PAGE It - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14. ll« 44 Pets& Equipment PETS, photographed in your home. (.all or write. Pictures 'N' All. Rt». 1, Utlca, IL 41373. 915/667 50X. PHOTOGRAPHY, Weddings, candlds of Children, p«Ts, special events, custom black and white printing, copy photos and house Inventory photos. Pictures 'N' All. Call 815/667- 5030 or writ* Rts. 1, Utlca, IL 61373. 47 Horses & Equipment REG. ANGLO-ARAB Proven gray mare, 14 yrs., spirited but gentle. Must sail now at below cost, $600. Call 815/338-6261. PUREBRED Reg* Arab- bMutlful, vary typey gray, 14.2 hands, axe. trail horse, calm, well mannered. $1,250. 312/397- 2476. . " HERPORD brand western sad dle, 16" seat, $250. Crosbey 16" English hunt seat saddle, fit tings one., $250815/455-1525 49 Livestock PEEDERS, 12 head, BWF, average 500 lb.. 70</lb, before $ am, 815/385-4876. Business 66 Opportunity START Your Own AM WAY Business & earn financial in- dependencetget the whole story). Under no obligation. 312/639-5627. Wanted To 69 _ Buy WANTED Bulldable homeslte In or near Crystal Lake area. Prefer wooded location. Call Jon, $15/459-8349. WANTED: Hampster cage or Ig. aquarium, reasonable. 815/385-7629, after 6:30 pm. FLYER TRAINS, Lionel & American Flyer, old toys and baseball cards. 815/675-6379 after 5:30 pm 70 Business Properties TAVERN with living quarters on 19 acres. Main hwy. North Wise. Must sail due to Illness. Reasonable. Pictures & details, write c/o TAVERN, Woodstock Dally Sentinel, P.O. Box 709- DC1, Woodstock IL 60098. SMALL RESTAURANT, for sale. Downtown Woodstock. Seats 25. $15,000. 815/338-1930 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. 72 Reai Estate For Sale CENTURY 21 Farmtown Realtors Homes-Farms-Vacant 312/669-3777 or 815-568-7119 TOM WILDE " CRYSTAL LAKEarea, Country Home, spacious 4 br., ivj ba., well built older home on 1 1/3 acres. Needs some work." 5000 sq. ft. machine shed 8, small barn Incl. Fronts golf course of new Country Club on Algonquin Rd. 1 ml. W. of Randall Rd. Of fered by owner at rock-bottom price, $63,000.815/568-8742 IN McHENRY 4, Lake Coun ties, repossessed homes as low as $1,500 down. Priced thousands below value. Homes starting at $27,000. Fixed rate financing. 312/980-9378, American Homes. W E H A V E V A / F H A Fordosure Properties. Low In terest rates; very low down World- Durbln Stove payment. Call for more details, Realty W 815/459-3145. REPOSSESSED HOMES, all counties. $1000 down. 10%/30 yrs. Sutton Realty. 312/625- Real Estate For Sale 72 Real Estate For Sale CRYSTAL LAKE, by owner. 4 bdrm., 2 bath trl-level on 1/3+ acre lot, basement, C/A, fireplace 8i beamed celling In family room. Hardwood floors, enclosed patio, fenced yard, beautiful trees, 2 car garage. Immaculate inside 8i out, moat rooms expensively paneled, $81,500. By appointment, 815/459-1350. ORIGINAL OWNERS Sharp ranch has 3 bdrms., IV* ba., fam. rm. On private C'vllle lot w/mature trees 8i fenced yard. Neat as a pin. You won't want to change a thing. Raducad to $52,900. Call Algonquin Realty, 312/658-5031. CRYSTAL LAKE By owner. Low malnt. Warm & cozy 2 bdrm., 2 bath, frplc., bsmnt. ivi car gar. Completely renovated inside 8i out. Vj blk. from lake, near schools. Cathedral colling w/skyllght In living rm. Lga. closers in master bdrm. Many extras. Asking $59,900. Negof. 815/459- 5145. MC HENRY 3 bdrm. 125 ft. on Fox River. 2 car gar., frplc., fam. rm., wooded lot. 9% Int. $79,850.815/385-6566. INVESTMENT Tax Shelter. 4 unit apt. 9% Int. $119,750. 815/385-6566. CARY for sale by owner 3 bdrm. IV* ba. home w/ fireplace In llv rm. On approx. Vt acre, 3 blocks to train. $65,000.312/639-5513. SMALL 2 BDRM. house, close to McHenry. Good Investment. $31,500. Call 815/385-3490. McHENRY COUNTY By owner, 13 unit apt. building, at $23,000 per unit for total of $299,000. Older brick w/gross Income $42,780. Call $15/385- 3410. MOVE RIGHT In, completely redecorated, 2 or 3 bdrm. ranch. Call today for financing, Re-Max, Gloria, 312/398-3050. IF WE DONT SELL your home, we'll buy Itl Call eRA Household Realty for details. 312/639-2000. SPRING GROVE-Assumable FHA iivi%, 2 BR Ranch, 2 ca' rir. frplc. over 1/2 acre iot. Ilmlnate high doting costs. $46,000,312/587-6688. McHENRY-3 BR home, A/C, full basement w/panel*d rec. rm.. att. 1 car oar., sided, in town, new carpefing & stove In cl. $59,900.815/385-6905. 6 UNIT APT. BLDG. Nr. Spring Hill Mall -Dundee. Call bet ween 7 & 9 P.M. 312/991-1623. WONDER LAKE, sm. 2 bdrm. starter home, completely renovated. New siding, doors, windows, deck, drywall & carpeting. On nice high lot w/trees. Will consider con tract. $28,500. Call 815/653-9964. FORECLOSURE Must sell now. 3 bdrm. bl-level. Fam. rm., fenced yd. FHA/VA welcome. Will consider all of fers. Reduced. $47,500. Algon- quln Realty, 312/658-5031. CRYSTAL LAKE Two story, charming Victorian house, con veniently located. Three bedrooms, 2 baths, formal din ing room, den, hardwood floors, varnished doors, open wood stairway, leaded glass windows. $85,000. 815/459-8508 nlghts312/668-1820days. CRYSTAL LAKE area, by owner. 3 bdrm. ranch, Ig. lot, country kit., ceramic counter tops, beautifully landscaped, extra Ig. patio, heated gar., Ig. wood storage barn, across from park, 1 blk. to school, dead end road, much more. Principals only. $56,500. Call 815/455-2356. WONDER LAKE- $35,000 on Nlpperslnk Cr. i rms., 3 bdrms., full bsmt., Ig. lot. McHenry Co. Realty, 815/653- 2061, ask for JAK. CRYSTAL LAKE, by owner. Rent w/optlon. Newly remodel ed 3 bdrm. ranch, $400/mo. + $2,500 for option. Call 312/741- 5675. McHENRY- Low, low down payment, new 2 bdrm. raised ranch, $49,338. 815/385-0169. IF YOU PREFER QUALITY a minimum of investigation will reveal all the fine features of this luxurious 4 bedroom, 2 bath Not tingham Woods home. Dense woods, professionally landscaped, % acres, massive entrance pillars, huge family room, wet bar and wishing well! $107 500 SMILE I Yl 3 bedrooms, 2% baths, formal dining room, Tri-level on approx. 1 acre in Nottingham Woods. Residence is professionally landscaped, has a mature canopy of trees gracing the large private wood deck and expansive rear yard, loads of storage space and exquisite family room with fireplace. $105,900 GRAB A RARE OPPORTUNITY! Hurry to see this Nottingham Woods 2600 sq. ft. frame & brick ranch on */, acre with additional land available. Home boosts 2% baths, 4 bedrooms, ex tra large deck off kitchen, abundant storage ft closets plus finished rec room with sliding glass doors to patio $102,900 Qnjuoc, . " : i , 2 1 R.E. MAY INC., REALTORS® 9716 N. Rt. 12 - Richmond (815) 678-4575 72 Real Estate For Sale CRYSTAL LAKE nice 3 bdrm., full bemnt., over-sized lot, 2 car g a r a g e . $ 6 1 , 8 0 0 . E R A Household Realty. 312/639-2000. TIMBER LAKE BARR. Con temporary trl-level on 1.1 acres. 3 barms., 3 bath, llv. rm. ft din, rm. w/cathedral celling. Fam. rm. w/frplc. ft finished bsmt. 2 car att. gar. Ad|otnlna 8 acres also avail. $169,800: 312/526-7593. 1 BEDROOM house on wooded lot, will trade equity for pickup or auto of equal value, good In terest ft low payments, needs some work. 815/728-0128 after 3p.m. JOHNSBURG, 4 bdrm. Vic torian, built In 1870,2,500 sq. ft., many unique features, $79,960, 8% interest, 815/344-1632, 815/385-6566,815/344-0748. JOHNSBURG, for self by owner, ranch house w/fm.vm., 3 bdrms., carpet, 159,800,8V»%, 30 years, 815/344-1632. 815/385- 6566,815/344-0748. HAMPSHIRE-By owner (Save). Immaculate 3 BR brick/alum. Good schools, near park, country life. By appt. 312/683-2209. 73 Condos. CRYSTAL LAKE, 4 Colonies, 2 bdrms., 2 baths, all applla., A/C, frplce., garage, clubhouse, $59,500. Cell 815/459- 7019. 74 Townhomes CARY, Bright Oaks, cozy 2 bdrm. rancn. Ig. kit. w/patio windows, lots of closet space, oaraoa, pond, pine trees, pool ft tennis courts. By owner, $49,900. $15/455-0354 or 312/639- CRYSTAL LAKE, Four Col onies, club house privileges, 3 bdrm., 2V* bath, $98,500, 815/459-0342. 76 Mobile Homes CRYSTAL LAKE, Royal Oaks Mobile Home Comm., offers new homes on site, down pay ment of $2,800 with $170 mon thly payments. No pets. Adult Comm., 815/455-6600. USED MOBILE Homes for sale. Modular buildings, por table classrooms. Ideal for nun- ting cabins, Sunday Schools, etc. Used mobile home tires, axles and frames. 815/459-9405. FOR SALE, or rent. Two bdrm. mobile In Genoa. Easy trerms, Immed. poss. 815/895-6511 ext.209 between 9 am ft 5 pm. 78 Wanted To Rent WOODSTOCK AREA, 2 or 3 bedroom furnished apartmet. Needed on month to month basis for f\»w employees relocating, beginning Jan. 1, 1984. Call Ken Decker, Morton Chemical Research Center, 1275 Lake Ave., Woodstock, IL. 815/338-1800 Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to4pm. CRYSTAL LAKE, employed female wants to rent 1 bdrm. apt. in older home, $200-1300 mo., 815/455-4760. RESPONSIBLE SENIOR citizen w/2 cats desires 1st fl., 1 bdrm. apt. near Woodstock Square. $300/mo. max. w/all/most utll. Incl. 815/338- 5228 Rooms, Board Apartments 79 To Share ROOM MATE wanted, male or female, Wonder Lake, across from beach, 3 bdrms. w/frplce. $250 -i- Utlls. Call days, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 815/344-3201; eves- 815/728-1564. WANTED: single lady or mother with one child to share home in the country with mother of three. Call after 6 pm 815/455-3280. ROOM FOR RENT, Non smoker only, Crystal Lake, 815/455-6516 after 5 P.M. ROOMATE WANTED to share modern 3 bdrm. lVi bath home on 1 acre wooded lot, turn, w/appls.. full bsmt., gar. Imm ed. occup., 815/455-2857 even ings ' McHENRY, rooms for rent, kitchen prlv., Indry.fac., cable TV, 815/385-7485. CARY COUPLE, will share 4 bdrm. home with adult, 1 child ok, $200 +utlls. 312/639-7843 CRYSTAL LAKE, room, cook ing ft laundry facilities avail., female would like to share w/same, 815/459-8704. McHENRY DEPOT Hotel, sleeping rooms, kitchen, cable, convenient to center of town, from $45. $15/385-9738 after 4 pm, 3939 W. Main St. 75 Lots& Acreage Apartments 80 To Rent DUPLEX 3 bedroom, 1W bath, dose to downtown Crystal Lake ft R.R.; 8435. mo. ptut security dep..lyr. lease; 815/459-3145. HARVARD 2 bdrm. deluxe ft standard apt., wooded area, swimming pool, walking distance to northwest train ft town. 815/943-4144. SPACIOUS, 1 ft 2 bedroom apartment. Air conditioned, ap pliances, dishwasher, 815/381- 2181. WOODSTOCK 1 bdrm. apt., stove, refrlg., dishwasher, disposal, w/w carpet. 8295 + utiflTssc. dep. $15/338-7630. RICHMOND Richmond Apt*., 1 ft 2 bdrm. opts, w/indivldually controlled heat. Wall to wall carpet. Color coordinated kit chens, laundry facilities. Ask about our Senior Citizens special. From 8269. Call 312/587-9277. HARVARD, Ig. 2 bdrm.apt on 1st floor, carpeted. $350/mo. + security. Call815/568-6611. CRYSTAL LAKE 2 bdrm apt, I blk, from main Crystal Lake beach. Call 815/459-2910. CRYSTAL LAKE 2 bedroom, gar., air, appl., Jan 1 occup. Goo/month, no pets. 815/4#- 4357 DeLUXE 1 BR apt In town, $305 mth; 2 BR Apt. Includ. heat, In town, $355. $15/385-0292. ELGIN Lge. 3 rm. uppor. Refrlg ft range fum. No pets. Off street parking. Ideal for single or married couple. $lS5/mo. ft gas, etec. ft heat. Avail. Jan 1.312/741-4896 after 5pm. WOODSTOCK, spacious 2 bdrm. apt., completely redecorated, In like-new condi tion. $345/mo. + deposit. Call Gerald M. Smith ft Assoc., Inc., 815/331-4455. WOODSTOCK, LARGE 1 bdrm., 2nd floor, newly decorated ft carpeted, stove, refrlg., fum., 8245/mo., 815/338-2539 MCHENRY new large 1 bdrm. apts.. energy efficient, securi ty, laundry facilities, full slza eppi., Immediate occupancy: 815/385-3192 WOODSTOCK! or 2 BR, bsemnt, crptlng, gar., w/offlce, appl's. Lease, dep., $325/mth. 815-943-3114 aft. 4 p.m. WOODSTOCK Lg. 2 bdrm. duplex, stove ft fridge, bsmt., 1340/mo., laase ft security, no pets. Avail. Dec. 15. Phone Mr. Tlbblts, 815/338-3711 days. 648- 2274 nights. McHENRY, modern 1 bdrm. apt. on waterfront, walk to stores, carpet, stove, refrlg., no ., 815/385-Si $285 + sec. dep., MARENGO 1 bdrm. apt., dean, heat furnished, no pets. $235815/568-7548. McHENRY, Ideal location, avail. Jan. 1,8270/mo., no pets. Call 815/385-4400. GENOA, furnished apt., 1 bdrm., utll. also turn., $*5/mo., 312/695-3486 or 312/742-7840 after 7p.m. Ask for computer rm. KIRKLAND: Clean, quiet, 2 bdrm. w/stove ft refrlg. Avail. Immed. tioe/mo. 815/522-3822 FAIRDALE, two 2 bdrm. apt. $200. Garbage, water, ap pliances. 815/569-5258. 81 Homes To Rent cabin style house, frplc, r., full 1-5826 Loyce/V 815/459-1855. WONDER LAKE Area 3 bdrm. house. 815/728-1583. MUSI SELL Lot for sale in beautiful Boat & Saddle subdivision in McHenry. 165 x 161 x 158, .61 acre, access to Fox River with pier rights. Room for horses and use of community private pool. Johnsburg school district. Make Offer. 459-0357 344-1568 Ask for Donna hi Homes To Rent McHenry Area Crockett Estates Cozy-2 bedroom home with woodburning fireplace and basement on Meyers Bay. New seawall, great for snowmobilers and boaters. Available now! Call after 6:00 pm 815-344-5202 81 'Homes To Rent 8£. Misc. istsm McHENRY, I bdrm., gar., completely redecorated, avail. mid-Dec., 8375, + utlls., sac. dep. rat., 815/344-1584 or 815/38MM5, Qvs. NEW HOME Ih new subdivi sion for sale or lease. 5 bdrm., 3 baths, living room, dining rm., to kitchen with fam. rm. with fireplace, hot 815/728-0131 ully with In-laws. OAK WOOO HILLS, furnished, 2 bdrm., no pets. 8475 monthly. Jan-May 312/484-0141 after 8 P" MARENGO, In town. Rant or rent w/optlon, 2 bdrms., 1 bath, 1,210 sqTtt. Cape Cod. Available Immediately. $425/mo. Essex Costello, 815/459-3066. MCHENRY, 1 mile, "new", 1 bdrm. raised ranch, 8115. wk. No pet>. 815/385-0169. WOODSTOCK, 3 bedroom home, doee to towm on large lot with garage ft storage shed. 8390/mo. + deposit Call Gerald M. Smith ft Assoc., Inc., 815/338-4455. JOHNSBURG HOUSE 2 bdrm., full bemnt., family rm.,central air, w/washer ft dryer. 8350/mo. + Sec. Deposit. 815/385-4304 after 7 p.m. WOOOSTOCK, 2 bdrm. V1 bath, new bidg. with security. 8373 mo. 815/337- MC HENRY On the Pox River. 3 bdrm., 2 car gar., fireplace. 8495/mo. 815/385-6566. CRYSTAL LAKE, 3 bdrm., full basement, 2 car gar., all appl. Inc. 8575/mon., plus security. No pats. Carol Hoofer, ERA Byrnes Bros. 815/459-5400 CRYSTAL LAKE, 1 Bdrm. house, garage, on 2 fenced lots near school, $395 mth. Eves. 815/33S-S8S4. WOOOSTOCK Modern country hom«. Lge. kitchen, living rm., fam. rm. ft porch. Gar., garden, gas heat, no pets. Sec. dpp ft reft. 815/923-4409. CRYSTAL LAKE, cozy 3 bdrm., basement, Ig. lot, lake rights. 8415/mo., 815/455-3926 We have several rent w/optlon to purchase available. Call for McHENRY, dose to town, small 2 bedroom house, In- c l u s e s l a r g e 2 d o o r refrigerator, $315, call 815/385- 3490. GENOA Country Home l BR, range furn. $250 + sec. No Pets. $15/784-2409. GENOA, rural Highland Hills deluxe newer 3 bdrm. home, fplc., 2 car oar., 8475/mo., + sec. John Andersen Realty, 815/784-5144. CARY-(Root SprlngsH BR lop gar., full basement, clean ft quiet, $490 mth + utilities. 312/299-5 CRYSTAL LAKE 2 bdrm., 1 bath, ilv. rm., din. rm., 1 block from lake. No pets. $395/mo. ft sec. dep. Avail, immed. 815/455-1179; if no answer, 455 3870. FARM HOME Excellent condi tion, 4 bdrm., 2 bath, family room, A/C. gas ft wood hear $500/montn + security. 815/923-4423. LOVELY OLDER 3 bdrm., near Woodstock Square. Month to month, $450/mo. + sec. Im- med.Occ. 815/344-3714. CRYSTAL LAKE, 3 bdrm. ranch, $450/mo. Leese ft security required. No Pets. Loyce Mcnutr, Baird ft Warner, (falls, ERA Household Real- ty. 312/639-2000. FOX RIVER GROVE 3 bdrms., study, fam. rm., 1V» car gar., fenced yd., near trans. Avail. Immed. 8525/mo. 312/438-4193 or 680-3746. WONDER LAKE, 2 bdrm. cot- rtage, A/C, near beach, 8215 per month plus utilities. No pets. Call 312/825-8430 after 6 pm. CRYSTAL LAKE, 3 bdrm. ranch w/2 baths, 1 car garage ft full basement. Available In Mid-January. 8535/mo. + security. Call 815/459-3066, Essex Coetello. CRYSTAL LAKE, 3 bdrm, kit., living room, bath, full base ment, $375 month + security. no pets 312/639-3185 after 6 pm. COZY 2 BDRM. house on large lot w/garage, 8425 month plus sec. dep., 815/728-0128 or 815/728-0987 GENOA, modern 2 bdrm. duplex w/garage, stove, \ Condos., Townhomes 82 To Rent WATERFRONT CON DO. St. Pete Beach. 1 bdrm., IV* bath, heated pool w/Jacuzzi. Avail. Dec., Jan. ft Feb., $950/mo. $15/459-2033. W O O D S T O C K D e l u x e Townhouse 2 bdrm., l'/j b a t h , f u l l b a s e m e n t , washer/dryer, new carpet, newly decorated. $385/mo. 815/455-3412. CRYSTAL LAKE, 4 Colonies, 2 bdrms., 2 baths, 2nd floor. All applla., A/C, frplce., garage, storage, clubhouse, 8525/mo. + security, no pets. Call 815/459- 7019. CRYSTAL LAKE, 4 Colonies," beautiful, 2 bdrm., condo. Fireplace, central air, gar., pool, clubhouse. Avail. Jan. 1. Call Mon. 312/381-5989, or Tues., Wed., Thurs. ft Frl. after 4. or Sun. 10-2. FOUR COLONIES, spacious, 2 bdrm. townhome, 1V> baths, at tached garage, all kitchen ap pliances & club house facilities. $550 per mo. 815/455-0335. bet ween 10 ft 5. CLEARWATER BEACH, San dkey, Condo, Ig. 1 bdrm., located on beach. Gulf view. "Everything" 815/338-4246. Stores, Offices Industrial 83 To Rent CRYSTAL LAKE, 1,200 to 5,000 sq. ft. ind. space, 3 phase elec., a/c, 815/459-9060. CRYSTAL LAKE, Office Suites from $100/mo. Incl. utlls. Exc. downtown loc., Frank J. Smith ft Assoc., 815/455-1440. 3 MONTHS FREE Rent, 20x20 office, $175; 10x10 875; utll. pd. Next to Post Office ft Bank. 815/653-9653 or 815/728-0404. DOWNTOWN McHENRY, pro fessional office space, newly remodeled, 815/315-4050. CRYSTAL LAKE, Ideal office for Independent business per son. Rent Includes all utilities ft secretarial services. 815/459- CARY Office suite. Avail. Im mediately. Downtown location. $250/mo. Call Mike Collins at ERA Household Realty, 312/639-2000. C A R Y , l i g h t I n d u s t r i a l - warehouse-office rental. 6,000 to 45,000 sq. ft. In new building. Sprlnklered, 20 ft. ceilings, recessed docka. Located In low tax, northwest subsurbs. 312/639-6690. McHENRY- Main St. Offices, professional atmoaphere, $29, 859, 895, $159 month. 815/385- 0189. WOOOSTOCK, 2,000 SQ. ft. of retail space near Square, exc. parking, 815/338-5611. CARY OFFICES- new bldg - suite or individual. All urll. paid. Panaletf, carp., A/C, am ple parking. Ans., Secy., ft Copy Svce. 312/639-2351 or 639- MCHENRY OFFICE space for rent. Receptionist available. $200/mo. 815/344-4702 INDUSTRIAL SPACE, available Frltzacha Industrial Park, Inc. 1000 aq. ft. to 52,000 sq.ft. 815/385-1079. VFW CLUBHOUSE, and Hell for rant. Seating capacity for 400. Call 8i5/W-9860 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. weekdays or aftar6p.m. DETAIL GARAOE, available and or big parking lei. Prima location off Front Street. Will split. 815/344-5610. SMALL HALL for rent, 12S peo ple or lesa, anniversaries, graduations, weddings, etc. Liberty Hall, 1304 Park Street, McHenry, IIS/315-2211 after 5 p.m FURNISHED APARTMENTS, d sleeping roc 815/385-8905 LARGI STORAGE, area In ci ty. dry, dean, secure, not heated, 24 hour access. 815/385- 3192. VEHICLE STORAM, park ing, fenced area. Rt. 120 and Hfll Road. 81S/344-0W9. APPROXIMATELY, 100 sq. ft. basement level In local office building, $200 per month a$ Is or will remodel. 815/459-3145 ask for Bill. INSIDE STORAGE now available for Boats. Cart, and R V ' s . M c H e n r y a r a a . Reasonable rates. Call: 815/344-0908. a Automobiles 86 For Sale REPOSSESSED CARS 1976 thru 19B Models. MR. WOLLIN, 312/584-3903 REPROCESSED AUTOS- all makes ft models. Always a good eelectlon. Not ell models at all times. Buy |ust like tak ing over payments. From 848. month ft up. Mechanically tested cars. No ma|or body damag*. For full details, you must ask for Mr. Barry. 312/584 3900 CHEVY MALIBU CLASSIC'79, 4 dr, black, pe/pb, am/fm, a/c, best offer, 815/338-2803. LINCOLN MARK V, '77, ell pwr. ft optlona, gar. kept, 80,000 miiee. 85,500,8i JTm-om. CADILLAC '82. Coupe DeVllle, silver metallic, leather In terior, dleeel, low miles, exc. cord., 811,800/best, 815/459- 1796. 55 WILLYS JEEP 4 wheel drive, high low plow, new tires, runs good. $975 $15/385-6929 after 6pm FORD MAVRICK, '73. 6-cyl., auto., ps. recent tires, brakes ft exhaust. Very dependable, 8475/beSt, 815/344-5131. DATSUN '73 station wagon, air, am/fm radio, runs good. 8500/bOSt. 815/455-0408 CHEVY VEGA '74. For parts or whole. Low miles on engine. Rebuilt engine. 8400/best. 815/459-8428. DATSUN 2I0Z 2 + 2, '76, silver, 4 spd., em/fm stereo, a/c, 83,300, 312/381-9600, ext. 5060, weekdays, 312/639-3663 after 6 pm ft weekends. SNTURY w '75. • CULCK C€ passenger wagon. Ps/pb. a/c, |cL dependable. 81200.312/658- JEEP CJ-5. '74, 3 sp„ w/Western hyd. snowplow, summer/ winter mag tires, good cond., 68,000 mi., $2,300. $15/459-3823. SUPER BEETLE Engine, '72. 2 4 0 0 0 m i . 8 2 5 0 . o r , w/dunebuggy, 8500 . 815/337- 0576. HONDA CIVIC '82. 4 dr., air. Gd. cond. $4,99S/best. 815/338- 7349. MAZDA GLC, '78, 4 speed, 4 door, hatch back, am/fm. $1550 815/459-0225 • OLDS TORONADO.'79. new brakes, 58000 miles, 86500/best 815/385-2014 days, ask for Joy. 815/385-2581. PINTO WAGON '73, 4-spd.. dean Interior, good commter car, 8300/best, $15/338-8168 PONTIAC, LeMANS, Sport Coupe, 1974, runs well, am/fm cassette, very little rust, 8900. 312/639-7716. F O R D G r a n T o r i n o '76-P/B.P/S.A/C, ex. gd. tires, 351 eng. above av. cond. Book value 81400, asking 81100. 312/658-7179 eves, between 6 ft 8 p.m. DODGE DART Swinger '74, $500. 312/426-3812 FORD, MAVERICK, '73, snow tlres,new exhaust, diehard bat tery, runs good, $500. 815/728- 1926. HAND CAR WASH, Interior and exterior detailing, sham pooing, buffing, waxing, engine steam cleaning. Full Service, Zlebert, 312/639-5333. FORD PINTO '78 4 cylinder, 4 s p e e d , a m / f m s t e r e o , 81000/best. VW '66 runs, or parts car. $100/best 815/385- 6486 after 5:30 pm VW RABBIT '76, 4 speed, In good cond.,81700 312/658-7308. HONDA CIVIC '7rTdoor hatch back, 59000 miles, 4 speed stick, recent battery ft brakes, $2050/best. after 5 pm 815/ 459 3323 FORD T-BIRD '74 2 door, custom burgundy, lux. leather Int., vinyl roof, loaded. 81500. 312/426-8137 FORD PINTO '77, p.s., p.b., air, am/fm cassette. 8995/best. 815/338-3700 or 815/728-0568, Alan. FORD GRANADA, '76, 6 cylinder, auto., 4 door good cond. 815/344-1587 OLDSMOBILE, '77 Cutlass Supreme, silver. Red custom interior, 2 door, V8, auto., air, p/s p/b 82000/flrm. 815/459- 7788, 10 am 4pm CHEVY MALIBU '75-4 dr. ex. cond. no rust, 81395/best offer. 312/639-6678 between 5 ft 7 p.m. only. BUICK REGAL Coupe, '80, V6, perfect cond., full power Incl. p.w. ft cruise; new brakes, shocks, fires, battery ft ex haust. Winterized and tuned, received company car, $5400 815/728-1111 9R CADILLAC '80, Sedan DeVllle, beautiful, low miles, loaded, 89,395/neg. 312/658-7494. PLYMOUTH 74 Series III, gd cond. $525 Call: 312/428-7787or 312/658-2379. Automobiles 86 For Sale JEEP WAOONEIR, 75,82000, between 9am ft 3pm call 815/841-2458. OLDS. REGENCY, '7»dleMl.2 door, fully loaded, call after 8:38 pm 81900 81S/4594451 DATSUN 910 '78. Auto., 2 dr. 51000 ml. 82,100. Must fell. 815/459-6676. PLYMOUTH HORIZON, '79, 4 door hatch back, auto, p/s, am/fm radio, 52000 miles, very good cond. 83150 312/639-07S8. CHRYSLER NEWPORT, 72.4- dr. sedan, gd. runner, 8400, 815/459-4173, weekends. VW RABBIT, 'Si dleeel, LS, 5 spaed, air, sun roof loaded, 312/952 5762 or 815/344-4714 PONTIAC, 76, and Nova 75, both can start every time. Good depondabls transports- tlon, snow tires, winterized, reasonable, call 815/385-5338. C H R Y S L E R N E W P O R T 73,good cond. Snow tires, 8800 firm. Cell: 815/459-0973 aft. 5 P.M. CAMARO, Typo LT, 78 runs very well, some rust, $1800 312/839-7795. weekdays, after *sm MERCEDES '71 280 SEL 4.5, mint Interior, perfect exterior, runs ft rides beautifully. Car looks like new, 87900/befef, must sell. 312/381-8050,9am-6pm, ask for John FORD. '78, LTD.2, mechanics spaclal. body ft Int. exc. cond., needs engine, 8800/best 815/445- 1379 MUST SELL ChovyVoga, 1978, low mileage. 815/848-2785. CHEVY CAPRICE, '80, 4 dr., auto., A/C, sm. V-8, rust proof ed, stereo, more. Very good cond., $4,795. Call 312/65M492. FORD ESCORT Wagon, '81, 4 S„ am/fm stereo cassette, 000 ml. Family expanding! Must sell I Asking 83,700. Call 815/385-9183. VOLVO 142E. '71 8800, VW, '72, auto., exc. cond., 81,200; Chevy Belalre, '63,8500, all run great, 312/526-9416. DODGE, '49, rebuilt eng. 8700; Volvo, '71 needs brakes, 875, 312/538-9416. PONTIAC LE MANS Wagon, '77, ps/pb, air, cruise, new tires, shocks ft exhaust, gd. cond., $2,250/best, 312/658-5193 after 6 pm. TOYOTA COROLLA 75, 5 speed coupe, gd. running cond., 8500:815/338-7226 att. 6 p.m. TOYOTA colllca GT, '78, 5 speed, aood cond., 81250/best. Chevy Blazer, 78! mechanical ly good, body a little rough., 82000/best 815/344-4539, after 5pm CHEVY IMPALA 65 Needs trans. New engine. 8100 Firm. 815/344-^341. HONDA WAGON '77. depen dable, gd. runner, needs some work. Must sell: $800. 815/459- 6787. F O R D G R E N A D A 7 6 , automatic, ps./pb., air, 81000. 815/455-1306 after 6 p. m.„ FORD LTD T»4*r„ air. auto., Automobiles 86 ForSale Ine, runs Offer CAMARO, 71,302 endliN good, body rough. Best fcrparts.312/88»3187. OLDS CUTLASS 74, runs fair, body fair. 8250/best offer. 815/385-2458 aftar 5 p.m. Wanted To 87 Buy CASH PAID for |bnk cars, run ning or not. Imma^lata removal. 312/528-3118 TRUCK CAP wanted for 1975 Ford Renchero Truck. Call 815/459-7278. B U Y I N G C O R E S Late Delco alternators, late Chrysler alternators, Dolco ft Ford starters, 85.00/ea, 815/315-9200, Northwest Auto Eloctrk, 1310 Riverside Dr., ilrtlanrn • ' • JUNK ft REPAIRABLE cars. 312/639-2828. Auto Parts & 88 Accessories ENGINES all makes, 8250; trans., all typos. 8125; Installa t i o n f t d e l i v e r y a v a i l . Guaranteed. 815/344-5114. MAVERICK '78 forperfs. 115/385-7991 KELLEY TIRES,(4) P225/R15 Redlals. 1,000 miles, SSOO/all. Chevy Engine. '71 6-cyl., 250 cu. In., doesn't burn oil, 8100. Transmission, 4 spd., Heml Crash Box, gd. cond., $150. Auto, transmission, A-727, Tor que Fllte, $75. 815/459-4171 or 815/459-4198. SNOW TIRES, B78-13, WSW, mounted on rims for Datsun. Used 1 season, 850. SIS/459- 0279. FORD F-150 Pickup 76. W/cap. 81200. 312/639-8791. o, very good tire* priced below market: $795 or best of- far. 815/344-2620 aft. 6 p.m. JEEP CJ-S w/snowplow. 73, $1,500 or best offer. Call 815/728-1831 after 6 pm. FORD LTD '79, 4 dr. 1 owner. VS. ps/pb, cruise, a/c. Exc. cond. 82500.815/459-3733. DODGE '79 power wagon, 4x4 short box, 17,000 miles, custom Inferior and cooler, roll bar w/llghts, am/fm cassette, $5000,815/385-6453 v DATSUN, '77 F-10, exc. cond., new paint, 81550/best. 312/639- 6678,5-7 pm - OLDS '73. Ps/pb, air, am/fm, new tires. Exc. running. $100. 312/416-9812 after 5 pm. MAZDA GLC, Custom L Sedan, '81, a/c, am/fm cassette stereo w/equalizer, 5-spd., very gd. cond., $4,300, after 5 pm, 312/639-1195. CHEVY MALIBU, 76, 350 engine, AC.PB.PS, auto trans, good tires, good body, bucket seats 67000 actual miles, 82000/best 312/ 683-3056 FORD MUSTANG II 76. auto, p » p.b., new palnt/no rust, good mpg, $2000,815/338-5962 BUICK CENTURY custom Wagon, '78, low miles, no rust, like new, $3675,815/385-4996. CHEVROLET SUBURBAN'76. auto., ps/pb, V-8, good running work truck. $925/best. $15/338- 2411. CAMARO, '77, T-tops, A/C, ps/pb, am/fm cassette, pin striped, snow tires, no rust, exc. shape. $1,900.815/675-6370. Automobiles ForSale 89 Trucks, Tractors & Trailers DATSUN PICKUP, 75, 4 sp, no rust, 30 mpg, radlals, alum. groat shape, 81,500. Cell 312/639-1012 after 5 pm. ISUZU '82, 4 X 4, P up, 4 cyl. 12,000 ml, A/M.F/M cassette stereo, camper cap, towing bumper. Ex. cond. $9,000. 312/858-3319. CHEVY PICK UP '78. Stick, w/cap. Gd. cond. 81800.312/658- 6528 CHEVY VAN '72-runs well, dependable, 8700. Call 815-338- 4032 after 5. FORD PICKUP '50. Complete ly " Exc. cond. 82195 t> ground up. 815/923-4290. FORD, '77 F250, no rust, $1850 312/669-3489 • FORO F-100 73. 4 x 4. 4 spd., ps. 81700.312/68M850 4 WHEEL DRIVE Vehicle. '79 Chevy Luv, 4 speed, Mlkedo pkg., black w/sllver tarp, wheel well extenders, fog lights, dual alum, mirrors, enrome rear step bumper, am/fm stereo S-track. Sharp I 84200, serious offers con sidered. 815/338-6028 after 7 p m. 90 Vans FORO VAN 72 6 cyl., 3 spd., $400 312/639-4917 after 6 CHEVY CARGO-VAN, '7$, V 8 auto, ps/pb, air, asking $3,250. after 6 pm, 312/669-3268 FORD 1910 Van, p.s., p.b.; cruise control, tilt steering, fac tory black-out glass. 4 captains chairs, 1 bench seat, a/c, con tinental kit, mint condition, kept In heated garage. $8700, 811/385-5978 815/mo., 1110. PFAFF AUTO SALES Thf I lifyi'st Auto Duller in Beautiful Downtown Hun tiny 669-3381 669-3382 1913 PONTIAC GRAN PRIX Loidtd, consols, buckets, 31,000 milts. $9595 1982 CHEVETE DIESEL 4 dr., 21,000 milM, automatic $5995 19S1 OLDS CUTLAS SUPREME BROUGHAM 27,000 milos $7595 1911 FORO GRANADA 4 dr., f cyl., auto., air, 42,000 milos $4595 1981 BUICK CENTURY 4 dr., all tho options, 35,000 milos $7495 1980 FORD LTD4 dr., 302 V-8, extra clean, . 37,000 miles $5295 1980 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME - V6, auto., air, 39,000 miles $5995 1980 CADILLAC COUPE DeVILLE - 41,000 miles, super sharp, loaded $10,596 1980 MALIBU CLASSIC WAGON - V8, air, auto., 42,000 miles $5695 1979 BUICK ELECTRA LIMITED - 4 dr., like new, 53,000 mites $6295 1979 PONTIAC GRAN LeMANS -4 dr., 46,000 miles $4995 1978 CHEVY BLAZER 4x4 $5595 1978 PONTIAC CATALINA • 4 dr., loaded, 60,000 miles $4195 1978 OLDS REGENCY SEDAN • Full power, 62,000 miles $4595 1978 BUICK REGAL LANDAU • Console buckets, sharp, 58,000 miMr> $4695 1978 CHEVY CHEVETTE • 4 dr., auto., clean, 44,000 miles $3195 1978 CHEVY Vt TON 6 cyl., 3 speed with AP 41,000 miles $3595 Motorcycles A .81 snowmobiles SNOWMOBILE 79 Yamaha 340. 2 cyl. Needi 8150.815/344-3139. Yamaha, '78, 290 Entlcer, axe. conSTviO. 815/ 45S-14!9iNar 4 BUL • ARCTIC CAT, 71, tow mileage (200 ml.), a*c. cond., 84S8/bo8t. Call 312/669-3622. SNOWMOBILE INSURANCE ! 850,000 Llabllty- Just 8251 Fit-, tgerald Insurance, S15/3S5-> SNOWMOBILES: Skl-Doo 1980 Billiard 5500, 81380. 19S1 MX 5500, 82000. Very good cond. After 5p.m., 815/W5-2554 SCORPION STINO 640, 77, great cond., new track, handlebar warmer, cover A ex tras, 8800. Call 815/455-3996 after 5 pm Recreational »2 Vehicles WINNEBAGO Motor Home, '69. 27 ft. Selling for salvage. Damaged by flro. Best offer over MW. 815/338-1838. John Denver steadfast in optimism JOHN DK By MARY CAMPBELL AP Nrwsteetervs Writer John Denver, on the brink of 40 -- his birthday is New Year's down in the dumps and h»'s nowhere near the Slough of Despond He con considers his new album, it's About Time," his 22nd fqr RCA Records, his best. His and Annie's divorce was final on Halloween He's being positive about that He thinks more than he used to about the threat of nuclear war. but he's confident that human beings will make the decisions that wUl prevent it - Denver topped in New York on his way from London to Col orado. He was in London for k concert at Royal Albert Hall the last week in October "It was a glorious mght.V Denver says. "It's e beautiful hall to sing in; it was my first time there There was standing room only and a lot of people came in to stand And I did a really good concert. . 'I'veiwen doing solo concert!. " me and my guitars, for 6 I performed w 15 rountnes Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles SKI-DOO Snowmobiles. Sno- Blrd trailers. Clothing, parts and Service. Port Barrington Marina. 312/381-1010. JOHN DEERE,'80 Uqulfler440 Snowmobile, like new, 600 miles $2000.815/344-4311 CYCLE WINTER STORAGE Heated cycle shop In McHenry, .,815/385-81 SNOWMOBILE, '80 Ski Doc, 368 CC, oil Inf., under 200 ml., 81,100. Phone Mr. Tlbbetts, 815/338-3711 days, 648-2274 eves. Juat me and my guitars, for i year I performed si 15 countries last year I think it's the best thing I've ever done on stage It comes from my heart ana the things goiiu on in my life now The show has had a few little changes, and I put in a new song whenever I have it " As an example of the latter. Denver cites "Wild Montana Skies," which is on the new album "I was at Harrah's in Tahoe and I had this song going on in my head. I went up to my room after the show and had s light supper and finished the song that night and put it right in to the show "It's like that sometimes A song comes and totally takes over You better have nothing else going on; it's going to take over your life." He adds, "Generally what hap pens for me is that a phrase, ides or observation will come Then a melody will come to sing with the line. I build on that until I have a son* " In 1SS1, while Denver was on a five-week vacation in China, after performing in Japan, he wrote Shanghai Nights " He says, "I'd been there five days," he recalls. "I called Annie to wish her happy 14th anniversary She w« ending the day back in the U S She thought I'd forgotten 1 was just getting tf> "Some people were taking me sightseeing and shopping that day but the song started happen ing in my head and it was like 1 was in another world. I told them they'd have to excuse me I spent the day writing that song Denver and Annie have now been separated a year and a half, the two chikfren with her. He says, "I talked to her this morn ing. We're really in great shape with each other and going to be able to sustain a relationship out of this. It has s changed form There's a whole lot of sadness, I think, for both of us. But it is go ing to be good "She's going to build her own ace in Aspen She's not comfor- ble in our home. When I leave New York this week, for the first time in a year and a half, 1 get to go home I'm very excited about that, also scared to death -- not that scared, nervous about it. I don't know if I'm going to be able to live there " Denver played 21 outdoor con certs in July in America, himself and guitars, his first solo perfor mances since 1987. "Then I got a guitarist and a bass player It kept evolving into the Vand I've had the past five or six years, which is on Utc new album. "I had a sense everybody was more and more going out with big productions and thought, how can I make it as simple as possible" "World Game," on "It's About Time," Denver says, "is out of a concept of Buckmirater Fuller's, describing what we're trying to learn how to play if we're going to survive ' The title sung, lie says, "is how I feel part of the human family "We have to start living that way. Life has always been about survival, you or me, and when it gets down to it, me first Throughout history change in society has generally come out of revolution and violence. I don't negate history but we live in a new world now There are new options "Now, if this is the last barrel of oil, I have a better chance of surviving by sharing it with you than trying to keep It from you Now, peace tsa conscious choice. I have great confidence in people to make a choice when the op tions are clear "Part of what I'm doing through my music is putting the new options out there."