V PAGE 14 - PLAINDEALER • WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 14,L1W3 Ramdealer Ricbtttonft Office Hr*. M-F 8:30 a.m. • 5:00 p.m. • rlainaeaier^ ^ (Sa^cttej ssir ICQ Advertisers, pleose check your ad the FIRST insertion date In the event of an error or ommission. the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of ihe ad which is in error. In cose of an error notify the Classified Deportment at once. Call Classified Display Ads: 815-385-0170. Private Party & Commercial Line Ads: 815-344- 4800 Richmond 678-2581 - Payment in odvance must be mode for these ads: •Babysitting •Business Opportunites "Business Services *Garge Sales "Moving Sales *Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area •Political *Rooms Appts. to Share •Situations Wonted "Sublease Re-rent etc 'Wanted to Buy 'Wanted to Rent. 3 LINES. 5 DAYS $8.80 Shaw Free Press PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS Newspaper Group •Woodstock Daily Sentinel •Saturday Extra •Crystal Lake Morning Herald *Cordunal Free Press Morning Harold *Elgln Herald "Richmond Gazette 'Marengo BetKon/Republicon News 'Huntley Beacon/Republican News •Sycamore News •Cory-Grove Clarion «Barrington Banner *McH*nry Plalndealer •Genoa-Kingston-Kirkland News "Hampshire Register •Harvard Herald "Shopper Service "McHenry Citizen Tri- County Shopper DIRECTORY Announcements Cemeteries & Lots. ,. . : 02 Card of Thanks 03 Notices 05 Car Pools 10 Lost & Found II Personals 12 Instruction 13 Auctions 18 Help Wanted Child Care 19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wanted 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted 23 Help Wanted 24 DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON FRI. PLAINDI WED.5P:M. WED. I/NOON Merchandise Wonted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Sales 33 Merchandise Under $50 34 Antiques 35 Bicycles & Sports Equipment 36 Lawn & Garden Equipment. 37 Boats . 38 Musical Instruments 39 Cameros 40 Aviation 41 Pets & Equipment 44 Horses & Equipment 47 Farm & Dairy 48 Livestock . .- 49 Machinery & Equipment 53 Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy 69 Business Property 70 Open House .71 Real Estate 72 Condon.iniums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sale 74 Lots & Acreage 75 Mobile Homes 76 Forms for Sale 77 I Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent " .78 Rooms, Board, House Apartments to Share 79 Apartments to Rent 80 Homes to Rent 81 Condominiums 4 Townhomes to Rent.... 1 82 Stores. Office A Industrial to Rent. A. .83 Farms. Farmland to Rent 84 Miscellaneous to Rent.\ 85 Automotive Autos for Sale. V 86 Wanted to Buy /vLj . 87 Auto Ports ft Accessories 7\ . 88 Trucks, Troctors ft Trailers 1 . 89 Vans. 90 Motorcycles ft Snowmobiles. .... .91 Recreation Vehicles. 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Cemeteries 2 &Lots MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS For salt. 2 or 4. At beautiful Win- drldge. Cary. Save 20%, from private party. 815/338-8180 attar 3pm CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK 8, UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as 8275. Including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. 815/459-0547. Card 3 Of Thanks THANK YOU Friends and relatives who helped us during our time of need. Soecial thanks to Rev. Gordon Shafor for his kindness, Bruce Adams for his help, Rhoda Circle of the Hebron UMW. Special thanks also to the Alden-Hebron class of '73. Family of Tom Grab bed: Fred & Joyce Grabbert, Larry and Andrea Grabbert and family, Jim & Jan Grab- bert and family. I WISH to thank friends and relatives for gifts, cards and flowers given fo me at my sur prise birthday party. Many thanks to my children, spouses and grandchildren for a day I'll always remember. Mrs. Frances Schmltt THANKS TO ST. JUDE For Favor Granted BX. THANK YOU to St. Jude for favors granted. D.T. Our Service is designed so that you can virtually choose the type of person you want to date. Call: McHenry County Computer Dating Service •15-338-2990 Notices "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 NAUTILUS Give a gift of heaiii, In dividualized Nautilus fitness training. For free consultation, call: 815/459 5757 ask for Al. Nautilus training consultants, A. K. Walter & Associates. SPECIAL VISITS. Santa Is available for tome or party. Phone 815/648 4211 after 5p.m. SNOW REMOVAL, Genoa residential driveways, $7.50. Contract In advance, $6.00. Call George Sol linger, 815/784-2545 CHRISTMAS TREES, cut your own, 5194 Shattuck Rd., Belvldere, 111.815/547-6407 PLASTERING Restoration or New Vernon T. Kopsell 815/338-1668 SHIP VIA U P S. or Emery 225E.Calhoun (read. Woodstock. 815/338-6951. 9 to 6. Sat. 9 to 3. McHENRY AUTO U P H O L S T E R Y 1815W.Rts.120, McHenry Attention! More Than 20 years experience In auto upholstery Simulated convertible tops, vinyl tops and sunroof repair. We also do boat, airplane seats & antique cars. Quality work guaranteed. Special price on convertible tops. 815/344-2022 10 Car Pools NEED RIDE, from Wlllard & ; 20 to Villa Olivia & 20, 8 am • , 5:30 pm, dally. 312/695-5767 11 Lost & Found KITTEN FOUND 12/4, vicinity Charles & Lamb Rd. Gray & white male. 815 3*8 6865. KITTENS, 2 beautiful, about 12 weeks old, male & female, tiger Stripe. 312/639-7190 DOBERMAN pup 6 months, mala, blk. & tan. ears & tall done, shots frfe to good home 312-658-3472.' 11 Lost & Found LOST black cat. Lake Marian. Child's pet. Reward. 312/428- 9177 Eves, 312/697-2300 ext. 294 days. « LOST: Gold Cross Pin, Monogramed, Compensation. Vic. of Bohn's Ace Hdware, 815/338-6051. GERMAN SHEPHARO dog found, 8i 2 puppies, blk. & tan, about 8 weeks old, both mato.815/344-4205 FOUND CAT on 12/10, female, black & white w/4 white feet & black beard, 6 mos. old., very lovable, vie. of Lisa Rd. & 7th ave., 3543. West Dundee, 312/428- MtXED BREED DOG. med. size, needs a home due toflra, 2 yrs. old, good with children 815/344-3632 LOST, small white dog, named Sugar, vicinity of Baseline Road, 815/784-2382. LOST WATCH ladles, platinum band w/lnscrlptlon on back - lost Woodstock square. 815/943- 5798 aft. 5 p.m. 815/338-1135 daytime. 12 Personals ATTENTION I DO YOU need health or life Insurance? We have plans for you. Many to choose from so you can tailor the plans to your needs. Medicare supplements are our specialty. For further informa tion and appointment, call Myron Johnson, 815/943-7289 or James Cowan, 815/568-6196. • SCULPTURED NAILS $25.00 by Professional Nail Artist, (.all Joyce for app't. 312/658-2019 J8J BUSINESS SERVICES For all your personal typing & business needs. 40 years ex perience In small business ap plications. All work confiden tial. For complete Information, call 312/639-8821. YOLANDA'S "ATASTE OF ELEGANCE" Catering For All Occasions «815/344 3249» DISCOURAGED OVER Health Insurance costs? Let us help you develop a plan you can af ford. Permanent or temporary. Sunderlage Insurance Agency. 815/338-3328. PREGNANT? Need Help? Call: Birthright 312/695-7950 ORGINAL ALOE-VERA representlve, For Ever Living products. 81f/653-6211 BANISH Broad bottom blues Call Barb 312/428-7558 A VISIT from Santa in your home or for a party, call for appt .312/426-5193 19 Child Care LICENSED Child Daycare, my Lakeland Park McHenry home. 815/344-3895. BABY SITTER needed for 3 yr. old girl. Occasional day & even, sitting, plus some extended sit ting. Own transportation not re quired. Must be In good health, have exp. with children 8> exc. ref .Only the best need to apply. 312/658-6022. 19 Child Care MATURE LOVING woman to care for my IVJ yr. old, part time days, ref. req. Call morn. 815/ 338-8992. WILL BABYSIT, my Carpentersvllle home. (vie. Sunny Hill School). Before or after school or pre-schoolers, Infants. Reasonable. 312/428- 7152. MATURE SITTER needed Im- med., full time nights, my C'Vllle home. Must nave own trans. 8i good references. 312/428-7830, days. LICENSED HOME, opening available, 6 yrs. exp., preschool atmosphere, meals provided, 1 block from Nuebert School 312/658-6393 CHILD CARE in my Fox River Grove home, tender loving care, Mon. thru Frl., 1 chlla $40/wk; 2children/$55, 312/639- 8264. CHILD CARE needed for my McHenry township home, two- three days per week. 815/337- 0851 MOTHER of one interested in starting small child babysitting co-op. Foxridge area. If In terested call 815/344-4667 BABY SITTER, full time, for 9 yr. old boy, with working parents. Near Dean St. school call after 6pm. 815/338-8976 I WILL DO babysitting in my Lakeland Park home. Please call 815/385-8442 WILL DO BABYSITTING in my Hampshire home 312/683- 4036 21 Situations Wanted SEAMSTRESS Experienced (25 years) Alterations & dressmaking 312/658-5106 PAINTING patching, wall papering, light repairs. Quality work & material. Reasonable. David, Ken, 815/455-5536 WILL STEAM clean living room $20, additional rooms $10 each. 815/943-5513 BRING Freshness & gleam to your home this holiday season. Will do cleaning In your home or office. Call 815/385-5865, Laura. DO GENERAL housecleanlng, Woodstock area. Good references. 815/338-3582, after 5 pm. NEED HOLIDAY help? Reliable college girl avail. Dec. 19-23, 9-5 for floors, windows, ovens, gen. cleaning, baking. Have own trans. 312/639 7743. MIAMI UNIVERSITY of Ohio Senior & Sophomore systems analysis ma|ors seeking |obs in this field or other over holidays. Avail. Dec. 19 - Jan 16. Call 815/455-6940. HOUSECLEANING HELP. Need help getting ready for Christmas? College senior looking for jobs. Available Dec. 16. Good work at reasonable rates. Call Susan at 815/455- 2768. CLEANING LADY, will do an exc.|ob cleaning your home, ref. avail. $6.00 hr. call 815/385- 3359 ask for Bonnie after 1 pm HOUSECLEANING, 2VJ yrs. experience. Good references. Available for new clients as of Jan. 3rd. Call after 6 pm, 815/385-6744 1 Notices FOX LAKE GRADE SCHOOL PTO Christmas Bazaar Saturday, December 17,1983 9 am-2 pm at Shady Lane School Hawthorne Lane, Fox Lake Booth Space Available. can Evelyn 312-587-4609 Bathroom, Kitchen and Den REMODELING and Installation at Reasonable Rates J.D. Brome Construction Tel: 312-658-4878 21 Situations Wanted DRUMMER, 8 yrs experience In rock, |azz & dance music, looking to form a band. Call 15/459-7278m. SNOWPLOWING, reasonable rates, Woodstock & McHenry area, 815/337-0450. / •WOODSPLITTING* College student will 8i split 81 restack your wood during holidays. 815/face cord; 20 mile radius of Crystal Lake. Call 815/459-6617. WAITRESS/OFFICE, part- time hours, days, Sat., Sun., Holidays. Call after 2p.m„ 312/658-4362. HANDYMAN coll. student, paint, elec., minor carpentry, mechanic, window wash, misc. Exper. exc. worker 815/459- 0932 Household 23 Help Wanted RELIABLE HOUSEKEEPER, for cleaning and Ironing. Mon., Wed., Frl., a.m., 12 hrs. total. Must have good references, re cent physical, and Own transportation. West Dundee Location Call 312/428-3520 aft. 6p.m. BABYSITTER FLEXIBLE part-time usually early even ing, preferably In my home, for 4 yr. 8< 4 month old. Fox Ridge area 815/385-6226. HOUSEKEEPER/ Mother's Helper, loving family, Woodstock, Mon. thru Frl., 815/338-3602 or 815/338-0107. BABYSITTER NEEDED In my McHenry Twp. home, 2-3 days a week, 815/337-0851. GRANDMOTHER TYPE, babysitter for 15 mo. old boy. My home, own transportation, hours vary. Ref. required. 815/338-3389 call between 9 a.m. and ll a.m. HOUSEKEEPER and daytime care for Infant, 2 days a week, Algonquin. 312/658-8468 after 6 pm WASHERWOMAN/IRONER, In your home. CL/Cary. I will need references. 815/459-3642 MATURE SITTER Needed Im mediately In my Lakewood home. Must be dependable. Flexible hrs. Must have own transportation. 815/459-5421. AAATURE BABYSITTER for 18 mo. old In my McHenry home, afternoons only, 815/344-0766. CRYSTAL LAKE, sitter need ed, flexable hrs. top wages, adults only, after 7 pm 815/455- 1625 RESPONSIBLE PERSON wanted to sit In my McHenry home, from 8 00 a.m. til 12:30 p.m. M-WF as of Jan. References req. 815/385-7061 CLEANING LADY, Whisper Ing Oaks, must have own transportation. 815/338-7954. 24 Help Wanted CERTIFIED NURSES AIDES Full Timer 7 -3:30 p.m. and 3 • 11:30 p.m., Part Time: 3-11:30 p.m. and 11 -7:30 a.m. Apply In Person, Monday thru Friday, 9 a.m.to4:30p.m. Olivette Nursing Home 355 Raymond St. Elgin 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted EXTRA EARNINGS need 3 people who have 10 -15 flexible hours per week, depending upon tlma. For complete In- formation call. 312/658-7402. AVON Start your own business as an Independent Sales Represen tative with Avon. Now there are two ways to earn an Im pressive income. Call 815/459- 5757. REAL ESTATE SALES- Posi tlons available for career- minded self starters. Top notch training program Commission advances paid for qualified listings & sales. Earn what you're worth wkth ERA Household Realty. Call Bruce Kaplan for confidential inter- vlew. 312/639-2000 WAITRESSES, experienced, 2nd 8i 3rd shifts Apply in per son after 3 pm, Tareydale Restaurant, Rts 176 6i 31, Crystal Lake, IL. NURSES AID, Certified, full time, afternoons. Please apply at the Woodstock Residence, 309 McHenry Ave., Woodstock, 815/338-1700. NURSES AIDS, Certified, part time, on call, days & nights. Please apply at the Woodstbck Residence, 309 McHenry Ave., Woodstock, 815/338-1700. AUTO TRANSMISSION REBUILDER Some experience necessary. T ransmatlc T ransmrtslor TELEPHONE OPERATOR for busy switchboard. Permanent part time, approx. 20 hrs. per week. Must be flexible w/some telephone experience or will train right person. 815/459-5757. PART TIME POSITION Coordinating and assigning volunteers Requires common sense, ability to remain calm 8. make decisions. Independent work. Variable hours. Up to $80 per week. Can be shared by two people. Call Turning Point, 815/338-8081. WANTED: Live-Ins for home care cases, for 2 days, 5 days or 7 days per week. Dependable, certified Nurses' Aides also wanted. Must bo able to give tender lovlno care. Positions also available for RN's and LPN's. Call 312/658-8055 or 658- 9000. ' DENTAL ASSISTANT, McHenry, full time, experienc ed preferred, but not necessary, Box A E O, Shaw Free Press Newspapers, P. O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, 1160014. FULL TIME security officer needed in Huntley. Must be neat in appearance and available to work midnight to 8 a.m. Apply in person to Illinois Job service, Clay St., Woodstock, III. Employer paid ad. Equal Opportunity Employer Accepting Applications, for part time help. Mature young woman to work on horse farm. Exp. helpful but not necessary. 815/784-6244 DIE SETTER responsible per son wanted with some ex perience. We are willing to train someone with a good working attitude. Call before 6 p.m. 312/426-2233. EXPERIENCED Snow plow driver. Must be reliable & dependable. Call 815/459-8387. 24 Help Wanted Help Wanted Ford Experienced Mechanic Mitchell-Lincoln-Mercury Must have own tools, 3 yrs. experience. Apply in person Joe Schuler, Service Manager 907 N. From McHenry 815-385-0403 Major Medical and Short Term Hospital and Surgical Insurance * Between Employment * On Vacation from College * Recently Graduated * On Strike * In Between Croup Enrollment Choose a policy term of 30 days to 6 months. Immediate coverage. No deductible JACK WALSH AGENCY McHenry * 385-3300 DOOR-TO-DOOR Solicitors, bright, aaresslvo -make leads for new thermal windows In McHenry County area. *5.00 hr. + commission. 312/272-0551. NURSES AIDES certified. Full time 7 til 3:30 p.m. & 3 til 11:30 p.m. Fair Oaks Nursing Home, 815/455-05*. Ask for Elian. PART-TIME Counter help. Ideal for housewives. Apply In person. Grandma's Plas, spr ing Hill Mall, WE NEED a Happy Bartendar. Full Time, nights. Apply In Person. Village Squire North, Rt. 14, CrystalLake. GIRL FRIDAY One person office In McHenry County. Accounting experience required. Will handle all nor mal offlca procedures. 40 hours per week at 8240 per week. Send resume to: Kelatlne Corp., PO Box 317, Carpentersvllle, IL. SECRETARY for Real Estate Office, experienced Individual to handle phones, typing, light bookkeeping. Adaptable person who likes working with people. 20 to 30 hours a week. 815/455- 1114 • Joy or Mary. COLOR Consultants., will train. Ground floor opportunity with a cosmetic tompany. Full or Part Time. 815/385-3477 or 815/344-1152. LEGAL SECRETARY, full time, 10 WPM minimum, ex cellent grammar, experience, ?r*f*rrat-taut will- trSRf. Send> resume to Box A E M. Shaw Free Press Newspapers, P. O. Box 250, Crystal Lake. IL 60014. BEAUTY OPERATORS/HAIR DESIGNERS. Good opportunl tv to work with top profes sionals. with or without ex perience. Training, education, and workshops available. Licensed hairdressers. West Dundee location. THE HAIR PERFORMERS. Call Barb at 312/428-HAIR or 584-8818. ORGANIST NEEDED, for Woodstock church. Pipe organ. Sunday Eucharist at 10:15 a.m. & special services. Call 815/338- 0950. HANDY-MAN, (Huntley),rent free for maintenance & securi ty work. 312/839-4573 RECEPTIONIST Entry level position for telephone, typing and fll- ing.Hours: 8 to 4. Excellent benefits. Contact: MCHENRY COUNTY YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU 14124 South St. Woodstock 815/338-7360 CHARGE NURSE, full time, day-PM, axe. starting salary & benefits. Woodstock Residence, 309 McHenry Ave., Woodstock, 815/338-1700. CERTIFIED NURSES AIDE Full and Part tlma 11p.m.-7:30 a.m. Apply In Person, Olivette Nursng Home, 355 Raymond St., Elgin. CLAIMS SUPERVISOR Multi-Line Claims Experience Please forward your resume & salary history In strictest con fidence to: WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANIES Claim Department P.O. Box457 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 (No Phone Calls) 24 Help Wanted "DELIVERY ~4 GENERAL work, permanent part time. Some lifting rao. Apply In par son, Bussa Flowers, 710 McHenry Ave., Woodstock FLORAL DESIGNERPart Time, experienced. Call or Ap- ly In Person, Floral Creations, 31 (Orbit Plaza)Algonquln, 312/658-2110. EARN EXTRA Temporary securll. needed In Crystal Lake & Huntley, 16 to 40 hours per week. College students & retirees welcome. Apply In per son to Illinois Job Service, 425 Clay St., Woodstock, II., Equal opportunity employer. Employer palcf ad. IMMEDIATE OPENING for technical services 8i training manager. Responsibilities In clude on-site computer system training I technical support. Accounting knowleaege beneficial. Flexible hours with excellent opportunity for earn ings & Growth. Call 815/499- 32/4 for Interview. Midland Data Systems. TAX PREPARER"Neededto smell growing E Igln office. Tax schooling or experience necessary. Must be depen dable. Elgin Tax Service, 312/697-5300. AUTO BODY Man. A quality shop offerlnq the most desirable type or work Is look ing for a body man with at least three years experience. Con tact Mr. Bailey at 312/741-MI1, or stop in at Maaco Auto Pain- ting, 235 5. Grove Ave.. Elgin. SECURITY OFFICERS immediate openlnas. Tem porary, full & part time posi tions available, good wages, ex cellent working conditions. Some permanent positions available to those who demonstrate good work skills. , Telephone & car required. To *PP'yc«»« 312/805-0592, BAR /MANAGER; Waitresses for day & night shifts. Call for appointment, Naslo's Spirits. 3311 W. Elm, McHenry, IL, 815/385-2368. WANT FINANCIAL FREEDOM? So did I, and I found It. My se cond month In the nutrition business I earned a 5 figure In come. Only those DEAD SERIOUS about their financial future need apply. Call Ms. Mortal! for personal Interview. Phone 815/344-0553. FARM MECHANIC, in Woodstock area. Small trac tors, pickups, & IH Crawlers. Call evenings, 6 to 8 pm, 815/658 8883. • WOMEN t MEN OF AMERICA TAKE NOTICE We ere looking for part time help day or evelnlg Earn dollars telling people about our concept. Earn 850-8100- or 8200 per week. Call Mel Faber at 312/658-2400. WATCHMAN, part tlma. Retired or semi-retired in dividual welcome to apply. Ap ply In person to Staffer Wallpaper Mills. 400 S. Main St., Crystal Lake. SECURITY OFFICERS Immediate openlnas In the Elgin area only , full & part 'Sffl JSPMBfo.'SS and be willing to work any shift. Also, must have own transportation. To apply call 312/815-0271. TYPISTS Needed. One day, one week, one month and longer assignments available. Work n e a r B a r r l n g t o n , Carpentersvllle, Elgin, Streamwood, Bartlett. Man power Temporary Services, 312/742-7421. SEAMSTRESS, Part Time, McHenry area. Make pouches for small machines. Excellent opportunity for supplemental Income. Call Fred at 815/344- 0670 evenings SHEET METAL WORKER, must be experienced In both commercial & industrial work. Send resume & desired wage to: Box A E Q, Free Press Newspapers. P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, Illinois, 60014. INJECTION MOLDING Foreman Second Shift Clean modern plant Minimum 3 yrs. Ex perience Required APPLY IN PERSON Hansen Plastics, Corp. 1270 Abbott Dr., Elgin NEEDED Serious keyboard player for top 40 R & R band, for week-end work. Must have own equipment. Vocals prefer red, but not a must. Call Mark, 312/658-6031 or Larry, 815/648- 2618-Eves. EARN EXTRA INCOME marketing over 5,000 products, small Investment required. Am way Distributor, 815/385- 9188 69 pm. WAITRESS WANTED, days or evening shift. Call 639-2101 for Interview. SHORT ORDER COOK, male or female, modern kitchen. Ideal hours. Call 815/338-8575. ^ 24 Help Wanted AUTO SALES Some sales experience preferred. Will pro vide training for right individual. Must be career oriented. Must possess positive atti tude and good work habits. We provide demo, hospitalization, reasonable hours and man agement support. Apply in person: Steve Mertel Woodward Ford Mercury Rt. 47 Woodstock, IL 815-338 6680 PUNCH PRESS SUPERVISOR Looking for an experienced person to oper ate and supervise punch press area. Must have strong background in set up of straight side and O.B.I, presses with air and roil feeds. Please apply in person: Autotrol corporation 365 East Prairie Crystal Lake, IL. MISC. 82 Merchandise PULL TIME, days. Lleht assembly/ light machine operators for small manufac turer located Crystal Lake/ Algonquin area. Interview by appointment only, Call 312/658- PART TIME temporary even ing help wanted, 3:30-7:30, Monday- Thursday, light machine operator/assembly,' also simple machine se^up Small manufacturer located Crystal Lake/ Algonquin area. Interview by appointment only, call 312/658-8561. PROGRAM AIDES PART TIME 1st and 2nd Shift IT'S YOUR CHANCE to par ticipate in a fine program, working with developmental^ impaired adults. It you're a caring, responsible person we'll train you to work with us, teaching self-help skills to our residents. APPLY IN PERSON ONLY. The Glenklrk Circle for Adults Is at 26719 N. Owens, Mundelein (take Fairfield Road to SchwermertoOwens). e.o.e LPNsand RNs Part time/Evenings and Weekends C O M E W O R K W I T H developmentally disabled children who need caring, responsible Nurses at the Glenklrk Campus for Children, 27255 N. Fairfield Road, Mundelein. To participate In this fine program contact Mark Schllchtlng, Coordinator, at 312/526-2716. ' e.o.e HOUSEKEEPERS •WEEKENDS work from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays only. •WEEKDAYS-Work /Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 APPLY IN PERSON at the Glenklrk Campus facility at 27255 N. Fairfield Road, Mundelein. e.o.e 31 Wanted To Buy OUTBOARD MOTORS, runn Ing or not. 3-75 h.p. prefer Johnson or Evlnrude. 312/837- 2812. H.C. STAMP & COIN CO. We Buy 8. Sell 10 Crystal Lake Plaza •815/459-3940* TELEPHONES 1900 era, wall or desk phones, by C hristmas. 312/658-7844. after 7 pm LIONEL AMERICAN, Flyer or other trains, any condition. Toy farm machinery. Repairs and appraisals. 815/522-4454. GOLF CLUBS Used. 815/385-4400 •TREADMILL EXERCISER* Call After 4 PM 815/338 2533 BUY, SELL, or trade guns, old shells, and related Items. 815/338-4731. ... ! STERLING SILVER flatware, Etc., fine china service, cobalt blue glass plates, etc., antique music box, double bed 115/459 0932 Misc. 32 Merchandise TORO SNOWBLOWER, self propeilad, low hrs, exc cond 895 815/459-0134 or 459-7543. WHY PAY MORE? Twin size mattress sets. 889; Full size mattress sets, 8109; Queen size mattress set. 8189; Bunk Beds complete with mat tresses, 8189. Lenny Fine Furniture 312/742-7801 VILLAGE RESALE SHOP (Owned & Operated by Sherman Hospital Auxiliary Crystal Lake Branch) 65 Woodstock St. (Across from Depot) Crystal Lake, IL Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10-5 815/459-3401 (All Donations Tax Deductible) BEDS Two full size, 860 each, 1 crib 830,1 Ig. formica table 860, eir hockey table 840 . 815/459 7052 DINING ROOM table S. chairs, walnut, leaf & pad, 875.815/459 6499. Misc. 32 Merchandise Misc. 32 Merchandise WASHER l DRYER, heavy duty, ell cycles A settings, REFRIGERATOR, all Ilka new In excellent cond. 312/695-3375 or 695-077S GENOA GREENHOUSE * now taking orders for grave blankets, cemetery wreaths, cemetery boxes, etc. In Hemp ehlre call Shockefs Jewelry 312/613-2901. In Klrkland caM Evelyn Lltt»e|ohn 815/522-3833 t in Genoa call Genoa Greenhouse, 815/784-5511. Free delivery. HEARING AID Battery Sele. Cash & Carry. Price 81 Wi t 13. McHenry Hearing AW, 3937 Main, McHenry, 815/3I5-7461. Service Center nours, Wed., 10- 5. Sales I Repairs, all makes. Home Calls. CLOCKS for X-MAS Over 50 to choose from. From 815 855. Call:815/385-2254 Most docks 820. CLEANING Specialists. Call ServiceMaster for all your cleaning needs. Carpet, Fur niture, Floor (Tile, Wood, Slate), and wall cleaning. Free Estimates. 815/455-3776. REPLACE your old furnace with a new high efficiency natural gas flroo furnace. For details aoout the 96% Efficient Hell Marshall II, call Harold Johnson Heating 8. Air Condi- tlonlng, 815/459-0078, PHEASANT HUNTING By Rte. 47 8i 176 2 bird limit. 830/hunter. Guide & dog 825 815/943-5976. • HAVE MRS. Claus deliver balloons this holiday We UPS balloons! Order earlyl Say It with Balloons, Bloomln' Balloons. 815/459-R AVE, RENT new RINSE-N-VAC lightweight steam ceroet c l e a n e r • • m a d e f o r heavyweight Jobs. BEN FRANKLINSTORE, Dundee. SNOWPLOW 7 ft. Western. Lights & carriage. 8500. 815/728-1478 after 6 pm, except Mon. 8. Wed. • DECEMBER SPECIAL FREE TURKEY with Garage Door Opener purchase. Prices start at 8145...Herb's Door Ser- vlce. 312/651-4112. W A S H E R S , D R Y E R S refrigerators, reconditioned and guaranteed. 815/385-6431. FIREWOOD R8M Lawn Ser vice. Seasoned firewood, oak, cherry and white birch. We deliver. 815/344-0515. APPLIANCES Refrigerators, washers 8. dryers, electric gas ranges Clean I Ilka new at reasonable prices. All recondi tioned and guaranteed. Wahl Used Appliances. 1209 Court St., McHenry. 815/385-1872. BEST QUALITY, used railroad ties. New landscaped timber. Bulk grass 8. pasture seeds. Purina Chows i much more. Woodstock Ferm 8. Lawn Canter. 2020 S. Rt. 47. 815/338- 4200 PLAIN PAPER Copiers, used. 8295. Others. 875. Valley Office Mach., 815/455-3050. SEASONED FIREWOOD, 5 Face Cords, 8220, 1 Face Cord, S50. Call 815/459-8945. WANTED: Glassware - Depression, Helsey, Cam bridge, Fostorla, Candlewick, etc. Pottery-Fiesta, Hall, Waller. Rosevllle. etc. 815/895- 6033. LINEN OUTLET open Satur days only. 10 am-5 pm, 10004 Main St. Hebron, II. Why Pay More for flannel sheets, down pillows, comforters i towels? EUNICE'S EGGERY (All Items Made From Real Eogs) Christmas Tree Ornaments, J e w e l r y , G i f t s O p e n weekdays. Call first for eves. & weekends. 815/455-4856. 164 North Main, Crystal Lake. FIREWOOD Seasoned Oak 312/683-2619 CRACKERSTHE CLOWN Si SANTA for Parties 8. Helium Belloon Deliveries! Call 815/923-4327. FIREPLACE Energy efficient, wes display modeC 8475. 6 ft kitchen display. 8175. Tub enclosures, 869. Dundee Lumber, 312/426-4844. WAREHOUSE SALE lOO's of Cabinets to Choose From MEDALLION Cabinets AND Kitchen Compact Cabinets Slightly damaged kitchen and vanity cabinets at great savings. Large assortment of cultured marble vanity tops at astounding low prices. A wide choice of colors on all remnant counter tops at special prices. For free estimates bring in your room dimensions. Cash & Carry All Sales Final Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Top Form Co., _ UK. 7616 Hancock Dr. Wonder Lake •15-728-0203