frrk Snr M>\ PAGE 2 -PLAINDEALER -WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 14. lf» ia fRrS** fc-$ac\ $r\-fr\ Vl Vv V\ cSanta frv Vi fc\ i»\y^irv In ViV\V\V\ Dear Santa Claus, My name is Joseph Witz I am 3% years, old. For Christmas I would like to get castle grevskull, Heman, Teela, man at arms, Faker, and a Hotwheels track for all my hotwheel cars. And also a small stuff space shuttle. I have been a good boy for my daddy and I wanted to say I Love & miss my mommy who is in heaven. Thank you. Love, Joe Witz 706 Nancy Lane McHenry, m. Dear Santa: Merry Christ mas! We have been good girls this past year and hope you will remember us this Christmas. We would like Baby skates , Alphie, a Black board k Fisher Price Gas pumps. Don't forget oui little sister, Kim, who's also been a good girl. She would like a babydoll, Grover, and sit'n'- spin. We will leave milk & cookies for you. Thank you, Love, Kristi&Kelli Jensen 3 yrs. old. Dear Santa, I have been trying to be a good boy for my mom and dad so that you'll stop at my house. These are the toys I'd like to get: Tyco U.S. Trucking Company, Backhoe Tractofr, Bulldozer, . Taperecorder, Toy Rifle, G.I. Joe Sled, Looking for a Special Gift For a Special Youngster? jf Introducing Filbert and Sally... Friendly, Furry Squirrels £ Who Teach Fortune and Fun to Future Financiers! Your special youngsters can both become 'Si|Qirrds anfltf hswe SflaliMNSy vac Filbsft "And • Sally, the mascots of Tie Squirrels Club* ,* are now available as 12-inch tall, lovable stuf- [• fed toys. Filbert and Sally represent The Squirrels Club, a savings prografn for children under, 13. The dub encourages young people to develop thrift habits and good character as they have fun and learn about themselves and about other youngsters from around the country. Squirrels Club members receive free subscriptions to The Nutty News, the club's quarterly comic-style magazine which com bines contests, puzzles, pen-pal columns, and educational material with wholesome enter tainment. Giving a youngster a Squirrels Club mem- >• bership is as easy as opening any savings ac- ** count. Filbert and Sally and their savings representatives are eager to help you enroll •I those special little ones in the dub and eager to give them free dub premiums. Even if those children you have in mind f already belong to the dub, you can surprise them with their very own Filbert and Sally ' stuffed toys. Filbert and Sally are made of r ®ll®rgenic, non-toxic and fire-retardant materials. They're a practical reminder that saving money can be fun. I ' vjfe L > i A L i • •̂ *3. wmHf a® m t# SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICE: Filbert or Sally Stuffed Toys.. (as pictured above) Serving the banking needs of the McHenry area. Member FDIC FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MCHENRY 3814 WEST ELM STREET P 0 BOX 330 McHENRY. ILLINOIS 60050 815 385 5400 and G.I-Joe toys. My brother , Chrikopher, is to little to write you. He's been trying to be good too, so please don't forget him. He would like some trucks and tractors of his own. Thank you, Scott Diedrich 1814 W. Oakleaf Dr. McHenry, 111. Dear Santa, I love you Santa. Only one time this year I was bad. The rest good. Could you please bring me a Jedi Bandalier, Jedi figures, Jaba The Huttset, Make I and Bake It set, Love Buds, 3C-PO Case and a Care Bear (Tenderhearted). For my Dad Edward, chocolate covered* \ cherries, for my sister Karen, a real horse and hot curlers. For my sister Kathy, a clock. For my Mom, a microwave oven. For my dog Susie, bones. I love Mrs. Santa also. Love, Amy Schmidt 6 yrs. old 1914 Oak Dr. McHenry, pi. Dear Santa Claus, For Christmas I would like to get a motorcycle and He- man some new clothes k a Ernie k Bert Firehouse k For my brothers Danny It Hobby they want a small stuff space shuttle k a gloworfn k also some new clothers. And for my daddy we want him to work all winter and not get laid off. Thank you, Love,* Terry* Danny Hobby Pancyrz 2211 Beachside Rd. McHenry, 111. Dear Santa, Ihavebeerra good boy. I would like the XT*SWfi For my little brother he would like a farm set with animals I love you. I am 6 yrs old. xoxoxoxoxox Jimmie Everett Tonyan 26642 Woodlawn Ave. Antioch, 111. EVERYBODY WANTS TO LOOK THEIR BEST ON CHRISTMAS ram HIDDEN CURL 815-344-1019 1212 N. GREEN ST., OFC 8 McHENRY. III. Give o Gift Certificate or a Gift of Bsauty from Fron's