRACTOR LOADER, IHC, 34U, with Viking Sorter and Howard roto tiller $5,750 com­ plete. 77F-350 Ford. 1 ton, stake truck, $2,200. 1$ ft. machinery trailer, goose neck stylo, wltn winch and hydraulic tilt, $1,$00. 312/438-5101. MC HENRY 4 acres across from new hospital. Brick bldg. ft lgo. house zoned B-2. For Sala or Laaaa. Will divide. (15/305- 1757, or (15/475-2242. TAVERN with living quarters- on 19 acres. Main hwy. North Wise. Must sell due to Illness. Reasonable. Pictures ft details, write c/o TAVERN. Woodstock Dolly Sentinel, P.O. Box 709- DC1, Woodstock IL 40090. Real Estate 72 For Sale FLATBED, IHC, 1400, 1973, 14 ft. $2,000.1975 Dodge Club cab, * ton, pickup, $1,400. 1975 Dodge D200, window van, 51,500.312/43S-5101. CENTURY 21 Farmtown Realtors Homes- F arms-Vacant 312/449-3777 or 515-540-7119 TOM WILDE Business 66 Opportunity NEED PEOPLE who wont ex­ tre money for Chrlstmes or during tho yoer. Work 10 to 15 flexible hours or more. Can aern $7/hr. Will train, Stanley Home Products, $15/725-0224. CENTURY 21 Farmtown Realtors Homes- F arms-Vacant 312/449-3777 or 515-540-7119 TOM WILDE Business 66 Opportunity NEED PEOPLE who wont ex­ tre money for Chrlstmes or during tho yoer. Work 10 to 15 flexible hours or more. Can aern $7/hr. Will train, Stanley Home Products, $15/725-0224. CRYSTAL LAKEarea, Country Homo, spacious 4 br., IVj bo., well built older home on 1 1/3 acres. Needs tome work. 5000 •q. ft. machine shad ft small barn Incl. Fronts golf course of new Country Club on Algonquin Rd. 1 ml. W of RandellRd. Of­ fered by owner at rock-bottom price,043.000. (15/540(742 OWN YOUR own business. In­ surance sales, multl line. No- tlonally respected company. College graduate praferod. Draw -l- bonus. Training pro­ v ided . Send resume to McHenry Plaindeeler, Box No. 1, 3(12 W. Elm. McHenry, Il­ linois 40050. IN McHENRY ft Laka Coun­ ties. repossessed homes as low as (1,500 down. Priced thousands below value. Homes starting at 527,000. Fixed rate f inanc ing 3 l2 /9 (0 -937 ( , American Homes. OWN YOUR own business. In­ surance sales, multl line. No- tlonally respected company. College graduate praferod. Draw -l- bonus. Training pro­ v ided . Send resume to McHenry Plaindeeler, Box No. 1, 3(12 W. Elm. McHenry, Il­ linois 40050. W E H A V E V A / F H A Forcloaure Properties. Low In­ terest rates; very low down payment. Call for more details. Reelty World- Durbin Stovall, S15/459-3145. REPOSSESSED HOMES, all counties. 51000 down. 10%/30 grs. Sutton Realty. 312/425- Wanted To 69 • Buy LOOKING FOR 20 unit or larger apt. bldg. Have 5100,000. Desire short contract sale - Minimum 2 yrs, no Interest. $15/355-1341. W E H A V E V A / F H A Forcloaure Properties. Low In­ terest rates; very low down payment. Call for more details. Reelty World- Durbin Stovall, S15/459-3145. REPOSSESSED HOMES, all counties. 51000 down. 10%/30 grs. Sutton Realty. 312/425- Wanted To 69 • Buy LOOKING FOR 20 unit or larger apt. bldg. Have 5100,000. Desire short contract sale - Minimum 2 yrs, no Interest. $15/355-1341. BURTON BRIDGE, by ownor, 4 BR Colonlel, iv» bths, 2Vk off. WANTED Bulldable homeslto In or near Crystal Lake are*. Prefer wooded location. Call Jon, 515/459-5349. Mr., fam. rm. ft pi., basement, C/A, 5 yrs. old, many axtras. $77J$0. 3* to brokers. 312/934- 4490. FAMILY seek ing homo Cary/Cryttal Lake area. Under 540's, oversized lot preferred 312/439-0334 SMALL 2 BDRM. house, dooa to McHenry. Good Investment. $31,500. Call 015/305-3490. FAMILY seek ing homo Cary/Cryttal Lake area. Under 540's, oversized lot preferred 312/439-0334 McHENRY COUNTY By owner,13 unit opt. building, at 523,000 par unit for total of , 5299,000. Older brick w/gross Income $42,700. Cell $15/305- 3490. WANTED: Hampster cage or lg. aquarium, reasonable. 515/355-7429, after 4:30 pm. Business 70 Properties MC HENRY Professional of­ fice space Ideal for accountant or attorney. Choice location. $15/3$5-0300. McHENRY COUNTY By owner,13 unit opt. building, at 523,000 par unit for total of , 5299,000. Older brick w/gross Income $42,700. Cell $15/305- 3490. WANTED: Hampster cage or lg. aquarium, reasonable. 515/355-7429, after 4:30 pm. Business 70 Properties MC HENRY Professional of­ fice space Ideal for accountant or attorney. Choice location. $15/3$5-0300. CRYSTAL LAKE, by owner. Rent w/optlon. Newly remodel­ ed 3 bdrm. ranch, $400/mo. + $1500 for option. Coll 312/741- 5475. WANTED: Hampster cage or lg. aquarium, reasonable. 515/355-7429, after 4:30 pm. Business 70 Properties MC HENRY Professional of­ fice space Ideal for accountant or attorney. Choice location. $15/3$5-0300. McHENHy- Low, low down payment, now 2 bdrm. roised ranch, $49,33$. $15/355-0149. Real Estate For Sale 815-344-1033 3717 W. EM STREET, McHENRY, I IRto. 31 & lit 120 - Elm Strwtl % NW OFFICE 815-385-8821 •2313 MMSLWI BW. MDTEARR, ITH CARE REAL ESTATE If you're looking for a choice home we offer a wide selection. ALL ASSOCIATES ARE MEMBERS OF BOTH McHENRY & LAKE COUNTIES COMPUTERIZED MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICES!! SI 11,900 Builder's own home! Beautiful 4 bdrm., 3 both Ranch w/full basement. 2 fireplaces, central air formal dining rm., & 2 car garage ft much more!! $35,500 3 bdrm. Cape Cod w/alum. siding & fenced yard w/dog run! Storage shed. Near lake & park $41,900 Assumable mortgage or owner may help on this 2 bdrm. Ranch VV/2'/J car garage and in-town location! Beach & park rights $64,900 Immaculate quality built ranch w/1 '/> car garage & formal dining rm.. full basement & fenced yard Great "4 bedroom Cape Cod w/full basement & det. Garage! Wooded lot and priced to sell! $41,900 $74,900 $62,000 3 bdrm. Cape Cod w/1% baths, full basement & 2'/J det. garage site! Good taste inside & out! Lovely 4 bdrm. Tri-level w/1% bath*, formal dining rm. & large family rm. Fireplace, fenced yard & 2 car garage! 7 acre Condo! 3 bdrm. Condo shows like a model!! 1% baths, garage & opener! $53,900 REDUCED TO $52,500 3 bdrm. Ronch w/city water ft sewer Vinyl siding, central air, big garage w work bench. Fenced yard! $99,500 Waterfront! 4 bdrm., 2 bath home w/full basement, formal dining rm large family r,n.. & 2 car garage $129,500 3100 sq. ft. Dutch Creek Woodlands home w/4 bdrms., 3 baths, and large family rm. Fireplace and in-ground pool $38,000 New carpet thru-out! Freshly pain ted! 3 bdrm. kitchen has eat-in area plus dining room 1980 Century 21 Reol Ettote Corporation ' Registered Trodemork of Century 21 Reol €»tote Corporation. Printed in U.S.A Each oHka Is lnd*p*o<Unriy own*d on6 epvrctad. Eqwol Housing Opportunity 72 Heal Estate For Sale MOVE RIGHT In, completely 2 or 3 bdrm. ranch. Call today for financing, Ro-Ma«, Gloria, 312/390-3050. CRYSTAL LAKE By owner. Movt In boforo the holldayi. Low malnt. Warm ft cozy 2 bdrm., 2 bath, frplc., bsmnt. iv* car gar. Completely ronovatad Inalda ft out. Vt blk. from lake, noar »chool». Cathedral colling w/sky light In living rm. Lga. closetoi In manor bdrm. Many extras. Asking U NO Negof. 115/4*- 8145. McHENRY (SOUTH), Indoor pool, S beths. 2 kitchens. 3 bdrms., many extras, roducod for quick ulo, ropotaouad by orlg. owners, 1119.900, I15/3M- McHENRY, Fox Rlvor wotar front naar Plstakoe Laka, 2 bdrm. brick w/fplc., naatly landicapad, principal* only, 114 ,900 , a f ta r S pm or weekends. *15/315-0074. BAYVIEW BEACH araa, 3 bdrm., raliad ranch on H acra, park Ilka aottlng with rlvor ac­ cess, IV* baths, 2 car gar., 174,500.115/455-4994 aft. 5. CRYSTAL LAKE, ownor frontforrod ft ANXIOUS I 5 bdrmi., 3 baths, 2 fridge?, all applla.. woodod lot. U.50C ft ossumo 194,500 motrtgage at 9V*%. Immed. occu. $105,000. Call Naal Loth collect of >13/493-2500. SPRING GROVE-Assumable FHA 1114%, 2 BR Ronch, 2 car 73 Condos. CRYSTAL LAKE, 4 Colonies, 2 bdrms., 2 baths, all applla., A /C , f rp lc * . , garage , clubhouse, $59,500 Call 515/459- 7019. 74 Townhomes CARY, Bright Oaks, cozy 2 i. ranch, lo. kit. w/patlo windows, lots of oarage, pond, pine trees, pool ft tennis courts. By owner, 149,900.115/455-0354 or 312/439- 75 Lots& Acreage CRYSTAL LAKE, iVt acres of industrial zoned property. City utilities, streets, curb ft gutter ore f I ready In . 145 ,000 ERA Byrnes Brothers Rooltors, 115/459-5400. - 76 Mobile Homes rir. frplc. over 1/2 acre lot. Ilmlnate high cloelng coats. 140,000.312/517-4 LAKE IN THE HILLS 3 bdrm. split level. 2 cor gar. Fenced yd. 157,900.312/451-7379. McHENRY/FOX RIOGE, 4 bdrm., 2 baths, lg. wooded lot, plush carpet, 172,900 or Vet can assume for $2,200 down, 10Vt%, no points, 115/315-4996 after 5:30. McHENRY. 3 bdrm., full bsmnt.. 2Vj car gar., 1 acre In town. Immediate occupancy. By ownor. no Brokers. 515/305- 230$. DOWNTOWN McHENRY 3 bdrm., 2 baths, full finished bemt. Central air, appliances, move-In cond. 549,900. 515/305- 3021 LAKEMOOR By ownor. Ranch homo on wetor. 3 bdrm., 2 baths, stone fireplace, Inside barbecue, Irg. 2Vj car gar., Upper 50's, con- f_ 1^3,5.7,71 „ $15/344-3074. McHENRY-3 BR home, A/C, full basement w/peneled roc. rm., atf. I car oar., sided, In town, new carpeting ft stove In- d. $5>,900.115/3*5-4905. 4 UNIT APT. BLDG. Nr. Spring Hill Mall -Dundee. Call beT ween 7ft 9 P.M. 312/991-1423. WONDER LAKE, sm. 2 bdrm. starter home, completely renoveted. New siding, doors, windows, deck, dry wall ft carpeting. On nice high lot w/troes. Will consider con- tract. $20,500. Call $15/453-9944. FORECLOSURE Must sell now. 3 bdrm. bl-level. Fam. rm. , fenced yd . FHA/VA •ve'eome. Will consider ell of­ fers. Reduced. $47,500. Algon­ quin Realty. 312/454-5031. CRYSTAL LAKE Two story, charming Victorian house, con­ veniently located. Three bedrooms, 2 baths, formal din­ ing room, den, hardwood floors, varnished doors, open wood stairway, leeded glass windows. SS5.M0. $15/459 550$ nights 312/$0$-1$20 days. CRYSTAL LAKE aree, by owner. 3 bdrm. ranch, lg. lot, country kltM ceramic counter tops, beautifully lendscaped, extre lg. patio, heated gar., lg. wood storage barn, across from park, 1 blk. to school, deed end rood, much more. Principals only. 154,500. Call S15/455-2354. CRYSTAL LAKE, Royal Oaks Mobile Home Comm., offers new homes on site, down pay­ ment of $2,000 with $170 mon­ thly payments. No pets. Adult Comm., $15/455-4400. USEO MOBILE Homes for sale. Modular buildings, por- taWe classrooms. Ideal for hun­ ting cabins, Sunday Schools, etc. Used mobile home tires, axles and frames. 515/45M405. MINI HOME, Vista Queen, 1971, 21 ft., 55,000 miles. Good running cond. asking $4000. $15/3$lh4354. 78 Wanted To Rent GARAGE for car. Downtown Algonquin area. Call 312/455- 423$ after 5. WANTS TO RENT Room.Must be neor Cory. Near CNW train station. $15/344-l$95. WOODSTOCK AREA 2 or 3 bedroom furnished apartmet. Needed on month to month besls for new employees relocating, beginning Jan. 1, 1904. Call Ken Decker, Morton Chemical Research Center, 1275 Lake Ave., Woodstock, IL. $15/330-1000 Monday through Frlday,0:30amto4pm. Rooms, Board Apartments 79 To Share ROOM MATE wanted, mole or female, Wonder Lake, across from beach, 3 bdrms. w/frplco. $250 + Utils. Call days, $:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. S15/M4-3201; eves., $15/720-1544. PRIVATE llvlngroom ft bath, kitchen privileges $40 per wk. $15/45»-W42, days McHENRY, house to share w/ledy. $200/mo., pet OK, love- ly area, *15/344-4295. ROOMATE to share 3 bdrm home near McHenry Shores. Cell 5H/344-5030 after 4 pm. WANTEO: single lady or mother with one child to shore home In the country with mother of three. Call after 4 pm $15/455-3200. Apartments To Rent 80 WOODSTOCK, 2 bdrms., redecorated, applla., bsmt. ft garage . Pay own u t i l s . $325/mo. 4- $325 security. Avail Dec. 9. Another opt., seme es above will be reedy Jon. 1. Call $15/720-0025. Real Estate 72 For Sale Apartments 80 To Rent DUPLEX 3 bedroom, IVk bath, close to downtown Crystal Laka ft R.R.; $425. mo. plus security dep.. 1 yr. loose; $15/459-3145. HARVARD 2 bdrm.^deluxe ft standard apt., wooded area, swimming poo l , wa lk ing distance to northwest train ft town, $15/943-4144. SPACIOUS, 1 ft 2 b*!0®"1 2151. _• CRYSTAL LAKE, 1 bdrm. w/patlo, pool, extra »torM4. $355/mo. + security. Call $15/455-4512 eves only, for ap- pointment. ISLAND LAKE, 3 rms. on 1 St. floor. $350/mo. + security. In- ds. heat. Neor shopplno. Ideal for adults. Pets OK. 312/524 1491. a APTS Available at 412 ft 404 Lord St. Old C'Vllle. 2 bdrms., cerpet. stove ft refrlg. 5300/mo. ft sec dep. Water pd. No pets. 312/$23-5$32 for Info * appl. MARENGO-Country 2 BR apt. all new carpeting, newly decor, stove ft refrlp., W/D facll., storage aree ft many extras. 515/923-4 CRYSTAL LAKE-Lower 1 BR, 2 blks from railroad. Call after 5 p.m. 312/335-7040. FOX R IVER GROVE, 2 bdrm.apt . In town, fu l l y carpetea. applla., $325/mo. Deposit required. I 7512 after 5 pm. Cell 312/439 WOODSTOCK- 1 bdrm. apts. for rent. Building under new management ft currently being completely remodeled. One yoer loose reqlored. no pets. $330/mo. Call Gordon Manage ment. 312/3$2-1520 or «15/Mft 4225. • NEAR ALGONQUIN 1 bdrm. apt. Carpeted, cleen. Appl. In cl. $240/mo. Avail. Jan. 1. 312/425-3424. HARVARD, lg. 2 bdrm.apt-on 1st floor, carpeted. 1350/mo. + security. Call*15/545-4411. CRYSTAL LAKE 2 bdrm opt, I blk, from moln Crystal Lake beech. Cell 515/459-2910. CRYSTAL LAKE 2 bedroom, gor., elr, appl., Jan 1 occup M00/month. no pets. 515/4#- 4357 CRYSTAL LAKE, 2 bdrms. on I st floor, hoot, stove ft fridge. $350/mo. -f deposit. Avail. Jan. 1. Call 515/459-3035. WOODSTOCK, LARGE 1 bdrm. , 2nd f loor , newly decorated. "A carpeted, stove. re f r lg . , tu rn . , $245 /mo , T ig . $15/33$-2539 CRYSTAL LAKE smel l 2 bdrm. apt. unfurnished. Stove, rofrlgeretor, washer ft dryer furnished. Ideal for couple, able to hendle phone respon­ sibilities. $350 month, utllltes Included. $15/455-0344 DeLUXE 1 BR opt In town, $305 mth; 2 BR Apt. Includ. hoot. In town, $355. $15/3$5-0292. WOODSTOCK Specious 1 bdrm. apt Range ft refrlg. Locked bsmt . s torage . $250/mo. Incl. hoot. 31$ S. Tryon St. Call $15/459-0447 after 5 pm •• vCRYSTAL LAKE. 1 bdrm., relet or yoer lease. Avail Jan. 1- on. S335/mo., Incl*. hoot. Security, no pets. Coll $15/455- 1144 offer 4 pm, or anytime weekends. ELGIN Lgo. 3 rm. upper. Refrlg ft range furn. No pets. Off street perking. Ideal for single or married couple. $l$5/mo. & gas. alec, ft heat. Off single or couple. Avell. Jen 1. 312/741-4094 after 5pm 81 Homes To Rent CRYSTAL LAKE, 3 bdrm., fm. rm., applls. furn., $550/mo, 815/459-0474. 81 Homes, To Rent' NEAR McHINRY, Available immediately 3 + bdrm. homo, JwbafhsftMr., refs., ask for Dorlena, RDG Realty, 515/355-' 9394. McHENRY, J* bdrms., ^ gar., $475/mo + sac., 312/557- 0711. > j WEST DUNOSI; 2 BR, 1st fir/ older home, carpeted. Adults, , Avell. Jan. 1st. $325 mth + - utility. Sec. Dep. 312/43*.in? , DUPLEX EFFICIENCY In ' beautiful area «f Grlswald Lake, $300/mo., $15/344-4295. McHENRY, ctaae to town, small 2 bedroom house, in- c luses l a rge 2 door rofrlgeretor, 1315, call $15/355 3490. McHENRY area, very sm. i bdrm. home. Avail. Immed. I dee 1 for single. S250/mo. Security ft references. S15/3S5 4424. HARVARO area , l a rge 4 bedroom house In the country. ' Call $15/445-4071, WOODSTOCK. 2 story farm house on large estate, 3 bdrm, iv» bath* w/full bemt. Wood paneling, well Insulated. 2 car gar., outside pets. 5435/mo. ft sec. $15/459-1007. WONDER LAKE 2 bdrms., Ige. living ft roc. rms., fireplace Completely furn. No pets. M00/mo. Call Tarry Matthews, 515/453-2041. SUB-LET. house for rent, 3 bdrm., turn., or unfurnished, on Lake Grlswold, $275. SIS/344-4174, 015/344-17$$ - Tina. FOR RENT, or option to buy. 1 bdrm. homo. Central air, ap- prox . 1 ocra . wooded References ft security deposit, 5350. per month. SIS/315-7234. WONDER LAKE, I bdrm. on > west side, $350 ear month + 1 deposit. S1S/72S-0332. CARY-(Root Springs)-! BR log cobin style house, frplc. off gar., full basement, cleen ft quiet. $490 mth-futilities. 312/299-5014 CHOICEJfOMES FOR RENT 3 bdrm. duplex...$425/mo 2 bdrm. home....$300/mo Reelty World Durbln-Stovell Assoc.. Inc. $15/459-3145. CRYSTAL LAKE 2 bdrm., 1 bath, llv. rm., din. rm., 1 block • from leka. No pets. 5395/mo. ft ' sec. dep. Avail. Immed. $15/455-1179; If no onswer, 455- ' 3570. FARM HOME Excellent condl tlon, 4 bdrm., 2 both, family room, A/C, gas ft wood hoot 1500 /month + secur i ty $15/923-4423. LOVELY OLDER 3 bdrm.. neor Woodstock Square. Month to month, $4S0/mo. + sec. Im- medOcc. $15/344-3714. • CRYSTAL LAKE. 3 bdrm. ronch. S450/mo. Lease ft security required. No Pets. ' Loyco Mcnutt, Belrd ft Warner, ; 515/459 1555. WONDER LAKE Aree 3 bdrm. house. 515/720-1503. WONDER LAKE-Lovely 2 /3 ' BR waterfront home. Nice Neighborhood, frplc. Avell int- J mod. $425 mth. Ask for Mary Ellen, Century 21 Cere. $15/344- 1033. JOHNSBURG School District. 4 BR., 2 bths. fam. rm.,wlth fireplace. No Pets. $395 mth. Avoii. immed. Cell CAMOYN REALTY 312/435-5445 McHENRY, 2 bdrm., gor.. completely redecorated, ovoll. mid-Dec., $375, + utile., sec. dep. req., $15/344-2544 or $15/3$5-4905, eves. « MCHENRY, 1 mile, "new", 2' bdrm. raised ronch, $115. wk. No pets. $15/305-0149. GREAT 3 BEDROOM home near the river tor your boating pleasure, hat-in kitchen! Full Hi & Dry basement with new furnace, new hot water heater. Aluminum sided. Great potential for additional bedrooms upstairs. $49,500 SUPER PRICE REDUCTION!! Beautiful Edgebrook Heights-close to everything including Kno* Pork is this super tri-level with three bedrooms, a separate family room, two car garage and located on a very nicety landscaped yard! $65,900 ALL BRICK RANCH in quiet area. Close to town. Two good sized bedrooms, large living room and a super 2-cor garage; Good buy at $47,900. FANTASTIC INVESTMENT CONDO-Seller is anxious and wants to wheel and deal on this 2 bedroom Condo with central air, appliances and deck. Priced right qt $34,900 IF AWARDS WERE GIVEN for beautiful homes, this one would take them all. Large country 2-story Colonial on 1'/> acres. Super nice decorating! 4 bedrooms! Separate family room and dining room. Full bosement. Many fine quality amenities throughout. $154,900 FOR RENT-COMMERCIAL SPACE along Route 31 ri{_ in town. Nice charming building which is ideal for small specialty shop such as a computer software or art gallery. Only $500.00 monthly. Great opportunity for your business. paarx-rinitrUu rpal pHlatp ru. "Where Service Comes First" 385-7050 r 1 11 it 1 1 804 N. Front St. McHenry

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