Misc. 32 Merchandise *001 TABLE Standard, w/p- [nTponfl board. VS tWt& tyt after 4 pff>. WIND CHAIRS (2), nW0to,ttl; Cobbltr'i table 4 and table, bath maple, HO aa. Call 344- M7»aHar»yn- DUNCAN PHYFI laroa table •'"•ar MFIII«tlMT<M Whirlpool itAsns&xr' DIN ING ROOM table I chain, Eamat chair< Olawtoptanble; Rattan library tabla. Call ns/4»-H4i. FIREWOOD Swontd Hardwoodi 155/Face Cord Delivered DOUBLE OVEN gas »tove, $230 and vant hood avi available. 312/4)1-443* FISH TANKS .100 gal., IS oal., & 13 gal. braadar, everything Inc. too. S1S/4JMM3 attar Ing 3:30, art tor Tim. • • YOUNG DESIGNER moving Antlquoa; walnut hope chaat (ISO., oak drat tar w/bavalad mirror 1200; oak library tabla 130., 2 (4x1) 1930'a braldad rug* $40 aach, Llka new 2 franch tub chalrt |120/pr„ 5' bltold doors, 133., Starao 130., Fu|l blka $160. Oraat gift Itama, plants, basket*, plcturet, lot* of court try cram, fabric, and othar mlK. Itamt. Call for appt., 113/433-2233 attar • pm on Thurt, otharwlaa aftar 5:30 p m WARM HIS HEART & katp hi* tooa toaity with warm, in- tuiatad boot* In casual & work styled Gift cartlfIcatas available. Heliler't Bootary, 30 N. Wllllama In Downtown Cryatal Laka">13/45»-OI7i 2 GOLD BARREL Chalrt. $43 1 antique gata lag tabla, S200, Pr. small walnut and fablat (Old) 113-331-4393 HOLIDAY SPECIALI 20% OFF labor on painting con tractad through Dac. 31, 1*31 Economy Pride Painting, I1S/439-14M days, 459 2414 aWHlWB»- Misc. 32 Merchandigp RADIO STATION complota Kenwood TSI20S amateur, trantcalvar, VFO, antanna fear"- £^RpfT,T0' *•*•*-built In Tappan gat ovan, xzirs/ss"* SHAVINGS & SAWDUST, you p ck or wa dallvar, bag or bulk, alto taatonad oak firewood, • U/475-2214 or Ill/Ml- I439.anytlma SLEEPER SOFA doubla, 140, whlta drapat 144x14 $13, >13/313-2777 SPECIAL SALE Bedroom Saft (4 pc.) 11,195 & Up. Kroahlar & Fllllppi Sofa Sleepers - $399 to 1499. Wallar't Furn. Factory Outlat, 4412 W. Rt. 174, Crystal Laka. 115/459- 3343 MATCHING COUCH, & lova Mat, nautral colort, good cond., 115/331-3112, or 33* 7411, atk for Rand/. BULLY VALLEY Flrawood, Hickory and oak dallvarad and stackad, $47 faca cord. $133 full cord.H3/33»-339>. SEASONED FIREWOOD Oak, maple $43. faca. 190, ona cord. Wa dallvar. I13/72I 1997. STUDENT DESK, 2 drawers, 115; Drawer, 10 drawtrt, $35; Orettar, 4 drawert, $30; Metal Shalvet, 17.30 . 312/439-1253, BLIND HEMMER Con-Saw. deluxe Induttrlal, Model 222. exc. cond.. $500 firm. 115/331- 4174 FIREWOOO Hardwoodt. >13/344 3524, after 5 pm. Misc. 32Jferchandise WHY PAY MORE? Flannel i thaatt. down plllowt & com forter*, towel11 morel All at below suggested retail prlcet! The Linen Outlet, 10004 Main St., Hebron, IL Open 10 am 5 pm Saturday! only. FIREWOOD mlxad, taatonad hard woods $50 per 4 ft.xl ft face cord delivered plut $5 00 ttackad. 312/742-1354 or 495 573S. -- . - 23" QUASAR Contle works C, beautiful cabinet $200 , 312/424-4225. DOWN HILL Skl't Dynastar 140 w/blndlngt, Nordic boots si. I -f poles. 1100. Exc. buy. 115/439-1537. TOOL BOX, upper & lower boxes. Vulcan, mint cond., t700/best; Dining chairs (4), exc. cond., S35/ea. 115/435-1174 after 3 pm y - MlSC. 32 Merchandise Misc. JS2 Meiyhflnrfiii> /URN WAREHOUSE SALE 5 Pc. Sat: Sofa, chair, I and tabla. & coffee table, starting ••MW, financing avail! I15y435-4114. GOLF CLUBS I Irons, 3 woods S125 up, metal woods, 15 place 2 for l coupon books, save up to 50% off llsf. 115/721-0177. CABBAGE PATCH doll, whlta female w/brown hair. Bast of fer. 312/421-1503. FRESH DRESSED Muskovy Oucks, Si JO/lb., attar 5 pm. 115/315-2441. SLEEPER SOFA doubla site, beloe color, good cond. 1200 3127439-2975 affarSpm. WINTER COAT, ladles site 14, blege w/mlnk collar, Ilka new, $35 Electric Snowblowar, good cond., bast offer. 312/497-3175. BUY YOUR Mattress factory direct, tave $50 to $100. Woodstock Mattress, 2720 Rat- fel Rd. Hours: 10 AM to 2 PM, or by appt. 115/331-4474 or l1S/3M-3m. CABBAGE PATCH kids doll clothes, hand made. Excellent xmas gifts. 312/42S-5240, aftar 3 pm * SAVE 110 on any Maytag Disposer with this coupon through 12/17/13, Sherman Plumbing & Heating, 4119 NW Hwy., Crystal Laka, S15/459- 40M. Great gift Idea for Christmas Cooks! MAYTAG WASHER and gat dryer, good, condition: $Sx>. Call 115/315 9007 aftar 4 p.m. N-GAUGE model R.R. equip ment, track, cars, engines, unused, still In boxes. To see, call I13/439-2K3 after 5 pm. Give Something Different For Christmas Pre-Stained Picnic Tables 6'-$95.00 8 ' - $ 1 1 0 . 0 0 FREE LOCAL DELIVERY 728-1292 SEARS CRIfc dreaatng tabla A cradle, tits. H5/499^4J3 35 Antiques 20,000 Sq. Ft. ̂ arehous? Of, Antiques! Walnut Drettcr SM II Primmitive Pin* church Ptws $11} •• 0*k Ch«M Ca6m«t tlto Sahnwood Or«twr w BMirror SUS M«hog«ny Merbl* Top WMhttaod. SIS 0*t Bookcetc SUS OM Drnter * Beveled Mirror, SI)J Satinwood Drtsser ml) Bewtod Mtrrorv SUS 0*k Rtvoivma Bookcase tl«S. L*ro* Mihoo«n» War *obt */B*veled Mirror S7M Walmut Dresttr. VI Oak H«ll Troo * Marbit Slab I Colork) Titos, W30 Satmwood Orotaor s*S Oak Dresser «'Lo B*«*led Mirror SUS Primitive Pino Blanket Trunk S»S Square Oak Tat>t« SUS Marble Top Wathttand. SUS MahOQany Inlaid Dr*ssef » Bcvctod Mirror SIS4 Primitive Pin* Sideboard Sit) in Antique Stained Class Windows SlSSltS aa Primitive pine Washstand Si 15 Primitive Pine Chest 01 Drawers Sits. 4 Pin* } Door Armoires SMS e« Pine Dome Top Trunk SJJS Large Pin* Ch*»i Ot Drawars SiSS Walnut Hall Tree S14S Oak Dresser w Beveled Mirror SDS Large Oak Sideboard » Beveled Mirror SltS Oak S Section Stacking Bookcase S4U John Krnnrth Fundrrburg A Son* MW»arians<Witlinli» ietaH 2!<lMe«burgR4,Mytan. IL nua4M - im.. Weoa-3pm) T«at> Sat S»m, TrUfTwOOa. SINGLE BCD w/frame I walnut haadboard. S35. Call •15/499-9943. ROOM HEATER, alactrlc, w/blower, heats Ig. rm., Ilka •--* -- aiiyiaajlM WWi MITOnir< RATTAN COUCH 1100; S. T. Rag. II Clack S3S0; 4 dr. pine file, $200; 4' bkcasa S200; 7 bkcasa S100; walnut rocker, SIO; folding cot frame S10; library table 1100; and much more. Call 312/439-1574. COUCH, Flex steal, rust, 72", perfect cond., >100.312/449 3419 MOVING SALE-Fum.,Apprs, Misc. Chest Freezer, couch chr./ottoman, dinette set, rafrlo., full walnut badrm. sat, twin bad braldad runs, corner cupboard, china, desks. Mason |ars, A much misc. 115/330-4427 aft. 4 p.m. ' JOLLY JACK'S Christmas Trees Is Back I 5 varieties, many large trees. 304 Johnson St., E. Dundee. 312/434-2713. REFRIGERATOR, G.E- side by side, M50;'G.E. electric stove, 1175; Hotpolnt refrigerator, 1400; Tappan gas range, 1300. Call 015/00-5251 or 115/333-1202. NEW SANTA SUIT SALES & Rentals. Gifts, gags, magic. Fantasy Festival Costume/ Magic Centre in Crystal Lake. CalI91S/455-4910. WASHER A ELEC. Dryer. 20 cu ft, refrlg. w/bottom freezer. Over-the-sTove exhautt fan. 115/330-5554 after 4 pm. REFRIGERATOR. 1100; ttove. 1150; dryer, $75; sofa fc loveseat, 1150/best; antique chairs (4), solid Mack walnut, 1150/ea.orbast, 312/420-49t4. MEYERS SNOWPLOW 7Vj Ft. Blade *015/3304924* TORO SNO-THROWER $125, Boy's 10 sod bike, red. 34", $50 01 j/305-7700,0:30-4 pm. DINING RM. TABLE, glass, round w/chrome legs, $75, 015/344-3144. CABBAGE PATCH doll, best offer. Profits to charity ot needy famlles. $15/330-2452 & i i n » Misc. Garage Sales G SVT Amplifier A speaker cabinet, $495/best; Ex tra cablnatt, tpeakert, microphones & turntable- Make Offarl Aquarium, 20 gal. w/etand A filter, $50; Kenmore trash canspacter, $45. Call •IS/499-9949. 11 H.P.TORO Riding Lawn mower, 42" cut + cart, Ilka naw, Aaking $1,000.115/330-4439 aft,7p,m GOING SOUTH Like new Toro S200. Elac. start, 21" snowblowar, $100. $330 new. $19/3154900 after 7. Hearing Impairment, lot ring. CABBAGE PATCH dolls, call after 4 pm 312/931-1373. ask for Mike. WASHER, dryer, refrigerator, dishwasher, exc cond,. Fur niture, plants, storm door. $15- 344/9233 SOLID OAK Trestle table w/2 loevos, pads. & 6 upholstered chrs. Matching buffet, $1500 flrm.OlS/499-4311. GRANDFATHER CLOCK ex eel lent condition. Westminster chimes, moon dial. Retail $550, asking $305.015/33$-43$3. HUMMELS valuable old models, baa marklngt, lamp, ashtray A flower madonna. Priced well below retail. $15/33*4303. BULK NUTS Factory Freth Outlet SPECIALS: Whole Almondt. $2.25/lb. bag A Whole Filbert*. J $1.99/lb. bg. SomeOThertMtr^ Crystal Laka Ptaza (Expires 12/19/03) .015/455 N UTS LOVE SEAT gold velvet, new, " . 312/42$ 27$0. SEASONED FIREWOOD white oak pallett wood, full pick up load delivered & stacked, $50. $15/303-9609 WOOD BURNING well heng- Ingt at Kevin Hegel's artist gallery workshop, at $414 Memory Trail, Wonder Lake $15/720-0043. GUNS SNW. Model 37, 429, 304, 404,29. Also Ruger mini 14 from $305. Also Nlgnthawk. 9 mm carbine. $495. Dealer $15/3$5- 9140. • HAPPY GRAMS Telegrams. Male/Female Be ly Dancers. Call 312/S90-3040 Slngjng ~ r Misc. 32 Merdtoandise SHOP SMITH $1000. Crib. $75. Port-a-crlb, $90. Ouaaawaterb- ad. $250. Kids ski boots, $5/pr. Bookcase, $25. Twin mattress sat, $75. Coma saa A make 0f- fer. 312/450-4037. am. POOL TABLE, 7 ft. Brunswick, exc. cond.. $290 w/ecc. Call $15/495-3749 aftar 7 pm. NORDICA Nova.s ladles ski beets, sin 9Vj $90., also, oxer- dse bicycle, $90 $15/305-0049, atk (or Mary GAS DRYER, Maytag A Wardt Wether; $250 for both. Cell 815/3$5-7071. . ENCYCLOPEDIAS, 20 bookt with shelf, $20. Rocker & davenport sat, $70.015/470-3791 JACUZZI Hot Tub, never used, acrylic tub w/flttor, portable, chocolate brown. $1,000 negotiable. $15/720-012$ after 3p^nv HEAD SKIS, boots (men's 10) $50; sofa, chair, $150; complete twin, boxtprlng w/frame, $23; baby chest, $20; wedding dress (12). $50; 019/344-2307 DINNING ROOM TABLE. A 4 padded chairs with 2 matching stools. Br. swivel rocker, an £«xl cond., best offer 312/683- NATURAL RATTAN sofa. 2 arm chairt, cuthiont. tolld green, reversed side flowered; 2 end lamp tables; 1 tall lamp table, 1 cocktell table Perfect r cond., $490.013/344-5104. LIKE NEW, large air hockey tebie. $100. Plngpong table, exc. cond. $45. $15/3^-447$. VIDEO RECORDER, RCA 430 Loaded with features. Exc. cond. $15/330-0039. Conducted House Sale Bv Lonameodow Farm FRIDAYS DECEMBER, 14*, 4-» pm SATURDAY. DECEMBER 17. 9 am 2 pm 480 W. Jackson st. - Woodstock Cut glass, depression glass, dolls. Christmas plates quilts, tterling silver, old magazines;ladies 14K gold Hunter's case watch, kitchen table, chairs sofa rocking chair, baby bed. end tablet, lamp, pictures linens, books, clothing, ping-pong table, sm com bination office safe freezer, old coffee grinder many more items large and small. •Humbert art 3 on Friday ,r"'For informotion 815-338•*3579 NATURAL RATTAN game table, 4 twlvel erm cnelrs. cuthiont, ttriped green & white. Pecfect cond. $430. $13/344-5104. SKIS, K2-140, Slalom bindlnot. beginner to Intermediate, size 7, Nordlca boots, wpralsed at Ski-Shop, $00.015/305-4073 after 5pm. GARAGE DOORS. 14' X 17'. $90, r X 7', $110; complete; commercial electric opener $100, steel commercial sec tions, 10' X 24', $50. $15/3$5- 2442 INTE LLIV IS ION 11 games, $125. $15/3$5-9353 CRYSTAL LAKE 11$ Farlngdon Dr. Dec "5th, 8:30-5 Furniture, clothing, misc. Good Bargains JUDSON COLLEGE Giant Garage Sale Elgin, IL. 1151 N. State St.. 312/495-2300 FrliSat, Dec 14 & 17 9 em - 4 pm Student desks, bads, dressers, chair-desks, chairs, office turn., lounge turn., assorted tables, brass chandeliers, trash containers, white bathroom vanity, paper towel dispensers, drapes/rods. Addressograph Locktab frames, assorted In terior doors (some w/wln- dows). manual typewriters & more. PAGE IS~J*LA1NDEALER - WEDNESDAY, / DECEMBER 14. 1*83 f Misc. 32 Merchandise MAPLE TABLE chairs, china cabinet, dry sink. Vinyl couch, loveseat A chair; gun cab., high chair. 015/309-047 aft. 5 p.m. 35 Aki ques 20,000 SQ. FT. warehouse of an tlques at the most reasonable prices in the area I John Ken neth Funderburg & Sons, Ant| quarlans, wholesale A Retail. 2111 Newburg Rd., Belvldere, IL. $15/547-0104. ANTIQUE STOVE, cast iron. wood A coal burning, exc. cond 312/439-9300 after 4 pm ANTIQUES-Swansea English Tea service Circa 1030, $325. Primitive Pennsylvania Pine dry sink, Circa 1020, $450; 100 books, 150 to 200 yrt. old, variout prlcet, eves. $15/336 1454 OAK BUFFET, 42 In. long, 2 drawers, 1 door, reflnlsned, $193 $15/455-4330, ftes. FORD 1952, 4 dr sedan, 39,000 original miles, many extra parts, $1,200; Bulck 1977 V-4 eng., $125; Frazer Nash, 1934, Roadster (replica), invested $9000, will sell for $3,000; 1942 Chrysler Crown Imperial, exc. cond., low milage, 4 dr . $1700 • 815/385-7236 Bicycles & Sports 36 Equip. HART SKIS, Poles and size 9 boots. Like new. $120. Weight Bench and Weights, $X. If In terested, call after 3 p.m 115/315-4225 HUSKY BIKE 24", girls, 3 speed.Plngpong table Tn good cond. $35. 312/403-2530 38 Boats OUTBOARD MOTOR Johnson, 25 horse power, $250. 10 horse power, Johnson outboard, $450 $15/305-4570 • BOAT COVER, extra heavy du ty oiled canvas, 14 X 34 ft., grommets every 3V* ft., $275. 312/439 0253. eves. Musical 39 Instruments GUITARS- Brand New at wholesale prices, save 40-50%. Accoustics, electrics & bass guitars plus strings, straps, picks, drum sticks, cases & much much more 815/365-8383 for appt. GUITAR Ibanez Special 100 watt Ampeg amp. All access, inch All top performance equip. 815/338-7428, after 9 pm. PRE-CHRISTMAS WAREHOUSE SALE A small deposit will hold the Piano or Organ of your choice at the lowest available price. SAVE BIG-SAVE NOW Call: RoselleMusic 312/497-3364 Mon.-Thurs.-1 A.M. to9 P.M. Sat.-9 A.M. to4 P.AA. Musical 39 Instruments FISHER PIANO Service. Tun ing & repair, guaranteed. No electronic tuning aids used. 312/450-4193. PRE-HOLIDAY Piano & Organ Sale Prices start at $395. sell Morford Piano A Organ Com pany, 72 Fountain Square Plaza, Elgin, IL. 312/741-0700. LOWREY PIANO Barely used, $1300. 615/337-0167 DRUM SET eight piece. 4 mon ths old. like new,$650 312/439 6538 after 6pm, • GULBRANSON Model E Organ Appraised- $1,500, Sell for $535/best 815/459-0118 after 7 pm. TRUMPET, Bundy Student Model, exc. cond., $175. Calf 615/459-4782 after 4 pm UPRIGHT PIANO Best Offer Needs reflnishlng 312/428-5624. HAMMOND SPINET organ w/bench, L-Serles. $450, Trom bone w/books, $100. 615/459 ; 0174. - BUFFET CLARINET wood) | w/case & acc., exc cond . $325; ! Student 3/4 size Cello, w/bow & soft case, $135 312/639 8 253, eves. - ELECTRIC GUITAR w/amp.' Like new. Exc. Christmas gift for beginner, $125.815/653-9717 DRUM SET 5 pc., blue. SI inoerland. 5 cymbals $250 OkGAN, Hammond E100, con- i sole. Full pedal. Exc cond. Asking $1400. 312/639-4942 GORDON LAUGHEAD Con sole Piano, like new, $750 312/931 1590 DRUM SET by Gretch, 5 pes ; Tama & Rogers hardware. $500/best 615/455-50*0. PIANOS used, organs, guitars. Instruments, band & more. ! Gutars, Banjo lessons, guitar, & amplifier repair, piano tunn ing 6, repair. 139 Maple, Hamp- shlre 312/403-2630 or 603-4746 ! SAXOHPONES, Bundy like new, $425 Other reconditioned, $330. 615/943-7381 or 943-7310. ORGAN, professional Ham- ; mond B-3 and Leslie. Includes bass and keyboard syn- I theslzers $2500 or best ; reasonable offer. 815/758-7517 for demonstration 44 44 Pets& Equipment Petsfc ;quipment PUPPY, 4'/j months, free to good home, 815/344-4923 FREE IRISH setter, 5 yrs. old, great w/chlldren, housebroken. 815 385-7061 j COCKER SPANIELS, black, 1 I male 8. 1 female. AKC, 2 yrs. > old, housebroken, good w/kids. i FREE To Good Home Call ! 815/455-3127 after 5 pm. | AKC MINATURE BEAGLE puppies. Adorable!7 wks. old, $50.00 Maple Park 815/827-3164 I MUST GIVE away, 5 year old Collie mix. Call 815/337-0010 or ! 338-8176. PUPPIES, Pekingese males, Sheltles. Tri, Blues, Miniature Schnaozer, male. 312/603-4477. FREE TO loving home. Spot', i 10 mo. old, AKC. blond. Cocker Spaniel. 815 784-4400. AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD Puppies bred for protection and working abilities. German blood lines. Call 815/640-4356 eREE TO GOOD home, pup pies. Lab mix. In time for Christmas, 312/426 2376 GERMAN SHEPHERD 1m portt. AKC, Sire Ben no Von Haut Kuhn Exceptional quali ty. bred for temp., dltp.. raited with children 813/923 M00 GERMAN SHEPHERD AKC puppies Put a puppy under your Christmas Tree Large boned, all shots. $15G 815/338 8461 after 7 pm CANARIES-Home raised Male/Female, Good singers 815/336-1301 SHIH TZU PUPS AKC, 1 female, 2 male, blondes 8. stripes, $275 & $300, 815/459- 6475. ' f MINIATURE Schnauzers AKC Ready for Christmas. 312/741-4394 FREE PUPPY female, '2 wks., mixed breed, paper train ed Very good w/chlldren, pertect tor Christmas. 312/428- 5416. 9 MONTH OLD female cat, Free in time tor Christmas. Ra coon coloring 815/459-1435 FROMM DOGFOOD-high quality at reasonable prices, (.all Frelamma Shepherds. 815- 569-2596 eves for prices and discounts and delivery in formation SHIH-TZU PUPPIES, AKC registered, bred for quality & temperament Call 815/455- 3034. FERRETS ,2 male, 7 female, $25 each Litter box trained.! 815/365-7253 GERMAN SHERPHERD. AKC, puppies, black 8. tan, registered, well tempered 3" wks. Old. 815,455 4266 i FREE KITTENS three, cute & cuddly, gray & white. 10 weeks 815/726-1617. GERMAN SHEPHARDS, AKC,' champion sired, shots, exc w/kids, will hold for Christmas, $100 & up. Call 615/338-6261. , AKC TOY POODLE female. 7' mo., all shots, silver (moved to apt ) $225 815/653-6436 ' CANARIES male or female, home raised, males $40, females $20.815/459-7434 BOUVIER PUPPIES 8. YOUNG ADULTS 312/426-2060 ' FREE to good home, 6 mth male grey kitten. 815/459-5274. FREE KITTENS. 2 males, 1' female 815 365-7366 AKC STD. POODLE ready now, or Cocker pups, all wltn Titled Dams, shots, wormed. Also, Titled, buff, Cocker stud 312/649-5633 v CANARIES Good Singers 8, Cages 312/639 2622 FREE TO GOOD HOME Lab. All shots. 615/344-3524. SCHNOODLE PUPPIES, black 4 sliver, M/F. $35 ea. Call aft. 5 p.m. 614/344-4693. FREE KITTENS Long hair, all black. ifemal«, 1 male. Litter trained. 312/356-9041. DIAL-A-SERVICE •Home Maintenance •Secretarial •Tailoring •Landscaping •Plowing •Firewood *Much more A Listing of Business Services offered in McHenry County and the surrounding area. Call 815-338-2650 to place your Dial*A*Service Ad! BANQUET ROOMS CARPENTRY ELECTRICAL 1 GARAGE DOORS An/foe* STEAK HOUSE Banquet Halls Available Parties from M to lit Accepting Holiday Reservations GIFT CERTIFICATES » SEASON TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR 1904 DINNER/THEATRE Daily Luncheon t Dinner Specials Fortleeervatlons A Information call 815/678-2671 locatod'iml N orRt 173 on U & 13. Richmond, IL CARPENTRY Call: DALE 815/455-5743 COURIER SERVICE CONNIE'S COURIER SERVICE FAST me For Prompt Pick-Up and Delivery at Reasonable Rates Discount Avail. Serving McHenry, Lake. Cook, Kane & DuPage Counties Prompt safe delivery of: •All your delivery needs •Packaged Goods •Business Documents •Printed Matter Bonded Si Insured Days Nltes 7days 815/344-1497 CARPET CLEANING CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL Any living room steam cleaned and sanitized $39.95 BAUMAN CARPETCLEANERS 815/943-4793 DECORATING HOLIDAY PAINTING SPECIAL Any Size Room $75.00 Ceiling & walls One coat any color (Additional charge for trim or plastering work) 'Wallpaper Specialists -- LAWRENCE DECORATING i DAYS 815/344 1119 EVES 015/305 0252 BLOWING FUSES? Midway Electric • 100 amp. service • Circuit breaker cabinets • Rewiring our specialty • Stanley Maczka 815/344-3186 FARM SERVICE KRIEGELS BADGER SERVICE JohnT Krlegel 312/683-2705 Badger PI D Humane Ritchie Vermeer Ribsfone Silos Silo Repair GARAGE DOOR OPENERS v DOG GROOMING % PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING 'Tha Little Red House" Pat Woodruff 015/440-2544 AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR OPENERS! KARLOLSSON CONTRACTOR Ring wood. IL •15/053493* Garage Door Sales, Ser vice & Repair. Electric door openers. 25 years ex p e r i e n c e . A l l w o r k guaranteed. 815/385-2662 HEARING AIDS SALES & REPAIRS ALL MAKES 475 0i 13 Batteries . SERVICE CENTER HOURS Wednesday, lOam-Spm MCHENRY HEARING AID CENTER 1937 Main Street. McHenry *815/315-7661 • HOUSE CALLS Robert Stenalend, Owner HOME IMPROVEMENT •ELECTRICAL •FAMILY ROOMS •MAINTENANCE FREE DECKS & PORCHES •HOME REPAIRS No Job Too Small! HARRY L.VIEZENS CONSTRUCTION 815/385-2847 m HOME IMPROVEMENT JIL HOME IMPROVEMENTS Remodeling & Room Additions Garages & Aluminum Siding Soffit«Fascia*Gutters Roofing & Decks Lew Prices & Free Estimates Fully Guaranteed & Insured •15/455-4220 If No Answer, Call 115/459 3M0, Ext.Z ODDJOBS INSULATION HAVE YOUR INSULATION CHECKED Blown in or Batt Insulation FREE ESTIMATES 815/653-6822 INSULATION ENTERPRISES Wonder Lake, IL. Will do garage and base ment cleaning, lawn work and light hauling, also other odd jobs. 815/653-6896 815/728 1833 PAINTING R . T . & R . PAINTING CO. Commercial & Residential Interior & Exterior Low prices Insured Free estimates Ron 615/720-0170 PAINTING RUSSELL DECORATING •COMMERCIAL •RESIDENTIAL 815/459-0722 PLUMBING PLUMBING New work remodeling, repairs, water heaters, sump pumps, water softeners Licensed & Insured Tom 815/653-9725 PLUMBING GUNDERSON PLUMBING Septic-Sewer Water Remodeling and All Repairs Power Rodding Commercial and Residential Emergency Service 815/653-7806 REMODELING PLUMBING SNOWPLOWING METALS $$ALUAAINUAA CANS$$ We also buy copper, brass, batteries, aluminum, radiators, gold and silver. T&C METALS CO. 24 Woodstock Street Crystal Lake, IL 815/459-4445 Monday through Friday 10:00-5:00 Saturday 8:00-4:00 QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Senior Citizen s Discount REMODELING •Kitchen •Bath •Window & Door Replacement WE BUILD •Garages •Decks •Room Additions •Construction of New Homes NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL!! WE AIM TO PLEASE &15/M5-4937 312/359 4339 or Answering Service: 815/459-3888, Ext. 'Q' CRAFTWAY HEATING PLUMBING COOLING 815/385-5591 24 Hr. Emergency Service Furnace Cleaning Hot Water Tanks Sump Pumps Air Conditioning Leaky Pipes FREE ESTIMATE ON NEW INSTALLATIONS Senior Citizen Discount SEPTIC MATH I SON SEPTIC SERVICE New Septic Installations And Repairs Backhoe Work Questions About Your Septic System? GIVE US ACALL Light Hauling Driveway Gravel, TopSo>i Sand & F.II •815/344-3980 SEWING & VACUUM REPAIR SEWING MACHINE & VACUUM C L E A N E R R E P A I R Household & Industrial In Home Service41 Keener & Son 815/728-0672 SNOWED IN?? Low Cost Snowplowing •Commercial •Residential 815/344-5449, Or 24 hrs: 459-4400 WATER CONDITIONING Introductory Otter RENTA QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For S3 00 per month for the first 3 months Free Installation Call Collect . 815/338 3344 Quality Water Conditioning \ WELDING SEWING MACHINE Sewing machine and vacuum cleaner repair and parts in home service. KEENER & SON 815/778-0672 McHENRY WELDING SERVICE All Types Welding SPECIALIZING IN • Boat Prop Repairs Custom Trailer Hitches 2912W.Rte.120 McHenry 815/385-4929 WOOD RESTORATION JENSEN WOOD RESTORATION Accurate and careful restora tion of antiques. furniture and kitchen cabinets Also c!<dir reglueing 815/385-4024